320 resultados para Equiaxed Solidification


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An experimental programme has been undertaken to determine which of the grain formation mechanisms of equiaxed crystals are dominant in the solidification of Al-Si foundry alloys. Small ingots were cast from alloys of varying silicon concentration with and without gauze barriers, using different types of mould materials and different mould preheats. The results show that two mechanisms of grain nucleation are operating. The first is a wall mechanism where crystals are nucleated either on or near the mould wall owing to thermal undercooling. The second is a constitutional supercooling mechanism where nucleants are activated in the constitutionally undercooled zone ahead of the advancing interface. As a consequence, the grain size decreases with increasing silicon content. However a transition in the growth mode occurs once a critical degree of constitutional undercooling is exceeded. This change in growth is accompanied by an increase in grain size. The transition point can be shifted with respect to solute content by changing the casting conditions, and a mechanism is proposed to explain this effect. MST/4109


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Integral mass conservation was widely accepted for the solute coupling to solve solute redistribution during equiaxed solidification so far. The present study revealed that the integral form was invalid for moving boundary problems as it could not represent the mass balance at the moving interface. Accordingly, differential mass conservation at the solid/liquid interface was used to solve solute diffusion for spherical geometry. The model was applied for hydrogen diffusion in solidification to validate that the hydrogen enrichment was significant and depended on the growth rate. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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A deterministic mathematical model for steady-state unidirectional solidification is proposed to predict the columnar-to-equiaxed transition. In the model, which is an extension to the classic model proposed by Hunt [Hunt JD. Mater Sci Eng 1984;65:75], equiaxed grains nucleate according to either a normal or a log-normal distribution of nucleation undercoolings. Growth maps are constructed, indicating either columnar or equiaxed solidification as a function of the velocity of isotherms and temperature gradient. The fields A columnar and equiaxed growth change significantly with the spread of the nucleation undercooling distribution. Increasing the spread Favors columnar solidification if the dimensionless velocity of the isotherms is larger than 1. For a velocity less than 1, however, equiaxed solidification is initially favored, but columnar solidification is enhanced for a larger increase in the spread. This behavior was confirmed by a stochastic model, which showed that an increase in the distribution spread Could change the grain structure from completely columnar to 50% columnar grains. (c) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The dendrite coherency point of Al-Si-Cu alloys was determined by thermal analysis and rheological measurement methods by performing parallel measurements at two cooling rates for aluminum alloys across a wide range of silicon and copper contents. Contrary to previous findings, the two methods yield significantly different values for the fraction solid at the dendrite coherency point. This disparity is greatest for alloys of low solute concentration. The results from this study also contradict previously reported tl ends in the effect of cooling rate on the dendritic coherency point. Consideration of the results shows that thermal analysis is not a valid technique for the measurement of coherency. Analysis of the results from rheological testing indicates that silicon concentration has a dominant effect on grain size and dendritic morphology, independent of cooling rate and copper content, and thus is the factor that determines the fraction solid at dendrite coherency for Al-Si-Cu alloys.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da solidificação de metais puros utilizando o modelo de campo de fases. O modelo é utilizado para simular a solidificação com o intuito de obter a morfologia da interface sólido-líquido sob diversas condições de transferência de calor. Foram realizados testes de validação comparando as morfologias da interface sólido-líquido obtida com as morfologias apresentadas em trabalhos anteriores para os casos bi e tridimensionais. O modelo do campo de fases adotado consiste principalmente de duas equações diferenciais: uma para calcular a variável de campo de fases e outra para calcular o campo de temperaturas. As equações foram solucionadas numericamente para um oitavo do domínio devido a simetria do problema. Os cálculos do modelo indicam que um sólido esférico com um raio inicial menor que o raio crítico de nucleação refunde. Entretanto uma esfera de raio maior cresce. Quando o sólido inicial cresce em uma malha numérica relativamente grosseira, a forma do sólido desvia da forma esférica devido perturbações na interface sólido-líquido. Quando a malha é refinada, as perturbações não são detectadas; contudo, quando introduzidas artificialmente as perturbações crescem e distorcem o formato esférico.


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Mechanical blocking of the columnar front during the columnar to equiaxed transition (CET) is studied by quantitatively comparing the CET positions obtained with one stochastic model and two deterministic models for the unidirectional solidification of an Al-7 (wt pct) Si alloy. One of the deterministic models is based on the solutal blocking of the columnar front, whereas the other model is based on the mechanical blocking. The solutal-blocking model and the mechanical-blocking model with the traditional blocking fraction of 0.49 give columnar zones larger than those predicted with the stochastic model. When a blocking fraction of 0.2 is adopted, however, the agreement is very good for a range of nucleation undercoolings and number density of equiaxed grains. Therefore, changing the mechanical-blocking fraction in deterministic models from 0.49 to 0.2 seems to model more accurately the mechanical-blocking process that can lead to the CET.


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A Cellular-Automaton Finite-Volume-Method (CAFVM) algorithm has been developed, coupling with macroscopic model for heat transfer calculation and microscopic models for nucleation and growth. The solution equations have been solved to determine the time-dependent constitutional undercooling and interface retardation during solidification. The constitutional undercooling is then coupled into the CAFVM algorithm to investigate both the effects of thermal and constitutional undercooling on columnar growth and crystal selection in the columnar zone, and formation of equiaxed crystals in the bulk liquid. The model cannot only simulate microstructures of alloys but also investigates nucleation mechanisms and growth kinetics of alloys solidified with various solute concentrations and solidification morphologies.


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A comprehensive probabilistic model for simulating dendrite morphology and investigating dendritic growth kinetics during solidification has been developed, based on a modified Cellular Automaton (mCA) for microscopic modeling of nucleation, growth of crystals and solute diffusion. The mCA model numerically calculated solute redistribution both in the solid and liquid phases, the curvature of dendrite tips and the growth anisotropy. This modeling takes account of thermal, curvature and solute diffusion effects. Therefore, it can simulate microstructure formation both on the scale of the dendrite tip length. This model was then applied for simulating dendritic solidification of an Al-7%Si alloy. Both directional and equiaxed dendritic growth has been performed to investigate the growth anisotropy and cooling rate on dendrite morphology. Furthermore, the competitive growth and selection of dendritic crystals have also investigated.


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Directional solidification of unmodified and strontium modified binary, high-purity aluminium-7 wt% silicon and commercial A356 alloys has been carried out to investigate the mechanism of eutectic solidification. The microstructure of the eutectic growth inter-face was investigated with optical microscopy and Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD). In the commercial alloys, the eutectic solidification inter-face extends in the growth direction and creates a eutectic mushy zone. A planar eutectic growth front is observed in the high-purity alloys. The eutectic aluminium has mainly the same crystallographic orientation as the dendrites in the unmodified alloys and the strontium modified high-purity alloy. A more complex eutectic grain structure is found in the strontium modified commercial alloy. A mechanism involving constitutional undercooling and a columnar to equiaxed transition explains the differences between pure and commercial alloys. It is probably caused by the segregation of iron and magnesium and the activation of nucleants in the commercial alloy. (C) 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a brief résumé of the history of solidification research and key factors affecting the solidification of fusion welds. There is a general agreement of the basic solidification theory, albeit differing - even confusing - nomenclatures do exist, and Cases 2 and 3 (the Chalmers' basic boundary conditions for solidification, categorized by Savage as Cases) are variably emphasized. Model Frame, a tool helping to model the continuum of fusion weld solidification from start to end, is proposed. It incorporates the general solidification models, of which the pertinent ones are selected for the actual modeling. The basic models are the main solidification Cases 1…4. These discrete Cases are joined with Sub-Cases: models of Pfann, Flemings and others, bringing needed Sub-Case variables into the model. Model Frame depicts a grain growing from the weld interface to its centerline. Besides modeling, the Model Frame supports education and academic debate. The new mathematical modeling techniques will extend its use into multi-dimensional modeling, introducing new variables and increasing the modeling accuracy. We propose a model: melting/solidification-model (M/S-model) - predicting the solute profile at the start of the solidification of a fusion weld. This Case 3-based Sub-Case takes into account the melting stage, the solute back-diffusion in the solid, and the growth rate acceleration typical to fusion welds. We propose - based on works of Rutter & Chalmers, David & Vitek and our experimental results on copper - that NEGS-EGS-transition is not associated only with cellular-dendritic-transition. Solidification is studied experimentally on pure and doped copper with welding speed range from 0 to 200 cm/min, with one test at 3000 cm/min. Found were only planar and cellular structures, no dendrites - columnar or equiaxed. Cell sub structures: rows of cubic elements we call "cubelettes", "cell-bands" and "micro-cells", as well as an anomalous crack morphology "crack-eye", were detected, as well as microscopic hot crack nucleus we call "grain-lag cracks", caused by a grain slightly lagging behind its neighbors in arrival to the weld centerline. Varestraint test and R-test revealed a change of crack morphologies from centerline cracks to grainand cell boundary cracks with an increasing welding speed. High speed made the cracks invisible to bare eye and hardly detectable with light microscope, while electron microscope often revealed networks of fine micro-cracks.


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Experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of thermal parameters on the columnar to equiaxed transition during the horizontal unsteady-state directional solidification of Al-Si alloys. The parameters analyzed include the heat transfer coefficients, growth rates, cooling rates, temperature gradients and composition. A combined theoretical and experimental approach is developed to determine the solidification thermal variables considered. The increasing solute content in Al-Si alloys was not found to affect significantly the experimental position of the CET which occurred for cooling rates in the range between 0.35 and 0.64 K/s for any of three alloy compositions examined. A comparative analysis between the results of this work and those from the literature proposed to analyze the CET during upward vertical solidification of Al-Si alloys is reported and the results have shown that the end of the columnar region during horizontal directional solidification is abbreviated as a result of about six times higher thermal gradient than that verified during upward unidirectional solidification of alloys investigated.


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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate both the columnar to equiaxed transition and primary dendritic arm spacings of Al-3wt.%Si alloy during the horizontal directional solidification. The transient heat transfer coefficient at the metal-mold interface is calculated based on comparisons between the experimental thermal profiles in castings and the simulations provided by a finite difference heat flow program. Simulated curve of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient was used in another numerical solidification model to determine theoretical values of tip growth rates, cooling rates and thermal gradients that are associated with both columnar to equiaxed transition and primary dendritic arm spacings. A good agreement was observed between the experimental values of these thermal variables and those numerically simulated for the alloy examined. A comparative analysis is carried out between the experimental data of this work and theoretical models from the literature that have been proposed to predict the primary dendritic spacings. In this context, this study may contribute to the understanding of how to manage solidification operational parameters aiming at designing the microstructure of Al-Si alloys.


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The influence of trace level Ni additions on the eutectic solidification mode of Sn-0.7Cu has been studied using continuous torque experiments during solidification. The solid fraction at which resistance to paddle rotation at the thermal centre of the sample occurs is related to the spatial distribution of solid during solidification. The results indicate that a transition in solidification mode occurs in the range 0-300 ppm Ni. Growth occurs antiparallel to heat flow from near the mould walls in the Ni-free alloy, while equiaxed growth from distributed centres dominates in alloys containing at least 300 ppm Ni. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Shrinkage porosity as a volume change related casting defect in lamellar cast iron was reported in theliterature to form during solidification in connection to the dendrite coherency. The present work includesan experimental study on dendrite coherency – also called columnar-to-equiaxed transition in lamellar castiron using thermal analysis and expansion force measurements. Investigation was carried out in order tostudy the mechanism of dendrite coherency formation. Cylindrical test bars were cast from the same alloywith different pouring temperature, amount of inoculant and time between the addition of inoculant andstart of pouring the samples. Cooling rate and expansion force was recorded as a function of time. Anumerical algorithm based on temperature differences measured under solidification was used to inter-pret the solidification process. Three different methods have been compared to determine the columnarto equiaxed transition. The compared methods were based on registered temperature differences, basedon registered expansion forces during the volume change of the solidifying samples and based on the cal-culated released latent heat of crystallization. The obtained results indicate a considerable influence on theformation and progress of coherency due to variation of casting parameters. It has been shown that thecoherency is not a single event at a defined time moment rather a process progressing during a timeinterval.


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Ti-rich Ti-Si-B alloys can be considered for structural applications at high temperatures (max. 700 degrees C), however, phase equilibria data is reported only for T = 1250 degrees C. Thus, in this work the phase stability of this system has been evaluated at 700 degrees C. In order to attain equilibrium conditions in shorter time, rapid solidified samples have been prepared and carefully characterized. The microstructural characterization of the produced materials were based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM-BSE), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), High Temperature X-ray diffraction with Synchrotron radiation (XRDSR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Amorphous and amorphous with embedded nanocrystals have been observed after rapid solidification from specific alloy compositions. The values of the crystallization temperature (Tx) of the alloys were in the 509-647 degrees C temperature range. After Differential Scanning Calorimetry and High Temperature X-ray Diffraction with Synchrotron radiation, the alloys showed crystalline and basically formed by two or three of the following phases: alpha Ti, Ti(6)Si(2)B; Ti(5)Si(3); Ti(3)Si and TiB. It has been shown the stability of the Ti(3)Si and Ti(6)Si(2)B phases at 700 degrees C and the proposition of an isothermal section at this temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.