945 resultados para Environmental management. Environmental strategies. Millennium inorganic chemicals. Crystal global


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The general aim of this research was to analyze the factors that determine the environmental management strategies in the industry Millennium Inorganic Chemicals: Crystal Global, but also analyze which environmental management strategies are used by industry. For the achievement of the proposed objective, we conducted a case study organization based in twenty-eight environmental management strategies raised in the literature. Following this survey, it was possible to ascertain which of these strategies are used in the industry studied, as well as which factors are decisive for the implementation of these. The research is characterized as qualitative and applied, as the goals is exploratory and descriptive, with regard to the data, these were obtained through interviews with the directors of the organization and also documents made available by the industry. As a main result, it was realized that the industry practices twenty-eight twenty of environmental management strategies proposed in this study, the scale Waste Management that encompasses more strategies. Regarding the determinants realized that the endogenous factors that are most pressing for the organization creating environmental strategies, and these determinants, since the exogenous, with the exception of environmental legislation, not put pressure on the organization


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The need for companies to consider the environmental impact of their operations and supply chains has been highlighted in the literature. However, few studies appear to consider how companies’ progress from proactive environmental strategies implemented at the internal, operations level to proactive environmental strategies implemented at the supply chain level. This study assesses the implementation process through the lens of the natural resource-based view and dynamic capabilities perspective. First, the link between the internal strategy ‘pollution prevention’ and the supply chain strategy ‘process stewardship’ is assessed. Second, the mediating influence of the internal support processes ‘integration’ and ‘learning’ on the implementation process is considered. Data collected from a sample of 1200 UK-based food manufacturing companies is analysed using multiple regression analysis. The findings suggest that the progression to environmental efforts at the supply chain level begins with internally-based environmental efforts and that the integration of these efforts and experience gained from them are important supporting factors in this progression.


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Bisphenol-A (BPA) adsorption onto inorganic-organic clays (IOCs) was investigated. For this purpose, IOCs synthesised using octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (ODTMA, organic modifier) and hydroxy aluminium (Al13, inorganic modifier) were used. Three intercalation methods were employed with varying ODTMA concentration in the synthesis of IOCs. Molecular interactions of clay surfaces with ODTMA and Al13 and their arrangements within the interlayers were determined using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Surface area and porous structure of IOCs were determined by applying Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (BET) method to N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms. Surface area decreased upon ODTMA intercalation while it increased with Al13 pillaring. As a result, BET specific surface area of IOCs was considerably higher than those of organoclays. Initial concentration of BPA, contact time and adsorbent dose significantly affected BPA adsorption into IOCs. Pseudo-second order kinetics model is the best fit for BPA adsorption into IOCs. Both Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms were applicable for BPA adsorption (R2 > 0.91) for IOCs. Langmuir maximum adsorption capacity for IOCs was as high as 109.89 mg g‒1 and it was closely related to the loaded ODTMA amount into the clay. Hydrophobic interactions between long alkyl chains of ODTMA and BPA are responsible for BPA adsorption into IOCs.


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Until now, chemicals policy was unable to find a method to establish a sound balance between the benefits and risks of chemical substances. Policy learning within the European Union (EU) resulted in the formulation of an alternative approach to future chemicals policy in some quarters. The Commission's proposal for new chemicals legislation - presented as 'paradigmatic' policy change - led to a highly controversial lobbying debate. This paper deals in particular with the influence of structures, policy networks, multi-level governance and the influence of new modes of governance on chemicals policy-making. It argues that future policy will not represent the paradigmatic change announced by the Commission but only one incremental, cost-effective step towards such a reform. The final proposal is criticised as a neo-liberal interpretation of the Lisbon strategy which includes a dangerous shift in environmental policy making.


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v. 1 issued October 1977 ; v. 2 issued May 1978.


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This paper reports findings on the significance of management communication strategies to telecommuting, based on a survey of telecommuters at IBM Australia. With increased adoption of telecommuting, many strategies have been proffered to ensure that telecommuters have appreciable levels of job satisfaction. Low levels of job satisfaction can lead to unduly rapid employee turnover that is detrimental to business operation. The objective of this paper is to ascertain the perceptions of telecommuters at IBM Australia on a number of telecommuting practice measures, and to suggest how job satisfaction can be improved and maintained at high levels by giving greater attention to particular communication management strategies in Australia. Although the management communication strategies proffered in the literature appear to apply generally, this study concludes that a few aspects are distinctively applicable to the Australian environment. Those aspects should be specifically noted by those interested in benefiting from telecommuting practice.


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The aim of this article is to examine the relationships between several management communication strategies and the job satisfaction of telecommuters. A review of the literature revealed that several management communication strategies directly influence job satisfaction of telecommuters. However, this claim has not been objectively tested on Australian telecommuters. Hence, a sample of 43 telecommuters, mostly from IBM Australia, were surveyed and the results analysed using Pearson’s product-moment correlation. Eleven aspects of the strategies were found to have significant influence on the job satisfaction of telecommuters: communicating job responsibilities; goals and objectives; deadlines and job expectations; communicating freely and regularly; providing appropriate equipment; training and career development; and reviewing work and salary regularly. This article concludes that cultural, economic and social contexts may have a distinct part to play in the impact of management communication strategies on the job satisfaction of telecommuters.


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Previous syntheses on the effects of environmental conditions on the outcome of plant-plant interactions summarize results from pairwise studies. However, the upscaling to the community-level of such studies is problematic because of the existence of multiple species assemblages and species-specific responses to both the environmental conditions and the presence of neighbors. We conducted the first global synthesis of community-level studies from harsh environments, which included data from 71 alpine and 137 dryland communities to: (i) test how important are facilitative interactions as a driver of community structure, (ii) evaluate whether we can predict the frequency of positive plant-plant interactions across differing environmental conditions and habitats, and (iii) assess whether thresholds in the response of plant-plant interactions to environmental gradients exists between ``moderate'' and ``extreme'' environments. We also used those community-level studies performed across gradients of at least three points to evaluate how the average environmental conditions, the length of the gradient studied, and the number of points sampled across such gradient affect the form and strength of the facilitation-environmental conditions relationship. Over 25% of the species present were more spatially associated to nurse plants than expected by chance in both alpine and chyland areas, illustrating the high importance of positive plant-plant interactions for the maintenance of plant diversity in these environments. Facilitative interactions were more frequent, and more related to environmental conditions, in alpine than in dryland areas, perhaps because drylands are generally characterized by a larger variety of environmental stress factors and plant functional traits. The frequency of facilitative interactions in alpine communities peaked at 1000 mm of annual rainfall, and globally decreased with elevation. The frequency of positive interactions in dtyland communities decreased globally with water scarcity or temperature annual range. Positive facilitation-drought stress relationships are more likely in shorter regional gradients, but these relationships are obscured in regions with a greater species turnover or with complex environmental gradients. By showing the different climatic drivers and behaviors of plant-plant interactions in dryland and alpine areas, our results will improve predictions regarding the effect of facilitation on the assembly of plant communities and their response to changes in environmental conditions.


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Cover title.


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"April 2000."


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Power relations and small and medium-sized enterprise strategies for capturing value in global production networks: visual effects (VFX) service firms in the Hollywood film industry, Regional Studies. This paper provides insights into the way in which non-lead firms manoeuvre in global value chains in the pursuit of a larger share of revenue and how power relations affect these manoeuvres. It examines the nature of value capture and power relations in the global supply of visual effects (VFX) services and the range of strategies VFX firms adopt to capture higher value in the global value chain. The analysis is based on a total of thirty-six interviews with informants in the industry in Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada, and a database of VFX credits for 3323 visual products for 640 VFX firms.


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Este estudo foi dirigido para identificar as causas que determinam a formação de concentrados de zircão de baixa qualidade, mineral extraído de dunas da jazida do Guaju, no Estado da Paraíba, e beneficiado em uma rota industrial desenvolvida pela empresa Millennium Inorganic Chemicals do Brasil S/A. A caracterização tecnológica indicou que a jazida do Guaju corresponde a sedimentos de origem eólica, inconsolidados, constituídos por quartzo (95%), argila (2%) e minerais pesados (3%) disseminados nas dunas. Ilmenita, zircão, rutilo e cianita são os minerais pesados de interesse econômico na jazida. Devido a características mineralógicas e texturais, o pacote foi dividido, neste estudo, em dois compartimentos: TOPO e BASE. O primeiro corresponde à parte superior do pacote sedimentar; o segundo, à parte inferior. No TOPO, 95% dos grãos têm brilho vítreo, 5% são opacos, e 20% dos grãos de ilmenita têm alteração parcial ou total para leucoxeno. Na BASE, 2% dos grãos têm brilho vítreo, 98% são opacos, e 90% da ilmenita tem alteração parcial ou total para leucoxeno. O TOPO possui concentração de minerais pesados quatro vezes maior que a BASE. A opacidade dos grãos decorre de uma película argilo-ferruginosa fortemente aderida e que os envolve. A empresa produz seis tipos de concentrados de zircão, cujas qualidades variam conforme o teor de ZrO2 e das substâncias contaminantes Fe2O3, TiO2, Al2O3 e P2O5. Quanto maior o teor de ZrO2 e menores os teores das substâncias contaminantes, melhor é a qualidade do concentrado. Pesquisas desenvolvidas em um concentrado de baixa qualidade, denominado Zirconita B, indicaram que a formação dessa matéria-prima é decorrente de três fatores principais: excesso de minerais contaminantes, que não são eliminados nos processos eletrostáticos e magnéticos devido à película argilo-ferruginosa; presença de inclusões minerais nos zircões; processo de metamitização nos zircões Identificadas as causas, o estudo progrediu para o estabelecimento de uma rota alternativa de beneficiamento, para a produção de concentrados de zircão mais puros. A remoção da película ocorreu com a implementação do processo de atrição (escrubagem), tendo sido definidos os parâmetros operacionais otimizados, tanto em escala de bancada de laboratório, como em equipamento semipiloto. Removida a película, a matéria-prima foi submetida a separadores eletrostático e magnético para a retirada dos minerais condutores e/ou magnéticos do concentrado. Posteriormente, para a remoção das inclusões minerais dos zircões, foi implementada uma rota que iniciou com o aquecimento prévio do concentrado em forno de microondas, para fraturar as zonas de contato entre as inclusões minerais e a massa zirconítica, considerando as diferenças entre os coeficientes de dilatação dos minerais; seguiuse com o processo de moagem, para provocar a quebra dos zircões portadores de inclusões e liberar ou expor as mesmas; posteriormente, o material foi peneirado e a fração retida na malha 0,063 mm foi repassada nos separadores eletrostático e magnético, para a remoção das inclusões liberadas, ou expostas nos zircões quebrados Tecnicamente, esta rota foi considerada parcialmente eficaz, devido, principalmente, à baixa granulometria dos grãos de zircão. Essa característica afetou as performances na moagem e na separação magnética, determinando uma baixa recuperação do produto final. Apesar disso, esse produto final teve teor de ZrO2 compatível com o do produto de melhor qualidade produzido na mina do Guaju; entretanto, os teores das substâncias contaminantes ficaram levemente superiores aos mínimos exigidos para um produto de alta qualidade. Devido à baixa produção anual da matéria-prima, acredita-se que a rota para a remoção das inclusões minerais não seja economicamente viável. A atrição, no entanto, é perfeitamente viável, devido aos baixos investimentos de implantação e custos operacionais. Deverá ser implementada no produto denominado Pré-Concentrado de Zircão (PCZ), gerado no beneficiamento da ilmenita. A atrição do PCZ vai condicionar a produção de massas maiores de concentrados de zircão de qualidade superior, diminuindo, conseqüentemente, a formação dos produtos de menor qualidade.