899 resultados para Ethical issues
Previous chapters have presented the latest findings in neuroscience research, and have pointed to potential treatment and prevention strategies. However, there are many ethical implications of the research itself, as well as the treatment and prevention strategies, that must be considered. The rapid pace of change in the field of neuroscience brings with it a host of new ethical issues, which need to be addressed. This chapter considers the important ethical and human rights issues that are raised by neuroscience research on psychoactive substance dependence.
Methodological issues in research with children have sparked a growing interest by the Sociology of Childhood since the last decades. In Portugal, this interest is more recent, but it has had a significant increase. Considering several researches, namely master thesis, supervised by the authors on the framework of Sociology of Childhood, this proposal intends to characterize some methodological complexities in research with children in Portugal, when we consider their voice and agency in the knowledge producing about them. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the methodological discussion on research with children through the identification of a set of challenges related to: (i) the diversity of methodologies uses in children’s research, (ii) ethical concerns and (iii) the role of the researcher.
Psychiatry is now subject to two apparently contradictory movements. On the one hand, the need to respect the autonomy and rights of patients is reinforced and coercive measures are strictly defined and limited. On the other hand, security concerns in our society leads to prosecution of psychiatric disorders, especially when accompanied by behavioral problems or criminal acts. In these situations of compulsory treatment or care provided in prisons, a number of dilemmas emerge. The place of the healthcare professional in treatments ordered by the Justice and problems related to administrative detention are discussed in more detail.
This report considers the responsibilities of government, industry, individuals and others in promoting the health of everyone. The Council concludes that the state has a particular duty to help people lead a healthy life and to reduce inequalities.
[Contents] - Introduction - Selected existing genetic database : distinctive features, ethical problems and the public debate - The ethical debate : principles, values and interests : the ethical foundations of guidelines - Selected issues of consensus and of controversy - Ethical issues of human genetic databases and the future This book compares the new area of biobanking with the tradition of ethically accepted classical research and highlights the distinctive features of existing databases and guidelines
Recommendations and laws do not always contain specific and clear provisions on the use of cadaveric material in research, and even more rarely do they address explicitly the ethical issues related to research on material obtained during forensic autopsy. In this article we analyse existing legal frameworks in Europe by comparing the legal provisions in 2 European Countries which are member states of the Council of Europe, the UK and Switzerland. They were chosen because they have distinct legal frameworks that make comparisons interesting. In addition, the detailed laws of the UK and a specific law project and national ethical recommendations in Switzerland permit us to define more clearly the legal range of options for researchers using cadaveric material obtained during forensic investigations. The Human Tissue Act 2004 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, its Scottish equivalent with the same title (2006) and the national ethical guidelines in Switzerland all require consent from the deceased person, an appropriate relative or a person with power of attorney for healthcare decisions before cadaveric biological material can be obtained and used for research. However, if the purpose of the autopsy is purely forensic, no such authorization will be sought to carry out the autopsy and related analyses, which might include genetic testing. In order to be allowed to carry out future research projects, families need to be approached for informed consent, unless the deceased person had left written directives including permission to use his or her tissues for research.
This paper examines two principal categories of manipulative behaviour. The term'macro-manipulation' is used to describe the lobbying of regulators to persuadethem to produce regulation that is more favourable to the interests of preparers.'Micro-manipulation' describes the management of accounting figures to produce abiased view at the entity level. Both categories of manipulation can be viewed asattempts at creativity by financial statement preparers. The paper analyses twocases of manipulation which are considered in an ethical context. The paperconcludes that the manipulations described in it can be regarded as morallyreprehensible. They are not fair to users, they involve an unjust exercise ofpower, and they tend to weaken the authority of accounting regulators.
This paper explores the nature and incidence of creative accounting practiceswithin the context of ethical considerations.It explores several definitionsof creative accounting and the potential and the range of reasons for acompany's directors to engage in creative accounting. Later the paperconsiders the various ways in which creative accounting can be undertaken andsummarizes some empirical research on the nature and incidence of creativeaccounting. The ethical dimension of creative accounting is discussed, drawingevidence from several empirical studies. The paper concludes with the analysisof possible solutions for the creative accounting problem.
Providing or withholding nutrition in severely disabled elderly persons is a challenging dilemma for families, health professionals, and institutions. Despite limited evidence that nutrition support improves functional status in vulnerable older persons, especially those suffering from dementia, the issue of nutrition support in this population is strongly debated. Nutrition might be considered a basic need that not only sustains life but provides comfort as well by patients and their families. Consequently, the decision to provide or withhold nutrition support during medical care is often complex and involves clinical, legal, and ethical considerations. This article proposes a guide for health professionals to appraise ethical issues related to nutrition support in severely disabled older persons. This guide is based on an 8-step process to identify the components of a situation, analyze conflicting values that result in the ethical dilemma, and eventually reach a consensus for the most relevant plan of care to implement in a specific clinical situation. A vignette is presented to illustrate the use of this guide when analyzing a clinical situation.
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