999 resultados para Estudo Ocypode quadrata


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No supralitoral de praias arenosas, o número limitado de espécies da macrofauna e a maior constância destas entre praias (comparado ao médio litoral), apresenta-se ora como pró, ora como contra, a identificação de organismos adequados ao monitoramento e avaliação da qualidade ambiental. Assim, o crescente esforço para identificar padrões espaciais/temporais dessas espécies leva a um aumento de questionamentos metodológicos. Visamos responder se há necessidade de fixar condições de maré (alta ou baixa; sizígia ou quadratura) para estudos com o caranguejo Ocypode quadrata. 1) Altura da maré e quantificação de indivíduos. Nove praias foram avaliadas em cada estação do ano, através de três transectos de 2 m perpendiculares à linha d'água, em condições de maré aleatórias. A altura da maré foi registrada para cada transecto e correlacionada com: o comprimento total do transecto; a amplitude de ocorrência de O. quadrata. Houve correlação significativa entre a altura da maré e o comprimento dos transectos em 4 das 9 praias; em nenhum caso houve correlação significativa entre as amplitudes de maré e de ocorrência dos animais. 2) Marés de sizígia e quadratura e quantificação de indivíduos. Em uma área de estudo fixa, foram traçados transectos na preamar e baixa-mar das marés de sizígia e quadratura ao longo de um mês. Não houve variação significativa de acordo com o tipo de maré, mas houve aumento significativo ao longo do tempo. O estudo se iniciou em maré de sizígia, o que pode ter levado a menor média geral nessa condição. Assim, o estudo aponta que condições de maré não sejam essenciais para a quantificação de populações de Ocypode - contanto que se evite condições extremas -, um ponto facilitador do trabalho com este organismo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A morphometric study of the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, focusing on the relationships between carapace width and carapace length, abdomen width, gonopod length and propodus length and height of the major cheliped is presented. An allometric positive growth was found for most of the analyzed relationships; however, important changes in the gonopod and abdomen were observed at the size at which sexual maturity is attained. Morphological (external) sexual maturity for both sexes is achieved at a smaller size than that at which gonad maturity is reached. Concerning heterochely, 53.3% of the analyzed specimens exhibited a longer propodus length in the right cheliped.


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The reproductive cycle and recruitment period of a ghost crab population from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil were investigated by means of examining the developmental stages of gonads of breeding crabs and the ingress of young recruits to the studied population. Monthly collections over a one-year period were carried out during nocturnal low-tide periods at Vermelha beach. The morphology of the abdomen and pleopods was used for sex determination. All captured crabs were measured for carapace width and dissected for the determination of the development stage of the gonads. A total of 582 specimens was captured: 271 males, 241 females, and 70 juveniles. Size ranged from 8.5 to 37.5 mm for males, from 9.5 to 39.2 mm for females, and from 5.8 to 12 mm for early juveniles. Median size of males and females did not differ statistically. The frequency of ovigerous females was markedly low. The onset of sexual maturity in females is achieved at around 23 mm of carapace width. Mature females with advanced gonad stages were not recorded from May to September. Recruitment of young was highest during summer, but the presence of early and late juvenile specimens throughout the year indicates that continuous recruitment is taking place in the studied population.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No supralitoral de praias arenosas, o número limitado de espécies da macrofauna e a maior constância destas entre praias (comparado ao médio litoral), apresenta-se ora como pró, ora como contra, a identificação de organismos adequados ao monitoramento e avaliação da qualidade ambiental. Assim, o crescente esforço para identificar padrões espaciais/temporais dessas espécies leva a um aumento de questionamentos metodológicos. Visamos responder se há necessidade de fixar condições de maré (alta ou baixa; sizígia ou quadratura) para estudos com o caranguejo Ocypode quadrata


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Larvas do caranguejo da lama Panopeus lacustris Desbonne, 1867 foram cultivadas em laboratório a partir de fêmeas ovígeras coletadas na área estuarina do Rio Caeté na região Amazônica. O desenvolvimento completo desta espécie consistiu em 4 de zoea e um megalopa, onde cada estágio foi descrito e ilustrado em detalhes. Os resultados foram comparados com os de outros estudos anteriores sobre o desenvolvimento larval das espécies pertencentes ao gênero Panopeus e brevemente discutidos. Além da descrição das larvas do desenvolvimento completo de P. lacustris, foi descrita e ilustrada a primeira fase de zoea de treze espécies de caranguejos braquiúros coletados no mesmo estuário: P. lacustris, P. americanus Saussure, 1857, Eurytium limosum (Say, 1818), Sesarma curacaoense De Man, 1892, Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840, Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897), Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787), Uca rapax (Smith, 1870), Uca maracoani (Latreille, 1802), Uca thayeri Rathbun, 1900, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) e Pachygrapsus gracilis (Saussure, 1858). Apenas a zoea I de P. lacustris não foi descrito novamente. As características morfológicas dessas espécies são comparadas com as descrições originais. Para facilitar o estudo de material coletado no plâncton, foi desenvolvida uma chave para identificação das espécies descritas neste estudo.


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The laboratory-hatched first zoeal stage of twelve brachyuran species collected in the estuarine area of the Caeté River in the Amazonian region are described and illustrated in the present study: P. americanus Saussure, 1857, Eurytium limosum (Say, 1818), Sesarma curacaoense De Man, 1892, S. rectum Randall, 1840, Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897), Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787), Uca rapax (Smith, 1870), U. maracoani (Latreille, 1802), U. thayeri Rathbun, 1900, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) and Pachygrapsus gracilis (Saussure, 1858). Through intraspecific comparisons of the respective larval stage, an identification key was generated and provided. Most of the studied species presented morphological differences (e.g. type and presence or absence of setae) when compared to the same species previously described in the literature.


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Video-polygraphic-EEG studies were performed in the first 24 life-hours of 26 healthy full-term newborns without perinatal injuries. The neurological examination and cranial ultrasonography were normal. The newborns were divided into two groups: one, with full-term appropriate - birth weight 11 newborns (control group ) and the other with full-term low-birth weight 15 newborns. Thirteen newborns of the second group had video-polygraphic-EEG study abnormalities. The most frequent abnormalities were found in 11 cases, as far as sleep architecture is concerned. Also, when compared with the control group, 8 cases of an excessive amount of startles and 2 cases of low behavior activities were found. The results demonstrate the usefulness of video-polygraphic-EEG study in the full-term newborns with intra-uterine growth retard. This examination was sensitive to detect behavior, sleep architecture and EEG standard differences in the low birth-weight newborns as to the control group.


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From November 1982 to May 1999, 28 children with Rett syndrome were followed-up for a medium period of 6 years and 2 months. Regression of developmental milestones started at the age between 5 and 20 months. Nineteen cases of typical Rett syndrome had uneventful pre and perinatal periods, loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills, mental and motor regression and developed hand stereotypies; sixteen had head growth deceleration and 12 gait apraxia. Nine patients were atypical cases, 2 formes frustres, 2 congenital, 3 with early seizure onset, 1 preserved speech and 1 male. Epilepsy was present in 21 patients, predominantly partial seizures and the drug of choise was carbamazepine (15 patients). In the initial evaluation most patients were distributed on Stages II and III and on follow-up on Stages III and IV. Three children died.


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We present a clinic-epidemiological study of two patients and meta-analysis (period 1977-2000 ) of the co-morbidity of the Down syndrome (DS) and moyamoya syndrome (MMS). Among the 42 patients listed in this survey, meta-analysis permitted to find the highest number of publications by researchers from Japan and United States, followed by Brazil and Italy; prevalence of cerebrovascular disease in suckling and pre school children; first symptomatology was hemiparesis (78.6%), speech disorders (26.2%); ischemic infarction (76.2%); recurring ischemic episodes (62%); bilateral impairment (83.3%). This analysis led to the conclusion that in the clinic-neurological investigation of DS patients with acute hemiparesis episodes, MMS should be included as the most probable diagnosis.


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The purpose of this work is to study theoretically stereoelectronic aspects of the interaction between heme and artemisinin in the transitional heme-artemisinin complex. Through semi-empirical calculations using the PM3 method, the potential energy barrier of artemisinin rotation relative to heme in the heme-artemisinin complex was studied in vacuum and in the partially solvated state. The minimum heat of formation obtained for the complex with and without water molecules is -702.39 and -100.86 kcal mol-1, respectively, which corresponds to the dihedral angle C-Fe-O1-O2 of 43.93º and 51.90º around the iron-oxygen O1 bond, respectively. The water molecules bind to heme via 13 hydrogen bonds and O-H O and 6 C-H O interactions, which accounts for -67.23 kcal mol-1. It is observed that the inclusion of water molecules does not affect significantly the stability of the heme-artemisinin complex.


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During the last five decades, as a result of an interaction between natural product chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, molecular biology and spectroscopy, scientists reached an extraordinary level of comprehension about the natural processes by which living organisms build up complex molecules. In this context, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, allied with isotopic labeling, played a determinant role. Nowadays, the widespread use of modern NMR techniques allows an even more detailed picture of the biochemical steps by accurate manipulation of the atomic nuclei. This article focuses on the development of such techniques and their impact on biosynthetic studies.


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The copper and cadmium complexation properties in natural sediment suspensions of reservoirs of the Tietê River were studied using the solid membrane copper and cadmium ion-selective electrodes. The complexation and the average conditional stability constants were determined under equilibrium conditions at pH=6.00 ± 0.05 in a medium of 1.0 mol L-1 sodium nitrate, using the Scatchard method. The copper and cadmium electrodes presented Nernstian behavior from 1x10-6 to 1x10-3 mol L-1 of total metal concentration. Scatchard graphs suggest two classes of binding sites for both metals. A multivariate study was done to correlate the reservoirs and the variables: complexation properties, size, total organic carbon, volatile acid sulfide, E II and pH.