302 resultados para Estuário de Caravelas
O objetivo do presente estudo é caracterizar a hidrodinâmica e o transporte de material particulado em suspensão (MPS) no estuário de Caravelas sob diferentes condições de maré e vazão fluvial. Foram realizadas quatro campanhas hidrográficas durante ciclos completos de maré, sendo em condições de maré de sizígia e quadratura, e durante os períodos seco e chuvoso. Dados de nível de água, velocidade e direção de correntes, salinidade, temperatura e turbidez foram obtidos em uma estação fixa próxima da desembocadura do estuário. A partir destes dados foram obtidos os transportes residuais de MPS e calculado os mecanismos de transporte. As maiores concentrações médias de material particulado em suspensão ocorreram em condições de sizígia. Em condições de maré de quadraturao transporte resultante de MPS foi com sentido estuário acima, porém de pequena intensidade. Em condições de sizígia o estuário é caracterizado por correntes mais intensas e assimétricas, com dominância de vazante. Durante a condição de sizígia o estuário pode atuar como importador ou exportador de MPS. O estuário do rio Caravelas foi classificado como bem misturado e fracamente estratificado. A hidrografia e o balanço sedimentar são principalmente modulados pela altura da marée o aporte de água doce é irrelevante.
The circulation and transport of suspended particulate matter in the Caravelas Estuary are assessed. Nearly-synoptic hourly hydrographic, current (ADCP velocity and volume transport) and suspended particulate matter data were collected during a full semidiurnal spring tide, on the two transects Boca do Tomba and Barra Velha and on longitudinal sections at low and high tide. On the first transect the peak ebb currents (-1.5 ms-1) were almost twice as strong as those of the wider and shallow Barra Velha inlet (-0.80 ms-1) and the peak flood currents were 0.75 and 0.60 ms-1, respectively. Due to the strong tidal currents both inlets had weak vertical salinity stratification and were classified with the Stratification-circulation Diagram as Type 2a (partially mixed-weakly stratified) and Type 1a (well mixed). Volume transports were very close, ranging from -3,500 to 3,100 m³s-1 at the ebb and flood, respectively, with a residual -630 m³s-1. The concentration of the suspended particulate matter was closely related to the tidal variation and decreased landwards from 50 mg.L-1 at the estuary mouth, to 10 mg.L-1 at distances of 9 and 16 km for the low and high tide experiments, respectively. The total residual SPM transport was out of the estuary at rates of -18 tons per tidal cycle.
Spatial-temporal dynamics of zooplankton in the Caravelas river estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The survey was conducted in order to describe the zooplankton community of the estuary Caravelas (Bahia, Brazil), to quantify and relate the patterns of horizontal and vertical transport with the type of tide (neap and spring) and tidal phase (flood and ebb). Zooplankton samples were collected with the aid of a suction pump (300L), filtered in plankton nets (300μm) and fixed in saline formalin 4%. Samples were collected at a fixed point (A1), near the mouth of the estuary, with samples taken at neap tides and spring tides during the dry and rainy seasons. Samples were collected for 13 hours, at intervals of 1 hour in 3 depths: surface, middle and bottom. Simultaneous collection of biological, we measured the current velocity, temperature and salinity of the water through CTD. In the laboratory, samples were selected for analysis in estereomicroscope, with 25 groups identified, with Copepoda getting the highest number of species. The 168 samples obtained from temporal samples were subsampled and processed on equipment ZooScan, with the aid of software ZooProcess at the end were generated 458.997 vingnettes. 8 taxa were identified automatically, with 16 classified as a semi-automatic. The group Copepoda, despite the limited taxonomic refinement ZooScan, obtained 2 genera and 1 species identified automatically. Among the seasons dry and wet groups Brachyura (zoea), Chaetognatha, and the Calanoid copepods (others), Temora spp., Oithona spp. and Euterpina acutifrons were those who had higher frequency of occurrence, appearing in more than 70% of the samples. Copepoda group showed the largest percentage of relative abundance in both seasons. There was no seasonal variation of total zooplankton, with an average density of 7826±4219 org.m-3 in the dry season, and 7959±3675 org.m-3 in the rainy season, neither between the types and phases of the tides, but seasonal differences were significant recorded for the main zooplankton groups. Vertical stratification was seen for the major zooplankton groups (Brachyura, Chaetognatha, Calanoida (other), Oithona spp, Temora spp. e Euterpina acutifrons). The scale of this stratification varied with the type (square or tide) and tidal phase (flood or ebb). The instantaneous transport was more influenced by current velocity, with higher values observed in spring tides to the total zooplankton, however, there was a variation of this pattern depending on the zooplankton group. According to the data import and export of total zooplankton, the outflow of organisms of the estuary was higher than the input. The results suggest that the estuary of Caravelas may influence the dynamics of organic matter to the adjacent coast, with possible consequences in National Marine Park of Abrolhos
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Spatial-temporal dynamics of zooplankton in the Caravelas river estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The survey was conducted in order to describe the zooplankton community of the estuary Caravelas (Bahia, Brazil), to quantify and relate the patterns of horizontal and vertical transport with the type of tide (neap and spring) and tidal phase (flood and ebb). Zooplankton samples were collected with the aid of a suction pump (300L), filtered in plankton nets (300μm) and fixed in saline formalin 4%. Samples were collected at a fixed point (A1), near the mouth of the estuary, with samples taken at neap tides and spring tides during the dry and rainy seasons. Samples were collected for 13 hours, at intervals of 1 hour in 3 depths: surface, middle and bottom. Simultaneous collection of biological, we measured the current velocity, temperature and salinity of the water through CTD. In the laboratory, samples were selected for analysis in estereomicroscope, with 25 groups identified, with Copepoda getting the highest number of species. The 168 samples obtained from temporal samples were subsampled and processed on equipment ZooScan, with the aid of software ZooProcess at the end were generated 458.997 vingnettes. 8 taxa were identified automatically, with 16 classified as a semi-automatic. The group Copepoda, despite the limited taxonomic refinement ZooScan, obtained 2 genera and 1 species identified automatically. Among the seasons dry and wet groups Brachyura (zoea), Chaetognatha, and the Calanoid copepods (others), Temora spp., Oithona spp. and Euterpina acutifrons were those who had higher frequency of occurrence, appearing in more than 70% of the samples. Copepoda group showed the largest percentage of relative abundance in both seasons. There was no seasonal variation of total zooplankton, with an average density of 7826±4219 org.m-3 in the dry season, and 7959±3675 org.m-3 in the rainy season, neither between the types and phases of the tides, but seasonal differences were significant recorded for the main zooplankton groups. Vertical stratification was seen for the major zooplankton groups (Brachyura, Chaetognatha, Calanoida (other), Oithona spp, Temora spp. e Euterpina acutifrons). The scale of this stratification varied with the type (square or tide) and tidal phase (flood or ebb). The instantaneous transport was more influenced by current velocity, with higher values observed in spring tides to the total zooplankton, however, there was a variation of this pattern depending on the zooplankton group. According to the data import and export of total zooplankton, the outflow of organisms of the estuary was higher than the input. The results suggest that the estuary of Caravelas may influence the dynamics of organic matter to the adjacent coast, with possible consequences in National Marine Park of Abrolhos
Spatial-temporal dynamics of zooplankton in the Caravelas river estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The survey was conducted in order to describe the zooplankton community of the estuary Caravelas (Bahia, Brazil), to quantify and relate the patterns of horizontal and vertical transport with the type of tide (neap and spring) and tidal phase (flood and ebb). Zooplankton samples were collected with the aid of a suction pump (300L), filtered in plankton nets (300μm) and fixed in saline formalin 4%. Samples were collected at a fixed point (A1), near the mouth of the estuary, with samples taken at neap tides and spring tides during the dry and rainy seasons. Samples were collected for 13 hours, at intervals of 1 hour in 3 depths: surface, middle and bottom. Simultaneous collection of biological, we measured the current velocity, temperature and salinity of the water through CTD. In the laboratory, samples were selected for analysis in estereomicroscope, with 25 groups identified, with Copepoda getting the highest number of species. The 168 samples obtained from temporal samples were subsampled and processed on equipment ZooScan, with the aid of software ZooProcess at the end were generated 458.997 vingnettes. 8 taxa were identified automatically, with 16 classified as a semi-automatic. The group Copepoda, despite the limited taxonomic refinement ZooScan, obtained 2 genera and 1 species identified automatically. Among the seasons dry and wet groups Brachyura (zoea), Chaetognatha, and the Calanoid copepods (others), Temora spp., Oithona spp. and Euterpina acutifrons were those who had higher frequency of occurrence, appearing in more than 70% of the samples. Copepoda group showed the largest percentage of relative abundance in both seasons. There was no seasonal variation of total zooplankton, with an average density of 7826±4219 org.m-3 in the dry season, and 7959±3675 org.m-3 in the rainy season, neither between the types and phases of the tides, but seasonal differences were significant recorded for the main zooplankton groups. Vertical stratification was seen for the major zooplankton groups (Brachyura, Chaetognatha, Calanoida (other), Oithona spp, Temora spp. e Euterpina acutifrons). The scale of this stratification varied with the type (square or tide) and tidal phase (flood or ebb). The instantaneous transport was more influenced by current velocity, with higher values observed in spring tides to the total zooplankton, however, there was a variation of this pattern depending on the zooplankton group. According to the data import and export of total zooplankton, the outflow of organisms of the estuary was higher than the input. The results suggest that the estuary of Caravelas may influence the dynamics of organic matter to the adjacent coast, with possible consequences in National Marine Park of Abrolhos
Three approaches were applied to evaluate metal contamination in 41 sediment samples from the Santos - São Vicente Estuarine System: normalization to Al, statistical analysis and sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). The results showed increases in the concentrations of Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg, which seemed to be associated with human activities. The levels of Al, Fe and Co probably were associated with crustal material or natural weathering processes. About 45% of the samples presented concentrations exceeding TEL-ERL, levels occasionally associated with adverse biological effects. Four of these samples presented concentrations above PEL-ERM, levels frequently associated with adverse biological effects.
Ethno-sciences study the logical behind the traditional population knowledge about environmental process. This case study aims at describing the ethno-knowledge of artisanal fishermen on the hydrodynamics of the estuary around Coreia community (Saco do Arraial), located in Dos Patos Lagoon, in southern Brazil, from an ethnooceangraphic perspective. For this purpose, mental maps, open-ended and in-depth semi-structured interviewing and participative research have been used. As well as scientific knowledge, rains and winds were had main hydrodynamic effort of Saco do Arraial, although astronomic influence in located hydrodynamic has been just a perception of traditional knowledge. Soon, these data have shown another important way to perceive the Patos Lagoon.
Os estuários e sapais estuarinos são zonas húmidas que, devido à sua localização privilegiada e características únicas de riqueza natural, atraíram desde há muito populações que se fixaram nas suas margens, constituindo pólos de desenvolvimento e concentração de actividades humanas, sofrendo o impacte negativo da acção antrópica, principalmente durante o século XX. No presente estudo, cujo tema central é o ambiente de sapal do estuário do Sado (Península de Setúbal), apresentam-se resultados de um estudo sedimentológico e geoquímico de uma sondagem curta, recolhida no sapal do Faralhão (margem norte do estuário), visando contribuir para a caracterização geoambiental dos ecossistemas de sapal deste estuário e para a identificação da contribuição antrópica em metais pesados nos sedimentos vasosos estudados. Perspectivando uma aplicação pedagógica, apresenta-se uma proposta de estudo do sapal de Corroios (estuário do Tejo), composta por diversos materiais de apoio ao trabalho de campo e de laboratório, direccionados para alunos do ensino secundário. Com esta proposta, pretende-se contribuir para a sensibilização dos professores para a necessidade de, junto dos seus alunos, promoverem motivações que conduzam ao estudo dos ecossistemas de sapal, perspectivando a consciencialização da vulnerabilidade destes ambientes e a assumpção de medidas de defesa do património natural.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente,perfil Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Geografia e Planeamento Regional
Em zonas costeiras, é frequente ocorrer infiltrações de águas salinas na rede de drenagem. Tais infiltrações originam efeitos adversos nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais. Problemas no tratamento biológico e na decantação secundária, inibição da digestão anaeróbia e degradação da qualidade do biogás, formação de precipitados na etapa da digestão anaeróbia e na desidratação, dificuldades no espessamento e desidratação de lamas, oxidação dos materiais e dos equipamentos provocada pelos cloretos e a corrosão do betão devido à formação do ácido sulfúrico a partir do sulfídrico são os principais impactes decorrentes do tratamento de águas com elevada salinidade. O presente trabalho, incidiu a sua análise sobre o Interceptor do Seixal, Amora e Arrentela visto considerar-se que estes são focos de intrusão salina e onde a equipa da SIMARSUL crê conseguir tomar as medidas mais efectivas de atenuação do problema actual. Pela análise dos interceptores da Amora, Seixal e Arrentela compreendeu-se que tais infiltrações se deviam essencialmente aos seguintes factores (1) estado de degradação avançado no betão constituinte das caixas de visita, (2) entregas da rede em baixa e (3) ausência ou mau funcionamento da válvula de maré instalada na descarga de emergência. As principais medidas identificadas no plano de acção de modo a minimizar as intrusões salinas são (1) Alteração ou Substituição das válvulas marés, (2) Realização de uma inspecção vídeo com o objectivo de compreender o estado de conservação dos colectores, (3) Investimento para melhoria da infraestrutura de modo a não permitir infiltrações. Todas estas medidas deverão ser devidamente articuladas com a Câmara Municipal do Seixal, para que esta participe na resolução das problemáticas relacionadas com a rede em baixa.
Apesar de seu potencial na região amazônica, sistemas agroflorestais têm sido estudados principalmente entre grupos indígenas, que são culturalmente afastados da maioria da população atual em zonas rurais. Este estudo descreve um sistema agroflorestal utilizado por uma família de cultura Luso-brasileira. O sistema foi desenvolvido na mata de várzea do estuário amazônico, sujeita a inundações periódicas e prolongadas que dificultam as práticas convencionais de agricultura. Três zonas de maneio na vizinhança da casa são descritas detalhadamente: quintal, floresta manejada, e mata. Juntas essas zonas apoiam ou possibilitam uma grande variedade de atividades, tais como caça; pesca; criação de animais domésticos; e utilização de frutos, palmito, madeira, adubo, plantas ornamentais, fibras, látex, mel, sementes oleaginosas, remédios, utensílios, etc. Além de produtos de subsistência, essas atividades fornecem muitos produtos de mercado que são comercializados em Belém, possibilitando a compra de materiais agrícolas de primeira necessidade. Entre a família estudada, o sistema agroflorestal permitiu a substituição da agricultura convencional pela colheita de produtos silvestres. Sob certas condições, essa estratégia poderia ser uma alternativa viável de uso de terra no estuário amazônico.