22 resultados para Ennui


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In contemporary Australian theatre there seems to be no precise, universally accepted methodology that defines the dramaturgical process. There is not even agreement as to how a playwright might benefit from dramaturgy. Nevertheless, those engaged in creating original works for the Australian professional theatre have, to varying degrees, come to accept dramaturgical process as something of a necessity. Increasingly, dramaturgical process is evident in the development of new plays by state, flagship and project-based professional theatre producers. Many small to medium theatre companies provide dramaturgical assistance to playwrights although this often occurs in an ad hoc fashion, prescribed by economic restraint rather than artistic sensibility. Through an exploration of the dramaturgical development of two of his plays in several professional play development contexts, the researcher examines issues influencing contemporary dramaturgy in Australia. These plays are presented here as examinable components (weighted 70%) of the research as a whole, and they function in symbiotic relationship with the exegetical enquiry (weighted 30%). The research also presents the findings of a small-scale experiment which tests the hypothesis that a holistic approach to developing new plays might challenge conventional views on dramaturgical process. In terms of its overall conclusions, this research finds that while many playwrights and theatre professionals in Australia consider dramaturgy a distinct and important component of the creative development process, there exist substantial inconsistencies in relation to facilitating dramaturgical models that provide quality artistic outcomes for playwrights and their plays. The study presents unique qualitative and quantitative data as a contribution to knowledge in this field of enquiry, and it is anticipated that the research as a whole will be of interest to a variety of readers, including playwrights, dramaturgs, other theatre practitioners, students and teachers.


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This background paper to a panel discussion by four QUT staff members explores depression, mood disorders, suicide and meaning in life.


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Esta tesis corresponde a un programa de doctorado de Teoría del Arte en la modernidad. Su punto de partida es el tópico literario del ennui (el tedio, la noia) en el romanticismo francés y las generaciones que siguieron. Siguiendo el planteamiento de George Steiner sobre lo que él mismo llama «El gran ennui», se hace aquí hincapié en los años de la Monarquía de Julio (1830-1848), pero igualmente se presta mucha atención a dos escritores que entonces se encuentran en plena juventud, Flaubert y, especialmente, Baudelaire. En este particular contexto se trata de abordar el ennui en relación con los modelos económicos surgidos en la época, principalmente el laissez faire y todo el aparato que lo acompaña. Con ello, se pretende establecer una relación entre la literatura y el arte con las dimensiones social y política de la modernidad. Dicha relación ha sido puesta de relieve, no a través de la representación artística sino empleando el paradigma fisiológico que la época vuelca sobre el conocimiento. En este aspecto se trata principalmente del pretendido «funcionamiento» al que Balzac, por ejemplo –pero también otros literatos como Alphonse Karr o Maxime Du Camp– prestaron atención a propósito de París. París es la gran ciudad sobre la que este trabajo de investigación se vuelca desde la siguiente planteamiento: el ennui, del que hablaron los románticos, ha de considerarse en relación con el surgimiento de una estructura económica, política y social donde el deseo se cifra por su propia insatisfacción, y por tal insatisfacción asegura una demanda constante e incluso creciente...


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Under the power of passion. The age of nervousness in Minna Canth s works This research contemplates the psychology of Minna Canth s characters through the historical image of man in late 19th century Europe. The central operative term of the study is passion , understood as a twofold philosophical concept that includes both desire and suffering. The method of this study is historical and contextual. The study interprets the passions and the psychology of Canth s characters as they were understood in their own time. The indicator of the relevant contexts is the realist and naturalist genre of Canth s works. New research on the genre of the time is also the basis of a new kind of psychological approach to Canth s works. The most important context of passion in Canth s works is the positivistic and pathological image of man at the end of the 19th century. Then, passion was widely discussed, and was perceived as a physiological phenomenon that influenced humans neurologically and caused different kinds of physiological symptoms and nervous disorders. But at the same time, passion was understood as a manifestation of human instincts and drives. The naturalistic literature of the day aimed at creating deterministic studies of human morality and psychology following Émile Zola s application of experimental science methods in his writing. The pathological image of man is most explicitly manifested in Canth s formerly unknown short story Lääkäri (Doctor, 1891), in which a doctor who is interested in psychology visits a jail to meet a peculiar criminal, a girl who feels no remorse for her multiple crimes. In other works of Canth the medically motivated viewpoint is more hidden in the deterministic narrative and depiction of the characters. The present study approaches the passion in Minna Canth s works through five thematic chapters, in witch characters are interpreted suffering from blind love, ennui, crippling romantic idealism, melancholy, guilt and nostalgia, and their stories can be prescribed as medical histories which depict the born of the passion and its development towards ruin. All protagonists are also manifestations of their own time. Canth criticises the modern life and its demands as well as social defects through the tragic stories of individuals. The study demonstrates that Canth did not, like previous research has suggested, wait until the 1890s before writing works of a psychological nature but had already written according to the psychological paradigm of her time in Työmiehen vaimo (1885). The social and psychological interests intertwine in Canth s works and are not exclusionary as has formerly been interpreted. Canth is also critical of the medical power implicit in the naturalist experimental method and this shows itself especially in her depiction of working class women.


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Comprend : Ennui+ ; Le Lit ; Mon feu ; Le Retour sur soi-même ou la Retraite ; Le Galetas


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Se languir, s’embêter, regarder sans cesse sa montre, se morfondre, s’emmerder, trouver le temps long : s’ennuyer, bref. Au Québec, dans un registre plus populaire : trouver ça plate. Radicalement : se faire chier. Cela nous arrive sur les bancs d’école, dans une conversation, devant un livre, une émission de télé ou de radio, face à notre ordinateur – et au théâtre. Mais qu’est-ce que l’ennui? [...]


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Ce travail sur l’infidélité dans le couple traite les différentes sources de l’ennui ainsi que leurs conséquences dans la vie du couple. Les différentes opinions de différents auteurs sur la cause de l’infidélité dans le couple sont vues en long et en large. L’éducation féminine du XIXème siècle éclaire sur le handicap qui a entrainé certaines filles dans le malheur car l’éducation de l’époque ne les avait pas bien préparées pour devenir de bonnes épouses. Ce mémoire montre l’image de la religion dans ces deux oeuvres : Madame Bovary et Traversée de la mangrove. La question est de voir comment ces auteurs peignent la religion dans ces oeuvres et pourquoi ils adoptent l’infidélité pour sauver la femme de son ennui. Enfin, la comparaison de ces ennuis est faite afin de voir que dans ces couples, malgré le fait qu’ils appartiennent à des époques différentes, l’ennui dans le couple est le même. Ces auteurs ont procédé aux mêmes stratégies pour sauver le couple de son ennui. La morale critique et religieuse a été utilisée pour aborder ce thème, lorsque nous avons fait une lecture biblique de ces deux oeuvres.


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El proclamado hastío del narrador de Potpourri, la distancia y el desdén con que contempla el acontecer contrastan con su extrema agilidad discursiva. A la vez, el escepticismo con que encara los valores consagrados por la sociedad contemporánea se trocará en una posición demiúrgica y estatal cuando vea peligrar esos valores. Una vez más, el adulterio pone en crisis sociedad y literatura. Lo único que matiza el giro abrupto del narrador es una lengua ubicua y proteica, que atraviesa críticamente un amplísimo abanico de registros, modismos y géneros discursivos


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El proclamado hastío del narrador de Potpourri, la distancia y el desdén con que contempla el acontecer contrastan con su extrema agilidad discursiva. A la vez, el escepticismo con que encara los valores consagrados por la sociedad contemporánea se trocará en una posición demiúrgica y estatal cuando vea peligrar esos valores. Una vez más, el adulterio pone en crisis sociedad y literatura. Lo único que matiza el giro abrupto del narrador es una lengua ubicua y proteica, que atraviesa críticamente un amplísimo abanico de registros, modismos y géneros discursivos


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El proclamado hastío del narrador de Potpourri, la distancia y el desdén con que contempla el acontecer contrastan con su extrema agilidad discursiva. A la vez, el escepticismo con que encara los valores consagrados por la sociedad contemporánea se trocará en una posición demiúrgica y estatal cuando vea peligrar esos valores. Una vez más, el adulterio pone en crisis sociedad y literatura. Lo único que matiza el giro abrupto del narrador es una lengua ubicua y proteica, que atraviesa críticamente un amplísimo abanico de registros, modismos y géneros discursivos