891 resultados para Entry inhibitors


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Microbicides are women-controlled prophylactics for sexually transmitted infections. The most important class of microbicides target HIV-1 and contain antiviral agents formulated for topical vaginal delivery. Identification of new viral entry inhibitors that target the HIV-1 envelope is important because they can inactivate HIV-1 in the vaginal lumen before virions can come in contact with CD4+ cells in the vaginal mucosa. Carbohydrate binding agents (CBAs) demonstrate the ability to act as entry inhibitors due to their ability to bind to glycans and prevent gp120 binding to CD4+ cells. However, as proteins they present significant challenges in regard to economical production and formulation for resource-poor environments. We have synthesized water-soluble polymer CBAs that contain multiple benzoboroxole moieties. A benzoboroxole-functionalized monomer was synthesized and incorporated into linear oligomers with 2-hydroxypropylmethacrylamide (HPMAm) at different feed ratios using free radical polymerization. The benzoboroxole small molecule analogue demonstrated weak affinity for HIV-1BaL gp120 by SPR; however, the 25 mol % functionalized benzoboroxole oligomer demonstrated a 10-fold decrease in the K(D) for gp120, suggesting an increased avidity for the multivalent polymer construct. High molecular weight polymers functionalized with 25, 50, and 75 mol % benzoboroxole were synthesized and tested for their ability to neutralize HIV-1 entry for two HIV-1 clades and both R5 and X4 coreceptor tropism. All three polymers demonstrated activity against all viral strains tested with EC(50)s that decrease from 15000 nM (1500 microg mL(-1)) for the 25 mol % functionalized polymers to 11 nM (1 microg mL(-1)) for the 75 mol % benzoboroxole-functionalized polymers. These polymers exhibited minimal cytotoxicity after 24 h exposure to a human vaginal cell line.


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Poster presented at the 2015 Keystone Symposia Conference X5: HIV Vaccines. Banff, Alberta, Canada, 22-27 March 2015


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Antiretroviral entry inhibitors are now being considered as vaginally administered microbicide candidates for prevention of sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus. Previous studies testing the entry inhibitors maraviroc and CMPD167 in aqueous gel formulations showed efficacy in the macaque challenge model, although protection was highly dependent on the time period between initial gel application and subsequent challenge. In this paper, we describe the sustained release of the entry inhibitors maraviroc and CMPD167 from matrix-type silicone elastomer vaginal rings both in vitro and in vivo. Both inhibitors were released continuously over 28 days from rings in vitro, at rates of 100-2500 µg/day. In 28-day pharmacokinetic studies in rhesus macaques, the compounds were measured in the vaginal fluid and vaginal tissue; steady state fluid concentrations were ~106 fold greater than IC50 values for SHIV-162P3 inhibition in macaque lymphocytes in vitro. Plasma concentrations for both compounds were very low. Pretreatment of macaques with Depo-Provera® (DP), as commonly used in macaque challenge studies, was shown to significantly modify the bio-distribution of the inhibitors, but not the overall amount released. Vaginal fluid and tissue concentrations were significantly decreased while plasma levels increased with DP pretreatment. These observations have implications for designing macaque challenge experiments, and also for ring performance during the human female menstrual cycle. Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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HIV-1 entry into CD4+ cells requires the sequential interactions of the viral envelope glycoproteins with CD4 and a coreceptor such as the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4. A plausible approach to blocking this process is to use small molecule antagonists of coreceptor function. One such inhibitor has been described for CCR5: the TAK-779 molecule. To facilitate the further development of entry inhibitors as antiviral drugs, we have explored how TAK-779 acts to prevent HIV-1 infection, and we have mapped its site of interaction with CCR5. We find that TAK-779 inhibits HIV-1 replication at the membrane fusion stage by blocking the interaction of the viral surface glycoprotein gp120 with CCR5. We could identify no amino acid substitutions within the extracellular domain of CCR5 that affected the antiviral action of TAK-779. However, alanine scanning mutagenesis of the transmembrane domains revealed that the binding site for TAK-779 on CCR5 is located near the extracellular surface of the receptor, within a cavity formed between transmembrane helices 1, 2, 3, and 7.


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Antiretroviral entry inhibitors are now being considered as vaginally administered microbicide candidates for the prevention of the sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus. Previous studies testing the entry inhibitors maraviroc and CMPD167 in aqueous gel formulations showed efficacy in the macaque challenge model, although protection was highly dependent on the time period between initial gel application and subsequent challenge. In this paper, we describe the sustained release of maraviroc and CMPD167 from matrix-type silicone elastomer vaginal rings both in vitro and in vivo. Both inhibitors were released continuously during 28 days from rings in vitro at rates of 100 to 2,500 µg/day. In 28-day pharmacokinetic studies in rhesus macaques, the compounds were measured in the vaginal fluid and vaginal tissue; steady-state fluid concentrations were ~10(6)-fold greater than the 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC(50)s) for simian human immunodeficiency virus 162P3 inhibition in macaque lymphocytes in vitro. Plasma concentrations for both compounds were very low. The pretreatment of macaques with Depo-Provera (DP), which is commonly used in macaque challenge studies, was shown to significantly modify the biodistribution of the inhibitors but not the overall amount released. Vaginal fluid and tissue concentrations were significantly decreased while plasma levels increased with DP pretreatment. These observations have implications for designing macaque challenge experiments and also for ring performance during the human female menstrual cycle.


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Alfavirukset ovat positiivissäkeisiä RNA-viruksia, jotka kuuluvat Togaviridea –heimoon. Alfaviruksia levittävät Aedes –suvun hyttyset ja niitä esiintyy Etelämanteretta lukuunottamatta kaikilla mantereilla. Alfaviruksia on tähän mennessä löydetty 29 lajia ja ne voidaan jakaa uuden ja vanhan maailman viruksiin niiden maantieteellisen esiintyvyyden ja taudinaiheuttamiskyvyn mukaan. Chikunkunyavirus (CHIKV) on yksi vanhan maailman alfaviruksista, jota esiintyy muun muassa Afrikassa ja Aasiassa. Ilmaston lämmettyä se on leviämässä myös eteläiseen Eurooppaan. Ihmisessä se aiheuttaa muun muassa kuumetta, päänsärkyä, ihottumaa ja niveltulehdusta, joka voi kestää useita vuosia ja ne voivat olla hyvinkin kivuliaita. Pienillä lapsilla chikungunya on todettu aiheuttavan myös neurologisia oireita kuten aivotulehdusta. Alfaviruksen genomi koodaa neljää rakenneproteiinia ja neljää replikaatioproteiinia. Replikaatioproteiineista nsP3 sisältää makrodomeeniosan. Makrodomeeniproteiinit ovat eliökunnassa konservoituneita, mutta makrodomeeniproteiinien tarkkaa merkitystä ei vielä tunneta. Makrodomeenien on osoitettu sitovan ADP-riboosia ja sen johdannaisia ja alfaviruksen nsP3-proteiinin on osoitettu olevan tärkeä osa viruksen replikaatiossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia makrodomeeniproteiiniin sitoutuvien yhdisteiden käyttöä antiviraalisena yhdisteinä. Tietokonemallinnuksella valittiin antiviraalitutkimuksiin 45 yhdistettä, joiden oletettiin sitoutuvan makrodomeeniproteiiniin. Kilpailevassa sitoutumiskokeessa viisi yhdistettä esti yli 50 % poly-ADP-riboosia (PAR) sitoutumasta MDO1-makrodomeeniproteiiniin, jolla tietokonemallinnus oli tehty. SFV-makrodomeeniproteiinilla tehdyssä kokeessa vain yksi yhdiste esti yli 50 % poly-ADP-riboosin sitoutumisen. SFV-antiviraalikokeessa seitsemällä yhdisteellä inhibitioprosentti oli yli 50 %. Näillä yhdisteillä ei kuitenkaan ollut merkittävää vaikutusta poly-ADP-riboosin sitoutumisen estossa. CHIKV-replikonikokeessa yli 50 % inhibitioprosentti oli viidellä yhdisteellä. Muiden mahdollisia vaikutusmekanismeja tutkittiin selvittämällä estävätkö yhdisteet virusta pääsemästä solun sisään. Tässä kokeessa tutkituista yhdisteistä lähes kaikilla oli vaikutusta viruksen soluun pääsyn estossa. Yleisesti ottaen kyky estää PAR:n sitoutuminen makrodomeeniproteiineihin ja antiviraaliset vaikutukset eivät korreloineet keskenään tutkittavilla yhdisteillä. Vaikka antiviraalista vaikutusta omaavat yhdisteet eivät osoittaneetkaan makrodomeeni-inhibiitiota, työssä löydettiin potentiaalisia antiviraalisia yhdisteitä joiden käyttö viruksen soluun pääsyn estäjinä antaa aihetta jatkotutkimuksille.


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CD4 is present on the surface of T-lymphocytes and is the primary cellular receptor for HIV-1. CD4 consists of a cytoplasmic tail, one transmembrane region, and four extracellular domains, D1-D4. A construct consisting of the first two domains of CD4 (CD4D12) is folded and binds gp120 with similar affinity as soluble 4-domain CD4 (sCD4). However, the first domain alone (CD4D1) was previously shown to be largely unfolded and had 3-fold weaker affinity for gp120 when compared to sCD4 [Sharma, D.; et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 16192-16202]. We now report the design and characterization of three single-site mutants of CD4D12 (G6A, L51I, and V86L) and one multisite mutant of CD4D1 (G6A/L511/L5K/F98T). G6A, L51I, and V86L are cavity-filling mutations while L5K and F98T are surface mutations which were introduced to minimize the aggregation of CD4D1 upon removal of the second domain. Two mutations, G6A and V86L in CD4D12 increased the stability and yield of the protein relative to the wild-type protein. The mutant CD4D1 (CD4D1a) with the 4 mutations was folded and more stable compared to the original CD4D1, but both bound gp120 with comparable affinity. In in vitro neutralization assays, both CD4D1a and G6A-CD4D12 were able to neutralize diverse HIV-1 viruses with similar IC(50)s as 4-domain CD4. These stabilized derivatives of human CD4 can be useful starting points for the design of other more complex viral entry inhibitors.


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There is an urgent global need for preventative strategies against HIV-1 infections. Llama heavy-chain antibody fragments (VHH) are a class of molecules recently described as potent cross-clade HIV-1 entry inhibitors. We studied the potential of a VHH-based microbicide in an application-oriented fashion. We show that VHH can be inexpensively produced in high amounts in the GRAS organism S. cerevisiae, resulting in very pure, and endotoxin free product. VHH are very stable under conditions they might encounter during transport, storage or use by women. We developed active formulations of VHH in aqueous gel and compressed and lyophilized tablets for controlled release from an intra vaginal device. The release profile of the VHH from e.g. a vaginal ring suggests sufficient bioavailability and protective concentration of the molecule at the mucosal site at the moment of the infection. The ex vivo penetration kinetics through human tissues show that the VHH diffuse into the mucosal layer and open the possibility to create a second defense layer either by blocking the HIV receptor binding sites or by blocking the receptors of immune cells in the mucosa. In conclusion, our data show that VHH have


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L’entrée virale du VIH-1 dans ses cellules cibles constitue une cible thérapeutique de choix. À l’heure actuelle, un inhibiteur de fusion et un inhibiteur ciblant le corécepteur CCR5 sont utilisés en thérapie. Dans notre étude, notre objectif était d’évaluer le profil antiviral et fonctionnel de plusieurs types moléculaires envisagés comme inhibiteurs d’entrée du corécepteur CXCR4, soient : 1) de dérivés peptidiques mimant des portions du récepteur 2) de dérivés peptidiques issus du ligand naturel de CXCR4, le SDF-1 et 3) de dérivés du puissant inhibiteur de faible poids moléculaire, le T140. Notre recherche se concentrait sur la mise au point de molécules capables d’inhiber l’entrée du VIH en ciblant sélectivement le corécepteur CXCR4 tout en conservant les fonctions naturelles de ce dernier. Parmi les molécules testées, certaines possèdent un grand potentiel dans le développement de nouveaux médicaments antirétroviraux.


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The morbillivirus cell entry machinery consists of a fusion (F) protein trimer that refolds to mediate membrane fusion following receptor-induced conformational changes in its binding partner, the tetrameric attachment (H) protein. To identify molecular determinants that control F refolding, we generated F chimeras between measles virus (MeV) and canine distemper virus (CDV). We located a central pocket in the globular head domain of CDV F that regulates the stability of the metastable, prefusion conformational state of the F trimer. Most mutations introduced into this "pocket'" appeared to mediate a destabilizing effect, a phenotype associated with enhanced membrane fusion activity. Strikingly, under specific triggering conditions (i.e., variation of receptor type and H protein origin), some F mutants also exhibited resistance to a potent morbillivirus entry inhibitor, which is known to block F triggering by enhancing the stability of prefusion F trimers. Our data reveal that the molecular nature of the F stimulus and the intrinsic stability of metastable prefusion F both regulate the efficiency of F refolding and escape from small-molecule refolding blockers. IMPORTANCE: With the aim to better characterize the thermodynamic basis of morbillivirus membrane fusion for cell entry and spread, we report here that the activation energy barrier of prefusion F trimers together with the molecular nature of the triggering "stimulus" (attachment protein and receptor types) define a "triggering range," which governs the initiation of the membrane fusion process. A central "pocket" microdomain in the globular F head contributes substantially to the regulation of the conformational stability of the prefusion complexes. The triggering range also defines the mechanism of viral escape from entry inhibitors and describes how the cellular environment can affect membrane fusion efficiency.


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Retrocyclin-1, a 0-defensin, protects target cells from human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1) by preventing viral entry. To delineate its mechanism, we conducted fusion assays between susceptible target cells and effector cells that expressed HIV-1 Env. Retrocyclin-1 (4 mu M) completely blocked fusion mediated by HIV-1 Envs that used CXCR4 or CCR5 but had little effect on cell fusion mediated by HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus Envs. Retrocyclin-1 inhibited HIV-1 Env-mediated fusion without impairing the lateral mobility of CD4, and it inhibited the fusion of CD4-deficient cells with cells bearing CD4-independent HIV-1 Env. Thus, it could act without cross-linking membrane proteins or inhibiting gp120-CD4 interactions. Retrocyclin-1 acted late in the HIV-1 Env fusion cascade but prior to 6-helix bundle formation. Surface plasmon resonance experiments revealed that retrocyclin bound the ectodomain of gp41 with high affinity in a glycan-independent manner and that it bound selectively to the gp41 C-terminal heptad repeat. Native-PAGE, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and CD spectroscopic analyses all revealed that retrocyclin-1 prevented 6-helix bundle formation. This mode of action, although novel for an innate effector molecule, resembles the mechanism of peptidic entry inhibitors based on portions of the gp41 sequence.


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Calcium entry channels in the plasma membrane are thought to play a major role in maintaining cellular Ca(2+) levels, crucial for growth and survival of normal and cancer cells. The calcium-selective channel TRPV6 is expressed in prostate, breast, and other cancer cells. Its expression coincides with cancer progression, suggesting that it drives cancer cell growth. However, no specific inhibitors for TRPV6 have been identified thus far.


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The adoption of Internet technologies by the small business sector (SMEs)The adoption of Internet technologies by the small business sector is important to their on-going survival. Yet, given the opportunities and benefits that Internet technologies can provide it has been shown that Australian small businesses are relatively slow in adopting them. This paper develops a model from recent literature on the facilitators and inhibitors to the adoption of Internet technologies by small business. Cross-case analysis of findings from three case studies are presented. Findings indicate that perceived lack of business benefit, mistrust of the IT industry and lack of understanding of Internet technologies are major inhibitors to Internet adoption by small business.


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Background: The relationship between use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs) and pancreatic cancer risk has yet to be examined. Data from a range of studies suggest biologically plausible mechanisms, whereby these drugs (or the conditions for which they are prescribed) may affect pancreatic cancer risk. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between use of PPIs/H2RAs and pancreatic cancer risk.

Methods: A nested case – control study was conducted within the UK general practice research database (GPRD). Cases had a diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic cancer and controls were matched to cases on general practice site, sex and year of birth. Exposure to PPIs and to H2RAs since entry into GPRD until 2 years before the diagnosis date (corresponding date in controls) and in the 5 years before the diagnosis date were separately assessed. Conditional logistic regression analyses were used to generate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) associated with PPI or H2RA use compared with nonuse.

Results: Ever use of PPIs since entry into the GPRD (excluding the 2 years prior to diagnosis) was not associated with risk of pancreatic cancer; OR (95% CI) 1.02 (0.85 – 1.22). Neither the dose nor the duration of PPI or H2RA use was associated with pancreatic cancer risk. No consistent patterns of association were seen when cumulative exposure (dose and duration) to these drugs was examined separately or together.

Conclusion: PPI/H2RA use, in a UK population, was not associated with pancreatic cancer risk.