394 resultados para Engraulis japonicus


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Climatic oscillations during the Pleistocene ice ages produced great changes in species' geographical distribution and abundance, which could be expected to have genetic consequences. Living in the temperate upwelling zones of the northwestern Pacific, Ja


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The abundance of anchovy Engraulis japonicus larvae, >20 mum ciliates, copepod eggs and nauplii, and microzooplankton herbivorous activity were studied in the Yellow Sea in June 2000. Anchovy juveniles and larvae were found in only 6 of the 19 stations sampled. The ciliate communities were dominated by 2 species: Laboea strobila and Strombidium compressum. In the surface waters, the abundance of L. strobila ranged between 0 and 560 ind. l(-1). S. compressum only appeared at Stns 15 to 18 (20 to 3300 ind. l(-1)). L. strobila was found mainly in the top 20 m. The abundance of L. strobila was less than 50 ind, l(-1) in waters deeper than 25 m. S, compressum showed subsurface abundance peaks at the salinity abnormality. Tintinnids occurred occasionally with abundance lower than 100 ind. l(-1), The total ciliate abundance fell in the range of 40 to 3420 ind. l(-1). The ciliate biomass in the surface water and the water column ranged between 0,15 and 6.76 mug C l(-1) and 0.4 and 134.4 mg C m(-2), respectively, In the surface waters, the abundance of copepod eggs and nauplii ranged from 0,3 to 3.1 and 1,1 to 15.6 ind, l(-1), respectively. The average abundance of copepod eggs and nauplii in 4 depth (0, 5, 10 and 20 m) fell in the range of 0.2 to 2.8 and 1.0 to 29.4 ind. l(-1), respectively. As a food item of the E. japonicus post-larvae, the abundance of copepod nauplii and eggs appeared to be low. The abundance peaks of ciliate and E, japonicus post-larvae coincided. Although not found in the gut of E, japonicus post-larvae, aloricate ciliates might be ingested by first-feeding anchovy larvae, preventing initial starvation and prolonging the time to irreversible starvation. On the basis of dilution experiments with positive microzooplankton grazing rates, microzooplankton grazed at rates of 0 to 0.61 d(-1). Grazing pressure of microzooplankton on chlorophyll a standing stock (P-i) and potential chlorophyll a primary production (P-p) were 17 to 46% and 35 to 109% d(-1), respectively.


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本文根据1999年-2007年间7个航次的长江口及其邻近海域的鱼类浮游生物和环境因子的调查资料,探讨了三峡工程蓄水前后长江口鱼类浮游生物群落特征,主要包括长江口鱼类浮游生物的种类组成、数量变动、群落多样性、空间分布格局等,分析了三峡工程蓄水前后长江口鱼类浮游生物群落结构的动态变化,为评价三峡工程对河口生态环境及鱼类补充资源的影响提供科学依据,研究结果如下: 1.三峡工程蓄水前春季(1999年5月和2001年5月)共捕获11540个鱼类浮游生物隶属11目18科32种,其中凤鲚(Coilia mystus)、鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼(Chaeturichthys hexanema)、白氏银汉鱼(Allanetta bleekeri)、松江鲈(Trachidermis fasciatus)为优势种;鱼类浮游生物群落可划分为三个类群:①以凤鲚为优势种的河口群组,②以松江鲈和白氏银汉鱼为优势种的沿岸群组,③以鳀和六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼为优势种的近海群组;盐度、深度、溶解氧和悬浮体是影响这一海域鱼类浮游生物分布的主要环境因子。 2.三峡工程蓄水后春季长江口的环境因子总体分布格局没有改变,部分环境因子表现出数量上的差异:溶解氧含量偏低,COD平均值下降,pH值显著上升,盐度升高,河道水域和口门附近悬浮体下降,长江口鱼类生物群聚栖息环境发生了变化。三峡工程蓄水后春季(2004年5月和2007年5月)共采获的25种鱼类浮游生物,总丰度(1 070个)仅为蓄水前(11 540)的10%,4种优势种白氏银汉鱼、凤鲚、松江鲈和鳀贡献了总丰度的94.57%;蓄水后影响长江口鱼类浮游生物格局的主要环境因子是盐度和悬浮体,蓄水后长江口鱼类浮游生物群聚类型(河口型、沿岸型和近海型)与蓄水前一致,但沿岸型空间分布区域明显减少,近海型分布区域向河口方向扩展。长江口环境因子中,盐度和悬浮体是蓄水前后鱼类浮游生物群聚变异的主要影响因素。 3.三峡工程蓄水前后春季四次调查共记录鱼类浮游生物39种,生态类型包括淡水、半咸水、沿岸和近海。春季长江口鱼类浮游生物优势种包括鯷、凤鲚、白氏银汉鱼、松江鲈和六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼,2004年和2007年鯷、凤鲚优势地位有所下降。长江口鱼类浮游生物群落结构年度间差异显著,以2004年长江口鱼类浮游生物群落结构与1999和2001年相异性最高,鯷和凤鲚种群数量变动对其群落变异的贡献率最大,群落相似性以2004和2007年最高,达71.17%。与蓄水前相比,三峡水库蓄水后的长江口鱼类浮游生物群落多样性显著下降。1999—2007年间,长江口发生了一系列环境环境条件变化,直接或间接的环境干扰带来了长江口鱼类生物群落结构变异。 4.2007年四个航次(春、夏、秋、冬)共捕获鱼类浮游生物6,463个, 隶属12目28科45种, 以鳀科丰度最高, 占总丰度的76.5%。长江口鱼类浮游生物包括4种生态类型: 淡水型(2种), 半咸水型(14种), 沿岸型(10种)和近海型(16种)。其中, 近海型物种个体数量最多, 占2007年长江口鱼类浮游生物总丰度的74.55%。鳀在4个季节均有出现, 对长江口鱼类浮游生物丰度贡献最大。鱼类浮游生物在物种组成上存在明显的季节变化: 白氏银汉鱼在春季占绝对优势, 鳀是夏季优势度最高的种类, 秋季除鳀外, 前颌间银鱼(Hemisalanx prognathus)成为优势种; 鱼类浮游生物丰度高度集中在优势种上, 各季节优势种对总丰度贡献超过89%。群落物种数量、丰度、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数, 在夏季最高, 春季和秋季次之, 冬季最低。2007年长江口鱼类浮游生物的群落格局在空间上分为三个不同的群组:河口、沿岸、外海,并且这种分布随长江冲淡水的季节变化而变化。盐度是影响决定长江口鱼类浮游生物群落空间分布的最重要因子,而温度则是影响其季节性结构变化的主要因子。此外,生殖洄游和索饵洄游也是影响鱼类浮游生物群落结构时间变化的重要因子。


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El presente trabajo comprende el estudio de algunos aspectos de la biología de la caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus)referidos a la reproducción, alimentación y crecimiento con material procedente de los laboratorios regionales del Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE) en Chimbote y Callao para los años 1976-1978. Se determinó que el desove de la caballa desembarcada en ambos puertos ocurre con mayor intensidad a fines de primavera y durante el verano; sin embargo, se encontraron individuos maduros o en desove durante todo el año. Las longitudes medias de madurez sexual oscilaron en los años 1977-78 entre 33.4 y 34.2 cm en el material de Chimbote, y entre 32.3 y 33.6 en el del Callao. La dieta alimentaria de esta especie está compuesta principalmente por zooplancton, peces y fitoplancton. En el año 1976 se observa en el Contenido estomacal una mayor incidencia de peces ( en su mayoría anchoveta Engraulis ringens) que en los años 1977 y 1978, ligada a una mayor disponibilidad de esta especie. El "coeficiente alimentario" calculado presenta variaciones mensuales relacionado posiblemente con el desove y la disponibilidad de alimento. La determinación de la edad se llevó a cabo en base a lectura de otolitos de individuos procedentes de la zona de Callao en el año 1978. Se constató la formación de un anillo hialino en invierno y otro en verano ligados posiblemente a la disponibilidad de alimento y al desove respectivamente.


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Los principales recursos pesqueros pelágicos de interés económico en el Perú son anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), jurel (Trachurus murphyi) y caballa (Scomber japonicus) [3]. Para su evaluación, se lleva a cabo cruceros de evaluación acústica en los que se integra información de ecoabundancia y proporción de tallas por especie para obtener valores de biomasa y abundancia. Sin embargo, para especies no objetivo (como jurel), dichos valores resultan poco confiables por la lejanía entre los puntos de muestreo biométrico y acústico. Para resolver este inconveniente, el presente trabajo propuso utilizar modelos empíricos (de tipo GAM y GLM) integrando variables ambientales y de seguimiento de desembarques con la finalidad de generar índices relativos y absolutos para anchoveta y jurel en el período de 1996-2013 dentro del área de las 200 mn frente a la costa peruana. Los resultados obtenidos realzaron la importancia de los lances de comprobación para la obtención de estimaciones robustas de biomasa. Así mismo, se observó que, para anchoveta, los modelos empíricos sí produjeron un buen índice relativo y absoluto, mejorando la utilización de la ecoabundancia por sí sola. Para jurel, sin embargo, el modelo final calibrado resultó en la obtención de un mejor índice relativo. Se recomienda además, la obtención de información de tallas y pesos medios de desembarques para jurel con la finalidad de mejorar las estimaciones de biomasa y abundancia.


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Both red snow crab (Chionoecetes japonicus Rathbun, 1932) and snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio Fabricius, 1788) are commercially important species in Korea. The geographical ranges of the two species overlap in the East Sea, where both species are fished commercially. Morphological identification of the two species and putative hybrids can be difficult because of their overlapping morphological characteristics. The presence of putative hybrids can affect the total allowable catch (TAC) of C. japonicus and C. opilio, and causes problems managing C. japonicus and C. opilio wild resources. To date, however, no natural hybridization has been reported between C. japonicus and C. opilio, despite their overlapping distributions along the coast of the East Sea. In this study, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of major ribosomal RNA genes from the nuclear genome and the cytochrome oxidase I (CO I) gene from the mitochondrial genome were sequenced to determine whether natural hybridization occurs between the two species. Our results revealed that all putative hybrids identified using morphological traits had two distinct types of ITS sequences corresponding to those of both parental species. Mitochondrial CO I gene sequencing showed that all putative hybrids had sequences identical to C. japonicus. A genotyping assay based on single nucleotide polymorphisms in the ITS1 region and the CO I gene produced the most efficient and accurate identification of all hybrid individuals. Molecular data clearly demonstrate that natural hybridization does occur between C. japonicus and C. opilio, but only with C. japonicus as the maternal parent.


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ENGLISH: Hitherto the only investigation dealing with the food and feeding of the larvae of the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax Girard, was that of Arthur (1956). His main consideration was, however, with the Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea (Girard), and his work on the anchovy can only be considered preliminary. The present investigation is a continuation of Arthur's work on the food of the larval northern anchovy. SPANISH:El único trabajo publicado hasta ahora que trata sobre el alimento y nutrición de las larvas de la anchoa norteña, Engraulis mordax Girard, es el de Arthur (1956); pero su objeto principal fué la sardina del Pacifico, Sardinops caendea (Girard), y el estudio dedicado a la anchoa solo puede considerarse como preliminar. La presente investigación es una continuación del estudio de Arthur sobre el alimento de las larvas de la anchoa norteña.


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The food habits of 20 species of pelagic nekton were investigated from collections made with small-mesh purse seines from 1979-84 off Washington and Oregon. Four species (spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias; soupfin shark, Galeorhinus zyopterus; blue shark, Prionace glauca; and cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki) were mainly piscivorous. Six species (coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch; chinook salmon, O. tshawytscha; black rockfish, Sebastes melanops; yellowtail rockfish, S. f1avidus; sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria; and jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus) consumed both nektonic and planktonic organisms. The remaining species (market squid, Loligo opalescens; American shad, Alosa sapidissima; Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi; northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax; pink salmon, O. gorbuscha; surf smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus; Pacific hake, Merluccius productus; Pacific saury, Cololabis saira; Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus; and medusafish, Icichthys lockingtom) were primarily planktonic feeders. There were substantial interannual, seasonal, and geographic variations in the diets of several species due primarily to changes in prey availability. Juvenile salmonids were not commonly consumed by this assemblage of fishes (PDF file contains 36 pages.)


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Fishery scientists engaged in estimating the size of free-swimming populations have never had a technique available to them whereby all the parameters could be estimated from a resource survey and where no parameter values need to be assumed. Recognizing the need for a technique of this kind, the staff of the Coastal Fisheries Resources Division of the Southwest Fisheries Center (SWFC) devised an egg production method for anchovy biomass assessment. Previously, anchovy biomass was estimated by approximate methods derived from a long-time series and anchovy larval abundance, which required about 5 ma of shiptime each year to integrate the area under a seasonal spawning curve. One major assumption used in the larval abundance census method is that there is constant proportionality between larval numbers and spawning biomass. This has now proved to be erroneous. (PDF file contains 105 pages.)