913 resultados para Error-correcting codes (Information theory)


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"August 9, 1954"


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Recently, Ebrahimi and Fragouli proposed an algorithm to construct scalar network codes using small fields (and vector network codes of small lengths) satisfying multicast constraints in a given single-source, acyclic network. The contribution of this paper is two fold. Primarily, we extend the scalar network coding algorithm of Ebrahimi and Fragouli (henceforth referred to as the EF algorithm) to block network-error correction. Existing construction algorithms of block network-error correcting codes require a rather large field size, which grows with the size of the network and the number of sinks, and thereby can be prohibitive in large networks. We give an algorithm which, starting from a given network-error correcting code, can obtain another network code using a small field, with the same error correcting capability as the original code. Our secondary contribution is to improve the EF Algorithm itself. The major step in the EF algorithm is to find a least degree irreducible polynomial which is coprime to another large degree polynomial. We suggest an alternate method to compute this coprime polynomial, which is faster than the brute force method in the work of Ebrahimi and Fragouli.


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Matroidal networks were introduced by Dougherty et al. and have been well studied in the recent past. It was shown that a network has a scalar linear network coding solution if and only if it is matroidal associated with a representable matroid. The current work attempts to establish a connection between matroid theory and network-error correcting codes. In a similar vein to the theory connecting matroids and network coding, we abstract the essential aspects of network-error correcting codes to arrive at the definition of a matroidal error correcting network. An acyclic network (with arbitrary sink demands) is then shown to possess a scalar linear error correcting network code if and only if it is a matroidal error correcting network associated with a representable matroid. Therefore, constructing such network-error correcting codes implies the construction of certain representable matroids that satisfy some special conditions, and vice versa.


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Matroidal networks were introduced by Dougherty et al. and have been well studied in the recent past. It was shown that a network has a scalar linear network coding solution if and only if it is matroidal associated with a representable matroid. A particularly interesting feature of this development is the ability to construct (scalar and vector) linearly solvable networks using certain classes of matroids. Furthermore, it was shown through the connection between network coding and matroid theory that linear network coding is not always sufficient for general network coding scenarios. The current work attempts to establish a connection between matroid theory and network-error correcting and detecting codes. In a similar vein to the theory connecting matroids and network coding, we abstract the essential aspects of linear network-error detecting codes to arrive at the definition of a matroidal error detecting network (and similarly, a matroidal error correcting network abstracting from network-error correcting codes). An acyclic network (with arbitrary sink demands) is then shown to possess a scalar linear error detecting (correcting) network code if and only if it is a matroidal error detecting (correcting) network associated with a representable matroid. Therefore, constructing such network-error correcting and detecting codes implies the construction of certain representable matroids that satisfy some special conditions, and vice versa. We then present algorithms that enable the construction of matroidal error detecting and correcting networks with a specified capability of network-error correction. Using these construction algorithms, a large class of hitherto unknown scalar linearly solvable networks with multisource, multicast, and multiple-unicast network-error correcting codes is made available for theoretical use and practical implementation, with parameters, such as number of information symbols, number of sinks, number of coding nodes, error correcting capability, and so on, being arbitrary but for computing power (for the execution of the algorithms). The complexity of the construction of these networks is shown to be comparable with the complexity of existing algorithms that design multicast scalar linear network-error correcting codes. Finally, we also show that linear network coding is not sufficient for the general network-error correction (detection) problem with arbitrary demands. In particular, for the same number of network errors, we show a network for which there is a nonlinear network-error detecting code satisfying the demands at the sinks, whereas there are no linear network-error detecting codes that do the same.


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We employ the methods presented in the previous chapter for decoding corrupted codewords, encoded using sparse parity check error correcting codes. We show the similarity between the equations derived from the TAP approach and those obtained from belief propagation, and examine their performance as practical decoding methods.


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In this thesis we use statistical physics techniques to study the typical performance of four families of error-correcting codes based on very sparse linear transformations: Sourlas codes, Gallager codes, MacKay-Neal codes and Kanter-Saad codes. We map the decoding problem onto an Ising spin system with many-spins interactions. We then employ the replica method to calculate averages over the quenched disorder represented by the code constructions, the arbitrary messages and the random noise vectors. We find, as the noise level increases, a phase transition between successful decoding and failure phases. This phase transition coincides with upper bounds derived in the information theory literature in most of the cases. We connect the practical decoding algorithm known as probability propagation with the task of finding local minima of the related Bethe free-energy. We show that the practical decoding thresholds correspond to noise levels where suboptimal minima of the free-energy emerge. Simulations of practical decoding scenarios using probability propagation agree with theoretical predictions of the replica symmetric theory. The typical performance predicted by the thermodynamic phase transitions is shown to be attainable in computation times that grow exponentially with the system size. We use the insights obtained to design a method to calculate the performance and optimise parameters of the high performance codes proposed by Kanter and Saad.


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The space environment has always been one of the most challenging for communications, both at physical and network layer. Concerning the latter, the most common challenges are the lack of continuous network connectivity, very long delays and relatively frequent losses. Because of these problems, the normal TCP/IP suite protocols are hardly applicable. Moreover, in space scenarios reliability is fundamental. In fact, it is usually not tolerable to lose important information or to receive it with a very large delay because of a challenging transmission channel. In terrestrial protocols, such as TCP, reliability is obtained by means of an ARQ (Automatic Retransmission reQuest) method, which, however, has not good performance when there are long delays on the transmission channel. At physical layer, Forward Error Correction Codes (FECs), based on the insertion of redundant information, are an alternative way to assure reliability. On binary channels, when single bits are flipped because of channel noise, redundancy bits can be exploited to recover the original information. In the presence of binary erasure channels, where bits are not flipped but lost, redundancy can still be used to recover the original information. FECs codes, designed for this purpose, are usually called Erasure Codes (ECs). It is worth noting that ECs, primarily studied for binary channels, can also be used at upper layers, i.e. applied on packets instead of bits, offering a very interesting alternative to the usual ARQ methods, especially in the presence of long delays. A protocol created to add reliability to DTN networks is the Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP), created to obtain better performance on long delay links. The aim of this thesis is the application of ECs to LTP.


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We analyse Gallager codes by employing a simple mean-field approximation that distorts the model geometry and preserves important interactions between sites. The method naturally recovers the probability propagation decoding algorithm as a minimization of a proper free-energy. We find a thermodynamical phase transition that coincides with information theoretical upper-bounds and explain the practical code performance in terms of the free-energy landscape.


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Performing experiments on small-scale quantum computers is certainly a challenging endeavor. Many parameters need to be optimized to achieve high-fidelity operations. This can be done efficiently for operations acting on single qubits, as errors can be fully characterized. For multiqubit operations, though, this is no longer the case, as in the most general case, analyzing the effect of the operation on the system requires a full state tomography for which resources scale exponentially with the system size. Furthermore, in recent experiments, additional electronic levels beyond the two-level system encoding the qubit have been used to enhance the capabilities of quantum-information processors, which additionally increases the number of parameters that need to be controlled. For the optimization of the experimental system for a given task (e.g., a quantum algorithm), one has to find a satisfactory error model and also efficient observables to estimate the parameters of the model. In this manuscript, we demonstrate a method to optimize the encoding procedure for a small quantum error correction code in the presence of unknown but constant phase shifts. The method, which we implement here on a small-scale linear ion-trap quantum computer, is readily applicable to other AMO platforms for quantum-information processing.


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Over the past few years, the number of wireless networks users has been increasing. Until now, Radio-Frequency (RF) used to be the dominant technology. However, the electromagnetic spectrum in these region is being saturated, demanding for alternative wireless technologies. Recently, with the growing market of LED lighting, the Visible Light Communications has been drawing attentions from the research community. First, it is an eficient device for illumination. Second, because of its easy modulation and high bandwidth. Finally, it can combine illumination and communication in the same device, in other words, it allows to implement highly eficient wireless communication systems. One of the most important aspects in a communication system is its reliability when working in noisy channels. In these scenarios, the received data can be afected by errors. In order to proper system working, it is usually employed a Channel Encoder in the system. Its function is to code the data to be transmitted in order to increase system performance. It commonly uses ECC, which appends redundant information to the original data. At the receiver side, the redundant information is used to recover the erroneous data. This dissertation presents the implementation steps of a Channel Encoder for VLC. It was consider several techniques such as Reed-Solomon and Convolutional codes, Block and Convolutional Interleaving, CRC and Puncturing. A detailed analysis of each technique characteristics was made in order to choose the most appropriate ones. Simulink models were created in order to simulate how diferent codes behave in diferent scenarios. Later, the models were implemented in a FPGA and simulations were performed. Hardware co-simulations were also implemented to faster simulation results. At the end, diferent techniques were combined to create a complete Channel Encoder capable of detect and correct random and burst errors, due to the usage of a RS(255,213) code with a Block Interleaver. Furthermore, after the decoding process, the proposed system can identify uncorrectable errors in the decoded data due to the CRC-32 algorithm.