985 resultados para Escola ativa


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O Programa Escola Ativa (PEA) foi implementado no Brasil a partir de 1997 no marco de um convênio com o Banco Mundial, com o objetivo de melhorar o rendimento de alunos de classes multisseriadas rurais. O PEA tem seu foco na formação de professores e na melhoria da infra-estrutura das escolas, e propõe amplas mudanças na organização do trabalho docente, constituindo-se na único programa voltado especificamente para as classes multisseriadas no Brasil. Seu histórico é marcado pela coexistência com movimentos sociais que sintetizam e defendem novos princípios para a educação do meio rural alinhados com os seus próprios interesses e configurando-os em um novo conceito: Educação do Campo. Estes princípios devieram em 2002 em Referências para uma política nacional de educação do campo e passaram a orientar, em tese, a reformulação e redirecionamento do PEA. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as mudanças no trabalho docente a partir da introdução do Programa Escola Ativa nas escolas multisseriadas rurais. Três frentes de análise foram abertas: uma análise macro, relativa ao contexto histórico da formulação do Programa e início de sua implantação no Brasil; uma análise meso, relativa aos processos de apropriação e resistência de diferentes grupos de interesse; e uma análise micro, relativa às mudanças no trabalho docente no campo a partir da implementação do Programa, considerando os sentidos que adquire o mesmo para o professor, a partir das novas prescrições e condições engendradas. Ao reconstituir o percurso do PEA, da origem à universalização, buscou-se identificar o papel do professor que atua nas escolas aderentes ao PEA e o papel dos movimentos sociais, ao proporem uma política nacional de educação do campo. Inicialmente, realizou-se uma análise macro dos contextos do desenvolvimento e da implementação do PEA, por meio de revisão da literatura. Observou-se uma retórica modernizadora e uma racionalidade tecnocrática que impunha-se de cima para baixo orientando as políticas, em matéria de autonomia e profissionalização dos docentes. No nível meso, por meio de entrevistas, pesquisa participante e análise documental buscou-se mapear pontos convergentes e divergentes na interlocução da coordenação do PEA com os movimentos sociais que discutem a educação do campo no Brasil. Detectou-se um considerável acúmulo de informações construídas de maneira coletiva e utilizadas pelo movimento crítico de maneira isolada dos articuladores das políticas públicas. No nível micro, foram utilizadas técnicas em que o grupo foi meio e estratégia de abordagem das trabalhadoras e de análise reflexiva dos conteúdos evocados. As técnicas foram utilizadas durante um seminário, com a participação de todas as professoras das Escolas Ativas de um município de Goiás. Observou-se que, da perspectiva das professoras, houve melhora das condições materiais para o exercício da profissão docente a partir do PEA. Contudo, esta foi insuficiente para garantir condições adequadas para todos os professores e alunos e uma ampliação da autonomia do professor, que está condicionada a uma intensificação do trabalho e extensão da jornada. Observou-se ainda o caráter vertical da relação com a coordenadora municipal do Programa. Conclui-se que o Programa Escola Ativa possui um traço de verticalismo forte no modo como é implementado, nas esferas macro, meso e micro, que abarca todo o processo de formulação, implantação, avaliação e universalização e reflete na sua dificuldade de incorporar produções críticas e análises coletivas para além do nível do discurso


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O presente estudo tem como objeto a prática pedagógica na mediação dos Cadernos de Ensino e Aprendizagem da área de Ciências Naturais nas classes multisseriadas, partindo do conceito de inovação pedagógica. Simultaneamente, elabora uma discussão densa acerca do ensinar/aprender ciências; dos Cadernos de Ensino e Aprendizagem; das classes multisseriadas e enfatiza a possibilidade de inter-relação com a inovação pedagógica, ao mesmo tempo em que reflete, explicita e analisa uma experiência pedagógica na qual a educadora compreende o sentido social da sua prática e se institui como organizadora de situações educativas, o que contribui para ratificar o caráter inovador do ensinar/aprender ciências numa classe multisseriada a partir do uso dos cadernos. Para investigar a mediação no uso dos cadernos da área de ciências, optámos pela pesquisa qualitativa, inspirando-nos na etnografia e seus dispositivos de investigação. Durante seis meses, vivenciamos o cotidiano da prática pedagógica da Escola Municipal Leovigildo Ribeiro dos Santos, localizada na zona rural do município de Feira de Santana-Bahia. Para investigar o objeto de pesquisa, utilizámos, dentre outros recursos metodológicos, a entrevista, a observação participante e a filmagem. A pesquisa realizada consubstancia-se numa experiência ímpar ao considerarmos que as mudanças implementadas na prática, de forma intencional e planejada, no sentido de romper com os mecanismos apresentados pelos cadernos apresentam uma nova possibilidade de ensinar/aprender ciências nas classes multisseriadas.


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Esta pesquisa apresenta os resultados do estudo sobre a prática pedagógica em uma classe multisseriada do programa escola ativa. A mesma tem como objetivo identificar a existência de práticas pedagógicas inovadoras na sala de aula do referido programa. Trata-se de um estudo de caso etnográfico, de abordagem qualitativa, o qual nos possibilitou a análise da realidade concreta, por meio da análise da documentação, observação do cotidiano da sala de aula e entrevistas. As relações que ocorreram no âmbito da escola, a análise dos fatos ocorridos e do discurso dos sujeitos se constituiu de grande importância para esta pesquisa. O campo de observação da pesquisa e coleta dos dados aconteceu na Escola Municipal Ernesto Geisel na Agrovila da Barragem no município de Lagoa do Carro, em Pernambuco. Participaram deste estudo, uma classe multisseriada do programa escola ativa composta por dezessete estudantes e uma professora. As aulas aconteciam à tarde. Os alunos cursavam o 4º e 5º ano do ensino fundamental da educação básica. Utilizaram-se, como procedimentos para coleta dos dados para o registro da prática pedagógica, relatórios e anotações em diários. Por se constituir uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, no decorrer do trabalho de campo, foi possível e necessária à flexibilização, alterações e ajustes (no decorrer do processo), haja vista a necessidade de alcançar os objetivos pretendidos. O estudo sinalizou para a necessidade de novas reflexões sobre a inovação nas práticas pedagógicas do programa escola ativa e educação do campo, pois se concluiu que, diferentemente daquilo que é descrito nos documentos oficiais, ela não está ocorrendo na prática, sendo necessária a ruptura com o sistema arcaico e tradicional de ensino e aprendizagem.


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This work aims at developing an evaluation of the implementation of the Program Escola Ativa as a public policy for rural schools with combined grade classrooms in Jardim do Seridó RN (1998 2009) focusing on the following dimensions: school s physical environment, training, follow up, and didactic usage of the methodology. In order to develop this research we refer to the literature that analyzes the cycle of policies (FREY, 2000). In this approach, evaluation represents an important step in the process of analyzing the implementation of public policies, as a way of measuring up their performance, as well as a guide for realignments and redefinitions (PRESSMAN; WILDAVSKY, 1998). In order to accomplish this function, the evaluator of policies must be acquainted with scientific concepts and methods that consist of describing, interpreting and analyzing the policies in the governmental sphere (MENY; THOENIG, 1992; LIMA JÚNIOR, 1978). In this perspective, we intend to investigate whether in its proposition of minimizing the blanks in the Brazilian educational system, the implementation of the Program would be contributing to the improvement of the political-pedagogical practices in the rural schools with combined grade classrooms in Jardim do Seridó RN. In order to do this research, we have developed a theoretical-methodological matrix made of analysis dimensions, variables, indicators and instruments, such as literary revision, documental analysis, semi-structured interviews with four teachers and three supervisors that work and/or have worked in Escola Ativa in that town in the period comprised among 1998 2009, besides notes taken from field observation and photographs from four rural schools with combined grade classrooms. With this research we have identified that the Program, at a national level, has gone through different phases in its implementation process, for the town was not ready to fully take the responsibilities of the autonomous expansion, in 2002. From that period on, the execution of Escola Ativa has suffered several discontinuities, such as the lack of professional training and supervising. It is also noted that the methodology contributes to the dynamization of the didactic-pedagogical activities and promotes the cooperation and autonomy of the students in the organization and the applicability of the components of the curriculum, especially of Governo Estudantil and Cantinhos de Aprendizagem. Although the directions of the Program (BRASIL, 2005) point out that Escola Ativa has among its principles social transformation, we identified that, isolated, the initiative is not capable of promoting the changes that the rural schools need, namely investments in the physical, material, pedagogical and technological infra-structure, besides the estimation and a career plan for the teachers. In a general draft of the results of this research, we realized that some aspects presented about the peculiarities of Escola Ativa in Jardim do Seridó as a governmental Program, reinforce the need for the public policies to be evaluated, in order to confront critic and operationally the planning with the practice, revising action, whenever necessary


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The issue of multi-classes in schools from the field and methodology for these classes is controversial and contentious, both in terms of teaching, monitoring and organizational, is the perspective of values, training and systematization of public policy. Why the strategy Methodological Active School facing those classes appeared as a significant and exciting topic of research. Thus, it was aimed to apprehend the social representations of active school by teachers (s) to understand the extent to which these representations influence the acceptance and use of the program strategies. Perceiving and analyzing also the various factors related to the management, monitoring and training needs of (the) teachers as alternatives to make this meaningful action. The study focused 112 teachers (s), which for over a year, worked in the program in six municipalities in the micro-region of Rio Grande do Norte / RN - Areia Branca, Baraúna, Grossos, Mossoró, Serra do Mel and Tibau. From this perspective relied on Social Representation Theory and the Theory of the Central Core, attending to the subjectivity of the object searched, inserted in the psychosocial field of knowledge, we opted for multi-methodological approach, using quantitative and qualitative techniques. However, the highlight was a projective technique Free Association of Words from the term Active School is .... The words were systematized by EVOC program, and also applied semi-structured interviews, focusing specific issues that led to trace the socio-demographic profile of (the) participants and wider issues about the object of study. The evocations, justifications and interviews provided the basis for the analysis of the content that followed the steps: formation of the corpus, the composition of the analysis and categorization. The results show the representations an attitude of acceptance and positive appraisal of the participants to the Active School Program. At the core, these representations are objectified around the words "action", "learning", "autonomy" and "interaction". Based on the premise that the representations have a duty to guide the practices and behavior, one can see that the positive attitude of the group favors a systematic methodology and acceptance of the program, but we must look at the changes in management, training, monitoring of (the) teachers (s) and support to schools.


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a concepção de currículo adotada pelo Projeto Escola Ativa, implantado pelo governo brasileiro, nas classes multisseriadas. O estudo foi realizado por meio de pesquisa documental, constituída por fontes primárias e secundárias, as quais foram exploradas no contexto da pesquisa. O corpus de análise foi organizado seguindo critérios da análise de conteúdo.Assim, definimos como eixos temáticos de análise: educação do campo e currículo da escola ativa. Nesta produção, fizemos uma incursão nas prescrições curriculares para a educação do campo no Brasil a partir dos documentos oficiais. Apresentamos também o processo de implantação e implementação do Projeto Escola Ativa no Pará, destacando as fases de desenvolvimento do mesmo. Constatamos que a concepção de currículo e os princípios curriculares presentes no guia de formação de professores tem como base a Pedagogia Nova, em particular, as ideias de Dewey, como: a centralidade da criança no processo educativo e a valorização do “saber fazer” no âmbito da aprendizagem infantil. Porém, a concepção de organização curricular e os conteúdos de ensino apresentados nos guias de aprendizagem de Português, Matemática, Ciências e Estudos Sociais são concebidos de acordo com a perspectiva tradicional de educação. Destacamos que o Projeto Escola Ativa contrapõe-se às Diretrizes Operacionais de Educação do Campo e, por fim, identificamos que a opção por essa concepção de currículo demonstra o compromisso com a manutenção da estrutura socioeconômica vigente no campo.


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Uno de los principales desafíos colocados a la educación del medio rural está relacionado a la enseñanza de las escuelas rurales con salas multifacéticas. Estas comprehenden alumnos de diferentes comunidades, series, edades, aprendizaje y niveles de conocimientos. Son cursos heterogéneos, que tienen como característica central la diversidad. En muchas regiones rurales de Brasil, la educación escolar es organizada en cursos multifacéticos debido a las grandes distancias entre las comunidades y el bajo número de alumnos en cada serie/año. Es común encontrar a los que están en fase de alfabetización estudiando con quien ya sabe leer y escribir - y todos sobre la orientación de apenas una profesora, que necesita enseñar a partir del contexto y la cultura local. El punto principal a ser tratado en este estudio está relacionado a las prácticas ejercidas en la acción educativa de las profesoras que actúan en escuelas rurales con salas multifacéticas de la región del Seridó do Rio Grande do Norte, precisamente en los municipios de Caicó, Jardim do Seridó y Ouro Branco. Creemos que este es uno de los puntos centrales en la discusión sobre la organización de la educación en el medio rural con fuertes implicaciones para el atendimiento cualificado de la población en condiciones de escolaridad de ese medio. Las contribuciones de Werthein y Bordenave, Calazans, Paiva, Ramalho, Therrien y Damasceno, Leite, Passador, Molina, Arroyo, Nascimento, Hage, además de documentos oficiales del MEC, como cuadernos SECAD, Ley de Directrices y Bases de la Educación Nacional, Directrices Operacionales para la Implantación de la Enseñanza Básica de 9 (nove) años, Proyecto Base del Programa Escuela Activa, entre otros, fundamentaron el análisis sobre la escuela rural y el desafío de la docencia en salas multifacéticas en el contexto del Seridó norteriograndense. El estudio envolvió 24 (veinticuatro) profesoras y 06 (seis) profesionales de la educación que desempeñan sus funciones en los Centros Municipales de Enseñanza Rural (CMER). Los instrumentos de investigación empleados fueron cuestionarios y observaciones aplicados para responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo se estructura la escuela rural con salas multifacéticas? ¿Cómo las profesoras se posicionan sobre su trabajo en salas multifacéticas esto es, como las concibe en el contexto de la educación rural del Seridó? ¿Qué opinan sobre la formación recibida para actuar en salas multifacéticas? Las profesoras y los/las profesionales de los CMER poseen en general formación superior en pedagogía, sin embargo, presentan limitaciones delante de las situaciones surgidas en el día a día de la sala de clases. El estudio revela que son las deficiencias de las políticas sociales y educacionales de formación docente, el bajo apoyo didáctico-pedagógico, reforzadas por la ausencia de un plano de carrera que dignifique el trabajo docente en ese medio, que generan limitaciones en el desarrollo profesional del magisterio rural, claramente junto a los docentes que actúan en salas multifacéticas en los municipios investigados


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The initial teacher training can be enhanced with the participation of undergraduates in specific programs aimed at the relationship between the university and the primary education system, such as Pibid and Education Center, promising initiatives that aim to strengthen the transition from student paper the teacher. Given the importance of such programs, we analyzed in this study the impacts of the partnership between university and public school in initial teacher training of undergraduates and graduates of UNESP in Bauru, specifically in the Faculty of Education. The programs selected as objects of study of this research to draw together teaching, research and extension to enhance the link between licensing and school environment promoting the experience of concrete situations of teaching even during training, are seeking to consolidate a horizontal relationship between university and public school to both involved understand and contribute in some way to solve the dilemmas faced by the education system. In addition to identifying the similarities and singularities between programs and analyze the contributions of those in initial formation, we attempted to verify what challenges and solutions were experienced by students during the participation in the projects. In general, it can be said that participation in programs such as Pibid and Education Center are key to improving the quality of initial teacher training


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Athletics in most of its history, turned to competition, giving it little pedagogical knowledge, prevailing knowledge grounded in records, indexes and competitions. Thus, although it is considered a classic content of Physical Education, this modality is still not widespread in schools. The present study aimed to investigate possible progress in the teaching and learning of athletics in the State Schools of Bauru from the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for Teaching Physical Education. We attempted to checking the perspective of teachers and students, the changes in teaching and learning as well as difficulties encountered from the deployment. To that end, we conducted survey of the theoretical and practical alternatives developed by Physical Education teachers, about athletics theme, since the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for the Teaching of Physical Education in 2008, in seven (7) state schools in Bauru-Sao Paulo, randomly chosen, prioritizing different regions of the county. There was the purpose of investigating, through questionnaires, interviews (applied to teachers and students), what progress has been achieved with regard to the approach of collegiate athletics in the teaching/learning process, if there are difficulties, what are these and how they could be addressed in order to improve teaching and learning in school athletics. The collected data were analyzed comparatively, before and after implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for Physical Education, gathering and specifying negative and/or positive aspects raised by teachers and students. It was concluded that the students' knowledge of the sport has increased, but the practice of sport is still far from being normal to them, doing so is necessary to include content from the earliest school years. Teachers attribute the greatest difficulties to lack of infrastructure and materials suitable for this...


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The Waldorf pedagogy, based on anthroposophy, was designed by Rudolf Steiner in Germany. The first school was founded in 1919. The main objective of this proposal is human development. From the literature survey, this paper presents concepts and principles of Waldorf education, as well as its history, motivations and characteristics, aiming to increase the understanding of this Pedagogy and describing its foundations. The literature search was performed using books and data. While result of bases, from the study of the theo retical concepts, it was possible to describe the fundamentals, present concepts and principles, in addition to expanding the understanding of the Waldorf pedagogy. Starting from the Waldorf context, were also exposed the principle sofearly childhood education


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In order to ensure the teaching and learning process of written and spoken language, the state government of São Paulo established as the official curriculum Read and Write Program (2007) and EMAI (2012). In municipal elementary schools in Bauru SP, since 2013, went into action the Common curriculum, targeting a unified curriculum. The curriculum has a wide range of definitions, which vary according to the conception of the authors, as well as its practice can occur of different ways resulting from the worldview and teacher's work. So, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between the curriculum of state and municipal schools in Bauru regarding its articulation with the use of technology in the early years of elementary school, opposing proposal curriculum and teaching practice. For this, was necessary check the view of teachers on this process, because they are responsible for putting the curriculum in action and link it with the use of technology. Several authors report that the use of technology in education to provide qualitative advances in school learning, thereby we asked whether there is a joint in the daily life of state and municipal schools, through the existing curriculum. To answer these and other questions in this work, we realized a qualitative empirical research base that used as an instrument of data collection: literature review, documentary, interview and questionnaire with nine teachers from public schools in the city Bauru, on which we identified that there curricular flexibility to articulate the use of technologies. However, there are also many challenges and opportunities related to public policies and training of teachers to cope with the demands of the digital age


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This work was to study how the playful approach occurs in schools in the cycle of Fundamental Education. Know childhood representations from the rise till the present, the importance of playfulness in the formation and development of the child, also investigated the role of schools in the contribution to the process of human development, in view of the process through which pass the grown up most children of the age group studied. The methodology consisted of bibliographical and documentary research on related topics and field research with participant observation with children six years old in the first year of elementary school and conducting semi-structured interviews with teachers of a public school in the city of Bauru. Also analyzes the concepts of teachers on the playful using semi-open interview as the initial resource. We found that 40% of participants are unaware of such term and work with the playful from time to time in the classroom. The introduction of recreational activities in school had a satisfactory repercussion with the entry of other classes in the course of project development. Students were involved, participated in the whole process. However for the playful become effective in school, there must be enough basic training and also continuous education to teachers to break with paradigms crystallized in their teaching practices. Also and above all that, public policies have to consider the children and the children before they become adults as beings with their own identity


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The playful objects challenge and support the child to the playful action. These actions leverage the use of imagination and fantasy, necessary skills throughout our life. These objects are ways to create situations and play day by day. Games and toys are also augmenting resources of learning processes in various areas of knowledge. However, this process does not occur spontaneously, there is a need of scientific knowledge for selection and use of these resources in educational formal processes, especially in schools. The objective of this study was to identify, classify and analyze the play material performance of a primary school of the Municipal System of Education from Bauru-SP. To attain the goal, became a literature review in indexed data bases and printed materials. Subsequently, based on the theoretical references, tools for collection and analysis of data were developed, enabling the triangulation of data collected and analyzed for the closest to the reality studied. The instruments for collecting and analyzing data: a) survey and identification of playful collection based on COL (KOBAYSHI, 2009), b) questionnaire with school teachers and c) field observations. The survey results and the triangulation of sources allowed better characterization of the collection available at the school and their uses as resources and education and recreation procedures