929 resultados para Estuarine biogeochemistry


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This thesis entitled triterpenoids as biomarkers of mangrove organic matter in cochin estuarine system.Mangrove forests, known as rainforests of the sea are one of the most important coastal ecosystems in the world in terms of primary production and coastal protection.Estuaries, the important areas of world’s coastal zones link the carbon cycle of the oceans to the continents.Three mangrove ecosystems and three estuarine stations around Cochin region, southwest coast of India were selected for the present study. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is the Introduction and it deals with the aim and scope of the present study. Chapter 2 is Materials and Methods. This chapter deals with the nature and general geographical features of the study area. It also contains the details of the sampling and analytical methodology.the present study. Chapter 3 is Geochemistry and it includes the seasonal and spatial variations of the geochemical parameters in the surface sediments.Chapter 4 is Biochemical Composition. It covers the biochemical composition of organic matter in the surface sediments to examine the quality and quantity of organic matter.Chapter 5, Triterpenoid Biomarkers in Sediments, characterize the organic matter in the sediments of the mangrove and estuarine ecosystems under study, to assess the possible sources with the help of triterpenoid biomarkers along with other lipid biomarkers.


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Cochin estuarine system is among the most productive aquatic environment along the Southwest coast of India, exhibits unique ecological features and possess greater socioeconomic relevance. Serious investigations carried out during the past decades on the hydro biogeochemical variables pointed out variations in the health and ecological functioning of this ecosystem. Characterisation of organic matter in the estuary has been attempted in many investigations. But detailed studies covering the degradation state of organic matter using molecular level approach is not attempted. The thesis entitled Provenance, Isolation and Characterisation of Organic Matter in the Cochin Estuarine Sediment-“ A Diagenetic Amino Acid Marker Scenario” is an integrated approach to evaluate the source, quantity, quality, and degradation state of the organic matter in the surface sediments of Cochin estuarine system with the combined application of bulk and molecular level tools. Sediment and water samples from nine stations situated at Cochin estuary were collected in five seasonal sampling campaigns, for the biogeochemical assessment and their distribution pattern of sedimentary organic matter. The sampling seasons were described and abbreviated as follows: April- 2009 (pre monsoon: PRM09), August-2009 (monsoon: MON09), January-2010 (post monsoon: POM09), April-2010 (pre monsoon: PRM10) and September- 2012 (monsoon: MON12). In order to evaluate the general environmental conditions of the estuary, water samples were analysed for water quality parameters, chlorophyll pigments and nutrients by standard methods. Investigations suggested the fact that hydrographical variables and nutrients in Cochin estuary supports diverse species of flora and fauna. Moreover the sedimentary variables such as pH, Eh, texture, TOC, fractions of nitrogen and phosphorous were determined to assess the general geochemical setting as well as redox status. The periodically fluctuating oxic/ anoxic conditions and texture serve as the most significant variables controlling other variables of the aquatic environment. The organic matter in estuary comprise of a complex mixture of autochthonous as well as allochthonous materials. Autochthonous input is limited or enhanced by the nutrient elements like N and P (in their various fractions), used as a tool to evaluate their bioavailability. Bulk parameter approach like biochemical composition, stoichiometric elemental ratios and stable carbon isotope ratio was also employed to assess the quality and quantity of sedimentary organic matter in the study area. Molecular level charactersation of free sugars and amino acids were carried out by liquid chromatographic techniques. Carbohydrates are the products of primary production and their occurrence in sediments as free sugars can provide information on the estuarine productivity. Amino acid biogeochemistry provided implications on the system productivity, nature of organic matter as well as degradation status of the sedimentary organic matter in the study area. The predominance of carbohydrates over protein indicated faster mineralisation of proteinaceous organic matter in sediments and the estuary behaves as a detrital trap for the accumulation of aged organic matter. The higher lipid content and LPD/CHO ratio pointed towards the better food quality that supports benthic fauna and better accumulation of lipid compounds in the sedimentary environment. Allochthonous addition of carbohydrates via terrestrial run off was responsible for the lower PRT/CHO ratio estimated in thesediments and the lower ratios also denoted a detrital heterotrophic environment. Biopolymeric carbon and the algal contribution to BPC provided important information on the better understanding the trophic state of the estuarine system and the higher values of chlorophyll-a to phaeophytin ratio indicated deposition of phytoplankton to sediment at a rapid rate. The estimated TOC/TN ratios implied the combined input of both terrestrial and autochthonous organic matter to sedimentsAmong the free sugars, depleted levels of glucose in sediments in most of the stations and abundance of mannose at station S5 was observed during the present investigation. Among aldohexoses, concentration of galactose was found to be higher in most of the stationsRelative abundance of AAs in the estuarine sediments based on seasons followed the trend: PRM09-Leucine > Phenylalanine > Argine > Lysine, MON09-Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Tyrosine > Phenylalanine, POM09-Lysine > Histadine > Phenyalanine > Leucine > Methionine > Serine > Proline > Aspartic acid, PRM10-Valine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Phenylalanine > Serine > Proline, MON12-Lysine > Phenylalanine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Valine > Tyrsine > MethionineThe classification of study area into three zones based on salinity was employed in the present study for the sake of simplicity and generalized interpretations. The distribution of AAs in the three zones followed the trend: Fresh water zone (S1, S2):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Methionine > Valine ῀ Leucine > Proline > Histidine > Glycine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Tyrosine > Arginine > Alanine > Threonine > Cysteine > Isoleucine. Estuarine zone (S3, S4, S5, S6):- Lysine > Aspartic acid > Phenylalanine > Leucine > Valine > Histidine > Methionine > Tyrosine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Proline > Glycine > Arginine > Alanine > Isoleucine > Cysteine > Threonine. Riverine /Industrial zone (S7, S8, S9):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Serine > Arginine > Tyrosine > Leucine > Methionine > Glutamic acid > Alanine > Glycine > Cysteine > Proline > Isoleucine > Threonine > Valine. The abundance of AAs like glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine in sediments of the study area indicated freshly derived organic matter.


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Geochemical composition is a set of data for predicting the climatic condition existing in an ecosystem. Both the surficial and core sediment geochemistry are helpful in monitoring, assessing and evaluating the marine environment. The aim of the research work is to assess the relationship between the biogeochemical constituents in the Cochin Estuarine System (CES), their modifications after a long period of anoxia and also to identify the various processes which control the sediment composition in this region, through a multivariate statistical approach. Therefore the study of present core sediment geochemistry has a critical role in unraveling the benchmark of their characterization. Sediment cores from four prominent zones of CES were examined for various biogeochemical aspects. The results have served as rejuvenating records for the prediction of core sediment status prevailing in the CES


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The goal of mangrove restoration projects should be to improve community structure and ecosystem function of degraded coastal landscapes. This requires the ability to forecast how mangrove structure and function will respond to prescribed changes in site conditions including hydrology, topography, and geophysical energies. There are global, regional, and local factors that can explain gradients of regulators (e.g., salinity, sulfides), resources (nutrients, light, water), and hydroperiod (frequency, duration of flooding) that collectively account for stressors that result in diverse patterns of mangrove properties across a variety of environmental settings. Simulation models of hydrology, nutrient biogeochemistry, and vegetation dynamics have been developed to forecast patterns in mangroves in the Florida Coastal Everglades. These models provide insight to mangrove response to specific restoration alternatives, testing causal mechanisms of system degradation. We propose that these models can also assist in selecting performance measures for monitoring programs that evaluate project effectiveness. This selection process in turn improves model development and calibration for forecasting mangrove response to restoration alternatives. Hydrologic performance measures include soil regulators, particularly soil salinity, surface topography of mangrove landscape, and hydroperiod, including both the frequency and duration of flooding. Estuarine performance measures should include salinity of the bay, tidal amplitude, and conditions of fresh water discharge (included in the salinity value). The most important performance measures from the mangrove biogeochemistry model should include soil resources (bulk density, total nitrogen, and phosphorus) and soil accretion. Mangrove ecology performance measures should include forest dimension analysis (transects and/or plots), sapling recruitment, leaf area index, and faunal relationships. Estuarine ecology performance measures should include the habitat function of mangroves, which can be evaluated with growth rate of key species, habitat suitability analysis, isotope abundance of indicator species, and bird census. The list of performance measures can be modified according to the model output that is used to define the scientific goals during the restoration planning process that reflect specific goals of the project.


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Estuaries and estuarine wetlands are ecologically and societally important systems, exhibiting high rates of primary production that fuel offshore secondary production. Hydrological processes play a central role in shaping estuarine ecosystem structure and function by controlling nutrient loading and the relative contributions of marine and terrestrial influences on the estuary. The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan includes plans to restore freshwater delivery to Taylor Slough, a shallow drainage basin in the southern Everglades, ultimately resulting in increased freshwater flow to the downstream Taylor River estuary. The existing seasonal and inter-annual variability of water flow and source in Taylor River affords the opportunity to investigate relationships between ecosystem function and hydrologic forcing. Estimates of aquatic ecosystem metabolism, derived from free-water, diel changes in dissolved oxygen, were combined with assessments of wetland flocculent detritus quality and transport within the context of seasonal changes in Everglades hydrology. Variation in ecosystem gross primary production and respiration were linked to seasonal changes in estuarine water quality using multiple autoregression models. Furthermore, Taylor River was observed to be net heterotrophic, indicating that an allochthonous source of carbon maintained ecosystem respiration in excess of autochthonous primary production. Wetland-derived detritus appears to be an important vector of energy and nutrients across the Everglades landscape; and in Taylor River, is seasonally flushed into ponded segments of the river where it is then respired. Lastly, seasonal water delivery appears to govern feedbacks regulating water column phosphorus availability in the Taylor River estuary.


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A hydrodynamic characterization of the Itapocu river and Barra Velha lagoon estuarine system was carried out with the objective of evaluating how the current regime in this area is affected by astronomical and meteorological tides and the river discharge. Meteorological, water level and current velocity and direction data were gathered hourly during a twenty-day period, from 22-July until 10-August, 2004. Current meters were positioned at the inlet, at the entrance of the north and south lagoons and at the lower estuary of the river along with a tide gauge. The estuarine system showed distinct current behavior among the different sectors within the estuary, responding to the different forcings. The strongest currents were observed at the inlet while the weakest values were observed at the northern lagoon, a location that showed little dynamic. The general flow was ebb-dominated flux, in response to fluvial discharge, even during local wind water set-up event.


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We studied copepod assemblage variability among years, seasons, and tidal states in the Mucuri River estuary (Bahia State, Brazil). Zooplankton samples were collected seasonally through five years (2002-2006) at three sampling stations, one of which was sampled over a complete tidal cycle (two ebb and two flood tides). Temperature, salinity, river flux, and rainfall data were collected. Winter and summer represented dry and wet seasons, respectively. Copepod abundances ranged from 40 to 63% of the total zooplankton assemblage and comprised 46 taxa, among which, common estuarine species such as Temora turbinata (first record for the studied area), Parvocalanus crassirostris, Acartia lilljeborgi, Oithona hebes were the most abundant (euryhaline species). Interannual and seasonal variations were most marked in stenohaline species, e.g.. Notodiaptomus sp. and Thermocyclops minutus; density variations of euryhaline species, which made up the majority of the abundant taxa, were most closely related to tides. Diversity and richness also followed an intertidal pattern of variation.


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Supply of competent larvae to the benthic habitat is a major determinant of population dynamics in coastal and estuarine invertebrates with an indirect life cycle. Larval delivery may depend not only on physical transport mechanisms, but also on larval behavior and physiological progress to the competent stage. Yet, the combined analysis of such factors has seldom been attempted. We used time-series analyses to examine tide- and wind-driven mechanisms responsible for the supply of crab megalopae to an estuarine river under a major marine influence in SW Spain, and monitored the vertical distribution of upstream moving megalopae, their net flux and competent state. The species Panopeus africanus (estuarine), Brachynotus sexdentatus (euryhaline) and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres (coastal) comprised 80% of the whole sample, and responded in a similar way to tide and wind forcing. Tidal range was positively correlated to supply, with maxima 0 to 1 d after spring tides, suggesting selective tidal stream transport. Despite being extensively subjected to upwelling, downwind drift under the effect of westerlies, not Ekman transport, explained residual supply variation at our sampling area. Once in the estuary, net flux and competence state matched the expected trends. Net upstream flux increased from B. sexdentatus to P. africanus, favoring transport to a sheltered coastal habitat (N. pinnotheres), or to the upper estuary (P. africanus). Competence state was highest in N. pinnotheres, intermediate in B. sexdentatus and lowest in P. africanus, as expected if larvae respond to cues from adequate benthic habitat. P. africanus megalopae were found close to the bottom, not above, rendering slower upstream transport than anticipated.


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The biogeochemical processes affecting the transport and cycling of terrestrial organic carbon in coastal and transition areas are still not fully understood One means of distinguishing between the sources of organic materials contributing to particulate organic matter (POM) in Babitonga Bay waters and sediments is by the direct measurement of delta(13)C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and delta(13)C and delta(15)N in the organic constituents. An isotopic survey was taken from samples collected in the Bay in late spring of 2004. The results indicate that the delta(13)C and delta(15)N compositions of OM varied from -21.7 parts per thousand to -26 2 parts per thousand. and from + 9 2 parts per thousand. to -0 1 parts per thousand, respectively. delta(13)C from DIC ranges from +0.04 parts per thousand to -12.7 parts per thousand The difference in the isotope compositions enables the determination of three distinct end-members terrestrial, marine and urban Moreover, the evaluation of source contribution to the particulate organic matter (POM) in the Bay, enables assessment of the anthropogenic impact. Comparing the depleted values of delta(13)C(DIC) and delta(13)C(POC) it is possible to further understand the carbon dynamic within Babitonga Bay (C) 2010 Elsevier BV All rights reserved


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Sedimentary organic matter is a good tool for environmental evaluation where the sediments are deposited. We determined the elemental and C- and N-isotopic compositions of 211 sub-surface sediment samples from 13 cores (ranging from 18 to 46cm), collected in the Cananeia-Iguape estuarine-lagoonal system. The aim of this research is to evaluate the environmental variations of this tropical coastal micro-tidal system over the last decades, through SOM distribution. The studied parameters show differences between the cores located in the northern (sandy-silt sediments) and southern (sand and silty-sand) portions. The whole area presents a mixed organic matter origin signature (local mangrove plants: < -25.6 parts per thousand PDB/ phytoplancton delta(13)C values: -19.4 parts per thousand PDB). The northern cores, which submitted higher sedimentation deposition (1.46cm year(-1)), are more homogenous, presenting lower delta(13)C (< -25.2 parts per thousand PDB) and higher C/N values (in general >14), directly related to the terrestrial input from Ribeira de Iguape River (24,000 km(2) basin). The southern portion presents lower sedimentation rates (0.38cm year(-1)) and is associated to a small river basin (1,340 km(2)), presenting values Of delta(13)C: -25.0 to 23.0 parts per thousand PDB and of C/N ratio: 11 to 15. In general, the elemental contents in the 15 cores may be considered from low to medium (< 2.0% C - < 0.1% N), compared to similar environments. Although a greater marine influence is observed in the southern system portion, the majority of the cores present an elevated increase of continental deposition, most likely related to the strong silting process that the area has been subjected to since the 1850s, when an artificial channel was built linking, directly, the Ribeira River to the estuarine-lagoonal system.


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Human activities that modify land cover can alter the structure and biogeochemistry of small streams but these effects are poorly known over large regions of the humid tropics where rates of forest clearing are high. We examined how conversion of Amazon lowland tropical forest to cattle pasture influenced the physical and chemical structure, organic matter stocks and N cycling of small streams. We combined a regional ground survey of small streams with an intensive study of nutrient cycling using (15)N additions in three representative streams: a second-order forest stream, a second-order pasture stream and a third-order pasture stream. These three streams were within several km of each other and on similar soils. Replacement of forest with pasture decreased stream habitat complexity by changing streams from run and pool channels with forest leaf detritus (50% cover) to grass-filled (63% cover) channel with runs of slow-moving water. In the survey, pasture streams consistently had lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen and nitrate (NO(3) (-)) compared with similar-sized forest streams. Stable isotope additions revealed that second-order pasture stream had a shorter NH(4) (+) uptake length, higher uptake rates into organic matter components and a shorter (15)NH(4) (+) residence time than the second-order forest stream or the third-order pasture stream. Nitrification was significant in the forest stream (19% of the added (15)NH(4) (+)) but not in the second-order pasture (0%) or third-order (6%) pasture stream. The forest stream retained 7% of added (15)N in organic matter compartments and exported 53% ((15)NH(4) (+) = 34%; (15)NO(3) (-) = 19%). In contrast, the second-order pasture stream retained 75% of added (15)N, predominantly in grasses (69%) and exported only 4% as (15)NH(4) (+). The fate of tracer (15)N in the third-order pasture stream more closely resembled that in the forest stream, with 5% of added N retained and 26% exported ((15)NH(4) (+) = 9%; (15)NO(3) (-) = 6%). These findings indicate that the widespread infilling by grass in small streams in areas deforested for pasture greatly increases the retention of inorganic N in the first- and second-order streams, which make up roughly three-fourths of total stream channel length in Amazon basin watersheds. The importance of this phenomenon and its effect on N transport to larger rivers across the larger areas of the Amazon Basin will depend on better evaluation of both the extent and the scale at which stream infilling by grass occurs, but our analysis suggests the phenomenon is widespread.


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The present work integrates sedimentary facies, (14)C dating, delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N with geologic and geomorphologic data available from literature. The aim was to characterize the depositional settings of a late Quaternary estuary in northeastern Marajo Island and analyze its evolution within the context of relative sea level fluctuations. The data derive from four continuous cores along a proximal-to-distal transect of a paleoestuary, previously recognized using remote sensing information. Fifteen sediment samples recorded ages ranging from 42,580 +/- 1430 to 3184 +/- 37 (14)C yr B.P. Fades analysis indicated fine- to coarse-grained sands with parallel lamination or cross stratification, massive or laminated muds and heterolithic deposits. delta(13)C (-28.1 parts per thousand to -19.7 parts per thousand, mean = -23.0 parts per thousand), delta(15)N (+ 14.8 parts per thousand to + 4.7 parts per thousand, mean = + 9.2 parts per thousand) and C/N (14.5 to 1.5, mean = 7.9) indicate mostly marine and freshwater phytoplankton sources for the organic matter. The results confirm a large late Quaternary paleoestuary in northeastern Marajo Island. The distribution of delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N, together with fades associations, led to identify depositional settings related to fluvial channel, floodplain, tidal channel/tidal flat, central basin, tidal delta, and tidal inlet/sand barrier. These deposits are consistent with a wave-dominated estuary. Variations in stratigraphy and geochemistry are controlled by changes in relative sea level, revealing a main transgression from an undetermined time around 42,000 (14)C yr B.P. and 29,340 (+/- 200) (14)C yr B.P., which is synchronous to the overall drop in sea level after the last interglacial. Following this period, and probably until 9110 +/- 37 (14)C yr B.P., i.e., during a time interval encompassing two glacial episodes including the Last Glacial and the Younger Dryas, there was a pronounced drop in sea level, recorded by the development of a major erosional discontinuity due to valley re-incision. Sea level rose again until 5464 +/- 40 (14)C yr B.P, just before the main worldwide mid-Holocene transgressive peak. Mid to late Holocene coastal progradation ended the Marajo paleoestuarine history, and promoted the establishment of continental conditions throughout the island. The divergence comparing the Marajo sea level behavior with the eustatic curve allows hypothesizing that post-rifting tectonics along the Brazilian Equatorial margin influenced the sedimentary evolution of the studied paleoestuary. Considering that sedimentary facies in estuarine settings are highly variable both laterally and vertically, the present integration of facies with isotope and elemental analyses was crucial to provide a more precise interpretation of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene Marajo paleoestuary, and analyze its sea level history within the eustatic and tectonic context. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The apparent absence of salt glands in marine and estuarine Crocodilia has long been a puzzle. However, we have identified glands in the tongue of Crocodylus porosus which exude a concentrated secretion of sodium chloride. The glands are similar in ultrastructure to other reptilian salt glands and undoubtedly play a major role in electrolyte regulation.