998 resultados para Epileptic Patients


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We measured the effects of epilepsy on visual contrast sensitivity to linear and vertical sine-wave gratings. Sixteen female adults, aged 21 to 50 years, comprised the sample in this study, including eight adults with generalized tonic-clonic seizure-type epilepsy and eight age-matched controls without epilepsy. Contrast threshold was measured using a temporal two-alternative forced-choice binocular psychophysical method at a distance of 150 cm from the stimuli, with a mean luminance of 40.1 cd/m². A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) applied to the linear contrast threshold showed significant differences between groups (F[3,188] = 14.829; p < .05). Adults with epilepsy had higher contrast thresholds (1.45, 1.04, and 1.18 times for frequencies of 0.25, 2.0, and 8.0 cycles per degree of visual angle, respectively). The Tukey Honestly Significant Difference post hoc test showed significant differences (p < .05) for all of the tested spatial frequencies. The largest difference between groups was in the lowest spatial frequency. Therefore, epilepsy may cause more damage to the neural pathways that process low spatial frequencies. However, epilepsy probably alters both the magnocellular visual pathway, which processes low spatial frequencies, and the parvocellular visual pathway, which processes high spatial frequencies. The experimental group had lower visual contrast sensitivity to all tested spatial frequencies.


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Purpose To describe the ictal technetium-99 m-ECD SPECT findings in polymicrogyria syndromes (PMG) during epileptic seizures. Methods We investigated 17 patients with PMG syndromes during presurgical workup, which included long-term video-electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring, neurological and psychiatry assessments, invasive EEG, and the subtraction of ictal-interictal SPECT coregistered to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (SISCOM). Results The analysis of the PMG cortex, using SISCOM, revealed intense hyperperfusion in the polymicrogyric lesion during epileptic seizures in all patients. Interestingly, other localizing investigations showed heterogeneous findings. Twelve patients underwent epilepsy surgery, three achieved seizure-freedom, five have worthwhile improvement, and four patients remained unchanged. Conclusions Our study strongly suggests the involvement of PMG in seizure generation or early propagation. Both conventional ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and SISCOM appeared as the single contributive exam to suggest the localization of the epileptogenic zone. Despite the limited number of resective epilepsy surgery in our study (n=9), we found a strong prognostic role of SISCOM in predicting surgical outcome. This result may be of great value on surgical decision-making of whether or not the whole or part of the PMG lesion should be surgically resected.


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Electroencephalography is mandatory to determine the epilepsy syndrome. However, for the precise localization of the irritative zone in patients with focal epilepsy, costly and sometimes cumbersome imaging techniques are used. Recent small studies using electric source imaging suggest that electroencephalography itself could be used to localize the focus. However, a large prospective validation study is missing. This study presents a cohort of 152 operated patients where electric source imaging was applied as part of the pre-surgical work-up allowing a comparison with the results from other methods. Patients (n = 152) with >1 year postoperative follow-up were studied prospectively. The sensitivity and specificity of each imaging method was defined by comparing the localization of the source maximum with the resected zone and surgical outcome. Electric source imaging had a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 88% if the electroencephalogram was recorded with a large number of electrodes (128-256 channels) and the individual magnetic resonance image was used as head model. These values compared favourably with those of structural magnetic resonance imaging (76% sensitivity, 53% specificity), positron emission tomography (69% sensitivity, 44% specificity) and ictal/interictal single-photon emission-computed tomography (58% sensitivity, 47% specificity). The sensitivity and specificity of electric source imaging decreased to 57% and 59%, respectively, with low number of electrodes (<32 channels) and a template head model. This study demonstrated the validity and clinical utility of electric source imaging in a large prospective study. Given the low cost and high flexibility of electroencephalographic systems even with high channel counts, we conclude that electric source imaging is a highly valuable tool in pre-surgical epilepsy evaluation.


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Induction of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has been described in a wide range of neurological diseases including animal models of epilepsy. The present study was undertaken to assess COX-2 expression in hippocampal biopsies from patients with therapy-refractive temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). For this purpose, hippocampal CA1 subfield was dissected from epileptic patients with (n=5) or without (n=2) hippocampal sclerosis (HS). COX-2 expression was investigated using immunohistochemistry and semi-quantitative RT-PCR. COX-2 immunoreactivity in TLE patient material in the absence of HS was restricted to a few neurons of the hippocampus. In the presence of HS, on the other hand, a significant induction of astrocytic COX-2 immunoreactivity associated with a concomitant increase in the steady-state level of COX-2 mRNA was observed in the CA1 subfield. These findings suggest that induction of astrocytic COX-2 is implicated in the pathogenesis of HS in TLE and is consistent with the previous findings of increased concentrations of prostaglandins in the cerebrospinal fluid of these patients.


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Il lavoro che ho sviluppato presso l'unità di RM funzionale del Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi, DIBINEM, è incentrato sull'analisi dati di resting state - functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) mediante l'utilizzo della graph theory, con lo scopo di valutare eventuali differenze in termini di connettività cerebrale funzionale tra un campione di pazienti affetti da Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy (NFLE) ed uno di controlli sani. L'epilessia frontale notturna è una peculiare forma di epilessia caratterizzata da crisi che si verificano quasi esclusivamente durante il sonno notturno. Queste sono contraddistinte da comportamenti motori, prevalentemente distonici, spesso complessi, e talora a semiologia bizzarra. L'fMRI è una metodica di neuroimaging avanzata che permette di misurare indirettamente l'attività neuronale. Tutti i soggetti sono stati studiati in condizioni di resting-state, ossia di veglia rilassata. In particolare mi sono occupato di analizzare i dati fMRI con un approccio innovativo in campo clinico-neurologico, rappresentato dalla graph theory. I grafi sono definiti come strutture matematiche costituite da nodi e links, che trovano applicazione in molti campi di studio per la modellizzazione di strutture di diverso tipo. La costruzione di un grafo cerebrale per ogni partecipante allo studio ha rappresentato la parte centrale di questo lavoro. L'obiettivo è stato quello di definire le connessioni funzionali tra le diverse aree del cervello mediante l'utilizzo di un network. Il processo di modellizzazione ha permesso di valutare i grafi neurali mediante il calcolo di parametri topologici che ne caratterizzano struttura ed organizzazione. Le misure calcolate in questa analisi preliminare non hanno evidenziato differenze nelle proprietà globali tra i grafi dei pazienti e quelli dei controlli. Alterazioni locali sono state invece riscontrate nei pazienti, rispetto ai controlli, in aree della sostanza grigia profonda, del sistema limbico e delle regioni frontali, le quali rientrano tra quelle ipotizzate essere coinvolte nella fisiopatologia di questa peculiare forma di epilessia.


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Sera from 88 patients from Santa Catarina and São Paulo states of Brazil, with epileptic seizures who underwent cerebral computed tomography (CT) were analyzed for the detection of antibodies to T. solium cysticercus by ELISA and Immunoblot (IB) with the following antigens: Taenia solium cysticercus total saline (Tso), Taenia crassiceps cysticercus vesicular fluid (Tcra-vf) and T. crassiceps cysticercus glycoproteins (Tcra-gp). ELISA carried out with Tso, Tcra-vf and Tcra-gp antigens showed 95%, 90% and 80% sensitivities, respectively, and 68%, 85% and 93% specificities, respectively. In the epileptic patients group, ELISA positivity was 30%, 51% and 35% with Tso, Tcra-vf and Tcra-gp antigens respectively. Considering the IB as the confirmatory test, the positivity was 16% (14/88) in the epileptic patients total group and 22% (12/54) in the epileptic patients with positive CT and signals of cysticercosis. We found a significant statistical correlation among ELISA or IB results and the phase of the disease when any antigens were used (p < 0.05). We emphasize the need to introduce in the laboratory routine the search for neurocysticercosis (NC) in patients presenting with epileptic seizures because of the high risk of acquiring NC in our region and its potential cause of epilepsy.


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L'épilepsie constitue le désordre neurologique le plus fréquent après les maladies cérébrovasculaires. Bien que le contrôle des crises se fasse généralement au moyen d'anticonvulsivants, environ 30 % des patients y sont réfractaires. Pour ceux-ci, la chirurgie de l'épilepsie s'avère une option intéressante, surtout si l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) cérébrale révèle une lésion épileptogène bien délimitée. Malheureusement, près du quart des épilepsies partielles réfractaires sont dites « non lésionnelles ». Chez ces patients avec une IRM négative, la délimitation de la zone épileptogène doit alors reposer sur la mise en commun des données cliniques, électrophysiologiques (EEG de surface ou intracrânien) et fonctionnelles (tomographie à émission monophotonique ou de positrons). La faible résolution spatiale et/ou temporelle de ces outils de localisation se traduit par un taux de succès chirurgical décevant. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons exploré le potentiel de trois nouvelles techniques pouvant améliorer la localisation du foyer épileptique chez les patients avec épilepsie focale réfractaire considérés candidats potentiels à une chirurgie d’épilepsie : l’IRM à haut champ, la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (SPIR) et la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG). Dans une première étude, nous avons évalué si l’IRM de haut champ à 3 Tesla (T), présentant théoriquement un rapport signal sur bruit plus élevé que l’IRM conventionnelle à 1,5 T, pouvait permettre la détection des lésions épileptogènes subtiles qui auraient été manquées par cette dernière. Malheureusement, l’IRM 3 T n’a permis de détecter qu’un faible nombre de lésions épileptogènes supplémentaires (5,6 %) d’où la nécessité d’explorer d’autres techniques. Dans les seconde et troisième études, nous avons examiné le potentiel de la SPIR pour localiser le foyer épileptique en analysant le comportement hémodynamique au cours de crises temporales et frontales. Ces études ont montré que les crises sont associées à une augmentation significative de l’hémoglobine oxygénée (HbO) et l’hémoglobine totale au niveau de la région épileptique. Bien qu’une activation contralatérale en image miroir puisse être observée sur la majorité des crises, la latéralisation du foyer était possible dans la plupart des cas. Une augmentation surprenante de l’hémoglobine désoxygénée a parfois pu être observée suggérant qu’une hypoxie puisse survenir même lors de courtes crises focales. Dans la quatrième et dernière étude, nous avons évalué l’apport de la MEG dans l’évaluation des patients avec épilepsie focale réfractaire considérés candidats potentiels à une chirurgie. Il s’est avéré que les localisations de sources des pointes épileptiques interictales par la MEG ont eu un impact majeur sur le plan de traitement chez plus des deux tiers des sujets ainsi que sur le devenir postchirurgical au niveau du contrôle des crises.


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A study of concentrated attention patterns in epileptic patients was conducted with the objectives: characterization of the patients' epileptic condition; assessment of the concentrated attention levels in epileptic and nonepileptic individuals; comparison of the attention levels of the two groups. An evaluation was performed of 50 adult outpatients with complex partial seizures and 20 non-epileptic individuals (comparative group) at the Neuroepilepsy Ambulatory Unit, State University of Campinas SP, Brazil. Method: characterization of seizure types, frequency and duration; concentrated attention assessment (Concentrated Attention Test - Toulouse-Piéron); comparison of the epileptic with non-epileptic individuals. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the groups with regard to Correct Response, Wrong Response and No Response. A difference was observed in relation to Time, but it was statistically insignificant. The epileptic patients presented inferior cognitive performance in relation to concentrated attention when compared with the non-epileptic individuals, findings compatible with the clinical complaints.


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Objective: To compare the performance of patients with complex partial epilepsy with the normal controls in the subtests of an instrument used to assess intelligence function. Method: Fifty epileptic patients, whose ages ranged from 19 to 49 years and 20 normal controls without any neuropsychiatric disorders. The Wechsler-Bellevue adult intelligence test was applied in groups, epileptic patients and control subjects. This test is composed of several subtests that assess specific cognitive functions. A statistical analysis was performed using non-parametric tests. Results: All the Wechsler-Bellevue subtests revealed that the intelligence functions of the patients were significantly inferior to that of the controls (p<0.05). This performance was supported by the patient's complaints in relation to their cognitive performance. Conclusion: Patients with complex partial epilepsy presented poorer results in the intelligence test when compared with individuals without neuropsychiatric disorders.


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West syndrome is a severe epilepsy, occurring in infancy, that comprises epileptic seizures known as spasms, in clusters, and a unique EEG pattern, hypsarrhythmia, with psychomotor regression. Maturation of the brain is a crucial component. The onset is within the first year of life, before 12 months of age. Patients are classified as cryptogenic (10 to 20%), when there are no known or diagnosed previous cerebral insults, and symptomatic (80 to 90%), when associated with pre-existing cerebral damages. The time interval from a brain insult to infantile spasms onset ranged from 6 weeks to 11 months. West syndrome has a time-limited natural evolutive course, usually disappearing by 3 or 4 years of age. In 62% of patients, there are transitions to another age-related epileptic encephalopathies, the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and severe epilepsy with multiple independent foci. Spontaneous remission and remission after viral infections may occur. Therapy with ACTH and corticosteroids are the most effective. Reports about intravenous immunoglobulins action deserve attention. There is also immune dysfunction, characterized mainly by anergy, impaired cell-mediated immunity, presence of immature thymocytes in peripheral blood, functional impairment of T lymphocytes induced by plasma inhibitory factors, and altered levels of immunoglobulins. Changes in B lymphocytes frequencies and increased levels of activated B cells have been reported. Sensitized lymphocytes to brain extract were also described. Infectious diseases are frequent and may, sometimes, cause fatal outcomes. Increase of pro-inflamatory cytokines in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of epileptic patients were reported. Association with specific HLA antigens was described by several authors (HLA-DR7, HLA-A7, HLA-DRw52, and HLA-DR5). Auto-antibodies to brain antigens, of several natures (N-methyl-d-aspartate glutamate receptor, gangliosides, brain tissue extract, synaptic membrane, and others), were described in epileptic patients and in epileptic syndromes. Experimental epilepsy studies with anti-brain antibodies demonstrated that epileptiform discharges can be obtained, producing hyperexcitability leading to epilepsy. We speculate that in genetically prone individuals, previous cerebral lesions may sensitize immune system and trigger an autoimmune disease. Antibody to brain antigens may be responsible for impairment of T cell function, due to plasma inhibitory effect and also cause epilepsy in immature brains. © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Background: There is an increasing attention towards the relationship between oxidative stress and epilepsy. The effect of antiepileptic drugs on oxidant status is of major interest. Antiepileptic drugs can increase levels of free radicals, which consequently might lead to seizures. Carbamazepine (CBZ) is an antiepileptic drug commonly used in childhood and adolescence. Objectives: Therefore we aimed to investigate the effects of CBZ on total antioxidant status, total oxidant stress, and oxidative stress index. Patients and Methods: The study included 40 epileptic patients and 31 healthy children between 4 and 12 years of age. Serum CBZ level, total antioxidant capacity and total oxidant status were measured. Oxidative stress index was also calculated both in controls and patients. Results: In the epileptic group, decreased levels of total antioxidant capacity, increased total oxidative stress and oxidative stress index levels were found. Positive correlation between plasma CBZ levels and total oxidant status was observed. Conclusions: Antioxidant action could not be playing any role in antiepileptic effect of CBZ. Furthermore, increased oxidative stress induced by CBZ could be the cause of CBZ-induced seizures. Therefore combining CBZ with antioxidants could be beneficial.


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We report on two epileptic patients who developed acute psychosis after the use of topiramate (TPM). One patient exhibited severe psychomotor agitation, heteroaggressiveness, auditory and visual hallucinations as well as severe paranoid and mystic delusions. The other patient had psychomotor agitation, depersonalization, derealization, severe anxiety and deluded that he was losing his memory. Both patients had to be taken to the casualty room. After interruption of TPM in one patient and reduction of dose in the other, a full remission of the psychotic symptoms was obtained without the need of antipsychotic drugs. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of development of acute psychotic symptoms in patients undergoing TPM treatment.


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OBJETIVO: este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a qualidade de vida e as áreas do desempenho ocupacional de pacientes epilépticos antes e doze meses após tratamento cirúrgico. METODOLOGIA: a amostra foi composta por 30 pacientes epilépticos que frequentavam o Centro de Cirurgia de Epilepsia da Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto - FAMERP. Todos os participantes responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada para coleta de dados sociodemográficos, ao Questionário de Qualidade de Vida em Epilepsia - 31 (QOLIE-31) e à Medida Canadense de Desempenho Ocupacional - MCDO. RESULTADOS: dezenove pacientes(63,3%) eram do sexo feminino e onze (36,7%) do sexo masculino, com idade entre 22 e 65 anos (42,1±11,9). Os resultados obtidos com o QOLIE-31 apontaram diferenças significativas em seis dos sete domínios que compõe o questionário quando comparados o período pré e pós-cirúrgico. A comparação dos resultados da COPM mostrou aumento significativo tanto na performance quanto na satisfação dos pacientes com suas atividades de vida diária, instrumentais de vida diária e de lazer. CONCLUSÃO: o tratamento cirúrgico se mostrou eficaz na melhora da qualidade de vida e no desempenho ocupacional o que pode traduzir-se a médio e longo prazo em integração social mais adequada para os pacientes epilépticos.


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Objective: We carry out a systematic assessment on a suite of kernel-based learning machines while coping with the task of epilepsy diagnosis through automatic electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classification. Methods and materials: The kernel machines investigated include the standard support vector machine (SVM), the least squares SVM, the Lagrangian SVM, the smooth SVM, the proximal SVM, and the relevance vector machine. An extensive series of experiments was conducted on publicly available data, whose clinical EEG recordings were obtained from five normal subjects and five epileptic patients. The performance levels delivered by the different kernel machines are contrasted in terms of the criteria of predictive accuracy, sensitivity to the kernel function/parameter value, and sensitivity to the type of features extracted from the signal. For this purpose, 26 values for the kernel parameter (radius) of two well-known kernel functions (namely. Gaussian and exponential radial basis functions) were considered as well as 21 types of features extracted from the EEG signal, including statistical values derived from the discrete wavelet transform, Lyapunov exponents, and combinations thereof. Results: We first quantitatively assess the impact of the choice of the wavelet basis on the quality of the features extracted. Four wavelet basis functions were considered in this study. Then, we provide the average accuracy (i.e., cross-validation error) values delivered by 252 kernel machine configurations; in particular, 40%/35% of the best-calibrated models of the standard and least squares SVMs reached 100% accuracy rate for the two kernel functions considered. Moreover, we show the sensitivity profiles exhibited by a large sample of the configurations whereby one can visually inspect their levels of sensitiveness to the type of feature and to the kernel function/parameter value. Conclusions: Overall, the results evidence that all kernel machines are competitive in terms of accuracy, with the standard and least squares SVMs prevailing more consistently. Moreover, the choice of the kernel function and parameter value as well as the choice of the feature extractor are critical decisions to be taken, albeit the choice of the wavelet family seems not to be so relevant. Also, the statistical values calculated over the Lyapunov exponents were good sources of signal representation, but not as informative as their wavelet counterparts. Finally, a typical sensitivity profile has emerged among all types of machines, involving some regions of stability separated by zones of sharp variation, with some kernel parameter values clearly associated with better accuracy rates (zones of optimality). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor mediates fast inhibitory synaptic transmission in the CNS. Dysfunction of the GABA(A) receptor would be expected to cause neuronal hyperexcitability, a phenomenon linked with epileptogenesis. We have investigated the functional consequences of an arginine-to-glutamine mutation at position 43 within the GABA(A) gamma(2)-subunit found in a family with childhood absence epilepsy and febrile seizures. Rapid-application experiments performed on receptors expressed in HEK-293 cells demonstrated that the mutation slows GABA(A) receptor deactivation and increases the rate of desensitization, resulting in an accumulation of desensitized receptors during repeated, short applications. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, two-electrode voltage-clamp analysis of steady-state currents obtained from alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2) or alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2)(R43Q) receptors did not reveal any differences in GABA sensitivity. However, differences in the benzodiazepine pharmacology of mutant receptors were apparent. Mutant receptors expressed in oocytes displayed reduced sensitivity to diazepam and flunitrazepam but not the imiclazopyricline zolpidem. These results provide evidence of impaired GABA(A) receptor function that could decrease the efficacy of transmission at inhibitory synapses, possibly generating a hyperexcitable neuronal state in thalamocortical networks of epileptic patients possessing the mutant subunit.