330 resultados para Espectrofotometria


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Testes de toxicidade crônica, analisando a inibição de crescimento algáceo após 96 horas, foram realizados a fim de conhecer a sensibilidade de Raphidocelis subcapitata (conhecida como Selenastrum capricornutum), ao sulfato de cobre (CuSO4.5H2O) e do sulfato de zinco (ZnSO4.7H2O). A inibição do crescimento algal seguiu uma tendência exponencial negativa em função do aumento de concentração das duas substâncias, sendo descrita através das seguintes equações: y = 6257208,7. e-5,581.Cu; y = 7003223,1. e- 5,452.Zn; onde y é o número de células de R. subcapitata após 96 horas de exposição a diferentes concentrações de sulfato de cobre e sulfato de zinco, respectivamente. Valores de CE(I)50 demonstraram maior sensibilidade de R. subcapitata ao sulfato de cobre (CE(I)50;96h=0,154 mg.L-1) quando comparada com sulfato de zinco (CE(I)50;96h=0,215 mg.L-1). A densidade algácea foi determinada através de contagem celular e por técnica espectrofotométrica. Foi obtida uma curva de calibração para estimativa de densidade algácea correlacionando valores de absorbância e número de células por contagem, em 684 nm. A curva foi determinada através de um modelo empírico: y = 7,2578.10-8 . x1,0219 (n=130; r2=0,9998); onde y é a medida de absorbância e x é o número de células. A análise de resíduos demonstrou que a equação pode ser utilizada até a densidades de 5.000.000 de células e valores de absorbância até 0,5.


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Este estudo avaliou as porcentagens de Transmitância direta (Td) das resinas compostas microhíbridas Charisma F, Solitaire II (Heraeus Kulzer ), Intens e Tetric Ceram (Ivoclar Vivadent) e nanoparticuladas Esthet-X (Dentsply De trey) e Filtek Supreme (3M Espe) nas cores Vita A3 (Dentina) e translúcido (Esmalte), ou seus correspondentes. Foram confeccionados três corpos-de-prova para cada material e cor, de formato quadrangular com 12x12 mm de lado e espessura de 1 mm. Após fotoativação, foram realizadas três leituras por corpo-de-prova em espectrofotômetro de UV-visível HP 8453 (Hewlett-Packard), com temperatura e umidade controladas (22±2°C/50±5%). Os ângulos de incidência e leitura em 0° / 0° foram utilizados para os comprimentos de onda de 400 a 700 nm. Os espectros obtidos foram analisados quanto ao percentual médio de Td para todo o espectro, em intervalos de 20 nm, e nos comprimentos de onda de 400, 560 e 700 nm. Através de ANOVA e teste de Tukey (p=0,01) encontrou-se que a resina composta Charisma obteve as maiores porcentagens de Td em todos os espectros, exceto para a cor Esmalte em 700 nm, que ficou abaixo da resina composta Esthet-X cor Esmalte. O teste t-Student demonstrou serem significativamente maiores os percentuais de Td para os espectros das cores Translúcido, exceto para as resinas compostas Supreme, em que não diferiram, e Charisma, com porcentagens de Td significativamente maiores para a cor Dentina. Por meio de teste não paramétrico de Friedman verificou-se que todas as resinas compostas estudadas demonstraram aumento significativo de Td com o aumento do comprimento de onda, com exceção da resina composta Solitaire, cores Dentina e Esmalte, que não demonstrou diferenças significativas nos comprimentos de onda de 560 e 700 nm.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study used the Thermogravimetry (TG) and molecular absorption spectroscopy in UV-visible region to determine the iron content in herbal medicinal ferrous sulfate used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The samples were characterized by IR, UV, TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and XRD. The thermoanalytical techniques evaluated the thermal stability and physicochemical events and showed that the excipients interfere in the decomposition of the active ingredients. The results of thermogravimetry showed that the decomposition temperature of the active principle Fe2(SO4)3 (T = 602 °C) is higher as compared to samples of tablets (566 586 °C). In the DTA and DSC curves were observed exothermic and endo events for samples of medicines and active analysis. The infrared spectra identified key functional groups exist in all samples of active ingredients, excipients and compressed studied, such as symmetric and asymmetric stretching of OH, CH, S=O. The analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that all samples had crystallinity and the final residue showed peaks indicating the presence of silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide and talc that are excipients contained in pharmaceutical formulations in addition to iron oxide. The results obtained by TG to determine the iron content of the studied drugs showed a variance when compared with those obtained by theoretical and UV-visible, probably due to formation of a mixture of Fe2O3 and Fe2(SO4)3. In one tablet was obtained FE content of 15.7 % and 20.6 % for TG by UV-visible, the sample EF 2 was obtained as a percentage of 15.4 % and 21.0 % for TG by UV-visible . In the third SF samples were obtained a content of 16.1 % and 25.5 % in TG by UV-visible, and SF 4 in the percentage of TG was 16.7 % and 14.3 % UV-visible


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Propõe-se metodologia analítica para a determinação da demanda química de oxigênio(DQO) em águas e efluentes pouco poluídos, pela espectrofotometria simultânea dos íons crômio(III) e dicromato, após a clássica oxidação sulfocrômica das amostras, à quente e catalisada por íons Ag+. Demonstra-se que a inter-relação entre as concentrações de DQO, de crômio(III) formado e de dicromato residual permite simplificar a resolução numérica do sistema - de multicomponente, envolvendo as concentrações desses dois íons, e medidas de absorbância em pelo menos dois comprimentos de onda para monocomponente, envolvendo diretamente a concentração em DQO, e medida de absorbância num único comprimento de onda.


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The aim of the present work was to develop and optimize a method for determination of bioavailable phosphorus in samples of feces and fish feed using ultrasound extraction and subsequent quantification by visible spectrophotometry. Using as extractor solution HNO(3) 0.50 mol L(-1), the great conditions of extraction established were: sample mass - 100 mg, samples granulometry - < 60 mu m, sonification time - five cycles of 40 s and ultrasound potency - 136 W. The proposed method was applied in studies of digestibility of this nutrient in different feeds used in diets of juvenile of Nile tilapia.


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Os autores estudaram o comportamento cromatográfico de preparações farmacêuticas comerciais contendo o íon Fe (II). Utilizando celulose microcristalina/Propanol: ácido clorídrico 4 N: ácido acético concentrado: ácido nítrico concentrado: clorofórmio (40: 5: 5: 10: 10), como sistema cromatográfico e alizarina como reagente de detecção, Fe (II), Mn (II), Mg (II), Cu (II), Zn (II) e Ca (II) foram separados e identificados pela Cromatografia Planar. O Fe (II) foi determinado pela reação com a ortofenantrolina, resultando em solução adequada para quantificação colorimétrica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The interference practised by the products in degradation of paracetemol when there is the application of spectrophotometry UV is the main obstruction to the execution of studies of thermic stability. The application of chromatography in slender layer to the isolation of paracetamol, besides being the excessively hard to apply was satisfactory to the desired proposal. The type and extension of degradation suffered by paracetamol in solution suggest the convenient inclusion, in the formulations, of one system antioxidant. This practice makes possible the blockage of the oxidation of p-aminophenol, produced by the hydrolytic degradation of paracetamol; this fact propitiated the diminution of the number of products of degradation in the medicine, making the use more secure. On the other hand, considering especially the methodological necessities of the present work, the presence of one antioxidant system facilitated the separation of paracetamol through the Thin Layer Chromatography and consequently optimized its quantification by Spectrophotometry UV during the study of thermic stability. The formulation proposed revealed excellent stability.


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A rapid, sensitive and reliable thin-layer chromatography/spectrophotometry screening procedure was developed for quantitative determination of diuretics associated in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The chromatographic method employed microcrystalline cellulose and butanol : acetic acid : water (4:1:1) or amilic alcohol : ammonium hydroxide 25% (9:1) as mobile phases and detection by U.V. light. The drugs were extracted using a simple procedure and were quantified by U.V. spectrophotometry. Results varied from 97.5 to 102.5% and are similar to those obtained by conventional methods. This method of quantification of diuretics is promising for quality control of drugs.


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We describe the design and tests of a set-up mounted in a conventional double beam spectrophotometer, which allows the determination of optical density of samples confined in a long liquid core waveguide (LCW) capillary. Very long optical path length can be achieved with capillary cell, allowing measurements of samples with very low optical densities. The device uses a custom optical concentrator optically coupled to LCW (TEFLON® AF). Optical density measurements, carried out using a LCW of ̃ 45 cm, were in accordance with the Beer-Lambert Law. Thus, it was possible to analyze quantitatively samples at concentrations 45 fold lower than that regularly used in Spectrophotometric measurements.


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Triamcinolone (TRI), a drug widely used in the treatment of ocular inflammatory diseases, is practically insoluble in water, which limits its use in eye drops. Cyclodextrins (CDs) have been used to increase the solubility or dissolution rate of drugs. The purpose of the present study was to validate a UV-Vis spectrophotometric method for quantitative analysis of TRI in inclusion complexes with beta-cyclodextrin (B-CD) associated with triethanolamine (TEA) (ternary complex). The proposed analytical method was validated with respect to the parameters established by the Brazilian regulatory National Agency of Sanitary Monitoring (ANVISA). The analytical measurements of absorbance were made at 242nm, at room temperature, in a 1-cm path-length cuvette. The precision and accuracy studies were performed at five concentration levels (4, 8, 12, 18 and 20μg.mL -1). The B-CD associated with TEA did not provoke any alteration in the photochemical behavior of TRI. The results for the measured analytical parameters showed the success of the method. The standard curve was linear (r2 > 0.999) in the concentration range from 2 to 24 μg.mL -1. The method achieved good precision levels in the inter-day (relative standard deviation-RSD <3.4%) and reproducibility (RSD <3.8%) tests. The accuracy was about 80% and the pH changes introduced in the robustness study did not reveal any relevant interference at any of the studied concentrations. The experimental results demonstrate a simple, rapid and affordable UV-Vis spectrophotometric method that could be applied to the quantitation of TRI in this ternary complex.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)