930 resultados para Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneur. Locus of control. Entrepreneur behavior


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Regulatory Focus Theory predicts that the motivation to self-regulate goal-directed thought and behavior depends on two distinct regulation strategies: a promotion focus based on attaining gains and a prevention focus based on avoiding losses. This study took a social-cognitive approach predicting that regulatory focus has an impact on how family startups (several family related founders) explore "new ideas", exploit "old certainties" and achieve the balance of both (ambidexterity), compared to lone founder startups (only one founder present). It was proposed that the social context of family ties among founders leads them to a prevention focus concerned with avoiding the loss of the socio-emotional benefits of those ties. In order to avoid such a loss, family founders were expected to increase their risk perceptions and thus, explore less than lone founders, who lack such socio-emotional ties. It was also proposed that two commonly used psychological traits in entrepreneurship research —achievement motivation and internal locus of control, predispose entrepreneurs to a promotion focus. Founders with a promotion focus, in turn, were hypothesized to lead startups to more risk-seeking behaviors and to more explorative orientation. The previous argument was used as a springboard to derive hypotheses about ambidexterity (the ability to exploit and explore simultaneously) and survival hazards. Using Regulatory Focus Theory, exploitative orientation, conceptualized as the motivational strength to continue on previous paths of action, was hypothesized to be not significantly different from that of lone founder startups. Taking previous arguments together, lone founder startups were hypothesized to be more ambidextrous than family startups. Finally, ambidexterity and internal locus of control were hypothesized to reduce survival hazards in family startups. The findings suggested that family startups explore less than lone founder startups even after controlling for group effects. Interesting but contradictory findings revealed that internal locus of control have both a positive direct effect and a positive interaction that increases the explorative and ambidextrous orientation gap of family startups over lone founder startups. As expected, ambidexterity and internal locus of control reduced survival hazards on family startups. Implications for practitioners were derived based on a sample of 470 nascent entrepreneurs.


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Regulatory Focus Theory predicts that the motivation to self-regulate goal-directed thought and behavior depends on two distinct regulation strategies: a promotion focus based on attaining gains and a prevention focus based on avoiding losses. This study took a social-cognitive approach predicting that regulatory focus has an impact on how family startups (several family related founders) explore “new ideas”, exploit “old certainties” and achieve the balance of both (ambidexterity), compared to lone founder startups (only one founder present). It was proposed that the social context of family ties among founders leads them to a prevention focus concerned with avoiding the loss of the socio-emotional benefits of those ties. In order to avoid such a loss, family founders were expected to increase their risk perceptions and thus, explore less than lone founders, who lack such socio-emotional ties. It was also proposed that two commonly used psychological traits in entrepreneurship research --achievement motivation and internal locus of control, predispose entrepreneurs to a promotion focus. Founders with a promotion focus, in turn, were hypothesized to lead startups to more risk-seeking behaviors and to more explorative orientation. The previous argument was used as a springboard to derive hypotheses about ambidexterity (the ability to exploit and explore simultaneously) and survival hazards. Using Regulatory Focus Theory, exploitative orientation, conceptualized as the motivational strength to continue on previous paths of action, was hypothesized to be not significantly different from that of lone founder startups. Taking previous arguments together, lone founder startups were hypothesized to be more ambidextrous than family startups. Finally, ambidexterity and internal locus of control were hypothesized to reduce survival hazards in family startups. The findings suggested that family startups explore less than lone founder startups even after controlling for group effects. Interesting but contradictory findings revealed that internal locus of control have both a positive direct effect and a positive interaction that increases the explorative and ambidextrous orientation gap of family startups over lone founder startups. As expected, ambidexterity and internal locus of control reduced survival hazards on family startups. Implications for practitioners were derived based on a sample of 470 nascent entrepreneurs.


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The construct known as locus of control (LOC) was introduced by J. B. Rotter in 1966 and refers to individuals' beliefs about the underlying main causes of events happening in their lives. Individuals with an internal LOC believe that the outcomes they experience are the result of their own actions. They are often described as believing themselves to be the masters of their own fate and to be in control of their own destinies. In contrast, individuals with an external LOC believe that external factors—such as fate, luck, God, or powerful others—determine the outcomes that they experience in their lives. They are often described as taking a passive approach toward their lives.


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El presente proyecto se ha elaborado con la finalidad de encontrar la relación existente entre el liderazgo y el locus de control, por medio de una revisión documental que permita dar una visión más amplia de estos dos fenómenos. De acuerdo con investigaciones realizadas, existen características individuales que afectan el desarrollo de liderazgo, lo cual a su vez tiene un impacto sobre el comportamiento de los individuos dentro de una sociedad. Uno de estos factores es el locus de control, el cual sesta determinado por características del individuo, y por el ambiente en el cual se desenvuelven las personas. Existen diferentes evidencias que soportan ésta relación entre locus de control y liderazgo. En éste estudio documental se describirán estos hallazgos, identificando las características del individuo y del contexto que influyen sobre ellos. Asimismo se pondrá en contexto a través del trabajo las características principales de los líderes y como se presentan las interacciones entre los lideres y seguidores, teniendo en cuenta que no todas las veces los seguidores desarrollan este papel al seguir a su líder, sino que por otro lado y estos pueden tomar parte fundamental en la interacción, influyendo de manera directa sobre el líder. Se recuerda que a los lideres los hacen sus seguidores y que sin estos no podrían desarrollar el papel de líder.


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Introduction: There is currently a need for research into indicators that could be used by non-clinical professionals working with young people, to inform the need for referral for further clinical assessment of those at risk of suicide. Method: Participants of this repeated measures longitudinal study, were 2603, 2485, and 2246 school students aged 13, 14, and 15, respectively, from 27 South Australian Schools. Results: Perceived academic performance, self-esteem and locus of control are significantly associated with suicidality. Further, logistic regression of longitudinal results suggests that perceived academic performance, over and above self-esteem and locus of control, in some instances, is a good long-term predictor of suicidality. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of The Association for Professionals in Services for Adolescents.


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The relationship between locus of control, the quality of exchanges between subordinates and leaders (LMX), and a variety of work-related reactions (intrinsic/extrinsic job satisfaction, work-related well-being, and organizational commitment) are examined. It was predicted that people with an internal locus of control develop better quality relations with their manager and this, in turn, results in more favourable work-related reactions. Results from two different samples (N = 404, and N = 51) supported this prediction, and also showed that LMX either fully, or partially, mediated the relationship between locus of control and all the work-related reactions.


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In two experiments, we show that the beliefs women have about the controllability of their weight (i.e., weight locus of control) influences their responses to advertisements featuring a larger-sized female model or a slim female model. Further, we examine self-referencing as a mechanism for these effects. Specifically, people who believe they can control their weight (“internals”), respond most favorably to slim models in advertising, and this favorable response is mediated by self-referencing. In contrast, people who feel powerless about their weight (“externals”), self-reference larger-sized models, but only prefer larger-sized models when the advertisement is for a non-fattening product. For fattening products, they exhibit a similar preference for larger-sized models and slim models. Together, these experiments shed light on the effect of model body size and the role of weight locus of control in influencing consumer attitudes.


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Background to the Problem: Improving nurses' self-efficacy and job satisfaction may improve the quality of nursing care to patients. Moreover, to work effectively and consistently with professional nursing standards, nurses have to believe they are able to make decisions about their practice. In order to identify what strategies and professional development programmes should be developed and implemented for registered nurses in the Australian context, a comprehensive profile of registered nurses and factors that affect nursing care in Australia needs to be available. However, at present, there is limited information available on a) the perceived caring efficacy and job satisfaction of registered nurses in Australia, and b) the relationships between the demographic variables general self-efficacy, work locus of control, coping styles, the professional nursing practice environment and caring efficacy and job satisfaction of registered nurses in Australia. This is the first study to 1) investigate relationships between caring efficacy and job satisfaction with factors such as general self-efficacy, locus of control and coping, 2) the nursing practice environment in the Australian context and 3) conceptualise a model of caring efficacy and job satisfaction in the Australian context. Research Design and Methods: This study used a two-phase cross-sectional survey design. A pilot study was conducted in order to determine the validity and reliability of the survey instruments and to assess the effectiveness of the participant recruitment process. The second study of the research involved investigating the relationships between the socio-demographic, dependent and independent variables. Socio-demographic variables included age, gender, level of education, years of experience, years in current job, employment status, geographical location, specialty area, health sector, state and marital status. Other independent variables in this study included general self-efficacy, work locus of control, coping styles and the professional nursing practice environment. The dependent variables were job satisfaction and caring efficacy. Results: A confirmatory factor analysis of the Brisbane Practice Environment Measure (B-PEM) was conducted. A five-factor structure of the B-PEM was confirmed. Relationships between socio-demographic variables, caring efficacy and job satisfaction, were identified at the bivariate and multivariable levels. Further, examination using structural equation modelling revealed general self-efficacy, work locus of control, coping style and the professional nursing practice environment contributed to caring efficacy and job satisfaction of registered nurses in Australia. Conclusion: This research contributes to the literature on how socio-demographic, personal and environmental variables (work locus of control, general self-efficacy and the nursing practice environment) influence caring efficacy and job satisfaction in registered nurses in Australia. Caring efficacy and job satisfaction may be improved if general self-efficacy is high in those that have an internal work locus of control. The study has also shown that practice environments that provide the necessary resources improve job satisfaction in nurses. The results have identified that the development and implementation of strategies for professional development and orientation programmes that enhance self-efficacy and work locus of control may contribute to better quality nursing practice and job satisfaction. This may further assist registered nurses towards focusing on improving their practice abilities. These strategies along with practice environments that provide the necessary resources for nurses to practice effectively may lead to better job satisfaction. This information is important for nursing leaders, healthcare organisations and policymakers, as the development and implementation of these strategies may lead to better recruitment and retention of nurses. The study results will contribute to the national and international literature on self-efficacy, job satisfaction and nursing practice.


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Research Question: What relationships exist between general self efficacy, locus of control and the nursing practice environment and caring efficacy and job satisfaction? Background: Important characteristics of current nursing practice include nurses having the ability to develop and continue therapeutic relationships with patients, nurses having autonomy and control over the practice environment and nurses having more involvement in decision making. In addition, employee satisfaction is enhanced when organisations offer access to authority. Despite this, nurses continue to complain of feeling powerless in their ability to make decisions. Sample: The study population and criteria for selection included Registered Nurses in Australia who were at the time members of an Australian professional and industrial organisation. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was undertaken. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive and bivariate statistics, and structural equation modeling. Results: The model fit the data well (χ² = 2.3594, χ²/df = 2.3594 and CFI = 0.9987). Twenty four percent of variation in caring efficacy (CE) can be accounted for by general self-efficacy (GSE); work locus of control (WLC) and practice environment (PE) and 62% of the variation in job satisfaction (JS) can be accounted for by GSE, WLC and PE. All pathways were found to be significant except PE to CE. GSE positively explained CE (β = 0.38). WLC was negatively related to CE i.e., as CE scores increased WLC scores decreased (β = -0.23). Further testing of the model found CE was positively related to GSE (βZ = 0.38, p < 0.001) and negatively related to WLC (βZ = - 0.23, p = 0.001). PE was not significantly associated with CE (βZ = - 0.01, p = 0.85). JS was explained by PE, which was positively related (βZ = 0.69, p = < 0.001); GSE which was negatively related (βZ - 0 .09, p < 0.001) and WLC, which was also negatively related (βZ = - 0.20, p < 0.001). Implications for Practice Nursing and organisational leaders should ensure the development of strategies for professional development and orientation programmes which may enhance nurses’ ability to develop caring relationships and express caring behaviours to their patients and as a result improve organisational and patient outcomes. Nursing shortages and turnover rates are associated with job satisfaction and the nursing practice environment. Improving the nursing environment can produce benefits to the health system such as better job satisfaction, improved workforce retention and better patient outcomes.


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Resumen: Este estudio presenta la estructura factorial y la evaluación de la fiabilidad de una versión en castellano de la escala Fetal Health Locus of Control, que evalúa creencias de control vinculadas a la salud del feto basándose en el concepto Locus de Control acuñado por Rotter. La escala fue administrada a mujeres en edad reproductiva (N = 130) en instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Santa Fe. La versión adaptada de la escala muestra una estructura de 3 factores principales que se corresponden con los constructos teóricos en los que se basa la escala original. La consistencia interna evaluada a través del alpha de Cronbach resultó adecuada, con valores de .81 para la subescala FHLCE-D, .75 para la subescala FHLCI y .76 para la subescala FHLCE-P. En conclusión, la versión adaptada de la escala posee propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias, similares a las de escala original.


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Varying intensities of nurse-mediated health education advice were administered to subjects over a three-month period. Mean serum total cholesterol was calculated for each group at the outset and completion of the study. A multidimensional health locus of control (MHLC) scales questionnaire was self-completed by subjects at the outset. A highly significant association between internality and reduction in serum total cholesterol in the high-intensity intervention group was observed. The completion of a MHLC scale questionnaire may assist health professionals in identifying which subjects may most benefit from high-intensity health education advice when raised serum total cholesterol is prevalent.


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Health Locus of Control (HLC) classifies our beliefs about the connection between our actions and health outcomes (Skinner, 1996) into three categories: “internal control, corresponding to health being the result of an individual's effort and habits; “control by powerful others”, whereby health depends on others, such as doctors; and “chance control, according to which health depends on fate and chance. Using Choice Experiments we investigate the relationship between HLC and willingness to change lifestyle, in terms of eating habits, physical activity and associated cardiovascular disease risk, in a 384 person sample representative of the 40–65 aged population of Northern Ireland administered between February and July 2011. Using latent class analysis we identify three discrete classes of people based on their HLC: the first class is sceptical about their capacity to control their health and certain unhealthy habits. Despite being unsatisfied with their situation, they are reluctant to accept behaviour changes. The second is a group of individuals unhappy with their current situation but willing to change through exercise and diet. Finally, a group of healthy optimists is identified, who are satisfied with their current situation but happy to take more physical activity and improve their diet. Our findings show that any policy designed to modify people's health related behaviour should consider the needs of this sceptical class which represents a considerable proportion of the population in the region.


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