1000 resultados para Ericaceae.


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Herbs of the Ericaceae family are commonly found in Algeria and used in traditional medicine as anti- septic, diuretic, astringent, depurative, and to treat scalds and wounds. The methanolic extracts of three species, Arbutus unedo L. (A. unedo, leaves), Erica arborea L. (E. arborea, flowered aerial parts), and Erica multiflora L. (E. multiflora, flowered aerial parts), were compared regarding their content in pheno- lic compounds, their antioxidant, and antibacterial activities. A. unedo harbors the highest content in total phenolics and flavonoids, followed by E. arborea E. multiflora. The contents in total phenolics and flavonoids showed a correlation with the measured antioxidant (hydrogen-donating) activities; this was particularly the case for flavonoids content. The A. unedo extract showed antibacterial activity against all the tested strains (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, S. aureus C100459, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027); however, the E. arborea and E. multiflora extracts showed antibacterial activity only against Gram positive bacteria. Some polyphenols were identified in the three herbs by thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array and mass spectrometry detection; from these, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, naringin, quercetin and kaempferol are reported for the first time in E. multiflora.


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Se ha realizado una clave polínica de las Ericaceae gallegas en relación a los caracteres morfológicos que fueron observados al microscópio óptico. Dicho estudio permitió diferenciar, desde un punto de vista polínico ocho especies y dos tipos (Erica cinerea y Vaccinium myrtillus) con cinco y dos especies respectivamente.


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The distribution of the Lusitanian flora and fauna, species which are found only in southern and western Ireland and in northern Spain and Portugal but which are absent from intervening countries, represents one of the classic conundrums of biogeography. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the distribution of the Lusitanian plant species Daboecia cantabrica was due to persistence in separate Irish and Iberian refugia, or has resulted from post-glacial recolonization followed by subsequent extinction of intervening populations.


Northern Spain and Co. Galway, western Ireland.


Palaeodistribution modelling using Maxent was employed to identify putative refugial areas for D. cantabrica at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Phylogeographical analysis of samples from 64 locations in Ireland and Spain were carried out using a chloroplast marker (atpB–rbcL), the nuclear ITS region, and an anonymous nuclear single-copy locus.


The palaeodistribution model indicated areas with a high probability of survival for D. cantabrica at the LGM off the western coast of Galicia in Spain, and in the Bay of Biscay. Spanish populations exhibited substantially higher genetic diversity than Irish populations at all three loci, as well as geographical structuring of haplotypes within Spain consistent with divergence in separate refugia. Spanish populations also exhibited far more endemic haplotypes. Divergence time between Irish and Spanish populations associated with the putative Biscay refugium was estimated as 3.333–32 ka.

Main conclusions:

Our data indicate persistence by D. cantabrica throughout the LGM in two separate southern refugia: one in western Galicia and one in the area off the coast of western France which now lies in the Bay of Biscay. Spain was recolonized from both refugia, whilst Ireland was most likely recolonized from the Biscay refugium. On the balance of evidence across the three marker types and the palaeodistribution modelling, our findings do not support the idea of in situ survival of D. cantabrica in Ireland, contrary to earlier suggestions. The fact that we cannot conclusively rule out the existence of a small, more northerly refugium, however, highlights the need for further analysis of Lusitanian plant species.


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Situado sob as coordenadas 22-2223S, 4115-4145W ao Norte do Estado, o Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba PNRJ possui uma área de 14.860 hectares, abrangendo parte dos Municípios de Carapebus, Macaé e Quissamã tendo aproximadamente 60 km de praia sem interrupções rochosas e um vasto complexo lagunar. O PNRJ possui um grande mosaico paisagístico composto por dez fitoformações: formação psamófila reptante, formação arbustiva fechada pós-praia, formação aberta de Clusia, formação arbustiva aberta de Ericaceae, formação arbustiva aberta de Palmae, formação herbácea brejosa, mata de cordão arenoso, mata periodicamente inundada, mata permanentemente inundada, além da vegetação aquática. Para o inventário das espécies de Leguminosae do PNRJ foram visitadas todas estas formações durante o trabalho de campo. Os espécimes coletados foram processados consoante o protocolo tradicional e depositados nos Herbários da UERJ (HRJ), Museu Nacional (R), Herbarium Brade anum (HB). No PNRJ a família possui até o momento 55 espécies distribuídas em 32 gêneros com representantes nas três subfamílias: Caesalpinioideae com quatro gêneros e 12 espécies, Mimosoideae com seis gêneros e dez espécies e Papilionoideae com 22 gêneros e 33 espécies. Chamaecrista e Aeschynomene foram os gêneros de maior riqueza, com cinco espécies cada. Tais valores da família no PNRJ representam 14% dos gêneros e 1,9% das espécies de Leguminosae ocorrentes no Brasil, bem como 30% dos gêneros e 12% das espécies ocorrentes no estado do Rio de Janeiro. A riqueza de espécies de Leguminosae no PNRJ mostrou-se mais elevada quando comparada com outras três áreas de restinga: Ilha do Cardoso (SP), Reserva da Praia do Sul (RJ) e Restinga de Maricá (RJ). Em relação à preferência de habitat das espécies ocorrentes no PNRJ, a maior riqueza de espécies foi observada na formação arbustiva aberta de Palmae e na mata de cordão arenoso, com 22% e 23% das espécies respectivamente. No tratamento taxonômico são apresentadas chaves para a identificação de subfamílias, gêneros e espécies, além de descrições sinópticas das espécies. Entre os caracteres morfológicos diagnósticos destacaramse a quantidade e forma dos folíolos, a presença e forma dos nectários extraflorais e os tipos de frutos. Para cada táxon específico ou infraespecífico são ainda incluídas informações sobre a distribuição geográfica no Brasil, floração e frutificação, ocorrência nas fitoformações e comentários sobre as características diagnósticas. Também são incluídas 38 pranchas ilustrativas que combinam imagens das espécies em campo a e imagens de exsicatas. Na análise dos dados sobre floração e frutificação para a família como um todo, não ficou evidenciado um período de maior concentração destes eventos.


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本论文研究了我国云南龙陵大坝和镇安、昌宁红星晚上新世以及楚雄洲吕合晚中新世191个化石木标本,鉴定出7种化石木类型,其中越桔型木属为新属,越桔型木、常绿杜鹃型木和龙陵杜鹃型木为新种。并利用化石木的现存种或现存亲缘种的生态环境对化石产地的气候和环境进行了讨论。 木材种类的特征如下: 华山松(Pinus armandii Franchet):生长轮明显,早材至晚材渐变。交叉场纹孔主为窗格型。木射线具单列射线和纺锤状射线。射线管胞内壁平滑或微锯齿状。具正常轴向和径向树脂道,由薄壁泌脂细胞组成。 云南铁杉(Tsuga dumosa Eicher):生长轮明显,早材至晚材略急变至渐变。管胞径壁具缘纹孔单列;具缘纹孔膜上明显具棒状延伸;纹孔膜下具缘纹孔外表面具明显的瘤状层,瘤状突起大小相近。交叉场纹孔式柏木型。木射线主为单列;由射线薄壁细胞和射线管胞组成;射线细胞水平壁厚,纹孔明显,数多;端壁节状加厚明显。轴向木薄壁组织细胞数少,轮界状;其端壁节状加厚明显。 柳杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld):生长轮明显,早材至晚材略急变。管胞径壁纹孔1列,偶尔成疏松排列的2列;晚材弦壁纹孔明显可见。交叉场具1-4枚杉木型纹孔。轴向木薄壁组织细胞数多,星散状或有时成短弦线状;端壁节状不明显或略现。木射线单列,全由射线薄壁细胞组成;射线细胞水平壁薄,纹孔缺乏,端壁平滑。 杉木型木(Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides Watari):生长轮明显,早材至晚材渐变。管胞径壁纹孔1-2列;晚材弦壁纹孔明显可见。交叉场1-4枚杉木型纹孔。轴向木薄壁组织丰富,星散状或有时成短弦线状;端壁节状不明显或略现。木射线单列全由射线薄壁细胞组成;射线细胞水平壁薄;端壁薄,平滑。 龙陵杜鹃型木(新种)(Ericaceoxylon longlingense sp. nov.):生长轮明显,散孔材。导管横切面为多角形,单管孔,散生。螺纹加厚仅出现导管分子尾端。梯状穿孔为主。管间纹孔式为对列或梯状对列。轴向薄壁组织量少,疏环管状。纤维分子细胞壁厚度中等。射线宽1-6细胞。多列射线的中部多为横卧细胞,边缘有1-4(6)行直立和/或方形细胞。射线导管间纹孔式梯状对列,类似导管间纹孔式。 常绿杜鹃型木(新种)(Ericaceoxylon hymenanthesoides sp. nov.):生长轮明显,半环孔材。导管横切面为多角形,单管孔,散生。螺纹加厚出现整个导管分子壁上。复穿孔,梯状穿孔为主。管间纹孔式为互列。轴向薄壁组织量少,疏环管状;端壁节状加厚不明显。纤维分子细胞壁厚度中等;径壁和弦壁均具有具缘纹孔。射线宽1-4细胞;多列射线的中部多为横卧细胞,边缘有1-9行直立和/或方形细胞。射线导管间纹孔式互列,类似导管间纹孔式。 常绿杜鹃型木(相似种)(Ericaceoxylon cf. hymenanthesoides):生长轮明显,半环孔材。单管孔;导管散生。梯状穿孔板;管间纹孔式为互列;射线导管间纹孔式多对列,类似导管间纹孔式。螺纹加厚出现在导管分子壁上。木纤维细胞壁中等厚度。射线宽1-3细胞。 越桔型木(新种)(Vacciniaceoxylon vacciniumoides sp. nov.):生长轮略明显,散孔材。单管孔,散生;整个导管分子上具螺纹加厚。网状和梯状穿孔。轴向薄壁组织量少,星散状或疏环管状。纤维分子径壁和弦壁都具有具缘纹孔。射线多列和单列射线组成,两种大小,1-4细胞宽。射线导管间纹孔式互列,纹孔有明显的纹孔缘。 化石木植物群及其所反映的古植被和古气候如下: 楚雄吕合化石木植物群4个标本中鉴定出两种木材类型—柳杉型木和杉木型木。由于化石标本少,不足以反映植被面貌,两种杉科植物的出现反映其生长地为亚热带温暖湿润环境。 龙陵大坝和镇安化石木植物群95个标本中鉴定出四种木材类型:华山松、常绿杜鹃型木、越桔型木和龙陵杜鹃型木。他们反映的古植被为针阔混交林,生长于亚热带温凉湿润的山地气候环境中,当时当地的海拔高度在1800-3000米之间。 昌宁红星化石木植物群92个标本中鉴定出三种木材类型:华山松、云南铁杉、常绿杜鹃型木(相似种)。他们反映的古植被为针阔混交林,生长于亚热带温凉湿润的山地气候环境中,当时当地的海拔在2200-3000米之间。


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采用样方方法对栖息于云南省哀牢山平河(E 101°17′16.1″,N 24°20′09.5″,海拔2 600 m)的黑长臂猿(Nomascus concolor)栖息地乔木层结构进行了调查.调查中共记录到乔木57种隶属于23科37属;木质藤本植物9种隶属于6科8属.优势科主要为杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)、木兰科(Magnoliaceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)和壳斗科(Fagaceae)植物.主要树种重要值排序表明,露珠杜鹃(Rhododendron irroratum)为该地区最主要的优势种,在各坡位中均有广泛分布.乔木的多样性指数、均匀度指数在沟底明显降低,而乔木1层和2层所占的比例以及木质藤本的平均多度均随着坡位的下降而升高.与其他地区的长臂猿相比,哀牢山黑长臂猿的活动程度较低(10-22 m),果实性食物种类较少.


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本研究重点对云南哀牢山、无量山、永德大雪山以及老挝 Nam Kan 保护区西黑冠 长臂猿(Nomascus concolor)的鸣叫特征进行了分析研究,以探讨长臂猿鸣叫个体特异性 的发生机制及其在地理种群区分或亚种地位划分中的意义;同时对哀牢山平河西黑冠长 臂猿栖息地乔木结构进行了样方调查,揭示西黑冠长臂猿高海拔栖息地的乔木结构特 征,为后续行为学研究提供基础生态数据。 研究表明,云南省哀牢山平河(N 24°20′09.5″, E 101°17′16.1″, 海拔2600m)的黑 长臂猿栖息地有乔木57 种隶属于23 科37 个属;木质藤本植物9 种隶属于6 科8 属。 优势科主要为杜鹃花科(Ericaceae、木兰科(Magnoliaceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)和 壳斗科(Fagaceae)植物。乔木的多样性指数、均匀度指数在沟底明显降低,而乔木1 层和2 层所占的比例以及木质藤本的平均多度均随着坡位的下降而升高。与其他地区的 长臂猿相比,哀牢山黑长臂猿的活动高度较低(10—22m),果实性食物种类较少。 西黑冠长臂猿的雄性鸣叫包括Boom 音节、aa 音节、弱调节音节、强调节音节和 coda 音节,Boom 音节只是一单独的条带状音节,结构最简单也最稳定;aa 音节、弱调 节音节、强调节音节和coda 音节的稳定性则呈现出依次增大的趋势。强调节音节和coda 部分的稳定性在总体没有显著差异,但在某些变量上coda 音节比强调节音节有显著更 高的稳定性。在此基础上,重点基于对coda 音节的分析,发现同一地点不同群体的雄 性西黑冠长臂猿个体之间存在非常显著的鸣叫特异性,并且同一地点不同群体的雄性个 体之间鸣叫的差异,显著高于不同地点间雄性个体间鸣叫的差异。这一发现表明西黑冠 长臂猿很有可能在有意识地通过鸣叫声音的调节,来增加与邻近群体间鸣叫的差异性, 并依靠这一行为识别邻近群的成年个体和陌生个体或新成年的未配对个体,这对具领域 性、配对的长臂猿来说具有显著的生态适应意义。基于对西黑冠长臂猿所有4 个亚种雌 雄个体鸣叫的逐步判别分析,结果表明西黑冠长臂猿明显分为3 个类群:1) 指名亚种 (N. c. concolor)和景东亚种(N. c. jingdongensis)为同一类群;2)滇西亚种(N. c. furvogaster)类群;3)老挝亚种(N. c. lu)类群,综合我们及前人的研究结果,我们认 为老挝亚种与其它三个亚种之间很可能已经达到了亚种分化的水平,滇西亚种也是如 此,但其有效性还值得进一步研究和探讨,而指名亚种和景东亚种间可能还没有达到亚种分化的水平。


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The botanic origin and the protein content of 15 honeys from small bee farms exploitations of Galicia, for family consume, were studied; the aim is to check if the protein wealth and the pollen wealth are dependent parameters. Seven honeys resulted to be Rhamnus frangula unifloral (pollen patterns with low diversity), two Castanea sativa Miller unifloral, other one heather unifloral, and five was multifloral honeys of various pollen patterns (four Castanea predominant and one Rhamnus frangula predominant). Their pollen wealth was low; eight honeys classified in the Maurizio Class I, 3 in Class II, 2 in Class III, and one in Maurizio Class IV. There has been a wide variability in its protein content (0.09- 4.83 mg prot./g honey). The relative amount of pollen from different taxa has a direct or inverse proportionality to wealth protein.


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An exploration and collection mission for wild Brassica oleracea populations was carried out in spring and summer of 2013. The aim of this collection was to expand the number of accessions of wild Brassica oleracea available for basic and applied research in plant breeding. In this paper we report a new accession of wild Brassica oleracea in an unexplored coastal area of Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula. Details of population ecology and vegetation, soil, climate and geographic data were recorded for this population. The “Endangered” threat category for the region is proposed, and actions for in situ and ex situ conservation are proposed. Seeds will be added to the germplasm collections of University of Santiago de Compostela and Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) for further research on diverse aspects of the dynamics and ecophysiology of the population along with characterization and evaluation of useful traits.


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A late Pleistocene vegetation record is presented, using multi-proxy analysis from three palaeochannels in the northern (Bario) and southern (Pa'Dalih) Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Before 50 000 cal a BP and until approximate to 47 700 cal a BP [marine isotope stage 3 (MIS3)], two of the sites were probably being influenced by energetic fluvial deposition, possibly associated with strong seasonality. Fluvial activity declines between 47 700 and 30 000 cal a BP (MIS3), and may be associated with a reduction in seasonality with overall stability in precipitation. The pollen record between 47 700 and 30 000 cal a BP generally shows much higher representation of upper-montane taxa compared with the Holocene, indicating often significantly reduced temperatures. After 35 000-30 000 cal a BP and until the mid-Holocene, hiatuses appear in two of the records, which could be linked to fluvial down-cutting during the late/mid Holocene. Despite the jump in ages, a pronounced representation of Ericaceae and upper-montane taxa, represented both at Bario and at Pa'Dalih, corresponds to a further lowering of temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum (MIS2). Thick charcoal bands in the PDH 210 record also suggest periods of extreme aridity between 30 200 and 12 700 cal a BP. This is followed by energetic fluvial deposition of sands and gravels, and may reflect a significant increase in seasonality.


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1. The population density and age structure of two species of heather psyllid Strophingia ericae and Strophingia cinereae, feeding on Calluna vulgaris and Erica cinerea, respectively, were sampled using standardized methods at locations throughout Britain. Locations were chosen to represent the full latitudinal and altitudinal range of the host plants.

2. The paper explains how spatial variation in thermal environment, insect life-history characteristics and physiology, and plant distribution, interact to provide the mechanisms that determine the range and abundance of Strophingia spp.

3. Strophingia ericae and S. cinereae, despite the similarity in the spatial distribution patterns of their host plants within Britain, display strongly contrasting geographical ranges and corresponding life-history strategies. Strophingia ericae is found on its host plant throughout Britain but S. cinereae is restricted to low elevation sites south of the Mersey-Humber line and occupies only part of the latitudinal and altitudinal range of its host plant. There is no evidence to suggest that S. ericae has reached its potential altitudinal or latitudinal limit in the UK, even though its host plant appears to reach its altitudinal limit.

4. There was little difference in the ability of the two Strophingia spp. to survive shortterm exposure to temperatures as low as - 15 degrees C and low winter temperatures probably do not limit distribution in S. cinereae.

5. Population density of S. ericae was not related to altitude but showed a weak correlation with latitude. The spread of larval instars present at a site, measured as an index of instar homogeneity, was significantly correlated with a range of temperature related variables, of which May mean temperature and length of growing season above 3 degrees C (calculated using the Lennon and Turner climatic model) were the most significant. Factor analysis did not improve the level of correlation significantly above those obtained for single climatic variables. The data confirmed that S. ericae has a I year life cycle at the lowest elevations and a 2 year life cycle at the higher elevations. However, there was no evidence, as previously suggested, for an abrupt change from a one to a 2 year life cycle in S. ericae with increasing altitudes or latitudes.

6. By contrast with S. ericae, S. cinereae had an obligatory 1 year life cycle, its population decreased with altitude and the index of instar homogeneity showed little correlation with single temperature variables. Moreover, it occupied only part of the range of its host plant and its spatial distribution in the UK could be predicted with 96% accuracy using selected variables in discriminant analysis.

7. The life histories of the congeneric heather psyllids reflect adaptations that allow them to exploit host plants with different distributions in climatic and thereby geographical space. Strophingia ericae has the flexible life history that enables it to exploit C. vulgaris throughout its European boreal temperate range. Strophingia cinereae has a less flexible life history and is adapted for living on an oceanic temperate host. While the geographic ranges of the two Strophingia spp. overlap within the UK, the psyllids appear to respond differently to variation in their thermal environment.