941 resultados para Environmental Relationships
We examined the relationships between topography, soil properties and tree species composition in a Neotropical swamp forest in southeastern Brazil. Plots were sampled in the forest, encompassing three different soil ground water regimes along the topographical declivity. All non-climbing plant individuals with trunk height >1.3 m were sampled. A canonical correspondence analysis-CCA-of the species-environmental relationships grouped tree species according to drainage and chemical soil conditions. A total of 86 species were found, being 77 species in the inferior, 40 species in the intermediate and 35 species in the superior topographic section. Some species were among the 10 most abundant ones, both in the overall sampled area and in each topographical section, with alternation events occurring only with their abundance position. However, substantial differences in floristic composition between sections were detected in a fine spatial scale, due to higher number of species, diversity index (H′) and species unique (exclusives) in the inferior topographic section. These higher values can be attributed to its higher spatial heterogeneity that included better drained and seasonally waterlogged soils, higher soil fertility and lower acidity. The increase of the soil water saturation and the uniform conditions derived from the superficial water layer has led to a lower number of species and an increase on the palm trees abundance in the intermediate and superior sections. Our results showed that at a small spatial scale niche differentiation must be an important factor related to the increase of the local diversity. The wide distribution of the most abundant species in the studied area and the increase of local diversity corroborate the pattern of distribution of species in larger scales of swamp forests, in which the most abundant species repeat themselves in high densities in different remnants. However, the floristic composition of each remnant is strongly variable, contributing to the increase of regional diversity. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Os afloramentos rochosos apresentam flora peculiar, sendo constituídos de habitats únicos que podem representar barreira para muitas espécies devido às suas condições ambientais diferenciadas do entorno. O Estudo desse tipo de área pode fornecer informações relevantes sobre o processo evolutivo e distribuição das espécies que ali ocorrem. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos gerar maiores informações sobre ecologia, florística e conservação de comunidades de moitas em quatro pães-de-açúcar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. São eles o Maciço do Itaoca (Campos dos Goytacazes), o Costão de Itacoatiara (Niterói), o Morro dos Cabritos do Parque Natural Municipal da Prainha e o Monumento Natural dos Morros da Urca e Pão de Açúcar (Rio de Janeiro). Os resultados são apresentados em duas seções, a primeiro trata da florística, estrutura e relações ambientais desse tipo de vegetação; e a segunda aborda a florística e estado de conservação da flora rupícola de forma geral das quatro áreas de estudo. Para a primeira seção foram distribuídas 72 parcelas de 1m x 1m ao longo de três linhas de 50m em cada área amostrada e registrados dados da presença de cada espécie por parcela, área de cobertura e altura dos indivíduos. Também foi verificado o tipo de substrato e tomadas medidas de declividade e profundidade do solo e serrapilheira. No total foram marcadas 288 parcelas nas quatro áreas. Entre as famílias mais importantes para as quatro áreas estão Cactaceae, Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae e Asteraceae. Os resultados mostram que entre as espécies apontadas com maiores valores de importância estão entre as que exercem maior peso na ordenação dos grupos florísticos evidenciados pela análise de componentes principais (PCA) para as quatro áreas. Uma análise de redundância (RDA) foi realizada e mostrou que as variáveis que mais parecem influenciar a composição florística das moitas são as mais sujeitas aos processos biológicos e dinâmica da vegetação como um todo. Dados acerca do espectro biológico e índices de diversidade e equabilidade também são apresentados nesta seção. Para a 2 seção foram compiladas informações de herbários e coletas realizadas em campo, formando uma listagem geral com 193 espécies rupícolas para as quatro áreas. São apresentados os dados florísticos da vegetação e sua distribuição geográfica. No total 28 espécies são restritas ao Estado do Rio de Janeiro e 68 são endêmicas da Mata Atlântica. Dentre elas, 26 encontram-se inseridas em alguma categoria de ameaça de extinção. As principais ameaças e impactos sobre a vegetação dessas áreas foram abordados no contexto da conservação da flora rupícola encontrada, dentre elas, as mais significativas são o fogo, a mineração e a abertura de novos acessos em encostas com vegetação abundante.
The primary objective in doing this work was to become acquainted with as many forms as possible of the marine fauna of the intertidal zone and if possible to determine some of the environmental relationships which exist in as many different types of habitats as possible. Due to limited amount of time spent in this study no very intensive work could be done and only a general survey was made of the more conspicuous forms of life which were encountered. Most of the work consisted of collecting and observing animals in the tide pools during periods of low tides. The animals collected were then taken to the laboratory and observed and determined as to species. Notes were taken as to place, time, and situation under which the animals were found. As many different types of habitats as possible were visited which included rocky intertidal areas of Mussel Point, Point Pinos, Lighthouse Point, Pescadero Point and Carmel Point just east of Carmel Beach. Sandy beaches were visited at Monterey Beach, Carmel Beach and Asilomar Beach. A marine estuary habitat was visited at Elkhorn Slough. More than two hundred species were identified and observed during this six-week period. A rather hasty population study was made of the eelgrass, Phyllospadix, of the intertidal zone at Mussel Point and of an algae, Gigartina caniculata, which grows at the level just above the eelgrass.
The purpose of this paper is not to justify the existence of limnologists in fishery science, but to illustrate the now well accepted view that limnology holds the key to the understanding of fish production, and that an understanding of environmental relationships and the modification rates at all trophic levels must be the basis of enlightened management.
The Khaling Rai live in a remote area of the mountain region of Nepal. Subsistence farming is central to their livelihood strategy, the sustainability of which was examined in this study. The sustainable livelihood approach was identified as a suitable theoretical framework to analyse the assets of the Khaling Rai. A baseline study was conducted using indicators to assess the outcome of the livelihood strategies under the three pillars of sustainability – economic, social and environmental. Relationships between key factors were analysed. The outcome showed that farming fulfils their basic need of food security, with self-sufficiency in terms of seeds, organic fertilisers and tools. Agriculture is almost totally non-monitized: crops are grown mainly for household consumption. However, the crux faced by the Khaling Rai community is the need to develop high value cash crops in order to improve their livelihoods while at the same time maintaining food security. Institutional support in this regard was found to be lacking. At the same time there is declining soil fertility and an expanding population, which results in smaller land holdings. The capacity to absorb risk is inhibited by the small size of the resource base and access only to small local markets. A two-pronged approach is recommended. Firstly, the formation of agricultural cooperative associations in the area. Secondly, through them the selection of key personnel to be put forward for training in the adoption of improved low-cost technologies for staple crops and in the introduction of appropriate new cash crops.
In spite of the environmental consumerism in Brazil not to meet in levels as advanced as in Europe and in the United States, some sectors are emerging as precursors of environmental relationships with their markets. Cosmetic's sector is one of them. This study discusses the subject of the ethical consumerism, especially the environmental one. It is focused in the consumer-citizen's context, more specifically in the consumer of a company of cosmetic's sector in Rio de Janeiro. To carry out this study, we chose a company that clearly assumed its commitment with the investment in the preservation of the environment: O Boticário. Initially, we investigated the relevance attributed by the customers of O Boticário to the investment accomplished in the search by the preservation of the environment by companies of this sector, comparing these results with the importance that has been imputed by the customers to traditional attributes of the Marketing. Later, we have analyzed these customers' perception in respect of the investment accomplished by the company in the search for the preservation of the environment. In the preliminary phase of the research, fourteen customers of O Boticário were interviewed. A structured questionnaire was applied to 90 respondents that have declared themselves customers of the mentioned company. The information were treated with descriptive statistics. The software employed has been the SPSS 10.0. Although the field research has indicated the characteristics of the product as priority for the consumer, the relevance attributed to the investment of the company in the search for the preservation of the environment was considered significant, with more prominence than some attributes traditionally judged as attributes-key of the Marketing. However, this apparent sensibility for the environmental subject doesn't seem to influence in search of information on environmental conduct of cosmetics' companies. In fact, a great deal of customers of O Boticário has declared that they have been unknowing about the conduct in favor of the environment on the part of the company, and a number, even larger, was not aware of the existence of the Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza.
Currently, coccolithophores have a widespread oceanic distribution and are reported from most latitudes, but not those higher than 65°S. Fifteen piston cores were sampled with the aim of investigating the distribution and abundance variation of Quaternary calcareous nannofossils of the Antarctic region, south of the Antarctic Divergence (>65°S), particularly from Maud Rise, Bausan Bank, and from Weddell, Ross and Bellingshausen Seas. A calcareous nannofossil cold-taxa association is present in most of the cores examined and their discontinuous occurrence is thought to indicate key environmental relationships. The presence of calcareous nannofossils is correlated with interglacial intervals with warmer SSTs and may indicate high productivity and an open-ocean environment. Our results confirm that, during short periods of the late Quaternary, coccolithophorids occurred at southern high latitudes, in the western Antarctic basins, while in the eastern Antarctic basins they are nearly absent, suggesting more variable SSTs near West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Esta investigación se centra en el estudio de la dimensión audiovisual de la arquitectura, como aproximación intersensorial a la aprehensión e ideación del espacio. Poniendo en evidencia la complejidad de la relación hombre-medio, se plantea la necesidad de desarrollar nuevas metodologías y herramientas que tengan en cuenta dicha complejidad y que favorezcan el desarrollo del proyecto. Nos mueve en esta investigación la convicción de que los cambios rápidos y profundos que caracterizan nuestros tiempos en todos los ámbitos, social, económico, político… entrañan inevita-blemente nuevos modos de conocimiento y experimentación del espacio, y por tanto nuevos ejes de investigación. La creciente valoración, en todos los campos del conocimiento, de los aspectos subjetivos y sensoriales, el desarrollo de las tecnologías que ha cambiado completamente nuestras relaciones interpersonales y con el entorno, las nuevas capacidades de análisis, grabación y conservación y manipulación de datos y por ultimo, aunque no menos importante, la puesta a disposición democrá¬tica y global de todo el saber a través de Internet, imponen otra aproximación al hacer, concebir y vivir la arquitectura. Esta investigación se centra en un análisis crítico del estado de la cuestión, construyendo nue¬vas redes de relación entre disciplinas, que permitan plantear la dimensión audiovisual como un nuevo eje de investigación dentro de la arquitectura, poniendo en evidencia la necesidad de desa¬rrollar análisis de forma trasversal e interdisciplinar. Hemos prestado particular atención a la evolución de lo sonoro y su aproximación cualitativa a la arquitectura, mostrando como el sonido, con su capacidad de introducir el tiempo y los aspectos dinámicos (el movimiento, la presencia del cuerpo…), no es simplemente otro canal sensorial en la aprehensión del espacio, ya que su interacción con lo visual genera un espacio-tiempo indisociable, propio, característico de cada momento y lugar. A partir de este planteamiento se ha hecho una revisión metodológica dirigida a utilizar el reco¬rrido como herramienta de análisis, que permita estudiar la relación entre el espacio, la acción y la percepción audio-visual, cruzando para ello los datos correspondientes a la morfología del espacio, con los datos de la experiencia perceptiva individual y con los de los usos colectivos del espacio, utilizándose finalmente el video como un herramienta, no sólo de representación de lo real, sino también como instrumento de análisis, que permite tomar datos (grabaciones audio, video, obser¬vaciones…), aislarlos, estudiarlos, clasificarlos, ordenarlos, y finalmente, restituirlos mediante el montaje. Se ha realizado una primera experimentación “in situ” que ha servido para explorar la aplicación del método, planteando nuevas preguntas y abriendo líneas de análisis para ulteriores investigacio¬nes. ABSTRACT This research is focused on the study of the audiovisual dimension of architecture, as an in¬tersensorial approach to space apprehension and design. It is posed the necessity to develop new methodologies and tools that keep this complexity, as a contribution to the development of a project, by means of putting into evidence the sophistication of the relationship between man and media The research moves us to the conviction that the quick and relevant changes that confer a distinc-tion to these contemporary times all over the social, economic and political environments, involve, unavoidably, new ways of knowledge and experimentation on space, and therefore, new trends of research. The growing valuation of subjective and sensorial aspects all over the fields of the knowledge and the development of the technologies that have changed completely our interpersonal and environmental relationships, the new tools for analysis, recording, conservation and manipulation of data and, last but not least, the setting to democratic and global availability of the whole knowledge through Inter¬net, impose another approach to the making, conception and experience of architecture. This research deals with a critical analysis of the state–of- the-art of the matter, modelling new webs of relationship among disciplines that allow to outline the audiovisual dimension as a new focus of research on architecture, putting evidence into practice as it is necessary to develop any analysis in a transversal and interdisciplinary way. It is paid a special attention to the evolution of sound objects and their qualitative approach to ar¬chitecture, showing how sound, with its capacity to transmit time and dynamic aspects of things (movement, the presence of the body), it is not simply another sensorial channel in the apprehension of space, since its interaction with the visual thing generates an undetachable association of space and time, an specific one of every moment and place. Starting from this position a methodological revision has been made leading to use a walk as a tool for analysis that allows to study the relationship among the space, the action and the audio-visual perception, by means of crossing data corresponding to the morphology of space, with the data of a perceptive experience from the perspective of an individual observer and with those of the collective uses of the space, as video has been finally used as a tool, not only as a representation of the real thing, but also as a tool for analysis that allows to take isolated data (audio recordings, video, obser¬vations), to be studied, classified, and put into their appropriate place, and finally, to restore them by means of a multimedia set up. A first experimentation in situ has been carried out, being useful to explore a method of appli¬cation, outlining new questions and beginning with new ways of analysis for further research.
This study examined the genetic and environmental relationships among 5 academic achievement skills of a standardized test of academic achievement, the Queensland Core Skills Test (QCST; Queensland Studies Authority, 2003a). QCST participants included 182 monozygotic pairs and 208 dizygotic pairs (mean 17 years +/- 0.4 standard deviation). IQ data were included in the analysis to correct for ascertainment bias. A genetic general factor explained virtually all genetic variance in the component academic skills scores, and accounted for 32% to 73% of their phenotypic variances. It also explained 56% and 42% of variation in Verbal IQ and Performance IQ respectively, suggesting that this factor is genetic g. Modest specific genetic effects were evident for achievement in mathematical problem solving and written expression. A single common factor adequately explained common environmental effects, which were also modest, and possibly due to assortative mating. The results suggest that general academic ability, derived from genetic influences and to a lesser extent common environmental influences, is the primary source of variation in component skills of the QCST.
The scale at which algal biodiversity is partitioned across the landscape, and the biophysical processes and biotic interactions which shape these communities in dryland river refugia was studied on two occasions from 30 sites in two Australian dryland rivers. Despite the waterholes studied having characteristically high levels of abiogenic turbidity, a total of 186 planktonic microalgae, 253 benthic diatom and 62 macroalgal species were recorded. The phytoplankton communities were dominated by flagellated cryptophytes, euglenophytes and chlorophytes, the diatom communities by cosmopolitan taxa known to tolerate wide environmental conditions, and the macroalgal communities by filamentous cyanobacteria. All algal communities showed significant differences between catchments and sampling times, with a suite of between 5 and 12 taxa responsible for similar to 50% of the observed change. In general, algal assemblage patterns were poorly correlated with the measured environmental variables. Phytoplankton and diatom assemblage patterns were weakly correlated with several waterhole geomorphic measures, whereas macroalgal assemblage patterns showed some association with variability in ionic concentration.
Les organismes aquatiques sont adaptés à une grande variabilité hydrique et thermique des rivières. Malgré ceci, la régulation des eaux suscite des changements aux débits qui peuvent provoquer des impacts négatifs sur la biodiversité et les processus écologiques en rivière. Celle-ci peut aussi causer des modifications au niveau des régimes thermiques et des caractéristiques de l’habitat du poisson. Des données environnementales et biologiques décrivant l’habitat du poisson existent, mais elles sont incomplètes pour plusieurs rivières au Canada et de faible qualité, limitant les relations quantitatives débit-température-poissons à un petit nombre de rivières ou à une région étudiée. La recherche menée dans le cadre de mon doctorat concerne les impacts de la génération d'hydroélectricité sur les rivières; soit les changements aux régimes hydriques et thermiques reliés à la régulation des eaux sur la variation des communautés ichtyologiques qui habitent les rivières régulées et naturelles au Canada. Suite à une comparaison d’échantillonnage de pêche, une méthode constante pour obtenir des bons estimés de poisson (richesse, densité et biomasse des espèces) a été établie pour évaluer la structure de la communauté de poissons pour l’ensemble des rivières ciblées par l’étude. Afin de mieux comprendre ces changements environnementaux, les principales composantes décrivant ces régimes ont été identifiées et l’altération des régimes hydriques pour certaines rivières régulées a été quantifiée. Ces résultats ont servi à établir la relation significative entre le degré de changement biotique et le degré de changement hydrique pour illustrer les différences entre les régimes de régulation. Pour faire un complément aux indices biotiques déjà calculés pour l’ensemble des communautés de poissons (diversité, densité et biomasse des espèces par rivière), les différences au niveau des guildes de poissons ont été quantifiées pour expliquer les divers effets écologiques dus aux changements de régimes hydriques et thermiques provenant de la gestion des barrages. Ces derniers résultats servent à prédire pour quels traits écologiques ou groupes d’espèces de poissons les composantes hydriques et thermiques sont importantes. De plus, ces derniers résultats ont servi à mettre en valeur les variables décrivant les régimes thermiques qui ne sont pas toujours inclues dans les études hydro-écologiques. L’ensemble des résultats de cette thèse ont des retombées importantes sur la gestion des rivières en évaluant, de façon cohérente, l’impact de la régulation des rivières sur les communautés de poissons et en développant des outils de prévision pour la restauration des écosystèmes riverains.
Les organismes aquatiques sont adaptés à une grande variabilité hydrique et thermique des rivières. Malgré ceci, la régulation des eaux suscite des changements aux débits qui peuvent provoquer des impacts négatifs sur la biodiversité et les processus écologiques en rivière. Celle-ci peut aussi causer des modifications au niveau des régimes thermiques et des caractéristiques de l’habitat du poisson. Des données environnementales et biologiques décrivant l’habitat du poisson existent, mais elles sont incomplètes pour plusieurs rivières au Canada et de faible qualité, limitant les relations quantitatives débit-température-poissons à un petit nombre de rivières ou à une région étudiée. La recherche menée dans le cadre de mon doctorat concerne les impacts de la génération d'hydroélectricité sur les rivières; soit les changements aux régimes hydriques et thermiques reliés à la régulation des eaux sur la variation des communautés ichtyologiques qui habitent les rivières régulées et naturelles au Canada. Suite à une comparaison d’échantillonnage de pêche, une méthode constante pour obtenir des bons estimés de poisson (richesse, densité et biomasse des espèces) a été établie pour évaluer la structure de la communauté de poissons pour l’ensemble des rivières ciblées par l’étude. Afin de mieux comprendre ces changements environnementaux, les principales composantes décrivant ces régimes ont été identifiées et l’altération des régimes hydriques pour certaines rivières régulées a été quantifiée. Ces résultats ont servi à établir la relation significative entre le degré de changement biotique et le degré de changement hydrique pour illustrer les différences entre les régimes de régulation. Pour faire un complément aux indices biotiques déjà calculés pour l’ensemble des communautés de poissons (diversité, densité et biomasse des espèces par rivière), les différences au niveau des guildes de poissons ont été quantifiées pour expliquer les divers effets écologiques dus aux changements de régimes hydriques et thermiques provenant de la gestion des barrages. Ces derniers résultats servent à prédire pour quels traits écologiques ou groupes d’espèces de poissons les composantes hydriques et thermiques sont importantes. De plus, ces derniers résultats ont servi à mettre en valeur les variables décrivant les régimes thermiques qui ne sont pas toujours inclues dans les études hydro-écologiques. L’ensemble des résultats de cette thèse ont des retombées importantes sur la gestion des rivières en évaluant, de façon cohérente, l’impact de la régulation des rivières sur les communautés de poissons et en développant des outils de prévision pour la restauration des écosystèmes riverains.
Research in organizational psychology has increasingly focused on understanding the determinants of "green" employee behavior. The present study used a daily diary design to investigate relationships between employees' daily affect, pro-environmental attitude, as well as daily task-related pro-environmental behavior (i.e., the extent to which employees complete required work tasks in environmentally friendly ways), and daily proactive pro-environmental behavior (i.e., the extent to which employees show personal initiative when acting in environmentally friendly ways at work). Fifty-six employees working in small businesses completed a baseline survey and two daily surveys over ten workdays. Daily unactivated positive affect and pro-environmental attitude positively predicted daily task-related pro-environmental behavior. In addition, daily activated positive affect positively predicted daily proactive pro-environmental behavior among employees with a less positive pro-environmental attitude but not among employees with a more positive pro-environmental attitude. These findings suggest that fostering pro-environmental attitudes and, to some extent, positive affect among employees could help organizations to promote pro-environmental behavior in the workplace.