830 resultados para Estill, Dennis: Diachronic change in Erzya word stress
Henkilöviittomien synty ja kehitys suomalaisessa viittomakieliyhteisössä / Päivi Rainò. - Helsinki, 2004 ; Puheesta ihminen tunnetaan : sananlaskujen funktiot sosiaalisessa vuorovaikutuksessa / Outi Lauhakangas. - Helsinki, 2004 ; Suomen tunnekausatiiviverbit ja niiden lausemaiset täydennykset / Michaela Pörn. - Helsinki, 2004 ; Diachronic change in Erzya word stress / Dennis Estill. - Helsinki, 2004
Social stressors at work (such as conflict or animosities) imply disrespect or a lack of appreciation and thus a threat to self. Stress induced by this offence to self might result, over time, in a change in body weight. The current study investigated the impact of changing working conditions--specifically social stressors, demands, and control at work--on women's change in weighted Body-Mass-Index over the course of a year. Fifty-seven women in their first year of occupational life participated at baseline and thirty-eight at follow-up. Working conditions were assessed by self-reports and observer-ratings. Body-Mass-Index at baseline and change in Body-Mass-Index one year later were regressed on self-reported social stressors as well as observed work stressors, observed job control, and their interaction. Seen individually, social stressors at work predicted Body-Mass-Index. Moreover, increase in social stressors and decrease of job control during the first year of occupational life predicted increase in Body-Mass-Index. Work redesign that reduces social stressors at work and increases job control could help to prevent obesity epidemic.
In a first experiment, a reactively sputtered amorphous Ta₄₂Si₁₃N₄₅ film about 260 nm thick deposited on a flat and smooth alumina substrate was thermally annealed in air for 30 min and let cooled again repeatedly at successively higher temperatures from 200 to 500 °C. This treatment successively and irreversibly increases the room temperature resistivity of the film monotonically from its initial value of 670 μΩ cm to a maximum of 705 μΩ cm (+5.2 %). Subsequent heat treatments at temperatures below 500 °C and up to 6 h have no further effect on the room temperature resistivity. The new value remains unchanged after 3.8 years of storage at room temperature. In a second experiment, the evolution of the initially compressive stress of a film similarly deposited by reactive sputtering on a 2-inch silicon wafer was measured by tracking the wafer curvature during similar thermal annealing cycles. A similar pattern of irreversible and reversible changes of stress was observed as for the film resistivity. Transmission electron micrographs and secondary ion mass profiles of the film taken before and after thermal annealing in air establish that both the structure and the composition of the film scarcely change during the annealing cycles. We reason that the film stress is implicated in the resistivity change. In particular, to interpret the observations, a model is proposed where the interface between the film and the substrate is mechanically unyielding.
In this paper acoustic properties of two types of reduplicative compound (full and tone sandhi reduplications) were examined to show acoustic evidence of assymetrical prominence relations (van der Hulst, 2005), in support of a hypothesis that Vietnamese reduplications are phonetically right headed and that tone sandhi is a reduction phenomenon occurring on prosodically weak positions (Shih, 2005). The results show phonetic evidence of prosodic constituency at the level of the bisyllabic word in Vietnamese.
This paper outlines a model of conceptual change in indexing languages. Findings from this modeling effort point to three ways meaning and relationships are established and then change in an indexing language. These ways: structural, terminological, and textual point to ways indexing language metadata can aid in managing conceptual change in indexing languages.
Cardiovascular responses elicited by the stimulation of kinin B2 receptors in the IV cerebral ventricle paratrigeminal nucleus or in the thoracic spinal cord are similar to those observed during an exercise bout Considering that the kalikrein-kinin system (KKS) could act on the cardiovascular modulation during behavioral responses as physical exercise or stress this study evaluated the central B2 receptor densities of Wistar (W) and spontani ously hypertensive rats (SHR) after chronic moderate exercise Animals we re exercise-trained for ten weeks on a treadmill Afterwards systolic blood pressure decreased in both trained strains Animals were killed and the medulla and spinal cord extracted for B2 receptor autoradiography Trained animals were compared to their sedentary controls Sedentary groups showed specific binding sites for Hoe-140 (fmol/mg of tissue) in laminas 1 and 2 of the spinal cord nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) area postrema (AP) spinal trigeminal tract (sp5) and paratrigeminal nucleus (Pa5) In trained W a significant increase (p<0 05) in specific binding was observed in the Pa5 (31 3%) and NTS (28 2%) Trained SHR showed a significant decrease in n ceptor density in lamina 2 (21 9%) of the thoracic spinal cord and an increase in specific binding in Pa5 (36 1%) We suggest that in the medulla chronic exercise could hyper stimulate the KKS enhancing their efficiency through the increase of B2 receptor density involving this receptor in central cardiovascular control during exercise or stress In the lamina 2 B2 receptor might be involved in the exercise-induced hypotension (C) 2010 Elsevier BV All rights reserved
Since their discovery 150 years ago, Neanderthals have been considered incapable of behavioural change and innovation. Traditional synchronic approaches to the study of Neanderthal behaviour have perpetuated this view and shaped our understanding of their lifeways and eventual extinction. In this thesis I implement an innovative diachronic approach to the analysis of Neanderthal faunal extraction, technology and symbolic behaviour as contained in the archaeological record of the critical period between 80,000 and 30,000 years BP. The thesis demonstrates patterns of change in Neanderthal behaviour which are at odds with traditional perspectives and which are consistent with an interpretation of increasing behavioural complexity over time, an idea that has been suggested but never thoroughly explored in Neanderthal archaeology. Demonstrating an increase in behavioural complexity in Neanderthals provides much needed new data with which to fuel the debate over the behavioural capacities of Neanderthals and the first appearance of Modern Human Behaviour in Europe. It supports the notion that Neanderthal populations were active agents of behavioural innovation prior to the arrival of Anatomically Modern Humans in Europe and, ultimately, that they produced an early Upper Palaeolithic cultural assemblage (the Châtelperronian) independent of modern humans. Overall, this thesis provides an initial step towards the development of a quantitative approach to measuring behavioural complexity which provides fresh insights into the cognitive and behavioural capabilities of Neanderthals.
Diachronic approaches provide potential for a more sophisticated framework within which to examine change in Neanderthal behavioural complexity using archaeological proxies such as symbolic artefacts, faunal assemblages and technology. Analysis of the temporal appearance and distribution of such artefacts and assemblages provide the basis for identifying changes in Neanderthal behavioural complexity in terms of symbolism, faunal extraction and technology respectively. Although changes in technology and faunal extraction were examined in the wider study, only the results of the symbolic study are presented below to illustrate the potential of the approach.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Molecular Biology
OBJECTIVE: Cognitive change over the course of psychodynamic psychotherapy has been postulated by several models, but has rarely been studied. Based on the adaptive skills model (Badgio, Halperin, & Barber, 1999), it is reasonable to expect that very brief dynamic psychotherapy may be associated with change in coping patterns and cognitive errors (also known as cognitive distortions) y. METHOD: N = 50 outpatients presenting with various psychiatric disorders and undergoing 4 sessions of Brief Psychodynamic Intervention (BPI; Despland, Drapeau, & de Roten, 2005; Despland, Michel, & de Roten, 2010) were included in this naturalistic study (mean age: 31 years; 56% female; all Caucasian). Cognitive errors and coping strategies were assessed using the Cognitive Errors Rating Scale (Drapeau et al., 2008) and Coping Patterns Rating Scale (Perry et al., 2005). These observer rated methods were applied to the verbatim transcriptions of all 4 therapy sessions completed by each patient. RESULTS: Results indicate change in both cognitive errors and coping patterns over the course of BPI, including an increase in the Overall Coping Functioning and a decrease in unhelpful coping processes, such as isolation, which reflects a shift in participant appraisal towards stress appraised as a challenge at the end of treatment. These changes predicted symptom change at the end of treatment. While cognitive errors also changed over the course of BPI, no predictive effect was found with regard to symptom change. CONCLUSIONS: These results are interpreted within the framework of common change principles in psychotherapy. Implications and future research are discussed.
Freshwater species worldwide are experiencing dramatic declines partly attributable to ongoing climate change. It is expected that the future effects of climate change could be particularly severe in mediterranean climate (med-) regions, which host many endemic species already under great stress from the high level of human development. In this article, we review the climate and climate-induced changes in streams of med-regions and the responses of stream biota, focusing on both observed and anticipated ecological responses. We also discuss current knowledge gaps and conservation challenges. Expected climate alterations have already been observed in the last decades, and include: increased annual average air temperatures; decreased annual average precipitation; hydrologic alterations; and an increase in frequency, intensity and duration of extreme events, such as floods, droughts and fires. Recent observations, which are concordant with forecasts built, show stream biota of med-regions when facing climate changes tend to be displaced towards higher elevations and upper latitudes, communities tend to change their composition and homogenize, while some life-history traits seem to provide biota with resilience and resistance to adapt to the new conditions (as being short-lived, small, and resistant to low streamflow and desiccation). Nevertheless, such responses may be insufficient to cope with current and future environmental changes. Accurate forecasts of biotic changes and possible adaptations are difficult to obtain in med-regions mainly because of the difficulty of distinguishing disturbances due to natural variability from the effects of climate change, particularly regarding hydrology. Long-term studies are needed to disentangle such variability and improve knowledge regarding the ecological responses and the detection of early warning signals to climate change. Investments should focus on taxa beyond fish and macroinvertebrates, and in covering the less studied regions of Chile and South Africa. Scientists, policy makers and water managers must be involved in the climate change dialogue because the freshwater conservation concerns are huge.
In the present study we determined the efficacy of the measurement of fecal cortisol and androgen metabolite concentrations to monitor adrenal and testicular activity in the jaguar (Panthera onca). Three captive male jaguars were chemically restrained and electroejaculated once or twice within a period of two months. Fecal samples were collected daily for 5 days before and 5 days after the procedure and stored at -20ºC until extraction. Variations in the concentrations of cortisol and androgen metabolites before and after the procedure were determined by solid phase cortisol and testosterone radioimmunoassay and feces dry weight was determined by drying at 37ºC for 24 h under vacuum. On four occasions, fecal cortisol metabolite levels were elevated above baseline (307.8 ± 17.5 ng/g dry feces) in the first fecal sample collected after the procedure (100 to 350% above baseline). On one occasion, we did not detect any variation. Mean (± SEM) fecal androgen concentration did not change after chemical restraint and electroejaculation (before: 131.1 ± 26.7, after: 213.7 ± 43.6 ng/g dry feces). These data show that determination of fecal cortisol and androgen metabolites can be very useful for a noninvasive assessment of animal well-being and as a complement to behavioral, physiological, and pathological studies. It can also be useful for the study of the relationship between adrenal activity and reproductive performance in the jaguar.
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