816 resultados para Ensino de Projeto de Arquitetura. Aprendizagem de Projeto de Arquitetura. Projeto de Arquitetura
O uso de Tecnologia da Informao (TI) tem evoludo muito nos ltimos anos e isto influencia, sem dvida, o ensino e a prtica da arquitetura. Observa-se que o ensino de projeto nas escolas de arquitetura se d atravs de um processo prtico-reflexivo, no qual os alunos aprendem fazendo, sob a orientao dos professores. O conhecimento arquitetnico, portanto, vai sendo construdo atravs da anlise e interpretao do projeto e a busca de significados a partir da sua representao, sejam esboos mo livre ou imagens digitais. Desta forma, as disciplinas de prtica projetual tm grande importncia, sendo consideradas fundamentais para a formao do arquiteto. Reconhecendo que a aplicao da TI gera novos paradigmas projetuais, mostrou-se importante a investigao da docncia e da prtica profissional. Este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar a presena e o uso de TI no ensino de projeto arquitetnico nas Faculdades de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU) de Porto Alegre, RS. Demonstra-se, atravs dos resultados de estudo exploratrio em quatro FAUs, as caractersticas pessoais e a forma como esto sendo desenvolvidas as habilidades dos alunos para a prtica de projeto arquitetnico em funo das tecnologias disponveis e das tendncias futuras que se apresentam a estes profissionais. Verificou-se como os estudantes usam recursos computacionais em geral, qual o seu o nvel de conhecimento sobre TI e como tem sido feita a abordagem pelas FAUs deste tema. Explorou-se, de forma especial, a aplicao de sistemas CAD no processo de projeto arquitetnico Constatou-se que os sistemas ainda so bastante sub utilizados e que as disciplinas dos currculos das FAUs estudadas levam a uma formao aqum da necessidade exigida pelos escritrios de arquitetura, onde o uso de recursos computacionais corrente. Para estarem adequados as exigncias do mercado de trabalho, os estudantes alm de completarem o seu Curso, necessitam superar a necessidade de aprendizagem de sistemas computacionais, muitas vezes adquirida durante o estgio ou em cursos extra-curriculares.
O objeto de estudo desta tese o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acadmico brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemolgica e cognitiva, a partir da produo cientfica dos Seminrios UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de trs estados constitutivos: conservao, permanncia e transformao. A metodologia de investigao qualitativa e seus pressupostos so investigad os por meio do mtodo hipottico-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo pesquisado, as hipteses conduzem: primeiro, investigao e caracterizao de estruturas que se conservam; segundo, investigao e levantamento de valores e conceitos que permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adaptao s mudanas e paradigmas; e, terceiro, por procurarem destacar prticas pedaggicas que indicam novos caminhos na maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou que, embora em menores propores, ainda se conservam aes e posturas pedaggicas que: valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concepo arquitetural; no apresentam clareza metodolgica na abordagem da problemtica arquitetnica; os contextos urbanos so pouco explorados na experimentao; utilizam um sistema de concepo baseado em princpios estticos cannicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transformao da arquitetura contempornea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada. Com relao s novas perspectivas encontradas, a anlise da produo cientfica demonstrou que a prtica pedaggica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por transformaes crticas valiosas. Essa constatao foi percebida, por meio, tambm, de reflexes e de prticas pedaggicas que valorizam a integrao de contedos; que possuem um discurso crtico e conciliador com relao necessidade de renovao de prticas, paradigmas, meios e contedos; que esto abertas s posturas cooperativas e s estratgias para a constituio de um corpo terico-prtico para o ensino do projeto que no se limite ao campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a importncia das novas tecnologias computacionais na concepo projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estratgias que atualizam as solues projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o espao acadmico como um lugar propcio para as experincias projetuais e pedaggicas; que manifestam um esforo em considerar a participao do usurio, assim como em realizar um processo de apreenso de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma postura de valorizao do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educao do arquiteto deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos incluso da realidade sociocultural e ambiental como referncia para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada racionalidade tcnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a mediao, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma estratgia que supera qualquer antecipao programtica e viabiliza a transformao e a construo do prprio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo necessrio para a formao do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a prtica
You cannot teach architectonic design, but only learn it. This sentence was, during some decades, especially during the modernism, the starting point, adopted by several architectonic design professors, when they had to approach their subject. An attitude that, some years ago, was reviewed and fighted by area s experts. This paper join this criticism, and try to add something to the pre-existing discussion, analyzing with the case-study method all the subjects related with architectonic design of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte CAU/UFRN . The aim is to identify and analyze the teaching methodologies used by the professors and their effects related to the students. To reach this purpose four different methods were used: i) Professors interviews; ii) Different forms submitted to students and professors; iii) Daily practice s observation, developed during classes; iv) Documents analysis about the degree (historical development and subjects) and about the subjects themselves (summaries, table of contents and planning). Studying the results, it was possible to underline that, in spite of the efforts of some of the professors to find a way to teach with more appropriate educational and pedagogic bases, some of the teaching methodologies, criticized in articles dealing with the matter, were still used. With regard to these, the research pointed out some suggestions that could help to improve the teaching and learning process, joining professors and students that are the most important subjects of the teaching activity. Developing the idea living in the paper s title Teaching and learning , it s now clear that only the practice, through the improvement of the pedagogic techniques, together with critical analysis can help the professors to reach a relationship level, regarding the teaching and learning process, as that described in the epigraph s text, into which teaching and learning, can t be done only by one of the process subject, but must be lived by both of them: professors and students
O objeto de estudo desta tese o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acadmico brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemolgica e cognitiva, a partir da produo cientfica dos Seminrios UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de trs estados constitutivos: conservao, permanncia e transformao. A metodologia de investigao qualitativa e seus pressupostos so investigad os por meio do mtodo hipottico-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo pesquisado, as hipteses conduzem: primeiro, investigao e caracterizao de estruturas que se conservam; segundo, investigao e levantamento de valores e conceitos que permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adaptao s mudanas e paradigmas; e, terceiro, por procurarem destacar prticas pedaggicas que indicam novos caminhos na maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou que, embora em menores propores, ainda se conservam aes e posturas pedaggicas que: valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concepo arquitetural; no apresentam clareza metodolgica na abordagem da problemtica arquitetnica; os contextos urbanos so pouco explorados na experimentao; utilizam um sistema de concepo baseado em princpios estticos cannicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transformao da arquitetura contempornea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada. Com relao s novas perspectivas encontradas, a anlise da produo cientfica demonstrou que a prtica pedaggica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por transformaes crticas valiosas. Essa constatao foi percebida, por meio, tambm, de reflexes e de prticas pedaggicas que valorizam a integrao de contedos; que possuem um discurso crtico e conciliador com relao necessidade de renovao de prticas, paradigmas, meios e contedos; que esto abertas s posturas cooperativas e s estratgias para a constituio de um corpo terico-prtico para o ensino do projeto que no se limite ao campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a importncia das novas tecnologias computacionais na concepo projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estratgias que atualizam as solues projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o espao acadmico como um lugar propcio para as experincias projetuais e pedaggicas; que manifestam um esforo em considerar a participao do usurio, assim como em realizar um processo de apreenso de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma postura de valorizao do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educao do arquiteto deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos incluso da realidade sociocultural e ambiental como referncia para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada racionalidade tcnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a mediao, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma estratgia que supera qualquer antecipao programtica e viabiliza a transformao e a construo do prprio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo necessrio para a formao do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a prtica
You cannot teach architectonic design, but only learn it. This sentence was, during some decades, especially during the modernism, the starting point, adopted by several architectonic design professors, when they had to approach their subject. An attitude that, some years ago, was reviewed and fighted by area s experts. This paper join this criticism, and try to add something to the pre-existing discussion, analyzing with the case-study method all the subjects related with architectonic design of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte CAU/UFRN . The aim is to identify and analyze the teaching methodologies used by the professors and their effects related to the students. To reach this purpose four different methods were used: i) Professors interviews; ii) Different forms submitted to students and professors; iii) Daily practice s observation, developed during classes; iv) Documents analysis about the degree (historical development and subjects) and about the subjects themselves (summaries, table of contents and planning). Studying the results, it was possible to underline that, in spite of the efforts of some of the professors to find a way to teach with more appropriate educational and pedagogic bases, some of the teaching methodologies, criticized in articles dealing with the matter, were still used. With regard to these, the research pointed out some suggestions that could help to improve the teaching and learning process, joining professors and students that are the most important subjects of the teaching activity. Developing the idea living in the paper s title Teaching and learning , it s now clear that only the practice, through the improvement of the pedagogic techniques, together with critical analysis can help the professors to reach a relationship level, regarding the teaching and learning process, as that described in the epigraph s text, into which teaching and learning, can t be done only by one of the process subject, but must be lived by both of them: professors and students
O objeto de estudo desta tese o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acadmico brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemolgica e cognitiva, a partir da produo cientfica dos Seminrios UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de trs estados constitutivos: conservao, permanncia e transformao. A metodologia de investigao qualitativa e seus pressupostos so investigad os por meio do mtodo hipottico-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo pesquisado, as hipteses conduzem: primeiro, investigao e caracterizao de estruturas que se conservam; segundo, investigao e levantamento de valores e conceitos que permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adaptao s mudanas e paradigmas; e, terceiro, por procurarem destacar prticas pedaggicas que indicam novos caminhos na maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou que, embora em menores propores, ainda se conservam aes e posturas pedaggicas que: valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concepo arquitetural; no apresentam clareza metodolgica na abordagem da problemtica arquitetnica; os contextos urbanos so pouco explorados na experimentao; utilizam um sistema de concepo baseado em princpios estticos cannicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transformao da arquitetura contempornea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada. Com relao s novas perspectivas encontradas, a anlise da produo cientfica demonstrou que a prtica pedaggica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por transformaes crticas valiosas. Essa constatao foi percebida, por meio, tambm, de reflexes e de prticas pedaggicas que valorizam a integrao de contedos; que possuem um discurso crtico e conciliador com relao necessidade de renovao de prticas, paradigmas, meios e contedos; que esto abertas s posturas cooperativas e s estratgias para a constituio de um corpo terico-prtico para o ensino do projeto que no se limite ao campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a importncia das novas tecnologias computacionais na concepo projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estratgias que atualizam as solues projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o espao acadmico como um lugar propcio para as experincias projetuais e pedaggicas; que manifestam um esforo em considerar a participao do usurio, assim como em realizar um processo de apreenso de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma postura de valorizao do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educao do arquiteto deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos incluso da realidade sociocultural e ambiental como referncia para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada racionalidade tcnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a mediao, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma estratgia que supera qualquer antecipao programtica e viabiliza a transformao e a construo do prprio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo necessrio para a formao do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a prtica
You cannot teach architectonic design, but only learn it. This sentence was, during some decades, especially during the modernism, the starting point, adopted by several architectonic design professors, when they had to approach their subject. An attitude that, some years ago, was reviewed and fighted by area s experts. This paper join this criticism, and try to add something to the pre-existing discussion, analyzing with the case-study method all the subjects related with architectonic design of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte CAU/UFRN . The aim is to identify and analyze the teaching methodologies used by the professors and their effects related to the students. To reach this purpose four different methods were used: i) Professors interviews; ii) Different forms submitted to students and professors; iii) Daily practice s observation, developed during classes; iv) Documents analysis about the degree (historical development and subjects) and about the subjects themselves (summaries, table of contents and planning). Studying the results, it was possible to underline that, in spite of the efforts of some of the professors to find a way to teach with more appropriate educational and pedagogic bases, some of the teaching methodologies, criticized in articles dealing with the matter, were still used. With regard to these, the research pointed out some suggestions that could help to improve the teaching and learning process, joining professors and students that are the most important subjects of the teaching activity. Developing the idea living in the paper s title Teaching and learning , it s now clear that only the practice, through the improvement of the pedagogic techniques, together with critical analysis can help the professors to reach a relationship level, regarding the teaching and learning process, as that described in the epigraph s text, into which teaching and learning, can t be done only by one of the process subject, but must be lived by both of them: professors and students
Esta dissertao trata do ensino do projeto de arquitetura nas disciplinas localizadas no incio do curso, a partir da sistematizao de determinadas experincias didticas desenvolvidas na Faculdade de arquitetura da UFRGS.
Este relatrio de estgio refere-se prtica do ensino supervisionada que efectuei na Escola Secundria 2, 3 Filipa de Lencastre, situada no Concelho de Lisboa, durante o ano lectivo de 2013/2014, sob a orientao de Micaela Patrcio, docente dessa mesma escola e no mbito do mestrado em ensino da educao musical no ensino bsico. Neste trabalho realizada uma sntese das orientaes curriculares para o ensino da msica nas ltimas duas dcadas e o relato das aulas assistidas, leccionadas e outras actividades participadas. No final apresentado um pequeno projecto de investigao sobre a aprendizagem rtmica baseada na Teoria de Aprendizagem Musical de Edwin Gordon
This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have
This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Training in Architecture and Urbanism with its general characteristic involves, in its nature, knowledge of various areas (technology, theory, history, representation, and design), being the space of design conception that place where the synthesis of this knowledge is reflected more clearly. We believe that the integrated work in the architectural curriculum can provide an overview of the project, thus contributing to better training of the architect. This research aims to reflect on the role of integration and interdisciplinary in teaching architectural design. This theme has been work recurrently by critics in the teaching area of project and events of the area as the seminars of the Projetar, highlighted by several authors to search integration as an essential pedagogical approach to design education. The work aims to contribute to reflection and awareness of those involved on the importance of integration in the architectural course of project processes. For this, we analyzed the potential and limits of this process in Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) at the Universidade Potiguar (UNP) Mossor, which has the integration and interdisciplinary recorded since the Pedagogical Project of the Course. This analysis will be performed by observing the development of interdisciplinary work in the fifth term during the first half of 2014.1. This research concerns an exploratory qualitative study that aims to investigate specific issues on the teaching/learning architecture project and the integration in architecture courses, following a non-participant observation in architectural design classes in the fifth term of CAU/UnP/ Mossor, and analysis of final products, which would be the work of the last unit of the semester, called Interdisciplinary work. Questionnaires for the teachers who participated in the process has been apply via email and analyzed. Reflection supports several other already carried out to identify the difficulties inherent in applying these principles satisfactorily. Noting, however, that interdisciplinarity, in fact, it goes beyond integration and is even more difficult to achieve. In addition to an educational project that incorporates these principles, such as the course of Architecture and Urbanism of the UNP-Mossor, full adhesion it is necessary by the faculty and students of this teaching philosophy.
Training in Architecture and Urbanism with its general characteristic involves, in its nature, knowledge of various areas (technology, theory, history, representation, and design), being the space of design conception that place where the synthesis of this knowledge is reflected more clearly. We believe that the integrated work in the architectural curriculum can provide an overview of the project, thus contributing to better training of the architect. This research aims to reflect on the role of integration and interdisciplinary in teaching architectural design. This theme has been work recurrently by critics in the teaching area of project and events of the area as the seminars of the Projetar, highlighted by several authors to search integration as an essential pedagogical approach to design education. The work aims to contribute to reflection and awareness of those involved on the importance of integration in the architectural course of project processes. For this, we analyzed the potential and limits of this process in Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) at the Universidade Potiguar (UNP) Mossor, which has the integration and interdisciplinary recorded since the Pedagogical Project of the Course. This analysis will be performed by observing the development of interdisciplinary work in the fifth term during the first half of 2014.1. This research concerns an exploratory qualitative study that aims to investigate specific issues on the teaching/learning architecture project and the integration in architecture courses, following a non-participant observation in architectural design classes in the fifth term of CAU/UnP/ Mossor, and analysis of final products, which would be the work of the last unit of the semester, called Interdisciplinary work. Questionnaires for the teachers who participated in the process has been apply via email and analyzed. Reflection supports several other already carried out to identify the difficulties inherent in applying these principles satisfactorily. Noting, however, that interdisciplinarity, in fact, it goes beyond integration and is even more difficult to achieve. In addition to an educational project that incorporates these principles, such as the course of Architecture and Urbanism of the UNP-Mossor, full adhesion it is necessary by the faculty and students of this teaching philosophy.
Dissertao de mestrado, Ensino de Lnguas no 3 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico e Ensino Secundrio (Ensino de Portugus e Espanhol), Faculdade de Cincias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015