996 resultados para Espectroscopia ótica


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência das tensões sobre o processo de nitretação a plasma/ difusão do nitrogênio. Amostras do aço AISI M2 e DIN CK45 foram nitretadas apresentando diferentes condições superficiais prévias. Amostras foram nitretadas a plasma a 5000C, com a composição gasosa de 5% de nitrogênio com o balanço em hidrogênio, variando-se o tempo do processo entre 30 e 60, e ainda, 120 minutos para as amostras do aço AISI M2. Estas condições foram produzidas por jateamento controlado e polimento mecânico. Adicionalmente, buscando comparar diferenças entre as tensões mecânicas e residuais, foi utilizado um dispositivo de flexão para promover tensões de carregamento na superfície de uma parte das amostras. As técnicas de análise envolveram medidas de tensões residuais e análise de fases por difração de raios X, caracterização microestrutural por microscopia ótica, perfis de microdurezas e perfis de composição química via espectroscopia ótica de descarga incandescente. Para as amostras do aço AISI M2 não foi detectada a formação da camada de compostos em nenhuma das condições utilizadas. Para amostras do aço DIN CK45, a formação da camada de compostos não pôde ser evitada. Tensões residuais da ordem de 1000 MPa foram medidas nas amostras do aço AISI M2, sendo mais altas para amostras jateadas e polidas que para amostras apenas polidas Os ensaios realizados demonstraram que o nível de tensões do material influencia significantemente a difusão do nitrogênio na matriz. Amostras nitretadas com tensões compressivas apresentaram profundidade de camada da ordem de 45µm, enquanto amostras com tensões zero ou tensões de tração apresentaram camadas da ordem de 50µm. Amostras polidas apresentaram em geral zonas de difusão mais profundas que as amostras jateadas e polidas previamente, obtendo-se uma diferença em profundidade de camada nitretada de até 100%, como se observou nas amostras do aço AISI M2 tratadas por 120 minutos.


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This work reports the influence of the poly (ethylene terephthalate) textile and films surface modification by plasmas of O2 and mixtures (N2 + O2), on their physical and chemical properties. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchs, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, the treatment was carried out in a vacuum chamber. Some parameters remained constant during all treatment, such as: Voltage 470 V; Pressure 1,250 Mbar; Current: 0, 10 A and gas flow: 10 cm3/min, using oxygen plasma alternating the treatment time 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) which was varied only the gas composition from 0 to 100% leaving the treatment time remaining constant to all treatment (10 min). The plasma treatment was characterized in-situ with Optics Emission Spectroscopy (OES), and the samples was characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Through Capillary tests, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, scanning electronic Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The results showed that oxygen treated fabrics presented high wettability, due to the hydrophilic groups incorporation onto the surface formed through spputering of carbon atoms. For the nitrogen atmosphere, there is the a film deposition of amine groups. Treatment with small oxygen concentration in the mixture with nitrogen has a higher spputered species of the samples


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The competitiveness of the trade generated by the higher availability of products with lower quality and cost promoted a new reality of industrial production with small clearances. Track deviations at the production are not discarded, uncertainties can statistically occur. The world consumer and the Brazilian one are supported by the consumer protection code, in lawsuits against the products poor quality. An automobile is composed of various systems and thousands of constituent parts, increasing the likelihood of failure. The dynamic and security systems are critical in relation to the consequences of possible failures. The investigation of the failure gives us the possibility of learning and contributing to various improvements. Our main purpose in this work is to develop a systematic, specific methodology by investigating the root cause of the flaw occurred on an axle end of the front suspension of an automobile, and to perform comparative data analyses between the fractured part and the project information. Our research was based on a flaw generated in an automotive suspension system involved in a mechanical judicial cause, resulting in property and personal damages. In the investigations concerning the analysis of mechanical flaws, knowledge on materials engineering plays a crucial role in the process, since it enables applying techniques for characterizing materials, relating the technical attributes required from a respective part with its structure of manufacturing material, thus providing a greater scientific contribution to the work. The specific methodology developed follows its own flowchart. In the early phase, the data in the records and information on the involved ones were collected. The following laboratory analyses were performed: macrography of the fracture, micrography with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) of the initial and final fracture, phase analysis with optical microscopy, Brinell hardness and Vickers microhardness analyses, quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis, by using X-ray fluorescence and optical spectroscopy for carbon analysis, qualitative study on the state of tension was done. Field data were also collected. In the analyses data of the values resulting from the fractured stock parts and the design values were compared. After the investigation, one concluded that: the developed methodology systematized the investigation and enabled crossing data, thus minimizing diagnostic error probability, the morphology of the fracture indicates failure by the fatigue mechanism in a geometrically propitious location, a tension hub, the part was subjected to low tensions by the sectional area of the final fracture, the manufacturing material of the fractured part has low ductility, the component fractured in an earlier moment than the one recommended by the manufacturer, the percentages of C, Si, Mn and Cr of the fractured part present values which differ from the design ones, the hardness value of the superior limit of the fractured part is higher than that of the design, and there is no manufacturing uniformity between stock and fractured part. The work will contribute to optimizing the guidance of the actions in a mechanical engineering judicial expertise


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work reports the influence of the poly (ethylene terephthalate) textile and films surface modification by plasmas of O2 and mixtures (N2 + O2), on their physical and chemical properties. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchs, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, the treatment was carried out in a vacuum chamber. Some parameters remained constant during all treatment, such as: Voltage 470 V; Pressure 1,250 Mbar; Current: 0, 10 A and gas flow: 10 cm3/min, using oxygen plasma alternating the treatment time 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) which was varied only the gas composition from 0 to 100% leaving the treatment time remaining constant to all treatment (10 min). The plasma treatment was characterized in-situ with Optics Emission Spectroscopy (OES), and the samples was characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Through Capillary tests, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, scanning electronic Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The results showed that oxygen treated fabrics presented high wettability, due to the hydrophilic groups incorporation onto the surface formed through spputering of carbon atoms. For the nitrogen atmosphere, there is the a film deposition of amine groups. Treatment with small oxygen concentration in the mixture with nitrogen has a higher spputered species of the samples


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Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Horto-fruticultura e Viticultura - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Neste trabalho foi proposto o monitoramento do processo de cura e fotocura de resinas epóxi através da Espectroscopia Fotoacústica. Nos experimentos, foram utilizados dois tipos de resinas epóxi: A resina Epoxtec 331, com o endurecedor DER 24, e a resina fotocurada EBECRYL 3720-TP25, com o fotoiniciador OMNIRAD 808. Foram utilizados dois modelos de células fotoacústicas: uma baseada na técnica de diferença de fase dos dois feixes (T2F); e outra convencional. São apresentadas as montagens experimentais desenvolvidas para os monitoramentos da cura e fotocura das resinas. O estudo foi realizado monitorando o sinal fotoacústico fazendo varredura em comprimentos de onda. Também foi monitorado o sinal fotoacústico em função do tempo durante as curas e fotocuras. Foi estudado o efeito de luz saturante, não modulada, nos processos de fotocura. Tanto a amplitude quanto a fase do sinal fotoacústico revelaram-se boas ferramentas para o monitoramento proposto. Apesar de muitos dos efeitos encontrados, nos estudos realizados, ainda não terem explicação, o presente trabalho mostrou a potencialidade da espectroscopia fotoacústica para esta área de pesquisa.


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Many applications require that the plasma discharge is produced apart from the surface to be processed, thus preventing damage caused by bombardment and/or plasma radiation. In the post-discharge regime in various applications thermally sensitive materials can be used. In this work, active species produced by discharge and post-discharge hollow cathode were diagnosed by optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The discharge was produced with the gases Ar and Ar - N2 gas flow ranging from 1 to 6 cm3/min and electric current between 150 to 600 mA. It was estimated that the ion density inside the hollow cathode, with 2 mm diameter ranged between 7.71 and 14.1 x 1015 cm-3. It was observed that the gas flow and the electric current changes the emission intensity of Ar and N2 species. The major ionic species detected by quadrupole mass spectrometry were Ar+ and N2+. The ratio of optical emission intensities of N2(1 +)/Ar(811 nm) was related to the partial pressure of N2 after the hollow cathode discharge at low pressure


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Resumen: En este artículo se explica cómo a partir del método trascendental de Lonergan surge una comprensión de la ética cómo ética existencial, la cual nos invita a dejar a un lado las categorías metafísicas-abstractas y reflexionar éticamente usando categorías que surjan de los actos de nuestra conciencia. La conciencia moral se presenta distintiva en cuanto a la decisión, inclusiva en cuanto que integra los niveles del entender y del juzgar y elevada en cuanto que está abierta a la posibilidad de una integración superior, puesto que la noción trascendental de valor puede ser enriquecida intrínsecamente con la experiencia religiosa de estar enamorado de un modo irrestricto.La explicitación de los fundamentos a partir del método trascendental permite tener en cuenta la realidad del hombre como ser histórico en devenir e integra la experiencia moral y religiosa a la comprensión del actuar ético. De este modo la reflexión ética surge a partir de la historia vividaen la cual se manifiesta el hacerse a sí mismo de los sujetos y la auto-constitución de lavida moral de una comunidad o de un pueblo.


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Resumen: En este artículo, el autor expone la ética de san Clemente de Alejandría recurriendo principalmente a El Pedagogo y al Protréptico. Da especial importancia a conceptos como salvación, libre albedrío, consejo, imitación, entre otros. Después, el autor realiza una crítica buscando retomar algunas tesis que pueden mantener cierta vigencia para el planteamiento de una ética hodierna, buscando que esta última sea filosófica. Pero es importante tener presente que la ética por naturaleza recurre a la tradición, de la cual se alimenta para elaborar su reflexión filosófica. En otras palabras, la ética no parte desde el vacío, sino en el seno de una tradición, uno de cuyos representantes y constructores, en el contexto del mundo occidental, es Clemente de Alejandría.


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Los treinta y cinco años transcurridos desde el primer número de Prudentia Iuris me traen recuerdos imborrables de aquellos primeros ejemplares de tapa y contratapa color ocre, con artículos de una calidad asombrosa y que tanto me sirvieron en mi comprensión de la Filosofía del Derecho. Si bien esa era la orientación de la revista, la iusfilosofía la hacía extensiva a los distintos saberes jurídicos que buscaran su asentamiento profundo en valores y principios superiores. Por ello, al igual que en otras oportunidades en las que humildemente traté de dar mi aporte en estas páginas eminentes1, hoy sólo trataré de dar una breve visión, muy personal, del Derecho Administrativo y la ética durante los últimos treinta y cinco años. Son los años que viví en la docencia en mi querida Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (desde 1977) y en el desempeño de distintos menesteres profesionales. En especial, y dado el cariz que guía a Prudentia Iuris, trataré de insistir, al igual que en otras oportunidades, sobre las raíces nutricias del Derecho Administrativo.


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Resumen: El presente trabajo aborda la temática del análisis de nuevos fundamentos de una ética ambiental para el desarrollo sustentable. Se comienza por la discusión de las limitaciones de planteos éticos precedentes mostrando la herencia moderna y las posturas metafísicas que las fundan. Esto llevará a un análisis básico de las nociones de “hombre” y de “mundo”. Examinaremos luego la necesidad de una revaloración de la metafísica tradicional para encontrar nuevas expresiones de sus verdades, que justifique un nuevo hombre cuya concepción de sí y de su la relación entre el Ser y los seres, derive en nuevas posturas y cursos de acción más adecuados con relación al medio ambiente.


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Resumen: La fuerte crisis financiera y los hechos internacionales más recientes están atravesados por grandes cuestionamientos acerca de la relación entre la ética y la economía, y la responsabilidad que la economía de mercado pueda tener en problemas sociales y políticos más profundos. En este artículo se presentan algunas de las dimensiones del debate entre la ética y la economía que están detrás de la cuestión fundamental del rol de las responsabilidades éticas en la crisis financiera. El tema es abordado desde una perspectiva que considera que existe un fuerte vínculo entre la ética y la economía. Esta visión representa un desafío frente al punto de vista tradicional, que sostiene que debe haber una separación estricta entre la racionalidad ética y la racionalidad económica.


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Resumen: El texto realiza un análisis sobre el orden moral en su objeto material (la conducta humana) y el objeto formal (el bien o la perfección). Se detiene en la experiencia moral planteando los problemas, las dudas y las dificultades tales como la naturaleza humana, el fin natural, la libertad, las pasiones, la necesidad de indigencia y la deóntica, entre otros. Luego estudia el esquema de la estructura del orden moral en el orden moral vivido, disposicional, subjetivo, normativo y de fines. Estas dimensiones se integran a través de la causalidad final.