1000 resultados para Estudios de Seguimiento


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Background: To describe the overall and disease-free survival at five and ten years after breast cancer diagnosis in women from a previous case-control study, and establish related prognostic factors. Methods: We followed up 202 patients diagnosed between 1996 and 1998 in three public hospitals in Granada and Almeria provinces in Spain. Survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan and Meier method, and the Cox proportional hazards model was applied to identify the most significant variables contributing to survival. Results: Mean age at diagnosis was 54.27±10.4 years. Mean follow-up for overall survival was 119.91 months (95%CI 113.65126.17); the five-year survival rate was 83.9% (95%CI: 78.13-89.66) and the ten-year rate was 71% (95%CI: 63.25-78.74). Mean followup for disease-free survival was 118.75 months (95%CI 111.86125.65); the five-year disease-free survival rate was 81% (95%CI: 74.52-87.47) and the ten-year rate was 71.3% (95%CI: 63.33-79.26). The mortality rate of the study population was 33.17%. Conclusions: Disease characteristics are similar in our population to those in other Spanish and European regions, while the overall survival is higher than the mean rate during the same period in Europe (5-yr rate of 79%) and similar to that in Spain (83%).


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Current high survival in hemodialysis patients (52% at 5 years) have made the chronic manifestations to emerge such as the high hyponutrition prevalence of these patients, as well as the importance of the nutritional status in their morbimortality. The reason for protein-caloric hyponutrition is multifactorial, although chronic inflammatory conditions associated to the dialysis technique are becoming more and more relevant. The variations in several nutritional biochemical parameters (total proteins, plasma albumin, transferrin, and total cholesterol) have been assessed in 73 hemodialysis patients for one year. The mean age of the patients was 53.3 +/- 18.69 years (43 males and 30 females). The average on hemodialysis program was 43 +/- 33 months, with a mean session duration of 246 +/- 24 minutes, and mean hemodialysis dose administered of 1.37 +/- 0.27 (KT/V) (second generation Daurgidas). A decrease in all the biochemical parameters assessed has been observed, with statistically significant differences: total proteins (p < 0.001), albumin (p < 0.00001), total cholesterol (p < 0.05), and transferrin (p < 0.01). The evolution of the nutritional biochemical parameters assessed showed an important nutritional deterioration of the patients remaining stable with the therapy.


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BACKGROUND The use of remote follow-up (RF) of people with pacemakers (PM) is limited in comparison to the hospital modality (HS), being still poor the scientific evidence that shows their comparative effectiveness. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life in individuals with different modalities of follow-up. METHODS Controlled, not randomized nor masked clinical trial, with data collection at pre and post-implantation of pacemakers during the 6 months follow-up. All patients over 18 years-old who were implanted a PM during the study period were selected (n = 83), and they were assigned to RF (n = 30) or HF (n = 53) groups according to their personal characteristics and patient's preferences. Baseline characteristics and number of visits to the hospital were analysed, the EuroQol-5D (EQ5D) questionnaire was administered to evaluate the health-related quality of life, and Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) to assess the functional capacity. RESULTS There were no significant differences between both groups in relation to the baseline analysis, EQ5D (RF:0.7299; HF:0.6769) and DASI (RF:21.41; HF:19.99). At 6 months the quality of life was improved in both groups (EQ5D RF:0.8613; HF:0.8175; p = 0,439) still without significant differences between them. DASI score was similar to baseline (20.51 vs 21.80). RF group performed less transmissions/visits per patient (1.57) than hospital group (1.96; relative reduction 31%; p = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS Remote follow-up of people with pacemakers might be considered as an equivalent option to the hospital follow-up in relation to the quality of life and it reduces the number of hospital visits.


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El donante vivo es una alternativa para satisfacer la baja oferta de órganos en el tratamiento de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica, la morbilidad asociada a la donación debe ser evaluada. Con información contenida en la base de datos de seguimiento de pacientes trasplantados se contactaron los donantes e invitaron a entrevista con información del objetivo del estudio, consentimiento informado, registro de datos vitales, fecha de donación, antecedentes de enfermedades. Se determinó creatinina sérica, creatinuria, albuminuria. Entrevistados 86 donantes, edad actual 46.2±9.48 años, 35.49±9.68 años al momento de la donación, 49 (56.3%) mujeres. Tiempo promedio transcurrido desde la donación 10.78±5.6 (2-29) años. Índice de masa corporal 27.16±4.42 (17.9-42.42). En 74 donantes: tasa de filtración glomerular 70.02±11.66 ml/min/m², 15 donantes (20.22%) con valores < 60, relación albuminuria/creatinuria 9.85±10.95 mg/g (0.75-62.9), cinco donantes (6.8%) con valores > 30 y < 300, creatinina sérica 0.98±0.16 (0.75-1.6) mg/dl. Tensión arterial 114.9±14/74.81±8 mmHg, cuatro donantes (4.65%) con tensión arterial sistólica mayor de 140 y dos (2.32%) tensión arterial diastólica mayor de 90. No se detectaron diabéticos. La morbilidad y mortalidad baja asociadas a la donación observadas en estudios de seguimiento se han atribuido a que se trata de personas sanas previas a la donación y a un seguimiento juicioso después de la nefrectomía. La morbilidad observada en la función renal, tensión arterial, peso corporal, hace necesario establecer políticas de seguimiento médico así como generar bases de datos estructuradas que lleven a estudios de investigación que posiblemente incrementen los donantes vivos de riñón.


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La literatura sugiere que el Trastorno por déficit de atención (TDAH) es un trastorno frecuente en psiquiatría del niño y del adolescente con inicio en la infancia temprana. Es mucho más frecuente en niños que en niñas y las proporciones por géneros varían de 9:1 en muestras clínicas a 3:1 en comunitarias. El predominio de los síntomas de inatención puede llevar a una tasa alta de niñas con TDAH infradetectadas y a tasas bajas de derivaciones clínicas. Aunque los síntomas de TDAH pueden remitir en la adolescencia, la persistencia de hiperactividad se ha documentado consistentemente en estudios de seguimiento. Se ha informado de la discapacidad que produce en ambos géneros en la adolescencia incluso en aquellos sujetos cuyos síntomas remiten y llegan a estar por debajo del umbral de los criterios diagnósticos. Las niñas con TDAH comparadas con las controles, presentan alteración en el ajuste escolar e interpersonal en la adolescencia. Los datos disponibles en niñas son predominantemente sobre los resultados basados de historias clínicas. En una muestra comunitaria grande de niños con hiperactividad se encontró que la hiperactividad infantil predecía la persistencia de síntomas en la adolescencia usando informes de los padres. Un seguimiento de niñas usando una metodología similar, encontró que la hiperactividad infantil no predecía su persistencia en la adolescencia basándose en los informes de las propias adolescentes. En el seguimiento, ambos, niños y niñas, tenían resultados psicosociales adversos. Estos hallazgos pueden reflejar las diferencias de la fuente de información en cuyo caso otras fuentes de información (por ejemplo los padres) son necesarios para calificar los resultados...


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La hipoxia perinatal se considera hoy una de las causas de mayor morbimortalidad en el recién nacido estando altamente asociada con déficits de orden neuro-psico-sensorial. Un adecuado tratamiento y rehabilitación implica la detección temprana de los déficits apuntando a la prevención. La neonatología actual se está orientando hacia técnicas no invasivas que valoran la respuesta hacia estímulos de diferentes cualidades sensoriales y permiten indagar capacidades tempranas de aprendizaje y memoria. La precoz madurez del sistema olfativo facilita el trabajo con estas claves brindando asímismo un panorama de la integración cortical. Hipótesis: Las capacidades de habituación-deshabituación olfativa reflejan el estado del SNC neonatal y se convierten en un indicador temprano de la funcionalidad cerebral en niños con alto riesgo neurológico. Objetivos: Evaluar la integridad funcional del cerebro de recién nacidos con riesgo neurológico mediante técnicas no invasivas de habituación-deshabituación. Estas téncicas se tomarán como indicadores del estado del SNC neonatal comparando sus resultados con los arrojados por el test de Bayley durante el primer año de vida. Asímismo, se relacionarán los resultados con las valoraciones clínicas y de imágenes (ecografía y RMN) obtendias. El objetivo último implica determinar la sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo del test de Habituación-Deshabituación para el daño cerebral . Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluarán pacientes con antecedentes perinatales de hipoxia pertenecientes al Servicio del Neonatología del HUMN y al Hospital Materno Neonatal (Pcia de Córdoba) caracterizados por apgar < 3 a los 5 minutos ó < 5 a los 5 minutos, Ph de cordón < 7 ó entre 7 y 7,10 ó >7,10 con alguno de los criterios anteriores presentes y niños con manifestaciones sistémicas de asfixia o déficit de base en gas arterial superior a -15 Meq/L. De manera posterior a la firma del consentimiento informado se aplicará un esquema olfativo de habituación-deshabituación antes y después de las 6 horas de vida consistente en 10 presentaciones consecutivas de olor a limón o vainilla seguidos de 5 presentaciones consecutivas de olor a vainilla o limón que actúan como estímulos deshabituatorios. Se filmará la conducta motriz que será considerada como variable dependiente. Asímismo se evaluarán parámetros fisiológicos como presión areterial, saturación de oxígeno, frecuencia cardíaca y ritmo respiratorio. La evaluación de la habituación se complementará con estudios clínicos y ecografía cerebral antes de las 48 hs y 1 vez por semana. Todos estos bebés serán seguidos por el equipo de Seguimiento del Recién Nacido de Alto Riesgo. A los 6 meses y al año de vida se evaluará el desarrollo integral con el Test de Bayley . Resultados Esperados: Se espera encontrar diferencias en los patrones habituacionales en función del estado cerebral del bebé. Aquellos bebés con riesgo leve tenderán a mostrar patrones habituatorios que se acercan a los normales mientras que los que presenten riesgo moderado o grave exhibiran patrones habituacionales defectuosos. Estos resultados se correlacionarán con los estudios de seguimiento realizados y con los indices de desarrollo mental y motor arrojados por el test de Bayley durante el año de vida. Importancia del Proyecto: Definir precozmente al niño con riesgo neurológico permite intervenir a tiempo con la estimulación y rehabilitación adecuada. Teniendo en cuenta la valoración del examen clínico, los antecedentes perinatales y los estudios de imágenes que se realizan en el bebé junto a los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas habituacionales, el proyecto brinda la posibilidad de la construcción de un score de riesgo neurológico sencillo y de fácil utilización.


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INTRODUCTION Radiotherapy outcomes might be further improved by a greater understanding of the individual variations in normal tissue reactions that determine tolerance. Most published studies on radiation toxicity have been performed retrospectively. Our prospective study was launched in 1996 to measure the in vitro radiosensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes before treatment with radical radiotherapy in patients with breast cancer, and to assess the early and the late radiation skin side effects in the same group of patients. We prospectively recruited consecutive breast cancer patients receiving radiation therapy after breast surgery. To evaluate whether early and late side effects of radiotherapy can be predicted by the assay, a study was conducted of the association between the results of in vitro radiosensitivity tests and acute and late adverse radiation effects. METHODS Intrinsic molecular radiosensitivity was measured by using an initial radiation-induced DNA damage assay on lymphocytes obtained from breast cancer patients before radiotherapy. Acute reactions were assessed in 108 of these patients on the last treatment day. Late morbidity was assessed after 7 years of follow-up in some of these patients. The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) morbidity score system was used for both assessments. RESULTS Radiosensitivity values obtained using the in vitro test showed no relation with the acute or late adverse skin reactions observed. There was no evidence of a relation between acute and late normal tissue reactions assessed in the same patients. A positive relation was found between the treatment volume and both early and late side effects. CONCLUSION After radiation treatment, a number of cells containing major changes can have a long survival and disappear very slowly, becoming a chronic focus of immunological system stimulation. This stimulation can produce, in a stochastic manner, late radiation-related adverse effects of varying severity. Further research is warranted to identify the major determinants of normal tissue radiation response to make it possible to individualize treatments and improve the outcome of radiotherapy in cancer patients.


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Glucose control is the cornerstone of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) treatment. Although self-regulation using capillary glycemia (SRCG) still remains the best procedure in clinical practice, continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGM) offer the possibility of continuous and dynamic assessment of interstitial glucose concentration. CGM systems have the potential to improve glycemic control while decreasing the incidence of hypoglycemia but the efficiency, compared with SRCG, is still debated. CGM systems have the greatest potential value in patients with hypoglycemic unawareness and in controlling daily fluctuations in blood glucose. The implementation of continuous monitoring in the standard clinical setting has not yet been established but a new generation of open and close loop subcutaneous insulin infusion devices are emerging making insulin treatment and glycemic control more reliable.


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BACKGROUND The aim of the study was to identify the changes in Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) 3 months after discharge from hospital, in patients who have had an acute coronary episode, and to determine the clinical and sociodemographic variables that explain those changes. METHODS HRQL was assessed in 132 patients while they were admitted to the hospital and at 3 months after discharge, using the SF-36 health questionnaire. To identify the variables associated with the change, multiple linear regression models were constructed for two summary dimensions of the SF-36 (PCS and MCS) taking the change in the score of the dimension as dependent variable. RESULTS There were no significant differences between the patients who completed the monitoring (n = 76) and those who were dropped out. After three months, a significant decrease was observed in the dimensions of physical functioning, general health, vitality, and Physical Summary Component (PCS). The variables revascularisation, age, and the interaction between previous history of coronary heart disease (CHD) and the presence of one or more risk factors explained 16.6% of the decrease in the PCS. The decrease in the PCS was 6.4 points less in the patients who had undergone revascularisation, 0.2 points less for each year of age, and 4.7 points less in the patients who had antecedents of the illness as well as one or more risk factors. CONCLUSION The dimensions most affected at three months after an acute coronary episode were those related to the physical component. Undergoing revascularisation improved the PCS in patients, but in the younger patients and those without personal antecedents or risk factors, the PCS was affected more, perhaps due to greater expectations for recovery in these patients.


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BACKGROUND. Transsexual persons afford a very suitable model to study the effect of sex steroids on uric acid metabolism. DESIGN. This was a prospective study to evaluate the uric acid levels and fractional excretion of uric acid (FEUA) in a cohort of 69 healthy transsexual persons, 22 male-to-female transsexuals (MFTs) and 47 female-to-male transsexuals (FMTs).The subjects were studied at baseline and 1 and 2 yr after starting cross-sex hormone treatment. RESULTS. The baseline levels of uric acid were higher in the MFT group.Compared with baseline, uric acid levels had fallen significantly after 1 yr of hormone therapy in the MFT group and had risen significantly in the FMT group. The baseline FEUA was greater in the FMT group. After 2 yr of cross-sex hormone therapy, the FEUA had increased in MFTs (P = 0.001) and fallen in FMTs (P = 0.004).In MFTs, the levels of uric acid at 2 yr were lower in those who had received higher doses of estrogens (P = 0.03),and the FEUA was higher (P = 0.04).The FEUA at 2 yr was associated with both the estrogen dose (P = 0.02) and the serum levels of estradiol-17beta (P =0.03).In MFTs, a correlation was found after 2 yr of therapy between the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance and the serum uric acid (r = 0.59; P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS. Serum levels of uric acid and the FEUA are altered in transsexuals as a result of cross-sex hormone therapy.The results concerning the MFT group support the hypothesis that the lower levels of uric acid in women are due to estrogen-induced increases in FEUA.


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BACKGROUND Several questionnaires have been used to measure health related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with psoriasis, few have been adapted for use in Spain; none of them was developed specifically for the Spanish population. The purpose of the study was to validate and assess the sensitivity to change of a new questionnaire to measure HRQOL in patients with psoriasis (PSO-LIFE). METHODS Observational, prospective, multicenter study performed in centers around Spain. Patients with active or inactive psoriasis completed the PSO-LIFE together with other Dermatology Quality of Life Index (DLQI) and Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI). A control group of patients with urticaria or atopic dermatitis was also included. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the PSO-LIFE were assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Validity was assessed by examining factorial structure, the capacity to discriminate between groups, and correlations with other measures. Sensitivity to change was measured using effect sizes. RESULTS The final sample included for analysis consisted of 304 patients and 56 controls. Mean (SD) age of psoriasis patients was 45.3 (14.5) years compared to 38.8 (14) years for controls (p < 0.01). Cronbach's alpha for the PSO-LIFE was 0.95 and test-retest reliability using the ICC was 0.98. Factor analysis showed the questionnaire to be unidimensional. Mean (SD) PSO-LIFE scores differed between patients with psoriasis and controls (64.9 [22.5] vs 69.4 [17.3]; p < 0.05), between those with active and inactive disease (57.4 [20.4] vs 76.4 [20.6]; p < 0.01), and between those with visible and non-visible lesions (63.0 [21.9] vs. 74.8 [23.9]; p < 0.01). The correlation between PSO-LIFE and PASI scores was moderate (r = -0.43) while correlations with DLQI and PDI dimensions ranged from moderate to high (between 0.4 and 0.8). Effect size on the PSO-LIFE in patients reporting 'much improved' health status at study completion was 1.01 (large effect size). CONCLUSIONS The present results provide substantial support for the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the PSO-LIFE questionnaire in the population for which it was designed.


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BACKGROUND A catheter-based approach after fibrinolysis is recommended if fibrinolysis is likely to be successful in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction. We designed a 2x2 randomized, open-label, multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the paclitaxel-eluting stent and tirofiban administered after fibrinolysis but before catheterization to optimize the results of this reperfusion strategy. METHODS AND RESULTS We randomly assigned 436 patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction to (1) bare-metal stent without tirofiban, (2) bare-metal stent with tirofiban, (3) paclitaxel-eluting stent without tirofiban, and (4) paclitaxel-eluting stent with tirofiban. All patients were initially treated with tenecteplase and enoxaparin. Tirofiban was started 120 minutes after tenecteplase in those patients randomly assigned to tirofiban. Cardiac catheterization was performed within the first 3 to 12 hours after inclusion, and stenting (randomized paclitaxel or bare stent) was applied to the culprit artery. The primary objectives were the rate of in-segment binary restenosis of paclitaxel-eluting stent compared with that of bare-metal stent and the effect of tirofiban on epicardial and myocardial flow before and after mechanical revascularization. At 12 months, in-segment binary restenosis was similar between paclitaxel-eluting stent and bare-metal stent (10.1% versus 11.3%; relative risk, 1.06; 95% confidence interval, 0.74 to 1.52; P=0.89). However, late lumen loss (0.04+/-0.055 mm versus 0.27+/-0.057 mm, P=0.003) was reduced in the paclitaxel-eluting stent group. No evidence was found of any association between the use of tirofiban and any improvement in the epicardial and myocardial perfusion. Major bleeding was observed in 6.1% of patients receiving tirofiban and in 2.7% of patients not receiving it (relative risk, 2.22; 95% confidence interval, 0.86 to 5.73; P=0.14). CONCLUSIONS This trial does not provide evidence to support the use of tirofiban after fibrinolysis to improve epicardial and myocardial perfusion. Compared with bare-metal stent, paclitaxel-eluting stent significantly reduced late loss but appeared not to reduce in-segment binary restenosis. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT00306228.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the association between consumption of fried foods and risk of coronary heart disease. DESIGN Prospective cohort study. SETTING Spanish cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. PARTICIPANTS 40 757 adults aged 29-69 and free of coronary heart disease at baseline (1992-6), followed up until 2004. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Coronary heart disease events and vital status identified by record linkage with hospital discharge registers, population based registers of myocardial infarction, and mortality registers. RESULTS During a median follow-up of 11 years, 606 coronary heart disease events and 1135 deaths from all causes occurred. Compared with being in the first (lowest) quarter of fried food consumption, the multivariate hazard ratio of coronary heart disease in the second quarter was 1.15 (95% confidence interval 0.91 to 1.45), in the third quarter was 1.07 (0.83 to 1.38), and in the fourth quarter was 1.08 (0.82 to 1.43; P for trend 0.74). The results did not vary between those who used olive oil for frying and those who used sunflower oil. Likewise, no association was observed between fried food consumption and all cause mortality: multivariate hazard ratio for the highest versus the lowest quarter of fried food consumption was 0.93 (95% confidence interval 0.77 to 1.14; P for trend 0.98). CONCLUSION In Spain, a Mediterranean country where olive or sunflower oil is used for frying, the consumption of fried foods was not associated with coronary heart disease or with all cause mortality.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of didadosine (ddI), lamivudine (3TC), and efavirenz (EFV). This was a follow-up to the VESD study, a 12-month open-label, observational, multicenter study of adult patients with HIV infection who started antiretroviral treatment with the ddI-3TC-EFV once-daily regimen. Of the 167 patients originally included, 106 patients remained on the same triple therapy at the end of the study (1 year), and they were offered an extra 24 months of follow-up; 96 were enrolled in this study (VESD-2). Seventy patients out of the initial cohort were still on the same regimen at month 36, with 97% of them with plasma viral load <50 copies /ml. An intention-to-treat analysis showed that the percentage of patients with plasma viral load <50 copies/ml was 73% at 36 months. CD4 cell counts increased 344 cells/microl over the 36 months. Safety and tolerance were good with no unexpected long-term toxicity. After 3 years of treatment with ddI-3TC-EFV, more than 40% of the patients were still receiving the initial antiretroviral therapy with sustained, durable immunovirological benefit and good acceptance. Long-term toxicity and virological failure were low.


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Although the relationship between personality and depressive illness is complex (Shea, 2005), there is empirical evidence that some personality features such as neuroticism, harm avoidance, introversion, dependency, self-criticism or perfectionism are related to depressive illness risk (Gunderson et al. 1999).