999 resultados para Enterotoxin production
One hundred and twenty-six strains of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from swine with diarrhea were examined for the production of enteroxin, by culture filtrate inoculation into ileal loops in several animal species.Four (3,1 %) of the strains tested produced fluid in ligated ileal loop of albino rabbit, 19 (15 %) in rat and 14(11, 1 %) in swine. By the test of intragastric inoculation in suckling mouse, none of the strains revealed capacity to produce enterotoxin, although two strains were considered suspicious. Twelve (54,5 %) of the strains that induced ileal fluid in rat and swine produced cytotoxic effect in monkey kidney cells (Vero), affecting up to 60 % of the monolayer. However, no alteration was observed in hamster kidney cells (BHK).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Aeromonads are inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems and are described as being involved in intestinal disturbances and other infections. A total of 200 drinking water samples from domestic and public reservoirs and drinking fountains located in São Paulo (Brazil), were analyzed for the presence of Aeromonas. Samples were concentrated by membrane filtration and enriched in APW. ADA medium was used for Aeromonas isolation and colonies were confirmed by biochemical characterization. Strains isolated were tested for hemolysin and toxin production. Aeromonas was detected in 12 samples (6.0%). Aeromonas strains (96) were isolated and identified as: A. caviae (41.7%), A. hydrophila (15.7%), A.allosacharophila (10.4%), A. schubertii (1.0%) and Aeromonas spp. (31.2%).The results revealed that 70% of A. caviae, 66.7% of A. hydrophila, 80% of A. allosacharophila and 46.6% of Aeromonas spp. were hemolytic. The assay for checking production of toxins showed that 17.5% of A. caviae, 73.3% of A. hydrophila, 60% of A. allosacharophila, 100% of A. schubertii, and 33.3% of Aeromonas spp. were able to produce toxins. The results demonstrated the pathogenic potential of Aeromonas, indicating that the presence of this emerging pathogen in water systems is a public health concern
Non-enterotoxigenic bacteria of the Bacteroides fragilis group and enterotoxigenic B. fragilis were identified from children with and without aqueous acute diarrhea. In this study, 170 stool samples from 96 children with and 74 without diarrhea were analyzed. Enterotoxin production and the toxin gene detection were detected by cytotoxicity assay on HT-29/C1 cells and by PCR, respectively. B. fragilis species was prevalent in both groups and enterotoxigenic B. fragilis strains were isolated from two children with diarrhea. More studies are important to evaluate the role of each bacteria of the B. fragilis group, including enterotoxigenic strains play in the diarrheal processes in children.
Bacteroides fragilis has been isolated from several human and non-human monomicrobial and mixed infections. In this study, some virulence markers and the antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria of the B. fragilis group isolated from children's stools were evaluated. All the 64 isolates showed the following characteristics: capsulated, beta-hemolytic, hydrophilic, and serum-resistant. Only, 24 (37.5%) strains were resistant at 60ºC, for 30 min, and among them, 12 (18.75%) were resistant at 60ºC, for 60 min. Also, none strain was resistant at 100ºC. Four strains were able to hemagglutinate erythrocytes and D-mannose, D-galactose, D-arabinose, and D-xylose inhibited hemagglutination in 2 B. fragilis strains (p76a, p76b). The hemagglutination in the strain B. uniformis p3-2 was inhibited by D-xylose and D-galactose. The bft gene detection and the enterotoxin production were observed only in 13 EF-enterotoxigenic species. Fragilysin activity was confirmed on HT-29 cells. The antimicrobial determination confirmed that both imipenem and metronidazole were efficient against B. fragilis species; all the strains were resistant to lead and nickel. Plasmids of 2.9, 4.4, 4.8, and 8.9 kb were observed in 6 tested strains. These results show the values of the species identification from clinical infections, as well as of the periodic evaluation of the resistance patterns of the B. fragilis group at Brazilian medical institutions.
Coffee is one of the most appreciated drinks in the world. Coffee ground is obtained from the fruit of a small plant that belongs to the genus Coffea. Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora robusta are the two most commercially important species. They are more commonly known as arabica and robusta, respectively. Two-thirds of Coffea arabica plants are grown in South and Central America, and Eastern Africa - the place of origin for this coffee species. Contamination by microorganisms has been a major matter affecting coffee quality in Brazil, mainly due to the harvesting method adopted. Brazilian harvests are based on fruits collected from the ground mixed with those that fall on collection cloths. As the Bacillus cereus bacterium frequently uses the soil as its environmental reservoir, it is easily capable of becoming a contaminant. This study aimed to evaluate the contamination and potential of B. cereus enterotoxin genes encoding the HBL and NHE complexes, which were observed in strains of ground and roasted coffee samples sold in Rio de Janeiro. The PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) results revealed high potential of enterotoxin production in the samples. The method described by Speck (1984) was used for the isolation of contaminants. The investigation of the potential production of enterotoxins through isolates of the microorganism was performed using the B. cereus enterotoxin Reverse Passive Latex Agglutination test-kit (BCET-RPLA, Oxoid), according to the manufacturer's instructions. The potential of enterotoxin production was investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for hblA, hblD and hblC genes (encoding hemolysin HBL) and for nheA, nheB and nheC genes (encoding non-hemolytic enterotoxin - NHE). Of all the 17 strains, 100% were positive for at least 1 enterotoxin gene; 52.9% (9/17) were positive for the 3 genes encoding the HBL complex; 35.3% (6/17) were positive for the three NHE encoding genes; and 29.4% (5/17) were positive for all enterotoxic genes.
Aeromonads are inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems and are described as being involved in intestinal disturbances and other infections. A total of 200 drinking water samples from domestic and public reservoirs and drinking fountains located in Sao Paulo (Brazil), were analyzed for the presence of Aeromonas. Samples were concentrated by membrane filtration and enriched in APW. ADA medium was used for Aeromonas isolation and colonies were confirmed by biochemical characterization. Strains isolated were tested for hemolysin and toxin production. Aeromonas was detected in 12 samples (6.0%). Aeromonas strains (96) were isolated and identified as: A. caviae (41.7%), A. hydrophila (15.7%), A. allosacharophila (10.4%), A. schubertii (1.0%) and Aeromonas spp. (31.2%). The results revealed that 70% of A. caviare, 66.7% of A. hydrophila, 80% of A. allosacharophila and 46.6% of Aeromonas spp. were hemolytic. The assay for checking production of toxins showed that 17.5% of A. caviae, 73.3% of A. hydrophila, 60% of A. allosacharophila, 100% of A. schubertii, and 33.3% of Aeromonas spp. were able to produce toxins. The results demonstrated the pathogenic potential of Aeromonas, indicating that the presence of this emerging pathogen in water systems is a public health concern.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Food poisoning can cause infection on its consumers by the presence of pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, it is important to check its quality, which can be affected by many factors. The sanitary quality of foods can be assessed by thermotolerant coliform. Since food safety is a matter of great concern, this study aimed to evaluate the hygienic sanitary conditions of samples of ice cream and desserts marketed in the city of Botucatu, by determining the most probable number (MPN) of thermotolerant coliform, identification and enumeration of coagulase positive staphylococci and verification of classical enterotoxin production by strains of S. aureus and also for detecting the presence of Salmonella sp. Among the ice cream analyzed, 56.3% were unfit for consumption and between the creamy desserts, the percentage of unfit samples was 33.3%. Coagulase positive Staphylococcus and Salmonella were not found in the samples. It is then an inadequacy in handling and / or storage conditions in a considerable number of samples, indicating need for improvement in the conditions of preparation
Strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are responsible for significant rates of morbidity and mortality among children, particularly in developing countries. The majority of clinical and public health laboratories are capable of isolating and identifying Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 from stool samples, but ETEC cannot be identified by routine methods. The method most often used to identify ETEC is polymerase chain reaction for heat-stable and heat-labile enterotoxin genes, and subsequent serotyping, but most clinical and public health laboratories do not have the capacity or resources to perform these tests. In this study, polyclonal rabbit and monoclonal mouse IgG2b antibodies against ETEC heat-labile toxin-I (LT) were characterized and the potential applicability of a capture assay was analyzed. IgG-enriched fractions from rabbit polyclonal and the IgG2b monoclonal antibodies recognized LT in a conformational shape and they were excellent tools for detection of LT-producing strains. These findings indicate that the capture immunoassay could be used as a diagnostic assay of ETEC LT-producing strains in routine diagnosis and in epidemiological studies of diarrhea in developing countries as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay techniques remain as effective and economical choice for the detection of specific pathogen antigens in cultures.
We investigated the cytokine profile of peripheral mononuclear cells from chronic osteomyelitis (OST) patients following in vitro stimulation with staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA). We demonstrate that stimulation with SEA induced prominent lymphocyte proliferation and high levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-10 secretion in both OST and non-infected individuals (NI). Even though stimulation with SEA had no impact on IL-6 production in either patient group, the baseline level of IL-6 production by cells from OST patients was always significantly less than that produced by cells from NI. After classifying the osteomyelitic episodes based on the time after the last reactivation event as "early" (1-4 months) or "late" osteomyelitis (5-12 months), we found that increased levels of TNF-α and IL-4 in combination with decreased levels of IL-6 were observed in the early episodes. By contrast, increased levels of IL-10, IL-2 and IL-6 were hallmarks of late episodes. Our data demonstrate that early osteomyelitic episodes are accompanied by an increased frequency of "high producers" of TNF-α and IL-4, whereas late events are characterised by increased frequencies of "high producers" of IL-10, IL-6 and IL-2. These findings demonstrate the distinct cytokine profiles in chronic osteomyelitis, with a distinct regulation of IL-6 production during early and late episodes.
La présence d’Escherichia coli pathogènes en élevages porcins entraine des retards de croissance et la mortalité. La transmission des E. coli pathogènes entre les élevages et l'abattoir d’un même réseau de production n'est pas bien décrite. La détection des gènes de virulence des E. coli pathogènes pourrait permettre d’identifier un marqueur de contamination dans le réseau. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’identifier un marqueur de contamination E. coli dans un réseau de production porcine défini afin de décrire certains modes de transmission des E. coli pathogènes. Pour ce faire, une région géographique comprenant 10 fermes d’engraissement, un abattoir et un réseau de transport a été sélectionnée. Trois lots de production consécutifs par ferme ont été suivis pendant 12 mois. Des échantillons environnementaux ont été prélevés à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des fermes (3 visites d’élevage), dans la cour de l’abattoir (2 visites lors de sorties de lot) et sur le camion de transport. La détection des gènes de virulence (eltB, estA, estB, faeG, stxA, stx2A, eae, cnf, papC, iucD, tsh, fedA) dans les échantillons a été réalisée par PCR multiplexe conventionnelle. La distribution temporelle et spatiale des gènes de virulence a permis d’identifier le marqueur de contamination ETEC/F4 défini par la détection d’au moins un gène d’entérotoxine ETEC (estB, estA et eltB) en combinaison avec le gène de l’adhésine fimbriaire (faeG). La distribution des échantillons positifs ETEC/F4 qualifie la cour de l’abattoir comme un réservoir de contamination fréquenté par les transporteurs, vecteurs de contamination entre les élevages. Ceci suggère le lien microbiologique entre l’élevage, les transporteurs et l’abattoir jouant chacun un rôle dans la dissémination des microorganismes pathogènes et potentiellement zoonotiques en production porcine.
The detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins is decisive for the confirmation of an outbreak and for the determination of the enterotoxigenicity of strains. Since the recognition of their antigenicity, a large number of serological methods for the detection of enterotoxins in food and culture media have been proposed. Since immunological methods require detectable amounts of toxin, molecular biology techniques represent important tools in the microbiology laboratory. In the present study, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to identify genes responsible for the production of enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1) in S. aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) isolated from patients and the results were compared with those obtained by the reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA) assay. PCR detection of toxin genes revealed a higher percentage of toxigenic S. aureus strains (46.7%) than the RPLA method (38.3%). Analysis of the toxigenic profile of CNS strains showed that 26.7% of the isolates produced some type of toxin, and one or more toxin-specific genes were detected in 40% of the isolates. These results suggests the need for further studies in order to better characterize the pathogenic potential of CNS and indicate that attention should be paid to the toxigenic capacity of this group of microorganisms.
Background: Staphylococcus is a clinically important genus because of its capacity to produce enterotoxins and to cause food poisoning. Staphylococci are the most frequent microorganisms of the skin and mucosal microbiota, with an estimated 20 to 40% of individuals carrying these bacteria on their hands or nose. Since nutrition professionals are involved in the handling and preparation of foods and are possible carriers of these bacteria, the objective of this study was to investigate the presence of Staphylococcus on the hands and in the nasal fossae of undergraduate nutrition students and to determine the enterotoxigenic capacity of these microorganisms. Methods and Findings: A total of 201 strains were isolated from the hands and nose of 61 nutrition students. Of these, 180 (89.5%) were identified as coagulasenegative staphylococci and 21 (10.5%) as S. aureus. Thirty-seven (18.4%) Staphylococcus isolates were producers of enterotoxin A. Toxin production was detected in 5 (19%) of the S. aureus isolates and in 31 (17.2%) of the coagulase-negative staphylococci. Conclusions: This study demonstrated a large number of enterotoxin-producing staphylococci on the hands and nose of nutrition students and professionals involved in the handling and preparations of foods. These findings indicate the need for adequate hygiene measures to prevent food poisoning. © iMedPub.