832 resultados para Ethical-politics dimension
The dissertation proposes a discussion about the instrumentality of the Social Work, in the attempt of visualizing her, as well as the profession, in a totality perspective to the light of the rationality critical-dialetical. Understood as the capacity that the professional subjects acquire of giving answers to the demands that are placed to the profession, itself built partner-historically, in a teleologys conflicts and causalitys. So, it is proposed the discussion of the instrumentality while a group of you know specific, composed essentially by the development of three practical-formative dimensions. The theoretical-methodological refers to the capacity of apprehension of the method and of the theories and, consequently, of the relationship that does with the practice. The dimension ethical-politics concerns the development of the capacity of analyzing the society and the own profession as field of contradictory forces, being considered the character eminently political of the professional exercise, as well as the professional's conscience concerning the social direction that prints in your intervention. And the technician-operative dimension refers more strictly to the technical elements and you score for the development of the intervention. It was looked for to evidence as those dimensions they attend in the professional exercise, starting from the experience lived by the social workers of the Social Attendance Reference Centers, in Natal/RN
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
In Switzerland, there are 26 systems of cantonal decentralisation because regulating municipal autonomy is an exclusively cantonal competency. Existing measures of local autonomy/cantonal decentralisation are confined to measuring the real or perceived distribution of functions. Alternatively, they weigh expenditures (Dafflon 1992) or tax revenues (Dlabac and Schaub forthcoming) of municipalities against those of the canton. Complementing these indices, this paper additionally measures the politics dimension of cantonal decentralisation. Seven aspects are measured: intra-cantonal regionalism, cumuldesmandats (double tenure of cantonal MP and mayoral office), territorial quotas for legislative and executive elections, direct local representation and lobbying, party decentralisation, the number and size of constituencies, and direct democracy (communal referendum and initiative). This results in a ranking of all 26 cantons as regards the politics of local autonomy within their political systems. The measure will help scholars to test assumptions held for decentralisation in general, be it as a dependent (explaining decentralisation) or as an independent variable (decentralisation—so what?), within but also beyond the Swiss context.
The study examines the contribution of the Greens to the changing nature of West Germany's local politics in the 1980s. The changes correspond broadly to the politicisation and parliamentarisation of a sphere of government traditionally perceived as being "unpolitical". Building upon theories of the New Politics, it is suggested that the varying pace of socio-economic change across the Federal Republic underlies the nonuniform development of its local party systems. The party systems of localities which have witnessed rapid social and economic change are found to be more susceptible to the emergence of a New Politics dimension than those of communities in which change has occurred less rapidly. The thesis continues by addressing aspects of the Greens' role in the development of local party systems across the Federal Republic. Despite the fact that marked differences in the Greens' approach to local political participation are registered in communities of varying socio-economic types, it is argued that the Greens are largely responsible for the introduction of a "New Local Politics" dimension into West Germany's local party systems. In a comprehensive study of the Greens' role in the Mainz party system, the conflicting styles and practices of the Greens and the established political parties in the city are depicted. The failure of the Green Party to form an alliance with the SPD in the city council is attributed to the cleavage between the Greens' New Politics and the SPD's Old Politics approaches. A detailed analysis of the parliamentary initiatives introduced by the four parties represented in the Mainz council between 1984 and 1987 also supports the contention that a New Politics dimension exists in the city's party system. This dimension is identified as representing a significant source of conflict during the period of analysis.
This article analyzes whether and to what extent the policy environment of civil servants has an impact on their level of Public Service Motivation (PSM). It hypothesizes that public employees working in different policy domains and stages of the policy cycle are diversely motivated by four PSM orientations (Compassion, Commitment to the public interest, Self-sacrifice and Attraction to politics). The empirical results are based on a survey of 6885 Swiss civil servants. They show that those in charge of Welfare State policies are inclined to have higher levels of 'Compassion', whereas those performing core state functions report lower levels. Furthermore, employees whose main tasks are related to policy formulation display high levels of the 'Attraction to politics' dimension of PSM. This study questions the generalization of previous findings on PSM that are based on heterogeneous survey populations.
Esta pesquisa investigou estratégias internacionais no âmbito da distribuição da Petrobras. A investigação deu especial atenção a processos e contextos de não-mercado do âmbito de estratégias internacionais desta organização híbrida no setor de distribuição de derivados de petróleo por meio de uma perspectiva crítica que promove a aproximação da literatura de gestão ao contexto das economias emergentes e de debates acerca do capitalismo contemporâneo. Utilizou-se a metodologia de estudo de caso para explorar a experiência da Petrobras no seu estabelecimento no mercado paraguaio, com início no ano de 2006. A pesquisa mostrou que a Petrobras vive uma constante tensão entre seu lado técnico e seu contraponto político. Constatou-se que se trata de uma dimensão central no âmbito das estratégias internacionais da organização. A pesquisa mostrou que falta, em alguns momentos, uma orientação mais clara do governo para a Petrobras no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de ações e estratégias que privilegiem aspectos políticos, geopolíticos, sociais e de desenvolvimento econômico nacional e regional. Corroborou-se a central importância do lado econômico ou de mercado para o lado do não-mercado em contextos que se afastam dos pressupostos do capitalismo gerencial e se aproximam de diferentes versões de capitalismo de estado em escala global. O estudo de caso revelou que o segmento de distribuição, apesar de ser visto como de menor importância pela literatura de gestão, tem sido de central importância no novo framework de estratégia internacional da Petrobras para viabilizar objetivos de legitimação e de territorialização da empresa na América Latina. O sucesso da dimensão econômica da Petrobras no Paraguai, assim como a dimensão de (geo)política, evidencia que é possível a coexistência equilibrada de aspectos estado-mercado-empresa-(geo)política. A pesquisa mostrou que é viável atender às expectativas dos shareholders, mantendo benéfico relacionamento com uma extensa gama de stakeholders. No aspecto geopolítico, o estudo de caso caracterizou que a presença e a gestão local da Petrobras estão alinhadas aos objetivos da política exterior do Brasil para o Paraguai. A manutenção de um ambiente saudável nas fronteiras brasileiras continua sendo um objetivo importante para o Brasil e a atuação da Petrobras no Paraguai tem colaborado para isso, fomentando o desenvolvimento ampliado do país guarani.
Presents the discussion of practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality (formative; theoretical and intellectual; investigative; technical-instrumental; and ethical-political) Social Work from research in social and occupational areas in which they operate social workers in Natal in Rio Grande do Norte. Chapters expose positions, experiences and reality of the respondents and the theoretical constructs and analytical, to understand: the evaluation of the training process, relating the teaching practice, the role of knowledge and the importance of research in professional practice of social workers, the seizure of technical-instrumental dimension, articulating demands, duties, powers and instruments, as elements that comprise it, and finally the ethical-political dimension, discussing the challenges of ethics and materialization of the ethical-political in daily work. In this sense, the dissertation sought add to production and academic debate about the work of the social worker, as well as contribute to their own professional practice, revealing how professionals articulate the practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality in their daily work
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Analisa a Política de Educação Ambiental no Município de Belém, possibilitando através de nossas experiências na área do Meio Ambiente, materializadas a partir da inserção em projetos de extensão e de pesquisa, potencializados pela Universidade Federal do Pará. À luz destas experiências, analisamos teoricamente a Educação Ambiental, e fundamentamos nossas argumentações, na necessidade desta ser concebida como Política Social. A indagação e discussão sobre esta questão, emergiu como tema central de nosso estudo, que perpassa sobretudo pelo Serviço Social, profissão que nas últimas décadas do século XX, e no novo milênio, vem confirmando suas ações na defesa intransigente da democracia, da justiça, da liberdade e dos direitos humanos. A partir deste pressuposto, apresentamos a Educação Ambiental como uma nova demanda ocupacional para o Assistente Social, nesse sentido analisamos a intervenção deste profissional no Município de Belém-PA, no tocante a Educação Ambiental. Para tanto, potencializamos nossa pesquisa em três órgãos do Governo Municipal: FUNBOSQUE, FUNVERDE e SEHAB. Este trabalho tem por objetivo último, propiciar argumentos teóricos para avançar no debate da categoria, vislumbrando novas competências teórico-práticas e éticopolíticas acerca da Educação Ambiental.
A presente tese tem como objeto de estudo o Conselho Municipal de Educação, com a finalidade de compreender o papel desempenhado por este Órgão, na gestão descentralizada da política educacional de Castanhal – PA. O problema de pesquisa circunscreve sobre a organização da gestão da política educacional do município, assim como a institucionalidade política do Colegiado em referência, para o exercício do controle social; a forma de participação da sociedade civil, especialmente as classes subalternizadas na definição, execução e avaliação das políticas educacionais; e as políticas educacionais desenvolvidas a partir de 2000 quando se inicia o processo de delegação de competência conferida ao município locus da pesquisa, até o ano de 2011, compreendendo 06 (seis) mandatos de 02 (dois) anos, o que perfaz um total de 12 (doze) anos de gestão de descentralização das políticas educacionais, com a institucionalização do Sistema Municipal de Ensino. Para tanto, estabeleceu-se como hipótese orientadora: o Conselho Municipal de Educação de Castanhal – PA, mesmo com a delegação de competência, continuou exercendo um papel que se aproxima de um controle-gerencial na gestão das políticas educacionais, em detrimento de dimensões constitutivas de controle social, quais sejam: fiscalização, proposição e avaliação. Elegeram-se como eixos de análise para a compreensão do fenômeno investigado as dimensões: técnico-fiscalizadora; político-propositiva e ético-avaliativa. Trata-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, que tem como foco um estudo de caso, cujos dados foram revelados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfico-documental, além de entrevistas com os sujeitos sociais. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmaram a hipótese de que a classe trabalhadora não conseguiu exercer o controle social, no período analisado, a partir das dimensões aventadas neste trabalho, em razão do modelo de estado gerencial burocrático, que passou a influenciar as ações e procedimentos do Órgão ora aludido. Com efeito, a dimensão técnico-fiscalizadora se encerrou ao nível micro, na gestão da política educacional, sem a participação efetiva da classe trabalhadora; a dimensão político-propositiva, por sua vez, estava muito mais relacionada à necessidade de desburocratização dos processos de credenciamento e de autorização de instituições educacionais; e a dimensão ético-avaliativa foi inviabilizada em razão de alguns problemas que foram constatados, entre os quais a metodologia utilizada para avaliação de políticas educacionais deixando, assim, de favorecer a participação mais direta dos principais usuários dos serviços educacionais.
This paper discusses the concept of sexuality from a social and historical understanding. The broad concept of sexuality that goes beyond the genital is based on a vision that understands the body and the sexuality as representations that are constructed by social discourses. It also seeks to reflect on the process of sex education must be understood in its ethical-political dimension to assure everyone a space for formation of attitudes, not to work information on sexuality issues.
Recent years have seen a striking proliferation of the term ‘global’ in public and political discourse. The popularity of the term is a manifestation of the fact that there is a widespread notion that contemporary social reality is ‘global’. The acknowledgment of this notion has important political implications and raises questions about the role played by the idea of the ‘global’ in policy making. These questions, in turn, expose even more fundamental issues about whether the term ‘global’ indicates a difference in kind, even an ontological shift, and, if so, how to approach it. This paper argues that the notion of ‘global’, in other words the ‘global dimension’, is a significant aspect of contemporary politics that needs to be investigated. The paper argues that in the globalization discourse of International Studies ‘global’ is ‘naturalized’, which means that it is taken for granted and assumed to be self-evident. The term ‘global’ is used mainly in a descriptive way and subsumed under the rubric of ‘globalization’. ‘Global’ tends to be equated with transnational and/or world-wide; hence, it addresses quantitative differences in degree but not (alleged) differences in kind. In order to advance our understanding of contemporary politics, ‘global’ needs to be taken seriously. This means, firstly, to understand and to conceptualize ‘global’ as a social category; and, secondly, to uncover ‘global’ as a ‘naturalized’ concept in the Political and International Studies strand of the globalization discourse in order to rescue it for innovative new approaches in the investigation of contemporary politics. In order to do so, the paper suggests adopting a strong linguistic approach starting with the analysis of the word ‘global’. Based on insights from post-structuralism as well as cognitive and general constructivist perspectives it argues that a frame-based corpus linguistic analysis offers the possibility of investigating the collective/social meaning(s) of global in order to operationalize them for the analysis of the ‘global dimension’ of contemporary politics.
This study discusses ethical issues in research involving human beings and seeks to understand the relationship between qualitative research and the ethical care guidelines for Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) circles based on Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. This is documentary research, which analyzed Resolution 466/12 and ICT circles seeking to make a connection between the ethical guidelines contained in both. The analysis of the corpus was directed toward the construction of the following results: the person's perception, cultural diversity and community. It also brings in consideration of the influence of the ethical dimension of the ICT circles on qualitative research. We conclude that ICT circles are innovative in the sense of the diversity of participants and respect for cultural and social differences. Thus, ICT circles promote acquisition of quality information for social research as well as compliance with the ethical guidelines outlined in Resolution No. 466/12.
(The ethical dimension f analyst's interventions facing institutional demands of CAPS) Considering the complexities involved in setting up clinical work in the psychosocial field, analyst must question their own contributions toward improvements in this area. This issue is presented here as a considerable challenge, due to the limitations of psychoanalytic practice and, especially, the differences between conventional clinical practice and that carried out in institutional and political settings. From this perspective, we call attention to the notion of ethics as a differentiating and guiding concept for psychoanalytic practice in its contribution toward the treatment provided at CAPS.