998 resultados para Estoppel by deed


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The object of every law is to render justice. But sometimes the strict implementation of low may result in injustice. Under such circumstances equity will step in to prevent the injustice. Estoppel is one such concept evolved by equity for rendering justice even deviating from strict legal principles. This study is an analysis of the essence of the principle of estoppel, its scope, circumstances and application. The related principles known as estoppel by record, estoppel by deed, estoppel by representation, promissory estoppel, estoppel against public authority is also considered. Estoppel, originated from the sense of justice, equity and good consciousness has since developed through various judicial pronouncements. Further section 115 of the Evidence Act has statutorily recognized and laid down the principles of estoppel. But Section 115 of the Evidence Act or any other statute does not cover the modern development of estoppel in the form of promissory estoppel.


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Dueños de un discurso contestatario y crítico, pero a la vez formativo y comprometido con el hombre trabajador como centro de sus proyectos, el principal objetivo del movimiento anarquista argentino fue impugnar, cuestionar y contradecir el discurso oficialista. Una de las tácticas que utilizaron los militantes libertarios fue la propaganda por el hecho o acción directa, como denominaremos los actos terroristas ácratas. Si bien en la Argentina encontramos una importante literatura libertaria con un lenguaje perturbador y radicalizado, los sucesos violentos fueron aislados, aunque no por ello dejaron de preocupar tanto a la clase dirigente como a la sociedad en general, que llegó a identificar al militante ácrata con un criminal y lo transformó en un problema de higiene y seguridad pública. Esta situación, sumada no sólo al tenor violento que caracterizó los conflictos laborales, sino también a las noticias nada tranquilizadoras que llegaban de Europa, donde una ola de atentados sacudió la opinión pública, provocaron un pánico exagerado en los distintos ambientes sociales. La consecuencia directa fue la celebración del Centenario en medio de una oleada de huelgas, protestas y con declaración del estado de sitio.


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Reflects on problems created by the formalities applicable to leases, with reference to the exceptions to the rule that leases be made by deed and the position of tenants paying rent under a void lease. Considers possible proposals for simplifying the system, including the introduction of a single requirement that all leases be in writing, abolishing the need for a deed when assigning a tenancy and reforming the right of tenants under a short lease to oblige landlords to supply written details of the tenancy terms.


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In Theodore v Mistford Pty Ltd [2005] HCA 45, the High Court considered certain principles governing the creation of an equitable mortgage by the deposit of a title deed as first developed by the English courts of equity with respect to old system conveyancing. The decision will be of interest to Queensland practitioners as it concerned the application of these equitable principles to Torrens land regulated by the provisions of the Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) and, in particular, the operation of s 75 of the Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) which provides: (i) An equitable mortgage of a lot may be created by leaving a certificate of title with the mortgagee (ii) Subsection (1) does not affect the ways in which an equitable mortgage may be created.


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Nationally, there is much legislation regulating land sale transactions, particularly in relation to seller disclosure of information. The statutes require strict compliance by a seller failing which, in general, a buyer can terminate the contract. In a number of instances, when buyers have sought to exercise these rights, sellers have alleged that buyers have either expressly or by conduct waived their rights to rely upon these statutes. This article examines the nature of these rights in this context, whether they are capable of waiver and, if so, what words or conduct might be sufficient to amount to waiver. The analysis finds that the law is in a very unsatisfactory state, that the operation of those rules that can be identified as having relevance are unevenly applied and concludes that sellers have, in the main, been unsuccessful in defeating buyers' statutory rights as a result of an alleged waiver by those buyers.


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This article examines one of the changes implemented in the Corporations Amendment (Insolvency) Act 2007 (Cth) . It is argued that the insertion of s 444DA raises some matters that go to the nature of the insolvency process generally and the operation of Pt 5.3A in a particular. The position of employees in insolvency is a matter that is the subject of much comment from a policy perspective. This article does not cover that debate but provides some initial explanation of the need to protect employees. The second part of the article covers the particular background to the voluntary administration system as far as employee rights are concerned as well as the arguments put forward by the government to justify the change in the legislation which inserted s 444DA . It suggests that there was little evidence provided for the need to protect employee priority rights in this particular way. An alternative explanation is given for the change adopted by the government. The third part of the article suggests that the manner in which the legislation seeks to better protect employee creditors is somewhat clumsy in its operation. It raises a number of questions about how the legislation may operate and argues that given the stated aims, some alteration to it would improve its effectiveness.


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Analyses the Court of Appeal decision in Powell v Benney on whether in a claim of proprietary estoppel the expectation of a couple that they would receive two properties owned, and promised to them, by a deceased friend was out of proportion to the detriment suffered by them in looking after the friend and improving his properties for their own use. Considers: (1) the approach to be taken to the requirement of a causal link between the assurance given and the conduct constituting the detriment relied on; and (2) consensual arrangements and estoppel equity.


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Analyses the House of Lords judgment in Cobbe v Yeoman's Row Management Ltd in relation to claims by the prospective purchaser under an oral agreement for sale of a block of flats based on proprietary estoppel, a constructive trust and common law restitution brought against the owner of the property who sought to resile from the agreement after the purchaser had, at considerable expense, obtained planning permission to redevelop the property in reliance on assurances given by the owner that if permission was granted the sale would be honoured.


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Reviews case law concerning proprietary and testamentary estoppel. Examines two cases in which an elderly person made certain comments and encouraged an understanding between themselves and the claimants, that on death properties would be left to them, but where the requisite legal formalities were not undertaken. Illustrates the contrasting courts' approach, once estoppel has been established, in finding the appropriate remedy to satisfy and considers the challenges faced by the courts in differentiating between constructive trust and proprietary estoppel. [From Legal Journals Index]