989 resultados para Ergonomic interventions


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Se realizó estudio cuasi experimental con el fin de comparar el efecto sobre la carga física de una intervención tecnológica y en la organización del trabajo en trabajadores en el cargo de horneros en la tarea de extracción de coque en Colombia. Se midió la carga física mediante frecuencia cardiaca e índice de costo cardiaco relativo en una población de trabajadores expuestos (37) y no expuestos (66) a una intervención tecnológica. La monitorización de la frecuencia cardiaca se realizó con 7 pulsímetros Polar RS 800cx debidamente calibrados. Las variables numéricas se describieron con base en la media aritmética, su desviación estándar, y el rango. Para evaluar la diferencia entre las medias de los grupos con respecto a la frecuencia cardiaca en reposo, media, máxima, índice de costo cardiaco relativo, gasto energético de trabajo se aplicó análisis de varianza de una vía. Se estableció a priori un nivel de significación estadística α = 0,05. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el comportamiento de la frecuencia cardiaca media, frecuencia cardiaca máxima e índice de costo cardiaco relativo, entre los grupos de estudio. Se concluyó que este estudio valida la frecuencia cardiaca como una variable sensible para la medición del riesgo por carga física y a su utilidad en la evaluación intervenciones ergonómica. El estudio demostró que la intervención ergonómica logró controlar la carga física con una disminución significativa la frecuencia cardiaca, en el grupo de intervención.


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Supporting the forearm on the work surface during keyboard operation may increase comfort, decrease muscular load of the neck and shoulders, and decrease the time spent in ulnar deviation. Wrist rests are used widely in the workplace and are more commonly being incorporated in keyboard design. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of wrist rest use on wrist posture during forearm Support. A laboratory based, experimental study was conducted (subjects n = 15) to examine muscle activity and wrist Postures during keyboard and mouse tasks in each of' two conditions; wrist rest and no wrist rest. There were no significant differences for right wrist flexion/extension between use of a wrist rest and no wrist rest for keyboard or mouse use. Left wrist extension was significantly higher without a wrist rest than with a wrist rest during keyboard use (df = 14; t = 2.95; p = 0.01; d = 0.38). No differences with respect to use of a wrist rest were found for the left or right hand for ulnar deviation For keyboard or mouse use. There were no differences in muscle activity between the test conditions for keyboard use. Relevance to industry Wrist rests are used widely in the workplace and are more commonly being incorporated in keyboard design. Use of a wrist rest in conjunction with forearm support when using a conventional desk does not appear to have any impact on wrist posture or muscle activity during keyboard use. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using a computer keyboard with the forearms unsupported has been proposed as a causal factor for neck/shoulder and arm/hand diagnoses. Recent laboratory and field studies have demonstrated that forearm support might be preferable to working in the traditional floating posture. The aim of this study was to determine whether providing forearm Support when using a normal computer workstation would decrease musculoskeletal discomfort in intensive computer users in a call centre. A randomised controlled study (n = 59), of 6 weeks duration was conducted. Thirty participants (Group 1) were allocated to forearm support using the desk surface with the remainder (Group 2) acting as a control group. At 6 weeks, the control group was also set up with forearm support. Both groups were then monitored for another 6 weeks. Questionnaires were used at 1, 6 and 12 weeks to obtain information about discomfort, workstation setup, working posture and comfort. Nine participants (Group 1 n = 6, Group 2 n = 3) withdrew within a week of commencing forearm support either due to discomfort or difficulty in maintaining the posture. At 6 weeks, the group using forearm support generated significantly fewer reports of discomfort in the neck and back, although the difference between the groups was not statistically significant. At 12 weeks, there were fewer reports of neck, back and wrist discomfort when preintervention discomfort was compared with post intervention discomfort. These findings indicate that for the majority of users, forearm support may be preferable to the floating Posture implicit in current guidelines for computer workstation setup. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Forearm support during keyboard use has been reported to reduce neck and shoulder muscle activity and discomfort. However, the effect of forearm support on wrist posture has not been examined. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of 3 different postures during keyboard use: forearm support, wrist support and floating. The floating posture (no support) was used as the reference condition. A wrist rest was present in all test conditions. Thirteen participants completed 20 min wordprocessing tasks in each of the test conditions. Electromyography was used to monitor neck, shoulder and forearm muscle activity. Bilateral and overhead video cameras recorded left and right wrist extension, shoulder and elbow flexion and radial and ulnar deviation. The forearm support condition resulted in significantly less ulnar deviation (


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A presente dissertação apresenta a análise da eficácia de regimes de proteção, nomeadamente fisioterapia e alterações no posto de trabalho, aplicados a operadores que sofrem ou sofreram de lesões músculo-esqueléticas relacionadas com o trabalho, do membro superior, numa amostra de operadores de uma empresa da indústria, composta por 41 homens e 14 mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 28 e os 53 anos. Ao longo do estudo foi aplicada uma compilação de questionários que avaliavam a perceção dos operadores no que diz respeito à incapacidade do membro superior e à prática de atividade física. No final da análise verificou-se que houve uma melhoria na capacidade funcional dos operadores após terem sido sujeitos a regimes de proteção, no entanto não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quando comparada com as variáveis sociodemográficas. Foi recolhido o score de risco dos postos avaliados e na sua maioria, o nível de risco identificado era baixo, com algumas exceções. Ao longo do estudo, a adesão dos operadores foi muito positiva, mas alguns mostraram desânimo pois sentiam que os seus problemas não estavam a ser tratados convenientemente, segundo os seus pontos de vista. No final da dissertação são apresentadas as limitações do estudo e algumas propostas futuras.


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Los trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME) tienen alta relación con la industria automotriz afectando a los trabajadores en quienes se puede encontrar varias patologías como Síndrome Del Túnel Del Carpo, Epicondilitis, Síndrome del Manguito Rotador, discopatía lumbar y lumbalgias, entre otros. Entre los factores de riesgo asociados a estos trastornos están los movimientos repetitivos, posturas inadecuadas, vibración, uso manual de herramientas, tareas físicas demandantes y el mal levantamiento de pesos. Todas estas patologías son causa de ausentismo laboral en todo el mundo, lo que conlleva a un aumento en el costo económico por incapacidades, ayudas diagnósticas y tratamientos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica de artículos publicados del año 2000 a 2016 con relación a los trastornos musculoesqueléticos en la industria automotriz en las bases de datos de Pubmed, Ebsco Host, ScienceDirect y Embase. La evidencia encontrada sugiere que la patología lumbar es la que presenta mayor prevalencia en la industria, con 65% en la población Europea, 42% en Asia, Norteamérica en un 20% y en América Latina en un 46%. A pesar que en la industria automotriz predominan como fuerza laboral los hombres, se reportó que las mujeres eran las que tenían mayores factores de riesgo para desarrollar un TME y dentro de estos las posturas inadecuadas, movimientos repetitivos, sobrecarga laboral y levantamiento de pesos, sumado al tiempo de exposición que fue un común denominador en cada uno de los estudios analizados. Las conclusiones fueron que la prevalencia de TME en esta industria es elevada y esto amerita la implementación de programas de prevención más enfocados en este tema. Además no se encontró en la literatura la existencia de un método eficiente para análisis postural y de sobrecarga física, lo que habla de una necesidad urgente de realizar más investigaciones enfocadas en este tipo de población.


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Introducción: El trabajador avícola presenta un alto riesgo de sufrir de Desórdenes Musculo esqueléticos, debido a la realización de trabajos manuales repetitivos; posición bípeda prolongada, posturas por fuera de ángulos de confort de miembros superiores Objetivo: Establecer las recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia de las intervenciones en salud para los Desórdenes Musculoesqueléticos (DME) en el trabajador avícola. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura de los estudios primarios publicados en las bases de datos Medline, Scient Direct y Scielo desde 1990. Los artículos se clasificaron de acuerdo con: el tipo de estudio, la calidad de éste y el nivel de evidencia que aportaba. Resultados: Dentro de las recomendaciones de la evidencia disponible para el manejo integral de los pacientes de la industria avícola con riesgos o eventos asociados a DME se encuentran las siguientes: 1) incorporar un enfoque sistémico en la atención a dichos trabajadores, 2) incluir aspectos psicosociales en la identificación y explicación de los riesgos y eventos en salud, 3) permitir los descansos, microrupturas y pautas para el ejercicio, 4) facilitar la rotación y ampliación de puestos de trabajo, 5) mejorar las herramientas de trabajo - especialmente el corte de los cuchillos. Conclusiones: Las intervenciones descritas en la presente revisión, apuntan hacia el mejoramiento de la incidencia y la prevalencia de los DMS, la disminución de incapacidad temporal y definitiva por los DMS, el mejoramiento en la producción industrial y la reducción de costos tanto económicos como humanos. Sin embargo, se debe plantear la necesidad de continuar impulsando el desarrollo de investigaciones y estudios que permitan tener mayores elementos de juicio para poder realizar recomendaciones a los tipos de intervenciones propuestas. A pesar de lo anterior, las intervenciones en salud para los trabajadores de la industria avícola deben ser enfocadas desde la prestación integral de los servicios de salud.


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From 2008-09 to 2012-13, the most prevalent worker compensation claim in the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) was musculoskeletal injuries at >80%. This is consistent with literature that shows Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) was one of the front runners for workplace injuries among many professions. In an attempt to reduce the injury rate and related claims, the QAS created a selection criterion for their workers based on the Health Related Fitness Test. This method intended to select workers based upon their fitness level, instead of selecting for their ability to perform the tasks or modify the tasks to better suit the workers. With injury rates remaining high, further research produced the Patient Handling Equipment Project Report, which provided the background for the Manual Handling Program Book. The Manual Handling Program Book however lacks in accurately addressing musculoskeletal hazards; actions which cause or avoid injury, correct posture and motion for patient movement, muscular biomechanics, static and dynamic workload including activities causing strain, and equipment use in relation to musculoskeletal hazards. The exploratory research aims to better understand the ambulance service’s perception of Manual Materials Handling (MMH), how it relates to musculoskeletal injuries and how the service has attempted to reduce its prevalence. Based on a literature review and a critical analysis of the QAS Health Related Fitness Test, QAS Patient Handling Equipment Project Report and the QAS Manual Handling Program Book, an understanding of their shortfalls in the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries was gained. This entails understanding the work tasks, workloads, strains and workflow of paramedics. This research creates a starting point for further research into musculoskeletal injuries in paramedics. This study specifically looks at hazards related to musculoskeletal disorders. It identifies work system deficiencies that contribute to the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries, and possible interventions to avoid them in paramedics.


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Aims: The Rural and Remote Road Safety Study (RRRSS) addresses a recognised need for greater research on road trauma in rural and remote Australia, the costs of which are disproportionately high compared with urban areas. The 5-year multi-phase study with whole-of-government support concluded in June 2008. Drawing on RRRSS data, we analysed fatal motorcycle crashes which occurred over 39 months to provide a description of crash characteristics, contributing factors and people involved. The descriptive analysis and discussion may inform development of tailored motorcycle safety interventions. Methods: RRRSS criteria sought vehicle crashes resulting in death or hospitalisation for 24 hours minimum of at least 1 person aged 16 years or over, in the study area defined roughly as the Queensland area north from Bowen in the east and Boulia in the west (excluding Townsville and Cairns urban areas). Fatal motorcycle crashes were selected from the RRRSS dataset. Analysis considered medical data covering injury types and severity, evidence of alcohol, drugs and prior medical conditions, as well as crash descriptions supplied by police to Queensland Transport on contributing circumstances, vehicle types, environmental conditions and people involved. Crash data were plotted in a geographic information system (MapInfo) for spatial analysis. Results: There were 23 deaths from 22 motorcycle crashes on public roads meeting RRRSS criteria. Of these, half were single vehicle crashes and half involved 2 or more vehicles. In contrast to general patterns for driver/rider age distribution in crashes, riders below 25 years of age were represented proportionally within the population. Riders in their thirties comprised 41% of fatalities, with a further 36% accounted for by riders in their fifties. 18 crashes occurred in the Far North Statistical Division (SD), with 2 crashes in both the Northern and North West SDs. Behavioural factors comprised the vast majority of contributing circumstances cited by police, with adverse environmental conditions noted in only 4 cases. Conclusions: Fatal motorcycle crashes were more likely to involve another vehicle and less likely to involve a young rider than non-fatal crashes recorded by the RRRSS. Rider behaviour contributed to the majority of crashes and should be a major focus of research, education and policy development, while other road users’ behaviour and awareness also remains important. With 68% of crashes occurring on major and secondary roads within a 130km radius of Cairns, efforts should focus on this geographic area.


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Depression and alcohol use disorders frequently co-occur and are highly prevalent. Both conditions are known to impair cognitive functioning, yet research into the role of these impairments in response to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is limited. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between baseline neuropsychological performance, severity of depressive symptoms and alcohol use disorders. Participants with current depression and hazardous alcohol use were functioning in the average range on all neuropsychological measures prior to treatment entry. Baseline measures of drinking severity and a range of cognitive functions were inversely correlated. After controlling for other baseline variables, superior baseline cognitive functioning predicted greater reductions in depression severity after 17 weeks. These predictive effects occurred across both brief and extended interventions. Findings suggest that improvement in depression following psychological treatment is enhanced by greater fluid reasoning ability and is predicted by executive functioning, regardless of the treatment length or problem focus.


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While research on the management of co-occurring addictive and mental disorders (AMDs) has grown substantially in recent years, we still have little guidance on specific strategies. Consideration of epidemiological research and ethical principles can supplement existing clinical trials in providing a way forward. High frequencies of co-occurring disorders, equity of access for affected individuals and potential clashes between services in priorities and procedures, suggest that a stepped model of care by a single service may often be required. Typically, problems are multiple rather than dual, with potential for mutual influence, suggesting a need for interventions that are sensitive to and encompass complex co-occurring problems. Motivational problems are endemic, initial gains are often partial and unstable, and relapses potentially have serious consequences, suggesting a need for long-term, assertive follow-up. Principles such as these provide a solid framework for designing both services and interventions. However, there is a continuing need for controlled trials that unpack effective components of interventions, and increase their impact.