568 resultados para Erasmus
As lectures, but above all, as Erasmus....
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação: área de Educação e Desenvolvimento
This paper reports on the design and development of an Android-based context-aware system to support Erasmus students during their mobility in Porto. It enables: (i) guest users to create, rate and store personal points of interest (POI) in a private, local on board database; and (ii) authenticated users to upload and share POI as well as get and rate recommended POI from the shared central database. The system is a distributed client / server application. The server interacts with a central database that maintains the user profiles and the shared POI organized by category and rating. The Android GUI application works both as a standalone application and as a client module. In standalone mode, guest users have access to generic info, a map-based interface and a local database to store and retrieve personal POI. Upon successful authentication, users can, additionally, share POI as well as get and rate recommendations sorted by category, rating and distance-to-user.
Purpose: This work aims at further developing and testing the psychometric properties of the Cultural Intelligence Scale (Ang & Van Dyne, 2006) in an Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Population, including reliability. Design Methodology: The study included 626 participants from 109 different countries that emcompasses 6 continents. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis procedures were carried out in order to test the scale in a multicultural scale of Erasmus Mundus Students. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach Alpha. Results: The scale presents excellent psychometric properties with alpha values that range from .84 to .90. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses demonstrated that the original model of the scale presents an exceptionally good fit. Limitations: The present study was conducted using a convenience sample and online questionnaires that limit its conclusions when we consider the globality of the Erasmus Mundus Students. Research/Practical Implications: This study presents evidence that Ang and Van Dyne’s scale is an adequate measure instrument to assess intercultural intelligence in a multicultural setting of students and alumni. Originality/Value: Multicultural samples and studies are becoming more and more present and relevant; the study of intercultural competences and habilities is becoming increasingly important, and in this task, solid psychometric instruments are of paramount importance. This study presents evidence that Ang and Van Dyne’s (2006) scale is a fairly recent and parsimonious instrument with excellent psychometric properties properties.
Erasmus Mundus Masters (EMM) are programs with a strong component of interculturality. Our study aimed at understanding the level of cultural intelligence (CQ) of EMM students and alumni, as well as some of the characteristics associated with higher levels of CQ. The study included 626 EMM students and alumni from 109 different countries that encompasses 6 continents. Ang and Van Dyne’s (2006) cultural intelligence scale was used; closed and open ended questions were used to describe the sample’s sociodemographic characteristics and experiences regarding interculturality. After validating and assessing the scale’s psychometric properties, relations between different variables were explored using Pearson’s correlation, ANOVA, t Tests, and GLM procedures. We then analysed the open ended responses to gain further insight on our results. Differences among respondents are mainly equated with international experience rather than nationality or training. Respondents’ open ended replies provided us with a deeper insight on why training seems to be so ineffective in developing CQ. This is a transversal study that uses self-reporting measures; also, questionnaires were conducted in English, which was not the mother tongue of most of the respondents. This work is consistent with the CQ literature, however we argue that training mentioned by respondents systematically fails to meet some of literature’s foremost conditions for effective CQ trainings and provide clues for the implementation of more successful initiatives. With an exceptionally diverse sample, this study contributes towards the understanding of mechanisms of developing CQ among EMM and international Students. Results can be useful for selection processes, training/development of CQ and reducing dropout/turnover.
Esta investigação pretende dar a conhecer as motivações que levam os estudantes a fazer Erasmus e o impacto que este assume na vida Ãntima. Numa abordagem qualitativa de carácter exploratório pretende-se revelar as práticas e representações afectivo-sexuais analisando os discursos dos participantes. Partindo do conceito de modernidade reflexiva (Giddens, Beck e Lash, 1997), o objectivo deste trabalho é verificar o modo como a identidade, a sexualidade e o amor são exploradas na migração, e de que forma a individualização, o capital social e a procura de cosmopolitismo influenciam o desenvolvimento individual. Definindo o Erasmus como um ponto de viragem voluntário na construção de uma biografia individual, identificam-se formas de viver a sexualidade e a afectividade dentro desta experiência internacional e explora-se o significado que estas adquirem nas trajectórias individuais. A análise dos discursos das entrevistas permitiu identificar quatro tipos-ideais: Sexualidade Ausente, Sexualidade Suspensa, Sexualidade de Escape e Sexualidade Cosmopolita, que ilustram modos diversos de viver o Erasmus e diferenças entre as práticas e representações dos participantes. Na parte final deste trabalho, enunciam-se algumas questões relevantes a explorar em futuras investigações.
El proyecto consiste en la gestión integrada de toda la información que se genera para la solicitud de las becas Erasmus y asignación económica a cada uno de los alumnos, asà como la asignación a los profesores tutores, si fuera necesario.
We review the participation of the Faculty of Library Sciences and Documentation of the University of Barcelona in the Erasmus program since 1993. In general, student participation has been low. We present the results of a study conducted in May 2007 among the students of the Faculty, designed a) to assess their experience of the Erasmus program and their evaluation of it and b) to promote student participation. Though the vast majority of students have heard of the Erasmus program, their awareness of specific aspects of the program is relatively low
El desenvolupament de les telecomunicacions mitjanyant xarxes d"ordinadors com Internet, i la facilitat de l"ús d'aquest tipus de xarxes, incrementen la possibilitat tant de transmetre material educatiu i intercanviar experiéncies com d"obrir nous canals de comunicació i crear entorns d"aprenentatge que permetin ultrapassar les coordenades d"espai i temps en qué s"han mogut tradicionalment les institucions. La Unió Europea, en el seu intent d"apropar les diferents cultures que conformen el mapa de la nostra comunitat, s"interessa per aquest tipus de sistemes, que permeten la comunicació i l"accés a la informació independentment de l"espai i del temps.
Hem realitzat dues investigacions d'anà lisi melòdica: una sobre els trets melòdics bà sics del parlar del pallarès, formada per 96 enunciats de parla espontà nia emesos per 21 informants de diferents zones del Pallars. S'han obtingut contorns dels 6 primers patrons entonatius descrits en el català , i també diversos trets d'èmfasi bà sics. I, una altra, sobre les preguntes absolutes que fan els estudiants Erasmus. Es basa en 31 preguntes emeses per 15 aprenents de català com a l2. Es constata que aquests gairebé mai no segueixen l'estructura pròpia de les preguntes absolutes del català , la qual cosa explica els malentesos que tenen lloc entre un parlant, que fa una pregunta, i un interlocutor, que la percep com una afirmació i, per consegüent, no respon.
The Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) is a two-year Joint Master Degree. The course is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Programme, providing a number of attractive scholarships for European and non-European students. EMQAL prepares professionals for analytical laboratories, focusing on laboratory management and quality systems, along with complementing their technical knowledge. The EMQAL aims at training students in the most relevant issues concerning quality systems and management in analytical laboratories, and to become an expert in: Quality management, Analytical methods and Data Analysis. EMQAL promotes mobility. The students will attend one academic year of lectures in one of the European universities of the EMQAL consortium, and a 12 months master thesis at other European university, with the possibility to spend three-months in one of the non-EU partners. The language of instruction and examination is English. Further information is available at www.emqal.org.