998 resultados para Escolas - Rio Claro (SP)


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A Política Educacional de Inclusão constituiu-se no objeto de investigação, tendo como recorte histórico os marcos legais e as ações desencadeadas pelo poder público, que visavam garantir aos portadores de necessidades especais o direito constitucional à educação, a partir dos anos 1990. A Constituição Federal de 1988 assevera o atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência, preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino (art. 208, III) e, posteriormente, a LDBEN 9.394/96, por meio do art. 3o, inciso I e do art. 4 o inciso III e do CAPÍTULO V Da Educação Especial (com três artigos) ratificou e disciplinou os dispositivos constitucionais. Além desses documentos basilares, foram editadas outras medidas legais com o objetivo de disciplinar a questão, além de programas e ações propostas pela Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização, Diversidade e Inclusão (SECADI), que substituiu, a partir de 2004, a Secretaria de Educação Especial (SEESP). Os sistemas de ensino, em âmbito estadual e municipal, também procuraram disciplinar a questão da inclusão na rede regular de ensino dos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais. Partindo dessa constatação inicial, uma questão passou a nortear o trabalho: quais as medidas, ações e programas desencadeados pelo poder público municipal para o cumprimento dos preceitos expressos na CF/88, na LDBEN 9.394/96 e na legislação correlata? O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar as atuais políticas públicas de inclusão dos alunos com necessidades especiais na rede regular de ensino, verificando junto ao sistema municipal de educação de Rio Claro/SP quais medidas, ações e programas que foram desencadeados a partir da década de 1990. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, realizada por meio de revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevista semiestruturada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Nowadays, meditation had become larger than the mystic’s scope, entering the academy through the scientific interest in this topic. Results documented for so many centuries or the experienced monks that practice meditation for a long time are the aims for researches that want, ultimately, establish the real effects of such techniques upon the human body. Research has gone far, and many effects can be evaluated using more precise methods, specially in the medical field and neuroscience, which had greatly backed up new discoveries about the correlation between the mind, emotions, thoughts and the body, making so that mediation can walk the therapeutic ways and complementary health with more certainty and reliable results, as it is happening with acupuncture and yoga. Facing a promising scenario in the correlation between meditation and life’s quality, well being sensation and happiness, there is the possibility of using it in schools, since because of the difficulties and present challenges, those factors are not commonly associated with the acts of teaching and learning, and acupuncture and Yoga have more restrictions because of their own limitations of time and space necessary for their wide application. Therefore, the current study focused on contextualizing the meditation’s fundaments in the scientific perspective, and apply it, even if qualitatively, in two schools of Rio Claro municipality, researching 57 students from Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Therefore, it was chosen only one meditation tecnique to be applied on the treatment group. As for the control group, it perfomed normal breathing, i.e., without tecniques. The differences were then analyzed through the filmings of all the sessions of the meetings, counting the number of movements and the agitation among the students for the two groups. Another method of analysis was forms filled by both groups and the presence in a meeting at UnespRio Claro. At the end,...


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Cerca de um terço do total de doenças em adultos estão associadas a condições ou comportamentos que começaram na juventude. No Brasil, a porcentagem de Inatividade Física (IF) nos adolescentes varia entre 29% a 94%, que é um dado alarmante, pois esses adolescentes provavelmente serão adultos inativos fisicamente e com um risco maior de adquirirem uma doença de agravo não transmissível. Desse modo, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à IF em escolares do Ensino Médio do município de Rio Claro- SP. Estudo do tipo transversal, de base populacional, realizado no primeiro semestre letivo de 2009 contou com a participação de 467 alunos (213 homens e 254 mulheres) das escolas particulares e estaduais do Ensino Médio do município de Rio Claro-SP. Para avaliar o de nível de Atividade Física (AF) dos adolescentes foi utilizado o Physical Activity Questionnarie-Children (PAQ-C). Foi aferido a circunferência de abdômen e calculado o Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC). Os pais responderam um questionário para avaliar o nível de AF através do International Physical Activity Questionnarie (IPAQ) e o nível socioeconômico. Para verificar a associação entre as variáveis (sexo, nível socioeconômico, IMC e circunferência de abdômen) com o nível de AF dos adolescentes foi realizado a Regressão Logística e para verificar a associação entre o nível de AF dos adolescentes e dos pais foi realizado o Teste Qui-Quadrado. A prevalência de IF dos adolescentes foi de aproximadamente 83% e, dentre as variáveis analisadas, apenas sexo mostrou-se significante (p=0,00), sendo o sexo feminino com maior chance de IF.


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This study was conducted in partnership with the Extension Project in Education Environmentally Semente Viva and it is an assessment of the environmental education methodology applied by the Group in 2014, at the Municipal School Sylvio de Araújo, in Rio Claro- SP. The implemented methodology was named Programa Eco Escolas- Semente Viva and it was based on the use of certain bases of the Eco-Schools program, created by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education), with some adjustments in accordance with the goals of the Group. The study followed the participatory research method, and the data collection gave up through participant observation, literature and documentary. The chapters present the description and analysis of the events that represent the implementation process of the Programa Eco Escolas- Semente Viva. The meetings with the community and environmental education activities with children from 1st to 4th year are described in detail, and is given regarding the analysis of situations, from the point of view of one of the members of the Semente Viva Group


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta pesquisa se propôs a estudar o projeto de vida construído por alunos de duas escolas da cidade de Rio Claro-SP, considerando o Capital Social que estes alunos possuem a partir de suas realidades socioeconômicas e a importância que dão à escola quando pensam no futuro. Devido a rapidez exigida pela sociedade atual no que diz respeito as mudanças e aperfeiçoamento dos indivíduos pode-se notar um aumento na dificuldade dos jovens perante as escolhas necessárias para pensarem a vida futura, tanto no que se refere a área profissional, quanto as outras questões como sair de casa, formação da família etc. Assim é importante clarear qual a influência que o capital social destes jovens exerce sobre o projeto de vida que desejam construir. E também como este capital é capaz de fazer com que os alunos considerem a escola importante ou não para contribuir na construção do projeto de vida


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This work discusses the analysis of microartifacts as a means to study the process of sculpturing of slopes actants of slopes actants of sculpturing in the archaeological site Lagoa do Camargo. Microartifacts have specific characteristics of transportation and deposition, that helps identifying shaping and sculpturing processes of slopes. The methogology used for analysis of microartifacts is based in Dunnel and Stein's theory (1989) that defines microartifacts as artifacts with reduced size - between 2mm and 0,25mm. According to the authors, an artifact is any object that presents attributes consequent of human activity, in other words, artificial. Also is used the protocol of Vance (1989), that proposed the analysis only the fraction between 0,5mm and 0,250 mm. For disclosure and preservation of archaeological patrimony in the city of Rio Claro, is intended development activities with schools of municipal education system, abour the subject Patrimonial Education, with the methodology adopted by the Institute for National Artistic and Historical Patrimony (IPHAN). Demonstrate and emphasize the importance of cultural patrimony within the local community provides the (re) cognition of these areas as conservation areas, which can be incorporated by this population as areas of collective interest


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Regular physical activity can prevent and treat various diseases and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, the prevalence of physical inactivity among adolescents in Rio Claro is 83%. Thus, it is necessary to encourage physical atividade through the community, especially parents and schools. The objective was to investigate the influence of two types of gym class in functional abilities in high school students in the city of Rio Claro-SP. Methodology: The study included 20 students from high school, 8 boys and 12 girls. The study took place in two high school halls of a public school in the city of Rio Claro. With the collaboration and participation in only 10 students in each room search reviews of all students occurred in mid-July in the year 2012 with the completion of the battery of tests and application of PAQ-C questionnaire at the beginning of classes of and after three months. All students were subjected to the test battery Eurofit. To compare the values of physical fitness for each type of class was held factorial ANOVA for repeated measures using SPSS and the level of physical activity was performed the Wilcoxon test. To compare the delta values (post-test-time time pre test every physical fitness) we performed the t test for all analyzes was adopted p <0.05 Classes G1 followed the schedule proposed by the state 's Notebook, where he worked subjects as body and beauty and its relationship with the media today, prevailing more conceptual classes than procedural . Unlike what has been developed with the G2 who had classes were focused on physical fitness and physical conditioning to increase the level of physical activity inside and outside the school environment . Result :The results from the data collected in this study indicate that physical fitness is not worked continuously or expressive within the Physical Education classes of high school to the population...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aimed a better understanding of the annual cycle of Cyphocarax modestus in the reservoir of water captation of Ribeirao Claro stream. The growth parameters were estimated through the analysis of length distribution and the relationships among time of smaller growth, alimentary activity, fat accumulation and reproductive period were considered. Besides, the instantaneous rate of natural mortality was calculated. Monthly samplings were accomplished in the Ribeirao Claro stream, in the reservoir of water captation of Rio Claro city. For that, 50 m of wait net was used, with meshes of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 cm measured between adjacent knots. The ELEFAN I program was used to estimate the growth parameters, and its application was done using the FISAT program. It was also used the seasonal version of von Bertalanffy's growth curve. It was considered that the reproduction of C. modestus is annual and concentrated from December to February, allowing the identification of different modas in the distributions, an essential condition for the conduction of that analysis type. The estimated parameters were: K = 0.34/year, L [infinity] = 15.40 cm, C = 0.2, Wp = 0.6 and M = 0.949/year, with the identification of four cohorts. The physiologic sequence in the annual cycle of the specie could be noted when data of accumulated fat in the visceral cavity, alimentary activity, reproduction time and time of smaller growth were analyzed together. It was noted that with the beginning of the maturation of gonads, the energy resources stopped being invested in the growth and passed to be used for reproduction.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)