933 resultados para Equine rabies immune globulin
An epizootic outbreak of rabies occurred in 1995 in Ribeirão Preto, SP, with 58 cases of animal rabies (54 dogs, 3 cats and 1 bat) confirmed by the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo, and one human death. The need to provide care to a large number of people for the application of equine rabies immune globulin (ERIG) prevented the execution of the skin sensitivity test (SST) and often also the execution of desensitization, procedures routinely used up to that time at the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (EU-UHFMRP-USP), a reference hospital for the application of heterologous sera. In view of our positive experience of several years with the abolition of SST and of the use of premedication before the application of antivenom sera, we used a similar schedule for ERIG application. Of the 1489 victims of animal bites, 1054 (71%) received ERIG; no patient was submitted to SST and all received intravenously anti-histamines (anti-H1 + anti-H2) and corticosteroids before the procedure. The patients were kept under observation for 60 to 180 minutes and no adverse reaction was observed. On the basis of these results, since December 1995 ERIG application has been decentralized in Ribeirão Preto and has become the responsibility of the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital and the Central Basic Health Unit, where the same routine is used. Since then, 4216 patients have received ERIG (1818 at the Basic Health Unit and 2398 at the EU-UHFMRP), with no problems. The ideal would be the routine use of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) in public health programs, but this is problematic, because of their high cost. However, while this does not occur, the use of SST is no longer justified at the time of application of ERIG, in view of the clinical evidence of low predictive value and low sensitivity of SST involving the application of heterologous sera. It is very important to point out that a negative SST result may lead the health team to a feeling of false safety that no adverse reaction will occur, but this is not true for the anaphylactoid reactions. The decision to use premedication, which is based on knowledge about anaphylaxis and on the pharmacology of the medication used, is left to the judgment of health professionals, who should always be prepared for eventual untoward events.
In 1980 the World Health Organization declared that smallpox was eradicated from the world, and routine smallpox vaccination was discontinued. Nevertheless, samples of the smallpox virus (variola virus) were retained for research purposes, not least because of fears that terrorist groups or rogue states might also have kept samples in order to develop a bioweapon. Variola virus represents an effective bioweapon because it is associated with high morbidity and mortality and is highly contagious. Since September 11, 2001, countries around the world have begun to develop policies and preparedness programs to deal with a bioterror attack, including stockpiling of smallpox vaccine. Smallpox vaccine itself may be associated with a number of serious adverse events, which can often be managed with vaccinia immune globulin (VIG). VIG may also be needed as prophylaxis in patients for whom pre-exposure smallpox vaccine is contraindicated (such as those with eczema or pregnant women), although it is currently not licensed in these cases. Two intravenous formulations of VIG (VIGIV Cangene and VIGIV Dynport) have been licensed by the FDA for the management of patients with progressive vaccinia, eczema vaccinatum, severe generalized vaccinia, and extensive body surface involvement or periocular implantation following inadvertent inoculation.
O diagnóstico laboratorial da raiva é realizado através de métodos de pesquisa do corpúsculo de Negri, imunofluorescência direta e inoculação em camundongos. Na maioria dos casos, quando a amostra é bem coletada, bem conservada e o profissional responsável possui experiência, verifica-se concordância entre as técnicas utilizadas. A Seção de Raiva e Encefalomielite do Instituto Biológico ao comparar a sensibilidade das três técnicas diagnósticas, em 3713 amostras (córtex cerebral, cerebelo e hipocampo) recebidas no período de 1980-1994, sendo 3010 da espécie bovina (983 positivas) e 703 da espécie eqüina (111 positivas), observou que, no caso da raiva eqüina, esta concordância não é mantida. Verificou-se, nesta espécie, que somente em algumas oportunidades foi possível identificar, pelo método histopatológico, o corpúsculo de Negri. em relação à prova de imunofluorescência pode-se afirmar que a mesma detectou uma porcentagem menor de amostras positivas, provenientes da espécie equina, em compração com as da espécie bovina, sendo esta diferença estatisticamente significativa. A prova biológica foi a mais sensível, porém houve uma diferença, também significativa, entre o período de incubação em camundongos das amostras de origem bovina e das de origem eqüina. A presença pouco frequente de corpúsculos de Negri e o período de incubação em camundongos mais prolongado, das amostras de origem eqüina, sugerem que devem ser intensificados os estudos da patogenia da raiva nesta espécie.
The occurrence of secondary cell mediated immune response (CMI) in human antirabies immunization was studied. The Puenzalida & Palácios vaccine was used because it is routinely used in Brazil. CMI was evaluated by lymphoblastic transformation indices obtained in whole blood culture in the presence of rabies and control (nervous tissue) antigens. Eleven volunteers submitted to revaccination constituted the group under study, while three other volunteers submitted primo vaccination were utilized as control group. A clear secondary CMI to rabies antigen was detected in all the revaccinated volunteers who showed earlier and more intense response than the control group. Response to the control antigen, however, present in all the components of the first group was not detectable in two out of the three primovaccinated and very low in the third one.
This study determined the correlation between serum cortisol levels and rabies antibody titers in cattle primo-vaccinated against rabies and supplemented with dietary selenium (Se). Sixty Nelore male calves (10 to 12 months old) received daily and individual dietary supplementation with 0, 3.6, 5.4 and 6.4 mg Se (groups Gc, G(3.6), G(5.4) and G(6.4), respectively). The animals were vaccinated against rabies (day 0) and subjected to handling stress in the corral for 120 days. Blood sampling procedures were performed on days 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120. Cortisol levels increased until day 90, but had dropped significantly by day 120 (P < 0.01). Rabies antibody titers on days 30 and 90 were similar among Se-supplemented groups; in the control group, rabies antibodies decreased significantly from day 30 to 60, and 90 to 120. Serum cortisol levels and antibody titers were not correlated in most of the groups or blood sampling days. A positive correlation among these variables was found only in G(6.4) on days 60 (R = 0.513; P = 0.05) and 120 (R = 0.644; P = 0.009). In conclusion, repeated handling in the corral stresses cattle, but without compromising rabies humoral immune response.
Introduction. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, a common complication in lung transplant (LT) patients, is associated with worse outcomes. Therefore, prophylaxis and surveillance with preemptive treatment is recommended. Objectives. Describe the epidemiology and impact on mortality of CMV infection in LT patients receiving CMV prophylaxis. Methods. Single-center retrospective cohort of LT recipients from August 2003 to March 2008. We excluded patients with survival or follow-up shorter than 30 days. We reviewed medical charts and all CMV pp65 antigen results. Results. Forty-seven patients met the inclusion criteria and 19 (40%) developed a CMV event: eight CMV infections, seven CMV syndromes, and 15 CMV diseases. The mean number of CMV events for each patient was 1.68 +/- 0.88. Twelve patients developed CMV events during prophylaxis (5/12 had CMV serology D+/R-). Forty-six of the 47 patients had at least one episode of acute rejection (mean 2.23 +/- 1.1). Median follow-up was 22 months (range = 3-50). There were seven deaths. Upon univariate analysis, CMV events were related to greater mortality (P = .04), especially if the patient experienced more than two events (P = .013) and if the first event occurred during the first 3 months after LT (P = .003). Nevertheless, a marginally significant relationship between CMV event during the first 3 months after LT and mortality was observed in the multivariate analysis (hazards ratio: 7.46; 95% confidence interval: 0.98-56.63; P = .052). Patients with CMV events more than 3 months post-LT showed the same survival as those who remained CMV-free. Conclusion. Prophylaxis and preemptive treatment are safe and effective; however, the patients who develop CMV events during prophylaxis experience a worse prognosis.
Polyomavirus nephropathy is a major complication in renal transplantation, associated with renal allograft loss in 14 to 80% of cases. There is no established treatment, although improvement has been reported with a variety of approaches. The authors report two cases of polyomavirus infection in renal allograft recipients. In the first case, a stable patient presented with deterioration of renal function, worsening hypertension and weight gain following removal of ureteral stent placed routinely at the time of surgery. Ultrasound examination and radiology studies revealed hydronephrosis due to ureteral stenosis. A new ureteral stent was placed, but renal function did not improve. Urinary cytology revealed the presence of decoy cells and polyomavirus was detected in blood and urine by qualitative polymerase chain reaction. Renal biopsy findings were consistent with polyomavirus -associated nephropathy. In the second case, leucopaenia was detected in an asymptomatic patient 6 months after transplantation. Mycophenolate mophetil dosage was reduced but renal allograft function deteriorated, and a kidney biopsy revealed polyomavirus -associated nephropathy, also with SV40 positive cells. In both patients immunosuppression with tacrolimus was reduced, mycophenolate mophetil stopped and intravenous immune globulin plus ciprofloxacin started. As renal function continued to deteriorate, therapy with leflunomide (40 mg/day) was associated and maintained during 5 and 3 months respectively. In the first patient, renal function stabilised within one month of starting leflunomide and polymerase chain reaction was negative for polyomavirus after 5 months. A repeated allograft biopsy 6 months later showed no evidence of polyomavirus nephropathy. In the second patient, polyomavirus was undetectable in blood and urine by polymerase chain reaction after 3 months of leflunomide treatment, with no evidence of polyomavirus infection in a repeated biopsy 6 months after beginning treatment.
Respiratory syncytial virus is the most important cause of viral lower respiratory illness in infants and children worldwide. By the age of 2 years, nearly every child has become infected with respiratory syncytial virus and re-infections are common throughout life. Most infections are mild and can be managed at home, but this virus causes serious diseases in preterm children, especially those with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Respiratory syncytial virus has also been recognized as an important pathogen in people with immunossupressive and other underlying medical problems and institutionalizated elderly, causing thousands of hospitalizations and deaths every year. The burden of these infections makes the development of vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus highly desirable, but the insuccess of a respiratory syncytial virus formalin-inactivated vaccine hampered the progress in this field. To date, there is no vaccine available for preventing respiratory syncytial virus infections, however, in the last years, there has been much progress in the understanding of immunology and immunopathologic mechanisms of respiratory syncytial virus diseases, which has allowed the development of new strategies for passive and active prophylaxis. In this article, the author presents a review about novel approaches to the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infections, such as: passive immunization with human polyclonal intravenous immune globulin and humanized monoclonal antibodies (both already licensed for use in premature infants and children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia), and many different vaccines that are potential candidates for active immunization against respiratory syncytial virus.
Replacement of the hyperimmune anti-Rhesus (Rh) D immunoglobulin, currently used to prevent haemolytic disease of the newborn, by fully recombinant human anti-RhD antibodies would solve the current logistic problems associated with supply and demand. The combination of phage display repertoire cloning with precise selection procedures enables isolation of specific genes that can then be inserted into mammalian expression systems allowing production of large quantities of recombinant human proteins. With the aim of selecting high-affinity anti-RhD antibodies, two human Fab libraries were constructed from a hyperimmune donor. Use of a new phage panning procedure involving bromelin-treated red blood cells enabled the isolation of two high-affinity Fab-expressing phage clones. LD-6-3 and LD-6-33, specific for RhD. These showed a novel reaction pattern by recognizing the D variants D(III), D(IVa), D(IVb), D(Va), D(VI) types I and II. D(VII), Rh33 and DFR. Full-length immunoglobulin molecules were constructed by cloning the variable regions into expression vectors containing genomic DNA encoding the immunoglobulin constant regions. We describe the first, stable, suspension growth-adapted Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line producing a high affinity recombinant human IgG1 anti-RhD antibody adapted to pilot-scale production. Evaluation of the Fc region of this recombinant antibody by either chemiluminescence or antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC) assays demonstrated macrophage activation and lysis of red blood cells by human lymphocytes. A consistent source of recombinant human anti-RhD immunoglobulin produced by CHO cells is expected to meet the stringent safety and regulatory requirements for prophylactic application.
Parvovirus B19 (B-19) may cause chronic anaemia in immunosuppressed patients, including those infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We studied single serum samples from 261 consecutive HIV-infected patients using an enzyme immunoassay to detect IgG antibodies to B-19. The seroprevalence of B-19-IgG was 62.8%. The differences in seroprevalence across gender, age, educational categories, year of collection of the serum samples, clinical and antiretroviral therapy characteristics, CD4+ count, CD4+ and CD8+ percentage and CD4+/CD8+ ratios were neither substantial nor statistically significant. There was a non-significant, inverse association between B-19 seropositivity and plasma HIV load and haemoglobin level. Our results indicated that 37.1% of patients might be susceptible to B-19 infection and remained at risk for being infected, mainly during epidemic periods. As B-19 infection can be treated with immune globulin preparations, it may be included in the diagnostic approach toward chronic anaemia in HIV-infected patients.
La maladie lymphoproliférative post-greffe (MLP) est une complication grave chez les greffés (d’organes solides ou de cellules souches hématopoïétiques) immunosupprimés suite à l'infection par le virus Epstein-Barr (VEB). En l’absence d'une réponse efficace des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques, les cellules B infectées par le VEB peuvent proliférer et donner lieu à la MLP. Dans le cas des receveurs de greffe immunosupprimés, les cellules B infectées par le VEB de façon lytique, produisent activement de nouveaux virions. Ces derniers infectent les cellules B voisines, entraînant leur expansion polyclonale. La gp350, une protéine du cycle lytique située dans l'enveloppe virale, joue un rôle important dans l'infection par le VEB. Elle interagit avec le récepteur CD21 exprimée à la surface des cellules B pour permettre l’entrée du virus. Ainsi, des anticorps neutralisants anti-gp350 sont considérés être des acteurs clés dans le blocage de l'infection, empêchant ainsi le développement de la MLP. L'effet protecteur des immunoglobulines intraveineuses (IgIV) à titre prophylactique contre le VEB et la MLP chez les greffés de cellules souches hématopoïétiques n’est pas clairement démontré. Par conséquent, le premier objectif de cette thèse a proposé d'évaluer l'efficacité des IgIV contre l'infection par le VEB et la MLP chez les receveurs de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Le deuxième objectif a proposé de déterminer, en utilisant la technique ELISpot, si la présence d'une réponse forte des lymphocytes T contre l'antigène précoce BMLF1 du cycle lytique du VEB pourrait constituer un marqueur de protection contre la MLP chez les greffés de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Les résultats ont montré d'une part que, si les IgIV peuvent neutraliser efficacement l'infection par le VEB in vitro, ils ne protègent pas efficacement les patients greffés contre l'infection par le VEB in vivo. D'autre part, l'étude de la réponse des lymphocytes T contre des antigènes du VEB a démontré que les cellules T de certains patients sont capables de reconnaître l'antigène lytique BMLF1. Cette réponse spécifique des lymphocytes T peut s’avérer un bon marqueur de la protection contre la MLP. Les résultats de cette thèse démontrent que l’infection lytique au VEB joue un rôle fondamental dans le développement de la MLP. Les données indiquent également que la présence d'une réponse spécifique des lymphocytes T contre un antigène du cycle lytique du VEB peut constituer un bon marqueur de la protection contre la MLP. Cependant, le traitement des patients recevant des greffes de cellules souches hématopoïétiques avec les IgIV n’apparaît pas efficace dans la prévention de la MLP.
Introducción La infección por Clostridium difficile, es una de las causas más frecuentes de diarrea nosocomial con una alta morbimortalidad, con un aumento exponencial en su incidencia, en Estados Unidos se duplicó, de 261 casos x 100.000 en 1993 pasó a 546 x 100.000 en 2003 2, y en Canadá se encontraron datos similares con un aumento de 4.5 veces, en 1991 de 35.6 casos x 100.000 a 156.3 casos por 100.000 en 2004 3 . Se han descrito varios factores asociados Materiales y Métodos Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de tipo serie de casos en el que se evaluaron pacientes con diagnóstico de infección por C. Difficile y los factores asociados en un Hospital Universitario entre febrero de 2010 hasta septiembre de 2011 Resultados Se recolectaron 31 pacientes la edad promedio fue de 58 años con un rango entre 18 y 93 años, de los cuales 19 (61%) fueron mujeres y 12 (39%) hombres. El factor asociado a la infección por C. Difficile más frecuentemente encontrado fue el uso de inhibidores de bomba de protones con 54.84% (n=17) .No se encontraron pacientes VIH positivos o con diagnóstico de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Ningún paciente presentó complicaciones asociadas a la infección ni mortalidad alguna. Conclusión El factor asociado que más se presentó fue el uso de antimicrobianos en los quince dias previos al inicio del cuadro en el 74% de los pacientes lo que coincide con lo presentado en la literatura mundial.
This study evaluated the humoral immune response of a new rabies vaccine developed by the Instituto Butantan (potency of 3.27 UI/ml) in primovaccinated cattle and the effect of probiotic on this response. Thirty-four 15-month old Nelore cattle were randomly divided into 2 groups (17 animals/group). All the animals were vaccinated on day 0 (zero) and then animals in one group received probiotic added to a mineral mixture (GP) while the others were given only the mineral mixture (GC). Blood samples were collected on days 0, 75 and 150 for rabies neutralizing antibodies titers by seroneutralization assay on BHK21 cells (RFFIT). Protective antibody titers (>= 0.5 UI/mL) were found in 82.4% of the animals from GP and in 76.5% of the animals from GC and no statistical difference (p>0.05) between antibody titers in GP and GC was detected on days 75 and 150. It was also observed that in both groups antibody titers was decreased on day 150 (p<0.01). In conclusion, the tested rabies vaccine promotes efficient soroconversion and keeps antibody levels in primovaccinated cattle, but probiotic does not affect the humoral anti-rabies immune response.
The central issue in organ transplantation remains suppression of allograft rejection. Immunosuppression can be achieved by depleting lymphocytes, diverting lymphocyte traffic, or blocking lymphocyte response pathways. Immunosuppressive drugs include small-molecule drugs, depleting and nondepleting protein drugs (polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies), fusion proteins, intravenous immune globulin, and glucocorticoids. Small-molecule immunosuppressive agents include calcineurin-inhibitors (cyclosporine, tacrolimus), Target-of-Rapamycin Inhibitors (Sirolimus, Everolimus), inhibitors of nucleotide synthesis and azathioprine. The review covers the mode of action of these drugs with a special focus on belatacept, a new promising fusion protein. Different immuo-suppressive strategies mean also different safety profiles. Common side effects include the consequences of diminished immuno- response, i.e. infections and cancer (mainly involving the skin). Toxic side effects of immunosuppressive drugs range in a wide spectrum that involves almost every organ. The major interest of this toxic effects is the cardiovascular tolerance (with large differences from drug to drug), that are discussed seperately. The calcineurin- and mTOR-inhibitors are both metabolized by the CYP450 3A4 enzyme, which is also involved in the metabolism of many other drugs. The review discusses the most important interactions that in- or decreases the through level of these drugs.
BACKGROUND: We investigated the long-term outcome of gene therapy for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) due to the lack of adenosine deaminase (ADA), a fatal disorder of purine metabolism and immunodeficiency. METHODS: We infused autologous CD34+ bone marrow cells transduced with a retroviral vector containing the ADA gene into 10 children with SCID due to ADA deficiency who lacked an HLA-identical sibling donor, after nonmyeloablative conditioning with busulfan. Enzyme-replacement therapy was not given after infusion of the cells. RESULTS: All patients are alive after a median follow-up of 4.0 years (range, 1.8 to 8.0). Transduced hematopoietic stem cells have stably engrafted and differentiated into myeloid cells containing ADA (mean range at 1 year in bone marrow lineages, 3.5 to 8.9%) and lymphoid cells (mean range in peripheral blood, 52.4 to 88.0%). Eight patients do not require enzyme-replacement therapy, their blood cells continue to express ADA, and they have no signs of defective detoxification of purine metabolites. Nine patients had immune reconstitution with increases in T-cell counts (median count at 3 years, 1.07x10(9) per liter) and normalization of T-cell function. In the five patients in whom intravenous immune globulin replacement was discontinued, antigen-specific antibody responses were elicited after exposure to vaccines or viral antigens. Effective protection against infections and improvement in physical development made a normal lifestyle possible. Serious adverse events included prolonged neutropenia (in two patients), hypertension (in one), central-venous-catheter-related infections (in two), Epstein-Barr virus reactivation (in one), and autoimmune hepatitis (in one). CONCLUSIONS: Gene therapy, combined with reduced-intensity conditioning, is a safe and effective treatment for SCID in patients with ADA deficiency. (ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00598481 and NCT00599781.)