988 resultados para Estuarine Exposure
Faculty of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
The aim of this study was to develop a short-term genotoxicity assay for monitoring the marine environment for mutagens. Based on the developing eggs and embryos of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis, an important pollution indicator species, the test employs the sensitive sister chromatid exchange (SCE) technique as its end-point, and exploits the potential of mussel eggs to accumulate mutagenic pollutants from the surrounding sea water. Mussel eggs take up to 6 months to develop while in the gonad, which provides scope for DNA damage to be accumulated over an extended time interval; chromosome damage is subsequently visualised as SCEs in 2-cell-stage embryos after these have been spawned in the laboratory. Methods which measure biological responses to pollutant exposure are able to integrate all the factors (internal and external) which contribute to the exposure. The new cytogenetic assay allows the effects of adult exposure to be interpreted in cells destined to become part of the next generation.
Effects on fish reproduction can result from a variety of toxicity mechanisms first operating at the molecular level. Notably, the presence in the environment of some compounds termed endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can cause adverse effects on reproduction by interfering with the endocrine system. In some cases, exposure to EDCs leads to the animal feminization and male fish may develop oocytes in testis (intersex condition). Mugilid fish are well suited sentinel organisms to study the effects of reproductive EDCs in the monitoring of estuarine/marine environments. Up-regulation of aromatases and vitellogenins in males and juveniles and the presence of intersex individuals have been described in a wide array of mullet species worldwide. There is a need to develop new molecular markers to identify early feminization responses and intersex condition in fish populations, studying mechanisms that regulate gonad differentiation under exposure to xenoestrogens. Interestingly, an electrophoresis of gonad RNA, shows a strong expression of 5S rRNA in oocytes, indicating the potential of 5S rRNA and its regulating proteins to become useful molecular makers of oocyte presence in testis. Therefore, the use of these oocyte markers to sex and identify intersex mullets could constitute powerful molecular biomarkers to assess xenoestrogenicity in field conditions.
Liza parsia were exposed to sublethal (0.02 ppm) concentration of DDT for 15 days. The gill responded initially with copious secretion of mucus, oedematous separation of epithelial cells from the basement membrane and fusion of secondary gill lamellae. Hyperplasia of the cells lining primary gill lamellae and lamellar telangiectases (or aneurysms) was frequently seen after day 10 of exposure. Kidney exhibited hypertrophy of the epithelial cells lining proximal convoluted tubules which was followed by shrinkage in glomerular tufts, increase in Bowman's space, appearance of amorphous eosinophilic materials in the lumina of the tubules and focal necrosis on day 10 of the treatment. Hyaline droplets and casts were also encountered in the epithelial cells and lumina of the proximal tubules. Liver revealed an initial dilation of canaliculi and increased secretion of bile. Thereafter, the displacement of nuclei towards periphery of the hepatocytes, disorganization of blood sinusoids, pyknotic changes in nuclei, cytolysis and vacuolation as well as focal necrosis were noticed after day 10 of the intoxication.
This report describes the working of National Centers for Coastal Ocean Service (NCCOS) Wave Exposure Model (WEMo) capable of predicting the exposure of a site in estuarine and closed water to local wind generated waves. WEMo works in two different modes: the Representative Wave Energy (RWE) mode calculates the exposure using physical parameters like wave energy and wave height, while the Relative Exposure Index (REI) empirically calculates exposure as a unitless index. Detailed working of the model in both modes and their procedures are described along with a few sample runs. WEMo model output in RWE mode (wave height and wave energy) is compared against data collected from wave sensors near Harkers Island, North Carolina for validation purposes. Computed results agreed well with the wave sensors data indicating that WEMo can be an effective tool in predicting local wave energy in closed estuarine environments. (PDF contains 31 pages)
The assessment of emerging risks in the aquatic environment is a major concern and focus of environmental science (Daughton and Ternes, 1999). One significant class of chemicals that has received relatively little attention until recently are the human use pharmaceuticals. In 2004, an estimated 2.6 billion prescriptions were written for the top 300 pharmaceuticals in the U.S. (RxList, 2005). Mellon et al. (2001) estimated that 1.4 million kg of antimicrobials are used in human medicine every year. The use of pharmaceuticals is also estimated to be on par with agrochemicals (Daughton and Ternes, 1999). Unlike agrochemicals (e.g., pesticides) which tend to be delivered to the environment in seasonal pulses, pharmaceuticals are continuously released through the use/excretion and disposal of these chemicals, which may produce the same exposure potential as truly persistent pollutants. Human use pharmaceuticals can enter the aquatic environment through a number of pathways, although the main one is thought to be via ingestion and subsequent excretion by humans (Thomas and Hilton, 2004). Unused pharmaceuticals are typically flushed down the drain or wind up in landfills (Jones et al. 2001).
Subteratogenic and other low-level chronic exposures to toxicant mixtures are an understudied threat to environmental and human health. It is especially important to understand the effects of these exposures for contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) a large group of more than 100 individual compounds, which are important environmental (including aquatic) contaminants. Aquatic sediments constitute a major sink for hydrophobic pollutants, and studies show PAHs can persist in sediments over time. Furthermore, estuarine systems (namely breeding grounds) are of particular concern, as they are highly impacted by a wide variety of pollutants, and estuarine fishes are often exposed to some of the highest levels of contaminants of any vertebrate taxon. Acute embryonic exposure to PAHs results in cardiac teratogenesis in fish, and early life exposure to certain individual PAHs and PAH mixtures cause heart alterations with decreased swimming capacity in adult fish. Consequently, the heart and cardiorespiratory system are thought to be targets of PAH mixture exposure. While many studies have investigated acute, teratogenic PAH exposures, few studies have longitudinally examined the impacts of subtle, subteratogenic PAH mixture exposures, which are arguably more broadly applicable to environmental contamination scenarios. The goal of this dissertation was to highlight the later-life consequences of early-life exposure to subteratogenic concentrations of a complex, environmentally relevant PAH mixture.
A unique population of Fundulus heteroclitus (the Atlantic killifish or mummichog, hereafter referred to as killifish), has adapted to creosote-based polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found at the Atlantic Wood Industries (AW) Superfund site in the southern branch of the Elizabeth River, VA, USA. This killifish population survives in a site heavily contaminated with a mixture of PAHs from former creosote operations. They have developed resistance to the acute toxicity and teratogenic effects caused by the mixture of PAHs in sediment from the site. The primary goal of this dissertation was to compare and contrast later-life outcomes of early-life, subteratogenic PAH mixture exposure in both the Atlantic Wood killifish (AW) and a naïve reference population of killifish from King’s Creek (KC; a relatively uncontaminated tributary of the Severn River, VA). Killifish from both populations were exposed to subteratogenic concentrations of a complex PAH-sediment extract, Elizabeth River Sediment Extract (ERSE), made by collecting sediment from the AW site. Fish were reared over a 5-month period in the laboratory, during which they were examined for a variety of molecular, physiological and behavioral responses.
The central aims of my dissertation were to determine alterations to embryonic gene expression, larval swimming activity, adult behavior, heart structure, enzyme activity, and swimming/cardiorespiratory performance following subteratogenic exposure to ERSE. I hypothesized that subteratogenic exposure to ERSE would impair cardiac ontogenic processes in a way that would be detectable via gene expression in embryos, and that the misregulation of cardiac genes would help to explain activity changes, behavioral deficits, and later-life swimming deficiencies. I also hypothesized that fish heart structure would be altered. In addition, I hypothesized that the AW killifish population would be resistant to developmental exposures and perform normally in later life challenges. To investigate these hypotheses, a series of experiments were carried out in PAH-adapted killifish from Elizabeth River and in reference killifish. As an ancillary project to the primary aims of the dissertation, I examined the toxicity of weaker aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) agonists in combination with fluoranthene (FL), an inhibitor of cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1). This side project was conducted in both Danio rerio (zebrafish) and the KC and AW killifish.
Embryonic gene expression was measured in both killifish populations over an ERSE dose response with multiple time points (12, 24, 48, and 144 hours post exposure). Genes known to play critical roles in cardiac structure/development, cardiac function, and angiogenesis were elevated, indicating cardiac damage and activation of cardiovascular repair mechanisms. These data helped to inform later-life swimming performance and cardiac histology studies. Behavior was assessed during light and dark cycles in larvae of both populations following developmental exposure to ERSE. While KC killifish showed activity differences following exposure, AW killifish showed no significant changes even at concentrations that would cause overt cardiac toxicity in KC killifish. Juvenile behavior experiments demonstrated hyperactivity following ERSE exposure in KC killifish, but no significant behavioral changes in AW killifish. Adult swimming performance via prolonged critical swimming capacity (Ucrit) demonstrated performance costs in the AW killifish. Furthermore, swimming performance decline was observed in KC killifish following exposure to increasing dilutions of ERSE. Lastly, cardiac histology suggested that early-life exposure to ERSE could result in cardiac structural alteration and extravasation of blood into the pericardial cavity.
Responses to AHR agonists resulted in a ranking of relative potency for agonists, and determined which agonists, when combined with FL, caused cardiac teratogenesis. These experiments showed interesting species differences for zebrafish and killifish. To probe mechanisms responsible for cardiotoxicity, a CYP1A-morpholino and a AHR2-morpholino were used to mimic FL effects or attempt to rescue cardiac deformities respectively. Findings suggested that the cardiac toxicity elicited by weak agonist + FL exposure was likely driven by AHR-independent mechanisms. These studies stand in contrast to previous research from our lab showing that moderate AHR agonist + FL caused cardiac toxicity that can be partially rescued by AHR-morpholino knockdown.
My findings will form better characterization of mechanisms of PAH toxicity, and advance our understanding of how subteratogenic mixtures of PAHs exert their toxic action in naïve killifish. Furthermore, these studies will provide a framework for investigating how subteratogenic exposures to PAH mixtures can impact aquatic organismal health and performance. Most importantly, these experiments have the potential to help inform risk assessment in fish, mammals, and potentially humans. Ultimately, this research will help protect populations exposed to subtle PAH-contamination.
A simulated in situ incubation box has been compared with in situ exposure for 14C production measurements in an estuarine environment. Measurements were made over the course of 14 months, mainly in the Tamar estuary; production rates ranged from less than 1 mg C m−2h−1 to 350 mg C m−2h−1 and there was no significant difference between results from the two methods. In the estuarine waters investigated, the simulated in situ incubator with neutral density filters, used with a Secchi disc to determine sampling depths, gives a satisfactory estimate of in situ primary production.
On rocky shores, the relative importance of abiotic and biotic processes that regulate community structure are thought to vary with levels of shore exposure. This can lead to characteristic features found on sheltered and exposed shores. This study identified differences in the population structure of mussels on exposed and sheltered rocky shores on Atlantic coasts of south-west Ireland. Direct interactions between epibiotic algae and their host mussels were also examined to test if potential effects varied with shore exposure. Mussel beds on sheltered shores were less dense and comprised larger mussels with greater rates of individual survival and growth than those on exposed shores. The results of a field experiment showed that algal epibionts had a negative effect on mussel survival on sheltered shores but not on exposed shores. Surprisingly, the presence of algal epibionts had no effect on mussel growth on either shore type. These findings contrast with those of previous studies. The effects of shore exposure and algal epibionts on Mussels may be species-specific and may interact with other factors across different regions. This study shows that predictions of effects of exposure on mussel populations and their epibionts should only be based on specific experimental evidence and cannot be generalised across regions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
As zonas costeiras, estuarinas e lagunares são consideradas áreas muito produtivas e dotadas de grande biodiversidade sendo, por isso, consideradas de elevado valor ecológico e económico. No entanto, nas últimas décadas tem vindo a verificar-se um aumento da contaminação destes ecossistemas como resultado de diversas actividades antrópicas. As abordagens actualmente disponíveis para avaliação do impacto da poluição em ecossistemas estuarinos e lagunares apresentam diversos tipos de lacunas, pelo que é importante desenvolver metodologias mais eficazes com organismos autóctones. Neste contexto, o objectivo central desta dissertação consistiu em desenvolver e validar métodos ecologicamente relevantes para avaliação da contaminação estuarina e dos seus efeitos, utilizando o góbio-comum (Pomatoschistus microps), quer como organismo-teste quer como espécie sentinela, devido à importante função que desempenha nas cadeias tróficas de diversos estuários da costa Portuguesa. A Ria de Aveiro foi seleccionada como área de estudo principalmente pelo facto de possuir zonas com diferentes tipos de contaminação predominante e de haver conhecimento científico de base abundante e de elevada qualidade sobre este ecosistema. Na primeira fase do estudo, foram investigados os efeitos agudos de dois hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) (benzo[a]pireno e antraceno), de um fuel-óleo e de dois metais (cobre e mercúrio) em P. microps, utilizando ensaios laboratoriais baseados em biomarcadores e em parâmetros comportamentais, os quais foram avaliados utilizando um dispositivo expressamente desenvolvido para o efeito, designado por speed performance device (SPEDE). Como biomarcadores foram utilizados parâmetros envolvidos em funções fisiológicas determinantes para a sobrevivência e desempenho dos animais (neurotransmissão, obtenção de energia, destoxificação e defesas anti-oxidantes), nomeadamente a actividade das enzimas acetilcolinesterase, lactato desidrogenase, CYP1A1, glutationa S-transferases, glutationa reductase, glutationa peroxidase, superóxido dismutase, catalase, tendo ainda sido determinados os níveis de peroxidação lipídica como indicador de danos oxidativos. De forma global, os resultados indicaram que os agentes e a mistura testados têm a capacidade de interferir com a função neurológica, de alterar as vias utilizadas para obtenção de energia celular, induzir as defesas antioxidantes e, no caso do cobre e do mercúrio, de causarem peroxidação lipídica. Foram ainda obtidas relações concentração-resposta a nível dos parâmetros comportamentais testados, nomeadamente a capacidade de nadar contra a corrente e a distância percorrida a nadar contra o fluxo de água, sugerindo que os agentes testados podem, por exemplo, diminuir a capacidade de fuga aos predadores, as probabilidades de captura de presas e o sucesso reprodutivo. Na segunda fase, tendo sido já adaptadas técnicas para determinação de vários biomarcadores em P. microps e estudada a sua resposta a dois grupos de poluentes particularmente relevantes em ecossistemas estuarinos e lagunares (metais e HAPs), foi efectuado um estudo de monitorização utilizando P. microps como bioindicador e que incluiu diversos parâmetros ecológicos e ecotoxicológicos, nomedamente: 20 parâmetros indicativos da qualidade da água e do sedimento, concentração de 9 metais em sedimentos e no corpo de P. microps, 8 biomarcadores e 2 índices de condição na espécie seleccionada. A amostragem foi efectuada em quatro locais da Ria de Aveiro, um considerado como referência (Barra) e três com diferentes tipos predominantes de contaminação (Vagueira, Porto de Aveiro e Cais do Bico), sazonalmente, durante um ano. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma caracterização ecotoxicológica dos locais, incluindo informação sobre a qualidade da água, concentrações de contaminantes ambientais prioritários nos sedimentos e nos tecidos de P. microps, capacidade desta espécie para bioacumular metais, efeitos exercidos pelas complexas misturas de poluentes presentes em cada uma das zonas de amostragem nesta espécie e possíveis consequências para a população. A análise multivariada permitiu analisar de forma integrada todos os resultados, proporcionando informação que não poderia ser obtida analisando os dados de forma compartimentalizada. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos no âmbito desta dissertação indicam que P. microps possui características adequadas para ser utilizado como organismoteste em ensaios laboratoriais (e.g. abundância, fácil manutenção, permite a determinação de diferentes tipos de critérios de efeito utilizando um número relativamente reduzido de animais, entre outras) e como organismo sentinela em estudos de monitorização da poluição e da qualidade ambiental, estando portanto de acordo com estudos de menor dimensão previamente efectuados. O trabalho desenvolvido permitiu ainda adaptar a P. microps diversas técnicas bioquímicas vulgarmente utilizadas como biomarcadores em Ecotoxicologia e validá-las quer no laboratório quer em cenários reais; desenvolver um novo bioensaio, utilizando um dispositivo de teste especialmente concebido para peixes epibentónicos baseado na performance natatória de uma espécie autóctone e em biomarcadores; relacionar os efeitos a nível bioquímico com parâmetros comportamentais que ao serem afectados podem reduzir de forma drástica e diversificada (e.g. aumento da mortalidade, diminuição do sucesso reprodutivo, redução do crescimento) a contribuição individual para a população. Finalmente, foi validada uma abordagem multidisciplinar, combinando metodologias ecológicas, ecotoxicológicas e químicas que, quando considerada de forma integrada utilizando análises de estatística multivariada, fornece informação científica da maior relevância susceptível de ser utilizada como suporte a medidas de conservação e gestão em estuários e sistemas lagunares.
The common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, is a necto-benthic cephalopod that can live in coastal ecosystems, with high influence of anthropogenic pressures and thus be vulnerable to exposure to various types of contaminants. The cuttlefish is a species of great importance to the local economy of Aveiro, considering the global data of catches of this species in the Ria de Aveiro. However, studies on this species in Ria de Aveiro are scarce, so the present study aims to fill this information gap about the cuttlefish in the Ria de Aveiro. The cuttlefish enters Ria de Aveiro in the spring and summer to reproduce, returning to deeper waters in the winter. In terms of abundance, the eastern and center regions of the lagoon, closer to the sea, showed the highest values of abundance, while the northern and southern regions of the main channel had the lowest abundance. This fact may be related to abiotic factors, as well as depth, salinity and temperature. In the most southern point of the Ria de Aveiro (Areão) no cuttlefish was caught. This site had the lowest values of salinity and depth. The cuttlefish has an allometric the females being heavier than males to mantle lengths greater than 82.4 mm. Males reach sexual maturity first than females. In Ria de Aveiro in a generation of parents was found. The cuttlefish, presents itself as opportunistic predators, consuming a wide variety of prey from different taxa. The diet was similar in different sampling locations observing significant differences for the seasons. S. officinalis was captured at 10 sites in the Ria de Aveiro with different anthropogenic sources of contamination. Thus, levels of metals analyzed were similar at all sampling sites, with the exception of a restricted area, Laranjo, which showed higher values. The cuttlefish has the ability to accumulate metals in your body. The levels of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg found in the digestive gland and mantle reflect a differential accumulation of metals in the tissues. This accumulation is related to the type and function of tissue analyzed and the type of metal analysis (essential and non-essential). The metal concentrations in the digestive gland are higher than in the mantle, with the exception of mercury. This may be due to the high affinity of the mantle for the incorporation of methylmercury (MeHg), the most abundant form of mercury. The accumulation of metals can vary over a lifetime, depending on the metal. The concentrations of Zn, Cd and Hg increases throughout life, while Pb decreases and essential metals such as Fe and Cu remain constant. The data collected suggest that the cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) can be used as a bioindicator of environmental contamination for some metals.
This work was focused on a multi-purpose estuarine environment (river Sado estuary, SW Portugal) around which a number of activities (e.g., fishing, farming, heavy industry, tourism and recreational activities) coexist with urban centres with a total of about 200 000 inhabitants. Based on previous knowledge of the hazardous chemicals within the ecosystem and their potential toxicity to benthic species, this project intended to evaluate the impact of estuarine contaminants on the human and ecosystem health. An integrative methodology based on epidemiological, analytical and biological data and comprising several lines of evidence, namely, human contamination pathways, human health effects, consumption of local produce, estuarine sediments, wells and soils contamination, effects on commercial benthic organisms, and genotoxic potential of sediments, was used. The epidemiological survey confirmed the occurrence of direct and indirect (through food chain) exposure of the local population to estuarine contaminants. Furthermore, the complex mixture of contaminants (e.g., metals, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) trapped in the estuary sediments was toxic to human liver cells exposed in vitro, causing cell death, oxidative stress and genotoxic effects that might constitute a risk factor for the development of chronic-degenerative diseases, on the long term. Finally, the integration of data from several endpoints indicated that the estuary is moderately impacted by toxicants that affect also the aquatic biota. Nevertheless, the human health risk can only be correctly assessed through a biomonitoring study including the quantification of contaminants (or metabolites) in biological fluids as well as biomarkers of early biological effects (e.g., biochemical, genetic and omics-based endpoints) and genetic susceptibility in the target population. Data should be supported by a detailed survey to assess the impact of the contaminated seafood and local farm products consumption on human health and, particularly, on metabolic diseases or cancer development.
It is well known that under certain conditions, populations of oysters and clams are susceptible to destructive epizootics caused by pathogenic micro-organisms. It has also been shown that exposure of mammals to certain heavy metals causes increased susceptibility to and severity of microbial infections (Koller, 1980). Consequently, pollutants that affect haemocyte viability or interfere with internal defence functions of the haemocytes which are considered as the major means of defence in moliuscs against invading foreign organisms and pathogens (Cheng, 1981) may have profound effect on long term survival of molluscan populations. All these justify the significance of the present study in the context of the current status on molluscan culture programme, and how the data on molluscan haematological studies .could be taken as the reliable criteria for pollution monitoring studies.