989 resultados para Ensino de Quimica
Meaningful learning occurs when new knowledge to be aggregated are grounded in other students already possess. In preparing didactic sequences for teaching concepts, one should take into account these concepts and knowledge to produce more effective and lasting learning, and build new concepts that will become subsumes for subsequent learning. This research was developed in a subproject linked to institutional Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (PIBID) of a Universidade Estadual Paulista. The proposal is based on the articulation of the Public School and the University, strengthening the initial training of undergraduates, and continued teacher network, improving the quality of education. The proposed work is based on interdisciplinary research and teaching by investigation. Undergraduates in Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry jointly propose interdisciplinary teaching activities and investigative applied to high school students of Public School partner. To survey the views of these students on the theme Water, they were asked to draw up an essay entitled "The importance of water", with the aim of organizing information for planning a teaching strategy that articulates the disciplines of training of undergraduates. In this paper we present a qualitative analysis of these essays, performed based on content analysis. The analysis allowed to identify existing concepts in students' cognitive structure and classify them into adequate and inadequate compared to scientifically accepted concepts. Several misconceptions were raised indicating the need to produce didactic sequences that in addition to working the concepts presented in the curriculum of disciplines take into consideration the possibility of more meaningful learning. This research produced the elucidation of existing concepts, indicating where deficiencies were larger. One major contribution was the realization that concepts that may be considered by teachers as simple and already acquired by the students often come so misguided in their explanations. From the results obtained, integrated activities have been planned and implemented, and more relevant to the needs of students aiming to recover and enrich the knowledge they possessed, encouraging the use of scientific concepts and their application to daily living situations.
La enseñanza desarrolló, así como los métodos y las técnicas de enseñar. Aquí el he/she piensa un método instrucción, en que el estudiante está más de un oyente simple: además la parte íntegra, él se llama para intervenir continuamente, mientras tocando una parte ancho, interactivo e involucrando, del contextualização del tema para ser trabajado -inclusivo, asocie día a día al his/her y contextual al programa de la disciplina de Química, hasta la manera como ese tema debe explorarse. La leche, el tema pone en correlación al origen del grupo de los estudiantes seleccionados, fue explorado, dentro de una visión sistémica, bajo el punto de vista de la composición de las propiedades de la industrialización y de la comercialización. Buscando prever los caminos de la construcción y organización del conocimiento de los estudiantes, se usó el modelo de administración mental de Antoine de La Garranderie y la teoría de aprender de Ausubel. El conocimiento de los estudiantes se supervisó antes, durante y al final de las actividades desarrolladas, práctica que permitió verificar la evolución y el nivel de asimilación conceptual de éstos con respecto al tema en el estudio. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos, después de la aplicación de una encuesta que contempla veinte asuntos, todo pertinentes al tema, demostró un nivel del uso sobre el promedio, lo que merecido la pena el método de enseñanza propuesta
PNLEM came out in 2004 and modified the view about schoolbook in Brazil. New perspectives pointed towards constitution of a more critical citizen as of an interdisciplinary and more contextualized teaching, made schoolbook understand these changes.But not always these alterations are checked up on by all means,because what we notice are adaptation of works have already known on market, where texts that are placed reveal environmental, socioeconomic, historical facts or daily phenomenon, or then scientific relevancy examples.We thus offer to analyse contents of chemical thermodynamics and physics for high school which are shown on schoolbook of chemistry and physics validated by PNLEM 2012, now called PNLD, studying the facts if these works bring these scientific sociocultural standpoint as well as their historical context,considering as analysis categories the following criteria: presentation of introduction, content contextualizing,presentation of concepts, thermodynamics historical context, representation in microscopic level and proposal of experiments.Eleven books were analysed,being five of chemistry and six of physics.So was applied a questionnaire with physics and chemistry teachers of high school to have an impression of their opinion about their teaching strategies and about schoolbook.This work grounded in orientations of legal documents about high school in Brazil (LDB,PCN,PCN+,OCEM) and in research on science teaching that regards specifically schoolbook and physics and chemical thermodynamics teaching.Were eleven books in number, only four denoted much coherence with new perspectives for high school, being two of chemistry and two of physics,whose concern about contextualizing and with a much integrated view of science to student s reality,indicating much social and critical character.The rest, when don t overlook,regard cultural and historical,socioeconomic contexts in isolated manner from presented concepts,aside from content
Educational games can work as a complementary tool in teaching and learning chemistry, playing an important role in the development of the students cognitive structures, familiarizing them with certain conceptual content, which may arouse interest in the study of such content. In this work, we made an analysis of organic chemistry textbooks recommended by Programa Nacional do Livro Didático 2012, for high school students in order to verify the existence of methodological proposals using educational games. From this analysis, we proposed an educational game to be developed for students on 3º year of high medium and undergraduate chemistry, that are in 1º semester of the course, which is constituted of a tray and 48 letters, which work various concepts concerning organic functions, such as: structural characteristics, physical properties, chemical and properties diverse of the compounds used for the confection of the letters. The game was applied to a class degree in chemistry, period 2012.1 to a Federal Education of Rio Grande do Norte and a group of students of the 3rd year of the state schools of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period the months of April and May 2012. The analysis of the performance of the game proposed was made using visual observations, photographic records and testimonials of students who participated in the games. The instrument used for the data collection was the student questionnaire, which was similar for both groups, differing only in the amount of questions, because one of them had one more question. During application of the game it was observed that it constitutes a dynamic strategy in the teaching and learning of chemistry concepts, given that students actively participated in the classes as well, demonstrated more motivation in the construction of concepts, furthermore, it was possible to observe evidence of other possibilities of the game. This could be verified through visual observations and testimonials at the end of each game, by reading the answers to the questionnaires
The area of Education in Chemistry in Brazil has appeared over 30 years and its growth has been accelerated by the need of comprehension of the processes of teaching and learning in chemistry. Many researches, in this area, has among its investigation objects the teaching tools like teaching materials and the learning processes of students in high school and basic education, but when dealing with higher levels of education, they are seldom portrayed. This study aimed to investigate the General Chemistry textbooks with respect to approach the concept of energy; know the main ideas of graduate students in Chemistry on the relation of the concept of energy and chemical transformations; finally, developing a cicle of studies with the proposition of an approach wich inter-relate the concept of energy and its implications in the teaching-learning process of a chemical transformation. To do so, we used as instruments a questionnaire, press conference, conceptual map and experimental activities. All activities of the study cicle were videotaped and recorded, transcribed and the results organized in tables. For the activities of the study cicle texts that have been developed and inter-relating concepts of chemistry and energy, which in turn gave theoretical support to the activities in the cycle. In the analysis it was used as a theoretical content the analysis of Laurence Bardin. The results revealed that the analysis of the book might be perceived that not always the concept of energy is used in order to generate the abstract thought of chemical transformations, but that the main macroscopic thermodynamic variables are present in the explanation of these transformations. During the study cicle, were studied two chemical reactions: the first one, made possible to approach the macroscopic dimension to quantify the concept of energy and the second one, made possible to demonstrate the macro and microscopic dimension of the concept of energy during a chemical transformation. In all reactions proposed, students used, in most of the times, as explanations, only macroscopic observations of the reactions under study and failed to realize that the concept of energy can be used to explain macro and microscopic chemical transformation. As a final action of the study cicle, students requested further discussion, to clarify the link between the concept of energy and the meanings constructed in the process of studying the reactions. This is done through an oral explanation, during the cycle, and registered in this thesis and attempts to show the interrelationship existing conceptual
Nowadays, chemistry contents taught in high school continue to be presented in a fragmented and decontextualized manner by the teachers and the textbooks. Even though it is known that contextualization and interdisciplinary exchange play an important role in the process of Chemistry teaching/learning. Therefore, the present study aims at enlightening the importance of these methodological foundations in the learning of chemistry. The data acquisition about the subject Contextualization and Interdisciplinary Exchange involved in Chemistry Teaching was developed through bibliographical researches on chemistry textbooks, which focused on the analysis of the topics acid and base , since it is a theme studied throughout all three years of high school. The present study also developed questionnaires which were applied to analyze to what extent chemistry teachers are working in a contextualized and interdisciplinary manner throughout the process of Chemistry teaching/learning. The results obtained in the researches show that a contextualized and interdisciplinary teaching contributes to a more meaningful acquisition of chemistry knowledge, in a dynamic and interactive way, but there are still many roadblocks towards the achievement of this kind of Chemistry teaching/learning process
The use of analogies in high school is often useful for chemistry teaching, either on textbooks or by teachers in the classroom.This use is justified by the large number of abstract concepts that rules this course. Analogies are conceptualized by several authors, which converge on the idea that these are tools that seek a way to elucidate an unknown concept by comparing it to a familiar one, relating their similar and dissimilar features. An analysis on a survey of analogies found in high school chemistry textbooks and chemical equilibrium studies is performed in order to verify whether they are leading to misconceptions for their use by students and/or for their use by teachers in the classroom, or whether they promote a learning facilitation
This paper proposes a didactic experience on the simulation of the atmospheric corrosion of copper and zinc due to the presence of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. Quantitative parameters of corrosion such as gain and loss of mass were determined to assess the variation of the layer thickness of the metal and of the corrosion products. This proposal aims a better understanding of some basic aspects of acid rain formation using fundamental concepts of chemistry such as the reactivity of gases.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Organizado por João José Caluzi e Silvia Regina Quijadas Aro Zuliani, este livro traz uma série de estudos nos quais os autores procuram discutir o ensino da Química à luz da História da Ciência e das metodologias científicas consagradas pelas instituições de ensino brasileiras na disseminação dos conhecimentos sobre a matéria, sempre com um viés analítico e por vezes bastante crítico. A coletânea aborda desde uma proposta de integração da Filosofia da Química no currículo e na didática da matéria até a prevenção de acidentes na execução de experimentos de Química no ensino médio, passando por um balanço crítico sobre as obras de Química adotadas no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio e da utilização e avaliação dos objetos de aprendizagem por professores de Química nas salas de aula brasileiras. A obra também fala do ensino da Química do ponto de vista mais específico, como nos artigos que discutem os pressupostos históricos e filosóficos sobre o princípio da incerteza, a tentativa de uma leitura kuhniana do conceito de substância e o estudo do termo densidade como obstáculo verbal à compreensão dos conceitos.
Dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the educational processes of the traditional teaching has always existed, and new teaching methods have been routinely studied. The experimental investigative activity is one of those alternative practices. In this type of activity the experimentation is inserted with an investigative approach, in which the student must build the concept, with proposals that represent solutions to the excited problems. In the teaching of chemistry, specifically, the need and importance of experimentation is evident, beyond motivate students, aid in the understanding of chemical concepts relating them to reality. Realizing the contributions of this methodology for teaching and learning, through this research was conducted to understand the difficulties encountered by teachers for planning and implementation of these activities in the teaching of chemistry and therefore the reasons for the dominance of traditional teaching method. The subjects were undergraduate students of chemistry course that developed and implemented differentiated learning activities for teaching and teachers who accompanied the high school students who participated in the university extension project Inclusion Science and University students and teachers from public: Teaching and Learning Chemistry focuses on research and practice”. Through the data it was possible to identify some factors that affect and hinder the implementation of experimental activities in general, not only the investigative. However, despite the difficulties experienced by undergraduates, the majority considered the activity as an alternative teaching method interesting and innovative, able to produce interest, motivation and participation of students with subsequent learning. As well as the teachers, what with all the difficulties that they had declared facing when applying experimental activities, they admitted the pedagogical... (Complete abstract click electronic access belo)
Modern society is characterized by being in evolution finds, technology strides and every day becomes the setting in which we live. At school, however, we found no features of these changes, the years pass and the methodological tools remain unchanged. In this paper we analyze an object produced by the Learning Network Interactive Virtual Education - RIVED to discuss whether it covers the content and answers to the questions proposed by the National Curricular and Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo, and may be inserted in the educational environment, both to perform a qualitative analysis, focusing on information retrieval. The results showed that the Learning Objects: Abundance, has most of the proposals relating to the subject of study, prepared by the NCP and the Proposed Structure for the State of Sao Paulo, so it is valid for teachers to use this tool trying that with a new approach, we can give students a better understanding of chemical concepts
The performance of investigative activities with lessons in teaching Science and Chemistry has promoted meaningful learning of scientific knowledge. This study aimed to develop the links between higher education for research and skills argumentative, aimed at building the scientific concept on combustion of the candle in a closed container, for students from two classes of 3rd year of high school, two city schools Bauru, São Paulo. We decided to do a short course investigative, to respond argumentative skills which are developed during the minicourse using investigative activities, knowledge from the history and philosophy of science. The results were gathered from analysis of video recordings of episodes of the short course in both the groups, to produce a higher rate of use of argumentative skill, which were classified into categories according to the prior knowledge of the subject, 'factual knowledge' , 'understanding of concepts' and 'reasoning and analysis.' From the information obtained, it was found that both the teachers and the students were consistent in their actions, and that the activity of reasoning is key to learning. Thus, one can realize that knowledge is not acquired all at the same time, each individual depends on the mediation of the teacher in order to reach different design more appropriate teaching and investigative linked with the argument can be the key tool to acquire this knowledge