945 resultados para Environmental institutional crisis


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Pierre Sauvé addressed the issue of the WTO’s institutional crisis at a workshop on "The Future of the WTO and the International Trading System" organized by the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee in Brussels on May 8th, 2012.


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Political power, territory and environmental crisis in Colombia. We describe some forms of operation of the political power of the Colombian State and their impacts on the territory. The analysis uses some results of a doctoral research that sought to understand the institutional and regulatory foundations and the water management practices in two metropolitan areas of South America, Cali in Colombia, and Campinas in Brazil. The theoretical framework, primarily based on critical thought, starts by making an approach to the concept of power and then links it with the concepts of territory and governance. We present empirical evidence on how the political power of the Colombian State operates on the environmental institutional structure. We concluded that the authoritarian interference of the executive power has generated crisis on the institutional framework and facilitated the advancement of the neo-liberal capitalist model.


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This article combines institutional and resources’ arguments to show that the institutional distance between the home and the host country, and the headquarters’ financial performance have a relevant impact on the environmental standardization decision in multinational companies. Using a sample of 135 multinational companies in three different industries with headquarters and subsidiaries based in the USA, Canada, Mexico, France, and Spain, we find that a high environmental institutional distance between headquarters’ and subsidiaries’ countries deters the standardization of environmental practices. On the other hand, high-profit headquarters are willing to standardize their environmental practices, rather than taking advantage of countries with lax environmental protection to undertake more pollution-intensive activities. Finally, we show that headquarters’ financial performance also imposes a moderating effect on the relationship between environmental institutional distance between countries and environmental standardization within the multinational company.


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This research examines the influence of environmental institutional distance between home and host countries on the standardization of environmental performance among multinational enterprises using ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression techniques and a sample of 128 multinationals from high-polluting industries. The paper examines the environmental institutional distance of countries using the concepts of formal and informal institutional distances. The results show that whereas a high formal environmental distance between home and host countries leads multinational enterprises to achieve a different level of environmental performance according to each country's legal requirements, a high informal environmental distance encourages these firms to unify their environmental performance independently of the countries in which their units are based. The study also discusses the implications for academia, managers, and policy makers.


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La investigación se focaliza en el análisis de la crisis ambiental considerada como un fenómeno complejo de evolución incierta producto de un proceso socio histórico, cuyos orígenes se remontan a los albores del proyecto moderno y deben rastrearse en un cúmulo de circunstancias que expresan las contradicciones de un modelo socioeconómico identificado con el crecimiento sostenido de la producción y las magnitudes económicas. Partiendo de esta base, se propone abordar la relación entre saber sociológico y crisis ambiental, a partir de las contribuciones de la teoría crítica a la compresión de las causas profundas de la crisis ambiental y de sus elementos constitutivos. Para lo cual se propone profundizar en algunas categorías desarrolladas por la corriente social crítica, las cuales si bien no se refieren en forma directa a la problemática ambiental, se vislumbran como campos fértiles para comprender los procesos sociales generadores de la crisis ambiental así como las alternativas que han de adoptarse para su resolución, teniendo en cuenta los mecanismos que ejerce el sistema para neutralizar los cambios que implica la conformación de una racionalidad alternativa. Acorde con ello, la primera parte del trabajo se centra en el abordaje de la relación sociedad naturaleza en el marco de tres grandes procesos sociales identificados como cosmológico, teocéntrico y antropocéntrico, haciendo especial hincapié en la correlación que en cada una de las etapas consideradas se establece entre racionalidad dominante, producción de conocimiento y conceptualización de naturaleza. El segundo capítulo profundiza en los efectos de la racionalidad instrumental sobre la ruptura del proyecto moderno y su incidencia sobre la emergencia de la crisis ambiental, a partir de la posición adoptada por Heidegger y por los referentes de la Escuela de Frankfurt. Posteriormente el análisis se estructura en torno a las dimensiones críticas de la modernidad avanzada, considerada como contexto situacional de desarrollo y profundización de la crisis ambiental, teniendo en cuenta los aportes teóricos desarrollados por Zygmunt Bauman e Immanuel Wallerstein. Al finalizar se presentan las conclusiones generales de la tesis y las posibles líneas de investigación que se abren a partir del trabajo desarrollado.


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This study examines the issue of crisis and reputation management strategies in Australian sporting clubs and finds that not only are individual clubs unaware of the potential impact of such crises on their organizations, but that they also have no training, contingency plans, or strategies to handle crises of any sort either at this or at the national league level. It uses the Australian Rugby League organization as a case study f()r examining these issues and concludes with several recommendations for improving crisis management and communications policies in Australian sporting organizations and for their stakeholders.

Many public and private organizations prefer to ignore the reality that "bad things" can happen, either through denial of their vulnerabilities or through myopia about their successes and strengths (Elliott, 2002). A crisis can be defined as any problem or disruption that triggers negative stakeholder reaction and extensive public scrutiny (Newman, 2003). Effective crisis management lies in continuous learning processes designed to equip managers with the capabilities, flexibility, and confidence to deal with sudden and unexpected problems or events (Robert & Lajtha, 2002). Good crisis leaders are those who can make fast decisions under pressure and who can keep the big picture consequences of actions and words in mind when making these decisions 030in & Lagadec, 20(0). In 2004, the Rugby league in Australia was both ill-prepared and ill-advised to effectively deal with a sex scandal involving a number of their players on an official club tour. In classic crisis escalation, what should have been a serious but easily dealt with problem became a major reputational and institutional crisis for the league, its sponsors, its players, and its fans.


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This paper presents a conceptual framework showing formal and informal institutions and their relationship with the strategic choice of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in a developing country setting. It emphasises how institutions at sub-national level (such as a region or city) influence the strategic orientations of MSMEs as many developing countries in Asia are undergoing decentralisation whereby sub-national government authorities are given more political, economic, fiscal, and administrative powers. Furthermore, it sheds more insights on the environmental (institutional) determinism-organisational (strategic) choice nexus. It offers propositions, questions as well as issues worth pursuing in empirical investigations in the future.


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Las transformaciones operadas por la globalización tienen un carácter multidimensional que trasciende la mera internacionalización de la economía y se traduce en la difusión de ideas, valores, modos de producción y gestión, fórmulas organizativas públicas y privadas y aun estilos de vida que se difunden a través de las fronteras nacionales. Aparece, entonces, un nuevo escenario para el conocimiento administrativo, que precisa ser definido en sus alcances dado que afecta tanto a prácticas y actores como a los valores subyacentes. Este trabajo se interroga sobre la influencia de las transformaciones posmodernas (analizadas aquí como quiebras o rupturas de la modernidad), en la crisis de las instituciones, entendidas como las prácticas extensivas que condensan los valores sociales -y los hacen operativos- a la vez que permiten reducir la incertidumbre. A partir de este concepto de crisis institucional y su tipificación, se analizan algunas modalidades de gestión que aparecen, bien como alterativas a la situación de crisis planteada, bien como respuesta de adaptación a la realidad de una sociedad globalizada.


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This paper explores the role and importance of universities, particularly in the Malaysian context, for building prosperous knowledge cities of the rising knowledge economy. It aims to shed light on how universities contribute to the knowledge-based development of Malaysian cities by undertaking a case study investigation. In the case of Bandar Seri Iskandar, the paper scrutinises the creation – from scratch – of a knowledge city, including the establishment of new public and private universities and hence providing a unique opportunity to understand how the idea of the knowledge economy has permeated economic development policy within a developing country context. The research findings reveal that in Malaysia, much like many of the developed countries, universities are being positioned to play a major role in supporting knowledge city (trans)formation. While there has been a tangible success on the spatial development based on a rapid land use change towards accommodating knowledge-intensive land use and activities, the research reports that a more concerted and coordinated effort from academia, public and private sectors are needed to further foster the growth and development of economical, environmental, institutional and social aspects of Bandar Seri Iskandar to become a fully functioning prosperous knowledge city.


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El continente americano es la región del mundo que cuenta con el mayor número de sistemas de integración regional (ALENA, MERCOSUR, CAN, MCCA, CARICOM, G2), y es necesario admitir que estos procesos se han llevado a cabo más por la lógica económica que por la voluntad política de integración. En América del Sur los procesos más importantes de integración que se pueden encontrar son MERCOSUR y la CAN. Durante el año 2006 la Comunidad Andina va a experimentar una de sus mas grandes crisis institucionales con la retirada de Venezuela durante el ejercicio de la presidencia pro tempore de la organizacion. Esta coyuntura politico-economica va a establecer nuevos roles para los paises miembros. Colombia comenzará a jugar un papel relevante debido a sus capacidades como pais emergente, liderando procesos de integracion a diferentes niveles.


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El objetivo de este escrito es proponer elementos conceptuales para el debate sobre la implementación de políticas sociales bajo la actual administración del presidente Hugo Chávez Frías en Venezuela. A través del uso de conceptos propios de la Ciencia Política y de la Sociología del Derecho, junto a la definición de los paradigmas como categoría analítica, se abordan las actuales políticas sociales como el resultado de una crisis institucional que necesariamente precisa la implementación de un nuevo paradigma, con las consecuencias que este proceso trae consigo para la institucionalidad del país. A partir de la forma en la que están concebidos los derechos sociales dentro de la Constitución de 1999, se exponen algunos de los dilemas que será necesario afrontar para el pleno establecimiento de una política social institucional.-----The aim of this paper is to propose conceptual elements for discussion about the implementation of social policies under the current administration of the President Hugo Chávez Frías in Venezuela. Through the use of concepts from political science and sociology of law, together with the definition of paradigms as an analytical category, it addresses the current social policies as the result of an institutional crisis, which necessarily requires the implementation of a new paradigm, with the consequences that this process entails for the country’s institutions. Since the reform which social rights are conceived in the 1999 Constitution sets out some of the dilemmas that will be needed to meet the full establishment of an institutional social policy.


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La autora hace un recorrido por las tendencias que han seguido los estudios del Estado en el siglo XX y para ello, aborda cinco momentos históricos que refieren a autores claves y representativos del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano. Las preguntas: ¿cómo se ha estudiado al Estado en América Latina? y ¿qué desafíos plantean las crisis institucionales a los conceptos tradicionales? delimitan el artículo. Finalmente, hace un balance de las corrientes que han caracterizado cada momento y propone una posible línea de investigación que considera acorde con la compleja y asincrónica realidad latinoamericana.


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Soil erosion is the single most important environmental degradation problem in the developing world. Despite the plethora of literature that exists on the incidence, causes and impacts of soil erosion, a concrete understanding of this complex problem is lacking. This paper examines the soil erosion problem in developing countries in order to understand the complex inter-relationships between population pressure, poverty and environmental-institutional dynamics. Two recent theoretical developments, namely Boserup's theory on population pressure, poverty and soil erosion and Lopez's theory on environmental and institutional dynamics have been reviewed. The analysis reveals that negative impacts of technical change, inappropriate government policies and poor institutions are largely responsible for the continued soil erosion in developing countries. On the other hand, potential for market-based approaches to mitigate the problem is also low due to the negative externalities involved. A deeper appreciation of institutional and environmental dynamics and policy reforms to strengthen weak institutions may help mitigate the problem.