955 resultados para Ergonomic work analysis (AET)
This paper presents the Ergonomic Work Analysis method in a Brazilian Dentist's office. Through the study, the constraints and the strategies in avoiding them were identified. It was found that dentists hardly use the position most indicated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Federation Dentaire Internacionale (FDI) for both the patient and the dentist, which is respectively supine and 9 o'clock, due to the limited space and layout. Five types of treatments performed by the professional have been studied. The frequency and duration of actions in these treatments were accounted for and the standard positions adopted were identified. The AET was found to be a very suitable method to grasp the dentist's activity and build a point of view of the profession, which is characterized as: stressful, perfectionist and restrictive. Time management is presented as an important strategy to control the tension arising from performing the treatments.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar as condições ergonômicas da situação de trabalho dos Auxiliares de Enfermagem em uma unidade de clínica geral de um hospital privado na cidade de Curitiba, Paraná, bem como sugerir melhorias a partir da situação caracterizada. Com a aplicação do método da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET), pôde-se verificar a realidade desses profissionais, caracterizando suas tarefas, registrando a existência de distanciamento entre tarefa prescrita e real. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram problemas no âmbito organizacional como a montagem inadequada da escala de divisão de pacientes, o quadro de pessoal abaixo da exigência mínima estabelecida pelo Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN), a falta e a má conservação de materiais e equipamentos e, em relação ao posto de trabalho, o dimensionamento inadequado dos espaços para trânsito de pessoas e equipamentos. Concluiu-se que os problemas de maior relevância são de origem organizacional e que os mesmos favorecem e, até mesmo, intensificam os relativos ao posto de trabalho, contribuindo para o elevado índice de atestados e insatisfação entre os Auxiliares de Enfermagem. O estudo é finalizado com sugestões de melhorias, entre elas, o redimensionamento do número de leitos nas enfermarias e quadro de pessoal, promoção de rodízio dos Auxiliares de Enfermagem entre postos de diferentes níveis de exigência, escalonamento apropriado na distribuição de pacientes de acordo com a gravidade do quadro clínico, formação de comitês com reuniões periódicas para discussão de problemas existentes e outras possíveis soluções.
The jangadas (brazilian fishing rafts) are rudimentary artisanal vessels intrinsic to the Northeast of Brazil. The fishery with jangadas is highly representative in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, and source of income for many families in addition to being a strong cultural icon. Is still alive despite the difficulties, bringing the history and customs of the fishermen and their people. However, is in process of extinction due to factors such as the low profitability of the activity, tourism and urbanization. From the understanding of activity involving their context and circumstances, based on identified problems regarding the conditions of use of jangadas as the unpredictability, the risk of accidents, poor working conditions, hygiene and housing, this dissertation aims to: analyzing the design of the jangada on the beach of Ponta Negra and its relationship with the activity in relation to health, safety, productivity and environment, and from such assessments, together with the results achieved during the workshops of the project, proposing a cart to move the raft, adapted to the local fisherman activity studied. To perform analysis of jangadeira activity, we used a methodology based on ergonomic work analysis - AET (WISNER, 1987; GUÈRIN, 2001; VIDAL, 2008, SALDANHA, 2004 and Carvalho, 2005). For data collection were used observational and interaction methods as a conversational action, verbalizations, photographs and video. It is emphasized that the search for solutions appropriate to the jangadeira activity was possible through the collaboration of several people, not just an informational level and understanding during the work activity, but effectively contributing to the making decisions
This work presents an analysis of the method of intervention used in the craft of design by SEBRAE in Rio Grande do Norte under the viewpoint of the actors involved, especially the craftsmen and design consultants. The research methodology used was based on the ergonomic work analysis - AET, applying observational techniques and interactive. Data tabulated from the matrix to include comments were analyzed in order to allow the generation of qualitative and quantitative information. The results of this research allow us to affirm that for the process of innovation through the design of intervention are satisfactory for all involved, it is necessary that the bonds of interaction are established and the joint actions in the innovation process to bear fruit in favor sustainability of artisan groups
This dissertation introduces a study that aims to analyze the simulated training of emergency teams and proposes recommendations for the current training system in order to improve the collective skills and resilience of these teams when facing possible critical situations, triggered by possible accident occurrences during aerospace vehicle launching operations in the Barreira do Inferno Launch Center in Parnamirim / RN. This is a field, exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and a case study with a qualitative approach. Therefore, we adopted the ergonomics approach, using the situated method of ergonomic work analysis (AET), combining observational and interactive methods. The relevance of this research is characterized by the contributions to minimize the human and material hazzards resulting from possible accidents in these operations, the scientific contribution of the AET for simulated emergency training analysis in the launching operations of aerospace vehicles - which are complex and involve risk of accidents - and consequently, the scientific contribution to the current process of recovering the Brazilian Space Program. The survey results point to problems of various kinds in the current simulated training system which compromise the safety of the operations. These problems are grouped into four categories: technological, organizational, team training and from the activity itself, regarding more specifically communication and cooperation (among the team members and these ones with other sectors involved in the launching operation) and regarding the coordination of actions. We propose: a) a new training model, from the creation and application of scenarios based on postulated abnormalities, which could simulate real critical situations, in order to train and improve the skills of the emergency response teams especially in terms of communication, coordination and cooperation; b) restructuring and reorganizing the current training system, based on the formal establishment of a managing staff, on the clear division of responsibilities, on the standardization of processes, on the production of management indicators, on the continuous monitoring, on the feedback from trainees about the quality of the training and on the continuing and frequent training of emergency teams.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar comparativamente parâmetros biomecânicos (tanto antropométricos, quanto cinemáticos) de dados obtidos a partir do console Microsoft Kinect (2010). A avaliação destes parâmetros foi realizada para validar seu uso para obter informações complementares à Análise Ergonomica do Trabalho (AET) e em outras pesquisas, cujos objetivos envolvem o diagnóstico de uso de produtos ou ambientes de trabalho a partir da análises posturais e interações da população que o utiliza. A pesquisa com este console em particular é justificada uma vez que seu lançamento modificou o cenário da biomecânica, já que se trata de um equipamento acessível e portátil. Porém, sua precisão em relação à outros equipamentos ainda está em aberto, sendo inclusive, objeto de estudo de muitas pesquisas em andamento. Os dados obtidos por meio de sistemas de captura de movimentos tridimensionais permitem a avaliação de produtos, atividades e análises de interações homem-objeto. No campo do Design, é uma importante realização, uma vez que permite que profissionais tenham acesso à ferramenta que, anteriormente, era limitada à nichos especializados. O console foi comparado com o sistema de captura de movimentos inercial MVN Biomech (XSENS TECHNOLOGIES) e com o tradicional registro por meio de vídeo. Para obter dados do console Kinect, um software disponível no mercado foi selecionado a partir de critérios predefinidos para obter dados cinemáticos do console. Dois experimentos laboratoriais foram realizados: o primeiro, teve como objetivo obter dados operacionais dos equipamentos e suas limitações de uso; e o segundo foi realizado de forma a obter dados biomecânicos e compará-los a partir de três parâmetros estáticos e um dinâmico. Os parâmetros estáticos envolveram ângulos articulares e segmentares em posturas selecionadas e dimensões segmentares, onde a proposta foi avaliar dados antropométricos e as características do modelo biomecânico referente à manter os corpos rígidos durante a movimentação. O parâmetro dinâmico foi realizado de forma a obter dados de deslocamento global das articulações em movimentações selecionadas. Para possibilitar esta análise, uma plataforma digital foi desenvolvida, constituindo um campo neutro para o tratamento dos dados. A plataforma mantém os dados originais dos sistemas, permitindo a distinção entre os modelos biomecânicos e a retirada de dados que possam ser comparados. Os experimentos realizados permitiram avaliar a usabilidade do console, fornecendo diretrizes para seu uso. Para avaliar a utilização do console em ambientes reais de trabalho, foram realizados registros preliminares em laboratórios químicos, os quais se mostraram viáveis se as limitações, semelhantes às de sistemas baseados em tecnologia ótica, sejam consideradas. Futuras análises devem ser conduzidas para validar estatisticamente os resultados obtidos. Porém, considerando o objetivo do trabalho, pode-se concluir que o sistema avaliado é uma alternativa confiável no contexto proposto.
O setor de separação (triagem) de materiais recicláveis de uma cooperativa localizada no estado do Rio de Janeiro foi o objeto deste estudo que teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação ergonômica do processo de separação de resíduos recicláveis, executado por catadoras, utilizando um sistema modular. Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram em pesquisa bibliográfica com levantamento do estado da arte, observações de campo utilizando a Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET) e modelos esquemáticos da engenharia de métodos, e a realização de dois experimentos (posto-rampa e posto-bancada), utilizando a estratégia para montagem de ciclogramas proposta na Análise por Decomposição em Etapas (ADE). As análises obtidas através dos resultados de duas situações permitiram constatar que o processo atual de separação na rampa é deficitário, demorado e cansativo, deixa os catadores com dores nas costas e na coluna, além de existirem muitas perdas de tempo por transporte de materiais não agregando valor aos produtos, por conta da distância em que ficam os recipientes para o acondicionamento do material separado. O módulo bancada indicou ser a melhor alternativa para o arranjo físico da separação, encurtando as distâncias percorridas, suprimindo algumas movimentações do corpo (rotações e flexões de tronco), reduzindo os riscos de lesão na coluna vertebral. Diferente do arranjo físico atualmente adotado, o posto-bancada possibilita reduzir a duração média do ciclo e a frequência das Atividades Extra Ciclo (AECs). As recomendações para a melhoria da atividade na organização estudada visam preservar a saúde e elevar a produtividade. Elas foram elaboradas, considerando o arranjo físico, método de trabalho e qualificação dos trabalhadores.
This paper analyzes the development of Bobbin Lace and Design workshops, in the neighborhood of Vila de Ponta Negra (in Natal - RN, Brazil), which proposed contents and practices for its learning and teaching that would compose a possible model for a hybrid Workshop of Bobbin Lace and Lace Design. This research was based on Ergonomic Work Analysis, a methodology used by Ergonomics to analyze work in a wide approach, considering cognitive, social, organizational, as well as other aspects which are relevant to the study of the working situation, in terms of learning/teaching, as addressed on this paper. Some steps of the above mentioned methodology were followed in order to understand the activity of Bobbin Lace craftswomen, by means of bibliographical research centered on this activity. The instruments used for collecting data comprise of conversational actions, analysis of collective work, and spontaneous as well as provoked verbalizations. The adaptations performed in the process of learning/teaching Bobbin Lace for the achievement of Bobbin Lace and Design workshops became instrumental for the continuity of that tradition, attracting new apprentices to this art/craft causing to revitalize a network of handicraft economical activities linked to the Bobbin Lace production, such as the making of cushion, bobbins and trestles
The bobbin lace, a secular art in the process of extinction in the Village Ponta Negra in Natal, Brazil, was one of the main means of income generation for some families in town, but over time, there was growing disaffection of the younger generation to learn and practice this art, due to the high demand of time for production and insufficient and not guaranteed financial return . This project aims to promote the recovery of control over the product in the production of bobbin lace in the village of Ponta Negra, by design and implementation of a workshop for the transfer of drawing techniques in the Production Center of Craft in Village of Ponta Negra. This design was based on the methodology of Ergonomic Work Analysis and in the concepts of anthropotechnology and technology social. The ergonomic analysis, by advocating and enforcing the social and technical building, was essential for the modeling of this workshop, as allowed the construction of a social participative device , with the participation of the community groups and the external group of researchers, in a process of social construction technique. As a result, it was observed that the transfer of technical design of bobbin lace molds came to complement the learning of art office, providing solutions to promote the sustainable development of the group of tenants, in an attempt to reduce the risk of extinction eminent, and also contributed to reactivate a network of economic activities interconnected to the craft, such as the production of cushions, lace and easels
This paper aims to describe the construction workers' activities, as well as their perceptions about risks and workload. The study, based on the Collective Work Analysis, is part of a broader public policies project for the improvement of SIVAT (Surveillance System of Work Accidents) - in the city of Piracicaba (Southeastern Brazil). Civil construction was prioritized given the epidemiological magnitude of the occurrence of work accidents and the limited efficacy of traditional surveillance initiatives in this sector due to informal employment practices, outsourcing, high staff turnover, etc. The workers have a high level of awareness concerning the risk of accidents, but they believe that the main preventive measures hinder or even make it impossible for them to carry out the tasks. Our findings question the efficacy of traditional training for adherence to safety practices, thus highlighting the need for a transformative pedagogy for preventive practices and the health promotion of workers.
This article is the product of research that analyzed the work of bus drivers of a public transportation company that is considered a benchmark reference in its field of operations, in which it strives to achieve operating excellence. Within this context, the authors sought to understand how such a company has managed to maintain a policy that is capable of reconciling quality public transport while also providing working conditions compatible with the professional development, comfort and health of its workers. Ergonomic work analysis and activity analysis were the guiding elements used in this study. Initial analyses indicate that the activity of drivers includes serving a population and providing mobility for it, which depends on driving the vehicle itself and on relationships with colleagues, users, pedestrians, drivers and others.
This paper proposes a discussion about the possibilities to link strategic decisions to working activities performed by workers. In that sense contributions from activities analysis could be considered in order to design and manage production.
The Food and Nutrition Units (FNU) are designed to produce food for healthy and/or sick communities and need to be done in a way to ensure the quality of foodstuffs that were produced. In these units, in the working environment, in general, there is excessive noise, heat and physical condition with many adaptations, presence of obstacles, inadequate flows, as well as the ways of the working organization may represent risks for workers health and lead to errors during production and/or distribution of food. The main goal of this study was to analyse the working processes in the Food Production Unit of the university’s hospital and identify the workers' health risk factors, using for this the knowledge of ergonomics, specifically the method of Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA). After this analysis it was possible to develop proposals that will bring improvements to the working conditions, minimizing health risk factors during the process of meals production. It’s crucial to reassert this method considers the work activity performed in real time and highlights the importance of listening and the engagement of the workers in the changing process. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. In the field research were collected demographics data, employment characteristics of the individuals (age, education, stocking sector, the total length of service and length of service in the industry) and data related to their usual work (task analysis, activity analysis and Analysis of the working environment) in the FNU. The instruments that were used in this study were document analysis, global and systematic observations and semi structured interviews in order to identify the main complaints related to those activities developed by them. The study was based on data for the analysis of Bardin, 2011, so the documents have been selected and including those that treat issues related to risks to workers' health were selected. The result of semi-structured interviews, global and systematic observations took place a confrontation of this material to the theoretical framework, held the inference and the interpretation of results the light of the knowledge of ergonomics and legislation. Issues related to the risks and the perception of workers has crafted a table showing the frequency of responses to the physical, chemical and biological and even the risk of accidents and was made a descriptive analysis. The results of this analysis indicated that the unit in question presents several problems ambience of jobs, both in terms of physical structure, but also in the organization of work. Non-conformities that leads to a favourable environment to the development of disease and injury hazards and compromising the quality of food produced. It is necessary to comply with legislation and that short, medium and long-term measures are taken to ensure the physical integrity of workers and improve the working environment.