6 resultados para Enviornment


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This thesis deals with the results of investigations on primary production and related aspects conducted in the Indian seas since 1957 and includes the regional and seasonal variations in the rate of production factors controlling the same and the magnitude of potential fishery resources derived from it. Data collected for various periods using oxygen and 14c techniques from the Gulf of Mannar, palk bay, the south west coast of India including laccadive sea together with other available data form the basis of these studies.


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Considering the extent of warming in the artic region and the resultant changes in the dynamic marine enviornments there is a need to monitor the bacterial diversity in the fjord enviornments especially in terms of cultivable bacteria. The present study reports the diversity of cultivable hetrotrophic bacteria from the water and sediment samples of kongsfjord their growth responses to important enviornmental variables and ability to produce industrially important hydrolytic enzymes.


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The evolution of coast through geological time scale is dependent on the transgression-regression event subsequent to the rise or fall of sea level. This event is accounted by investigation of the vertical sediment deposition patterns and their interrelationship for paleo-enviornmental reconstruction. Different methods like sedimentological (grain size and micro-morphological) and geochemical (elemental relationship) analyses as well as radiocarbon dating are generally used to decipher the sea level changes and paleoclimatic conditions of the Quaternary sediment sequence. For the Indian coast with a coastline length of about 7500 km, studies on geological and geomorphological signatures of sea level changes during the Quaternary were reported in general by researchers during the last two decades. However, for the southwest coast of India particularily Kerala which is famous for its coastal landforms comprising of estuaries, lagoons, backwaters, coastal plains, cliffs and barrier beaches, studies pertaining to the marine transgression-regression events in the southern region are limited. The Neendakara-Kayamkulam coastal stretch in central Kerala where the coast is manifested with shore parallel Kayamkulam Lagoon on one side and shore perpendicular Ashtamudi Estuary on the other side indicating existence of an uplifted prograded coastal margin followed by barrier beaches, backwater channels, ridge and runnel topography is an ideal site for studying such events. Hence the present study has been taken up in this context to address the gap area. The location for collection of core samples representing coastal plain, estuarylagoon and offshore regions have been identified based on published literature and available sedimentary records. The objectives of the research work are:  To study the lithological variations and depositional environments of sediment cores along the coastal plain, estuary-lagoon and offshore regions between Kollam and Kayamkulam in the central Kerala coast  To study the transportation and diagenetic history of sediments in the area  To investigate the geochemical characterization of sediments and to elucidate the source-sink relationship  To understand the marine transgression-regression events and to propose a conceptual model for the region The thesis comprises of 8 chapters. The first chapter embodies the preamble for the selection and significance of this research work. The study area is introduced with details on its physiographical, geological, geomorphological, rainfall and climate information. A review of literature, compiling the research on different aspects such as physico-chemical, geomorphological, tectonics, transgression-regression events are presented in the second chapter and they are broadly classified into three viz:- International, National and Kerala. The field data collection and laboratory analyses adopted in the research work are discussed in the third chapter. For collection of sediment core samples from the coastal plains, rotary drilling method was employed whereas for the estuary-lagoon and offshore locations the gravity/piston corer method was adopted. The collected subsurficial samples were analysed for texture, surface micro-texture, elemental analysis, XRD and radiocarbon dating techniques for age determination. The fourth chapter deals with the textural analysis of the core samples collected from various predefined locations of the study area. The result reveals that the Ashtamudi Estuary is composed of silty clay to clayey type of sediments whereas offshore cores are carpeted with silty clay to relict sand. Investigation of the source of sediments deposited in the coastal plain located on either side of the estuary indicates the dominance of terrigenous to marine origin in the southern region whereas it is predominantly of marine origin towards the north. Further the hydrodynamic conditions as well as the depositional enviornment of the sediment cores are elucidated based on statistical parameters that decipher the deposition pattern at various locations viz., coastal plain (open to closed basin), Ashtamudi Estuary (partially open to restricted estuary to closed basin) and offshore (open channel). The intensity of clay minerals is also discussed. From the results of radiocarbon dating the sediment depositional environments were deciphered.The results of the microtextural study of sediment samples (quartz grains) using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) are presented in the fifth chapter. These results throw light on the processes of transport and diagenetic history of the detrital sediments. Based on the lithological variations, selected quartz grains of different environments were also analysed. The study indicates that the southern coastal plain sediments were transported and deposited mechanically under fluvial environment followed by diagenesis under prolonged marine incursion. But in the case of the northern coastal plain, the sediments were transported and deposited under littoral environment indicating the dominance of marine incursion through mechanical as well as chemical processes. The quartz grains of the Ashtamudi Estuary indicate fluvial origin. The surface texture features of the offshore sediments suggest that the quartz grains are of littoral origin and represent the relict beach deposits. The geochemical characterisation of sediment cores based on geochemical classification, sediment maturity, palaeo-weathering and provenance in different environments are discussed in the sixth chapter. In the seventh chapter the integration of multiproxies data along with radiocarbon dates are presented and finally evolution and depositional history based on transgression–regression events is deciphered. The eighth chapter summarizes the major findings and conclusions of the study with recommendation for future work.


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Dificuldades apresentadas por crianças surdas na aprendizagem da matemática têm conduzido educadores ao desenvolvimento de procedimentos especiais de ensino. O paradigma de equivalência tem sido útil na explicação de comportamentos complexos, como comportamentos conceituais numéricos. Uma expansão desse paradigma envolve a formação de classes de estímulos equivalentes em seqüência. A emergência de novas relações através do responder ordinal já foi documentada em estudos com contingências de reforçamento de três termos. Há necessidade de verificar se esses resultados se mantém estáveis sob contingências de quatro e cinco termos. Três experimentos foram programados com o objetivo de investigar a emergência de relações ordinais com controle discriminativo simples, sob controle condicional (sem e com randomização das tentativas) e sob controle contextual em crianças surdas. No Experimento 1 participaram cinco crianças surdas, matriculadas numa Escola Pública Especializada. Um microcomputador com um software (REL 4.0, utilizado nos Experimentos 1, 2a e 2b e atualizado para a versão 5.0 no Estudo 3) foi utilizado. Nesse estudo foi ensinado aos participantes seqüências de pares de estímulos sobrepostos. Em seguida, foram realizados testes de transitividade e conectividade. Todos os participantes alcançaram o critério de acerto e responderam aos testes. Os resultados replicaram estudos da literatura confirmando a eficiência do procedimento de ensino por sobreposição de estímulos no estabelecimento de relações ordinais. No Experimento 2a, quatro novos participantes e um com história experimental, foram ensinados a selecionar estímulos, aos pares, na ordem crescente na presença da cor verde e na ordem decrescente na presença da cor vermelha. Foram aplicados testes de transitividade e conectividade sob controle condicional. Em seguida foi conduzido um teste de generalização com estímulos do ambiente escolar. Todos os participantes alcançaram o critério de acerto e responderam aos testes de transitividade e conectividade. Nos testes de generalização, três participantes responderam consistentemente aos novos estímulos, um respondeu parcialmente e um não respondeu ao teste. Os resultados corroboraram a eficiência do procedimento de ensino por sobreposição de estímulos sob controle condicional em crianças surdas. O Experimento 2b envolveu os mesmos participantes do Experimento 1 com história experimental e a randomização das tentativas com os estímulos condicionais. Todos os participantes alcançaram o critério de acerto. Nos testes demonstraram um responder consistente com a linha de base. No Experimento 3 participaram três crianças dos Experimento 1 e duas do Experimento 2a, que foram expostas ao procedimento de ensino por pares sobrepostos sob controle contextual de duas formas círculo e triângulo e sob controle condicional das cores verde e vermelha (ex. A1A2, na presença do círculo e da cor verde; ou A2A1, na presença do círculo e da cor vermelha). Todos os participantes alcançaram o critério de acerto e responderam aos testes de transitividade e conectividade. Os resultados indicaram a eficiência do procedimento de ensino por sobreposição de estímulos sob controle contextual, sugerindo que o ensino por contingências de reforçamento simples e sob controle condicional foram pré-requisitos para a emergência de classes ordinais sob controle contextual. Uma extensão deste estudo deve ampliar o número de membros na seqüência e investigar a emergência de novas relações ordinais com seqüências mais longas, e verificar se a ordem de treino em que a seqüência é ensinada interfere sobre o responder ordinal.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB