977 resultados para Engineering, Environmental


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Biosorption is an effective method to remove heavy metals from wastewater. In this work, adsorption features of Cladophora fascicularis were investigated as a function of time, initial pH, initial Pb(II) concentrations, temperature and co-existing ions. Kinetics and equilibria were obtained from batch experiments. The biosorption kinetics followed the pseudo-second order model. Adsorption equilibria were well described by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The maximum adsorption capacity was 198.5 mg/g at 298 K and pH 5.0. The adsorption processes were endothermic and the biosorption heat was 29.6 kJ/mol. Desorption experiments indicated that 0.01 mol/L Na(2)EDTA was an efficient desorbent for the recovery of Pb(II) from biomass. IR spectrum analysis suggested amido or hydroxy, C=O and C-O could combine intensively with Pb(II). (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The impact of astaxanthin-enriched algal powder on auxiliary memory improvement was assessed in BALB/c mice pre-supplemented with different dosages of cracked green algal (Haematococcus pluvialis) powder daily for 30 days. The supplemented mice were first tested over 8 days to find a hidden platform by swimming in a Morris water maze. Then, for 5 days, the mice were used to search for a visible platform in a Morris water maze. After that, the mice practised finding a safe place-an insulated platform in a chamber-for 2 days. During these animal experimental periods, similar algal meals containing astaxanthin at 0, 0.26, 1.3 and 6.4 mg/kg body weight were continuously fed to each group of tested mice. Profiles of latency, distance, speed and the direction angle to the platforms as well as the diving frequency in each group were measured and analyzed. The process of mice jumping up onto the insulated platform and diving down to the copper-shuttered bottom with a 36 V electrical charge were also monitored by automatic video recording. The results of the Morris maze experiment showed that middle dosage of H. pluvialis meals (1.3 mg astaxanthin/kg body weight) significantly shortened the latency and distance required for mice to find a hidden platform. However, there was no obvious change in swim velocity in any of the supplemented groups. In contrast, the visible platform test showed a significant increase in latency and swim distance, and a significant decrease in swim speed for all groups of mice orally supplemented with H. pluvialis powder compared to the placebo group (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). Mice supplemented with the algal meal hesitantly turned around the original hidden platform, in contract to mice supplemented with placebo, who easily forgot the original location and accepted the visible platform as a new safe place. These results illustrate that astaxanthin-enriched H. pluvialis powder has the auxiliary property of memory improvement. The results from the platform diving test showed that the low and middle dosage of H. pluvialis powder, rather that the high dosage, increased the latency and reduced the frequency of diving from the safe insulated platform to the electrically stimulated copper shutter, especially in the low treatment group (P < 0.05). These results indicate that H. pluvialis powder is associated with dose-dependent memory improvement and that a low dosage of algal powder (<= middle treatment group) is really good for improving the memory.


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This work describes the preparation of a chelating resin from chemically modified chitosan. The resin was synthesized by using O-carboxymethylated chitosan to cross-link a polymeric Schiffs base of thiourea/glutaraldehyde and characterized by IR. Batch method was applied for testing the resin's adsorption behavior. Adsorption experiments showed the resin had good adsorption capacity and high selectivity for Ag(I) in aqueous solution. The maximum uptake of Ag(I) exhibited was 3.77 mmol/g, at pH 4.0. The results also indicated that the adsorption process was exothermic and fit well with the pseudosecond-order kinetic model. Ag(I) desorption could reach 99.23% using 0.5 M thiourea-2.0 M HCl solution. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cost of electricity, a major operating cost of municipal wastewater treatment plants, is related to influent flow rate, power price, and power load. With knowledge of inflow and price patterns, plant operators can manage processes to reduce electricity costs. Records of influent flow, power price, and load are evaluated for Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. Diurnal and seasonal trends are analyzed. Power usage is broken down among treatment processes. A simulation model of influent pumping, a large power user, is developed. It predicts pump discharge and power usage based on wet-well level. Individual pump characteristics are tested in the plant. The model accurately simulates plant inflow and power use for two pumping stations [R2 = 0.68, 0.93 (inflow), R2 =0.94, 0.91(power)]. Wet-well stage-storage relationship is estimated from data. Time-varying wet-well level is added to the model. A synthetic example demonstrates application in managing pumps to reduce electricity cost.


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Scientifiques, gouvernements, entreprises et consommateurs s’entendent aujourd’hui pour dire que le système naturel est déréglé, que l’activité industrielle en est la cause principale. L’éco-conception est une manière de concevoir des biens ou des services en diminuant leurs impacts sur l’environnement et la société. De plus en plus présente dans les grandes entreprises où, associée à une gestion intégrée de l’environnement, elle procure des bénéfices non négligeables et une image de marque, l’éco-conception a beaucoup de difficultés à s’implanter dans les petites et moyennes entreprises. Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à comprendre les raisons de ces difficultés. Deux approches ont été utilisées, l’une basée sur une analyse documentaire des rapports de RSE de dix entreprises, grandes et petites, de différents secteurs d’activité, qui nous a permis de fixer le cadre et le formalisme de la démarche de recherche, l’autre sur le principe d’entretiens semi-dirigés à partir de questions ciblées. Après une présentation générale de ce qu’est l’éco-conception et quelle en est la problématique appliquée aux PME (chapitre 2), nous précisons le cadre méthodologique de la recherche (chapitre 3) et exposons ses résultats (chapitre 4). Nous montrons que les freins à l’adoption de l’éco-conception dans les PME sont multiples et complexes, tant la diversité de ces entreprises est grande et difficile à synthétiser. En soulignant les freins, les leviers, les risques et les opportunités liés à l’intégration des principes de développement durable dans ces entreprises, nous faisons un portrait global de la situation actuelle et des difficultés rencontrées par ces PME pour adhérer à ces principes.


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est de faire un état des lieux des connaissances produites sur les risques environnementaux et la vulnérabilité et appliquer ces connaissances à la ville de Kigali (Rwanda). Après avoir présenté différentes approches, nous avons retenu le cadre d’analyse qui s’inscrit dans l’approche de J.C. Thouret et R.D’Ercole (1996). Cette approche est articulée autour de trois dimensions : enjeux, facteurs de la vulnérabilité et réponses sociales. A travers l’application des éléments pertinents de ces trois dimensions dans le cas de la ville de Kigali, réalisée grâce à une analyse qualitative, centrée sur l’analyse des documents et des entrevues semi-dirigées, voici les principaux résultats que nous avons obtenus: l’analyse des enjeux a révélé que la ville de Kigali est confrontée à plusieurs dommages, parmi lesquels, on peut mentionner les pertes des vies humaines, la démolition des maisons, la contamination des rivières, la prolifération des maladies et la perturbation des besoins de base ( eau potable, électricité, transport) dues aux risques. Cette situation s’explique par la combinaison de plusieurs facteurs dont le relief collinaire, le sol granitique, les pluies violentes, le caractère centrifuge du réseau hydrographique, le sous-dimensionnement des ouvrages d’évacuation et le réseau d’assainissement insuffisant. D’autres facteurs amplifient la vulnérabilité dont l’explosion démographique consécutive à une urbanisation spontanée et inconsciente en zones inondables, l’ensablement des lits des rivières, le vide juridique, les politiques fragmentaires et le dysfonctionnement des acteurs impliqués dans la gestion des risques. Cette situation aurait probablement été améliorée si les réponses sociales étaient efficaces. Or, d’un côté, la faible perception de risque chez les résidants affectés par les risques accélère davantage la vulnérabilité et de l’autre côté, l’intervention significative des CIB n’est pas accompagnée d’actions complémentaires des institutions publiques et des agences internationales.


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Aujourd’hui, il existe très peu de nouveaux produits écoconçus (NPE) mis sur le marché par les PME du Québec et les réussites commerciales sont encore plus rares. Dans ce contexte, il semble pertinent de se pencher sur la manière dont le processus d’écoconception pourrait être à la fois mieux et plus utilisé dans les PME québécoises en étudiant spécifiquement la réception des NPE auprès des détaillants pendant la commercialisation. La question à laquelle se propose de répondre ce mémoire est la suivante : comment un produit conçu selon une approche cycle de vie est-il reçu par le réseau de détaillants d’une PME? Aussi, cette recherche explore le rôle du designer, qui normalement s’achève au début de la commercialisation, que pourrait jouer durant cette phase afin de favoriser la réception positive d’un NPE. Cette recherche s’appuie sur une étude de cas de la première phase de commercialisation d’un meuble de salle de bain écoconçu par une PME manufacturière québécoise en 2010 et 2011. La chercheuse a observé la réception d’un NPE, c’est-à-dire la perception et l’appréciation de celui-ci, par des personnes œuvrant dans une PME de fabrication d’ameublement de salle de bain et par ceux qui agissent dans son réseau de distribution. Nous avons relevé que la compréhension des notions liées à l’écoconception est un enjeu important dans la réception d’un NPE. C'est pourquoi la formation des détaillants et l’éducation des consommateurs deviennent essentielles pour la réception positive d’un NPE. Dans cette perspective, le designer pourrait intervenir durant la commercialisation.


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Cette thèse a été codirigée par le Dr. Florent Chazarenc


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La phytoextraction représente une solution environnementale prometteuse face au problème de contamination des sols en éléments traces (É.T). La présente étude s’intéresse aux différences intra et interspécifiques (S. purpurea, S. dasyclados, S. miyabeana) de trois cultivars de saule lorsqu’ils sont utilisés pour la phytoextration de six É.T. (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb et Zn). Les objectifs sont (i) décrire les variations intrapécifiques du cultivar FISH CREEK (S. purpurea) lorsqu’il est utilisé pour la phytoextraction sur deux sites d’étude; et (ii) décrire les variations intra et interspécifiques des cultivars FISH CREEK (S. purpurea), SV1 (S. dasyclados) et SX67 (S. miyabeana) lorsqu’ils sont utilisés pour la phytoextraction d’un site d’étude. Les indicateurs de variations intra et interspécifiques sélectionnés sont les suivants : la biomasse totale, les concentrations en É.T. extraits et les facteurs de translocation (x ̅ pondérée des conc. É.T. dans les parties aériennes / conc. É.T. dans les racines). La contribution des propriétés du sol (degré de contamination, caractéristiques physicochimiques) à la phytoextraction a été évaluée. Les cultivars ont présenté des variations interspécifiques significatives. Cependant, les variations intraspécifiques sur un site d’étude étaient parfois plus importantes que celles mesurées entre les trois différents cultivars. L’amplitude des variations intraspécifiques que présentent le cultivar FISH CREEK sur deux sites d’étude est attribuée à l’influence du pH, de la minéralogie et au contenu en matière organique, lesquelles diffèrent entre les deux sites. Il a aussi été démontré que la phytoextraction des É.T. n’était pas systématiquement corrélée de façon positive avec le degré de contamination. Cela suggère que les concentrations en É.T. mesurées dans le sol ne peuvent pas expliquer à elles seules la variation des concentrations mesurées dans les tissus. L’implication des mécanismes de rétention dans le sol semblent être davantage responsable des variations observées. La compartimentation des É.T. suggère que le saule est efficace pour l’extraction du Cd et du Zn et qu’il est efficace pour la phytostabilisation de l’As, du Cu, du Ni, et du Pb. En ce qui concerne les quantités extraites, le cultivar FISH CREEK semble le plus performant dans la présente étude.


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O presente Relatório de Actividade Profissional, foi elaborado com vista à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, conferido pela Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Neste relatório apresentam-se actividades desenvolvidas em contexto real de trabalho, quer no projecto de investigação ambiental, levado a cabo na Universidade do Minho (Pólo de Braga) ao longo do ano de 2000, com duração de 12 meses; quer de Gestão Ambiental, em ambiente industrial, mais concretamente na empresa Corticeira Amorim – Industria, S.A. – Grupo Amorim, que decorreu ao longo de 4 anos, entre 2000 – 2004. As actividades desenvolvidas em ambos os projectos, tiveram sempre como base de trabalho, a Missão e a Visão das instituições/organizações referidas, os requisitos ambientais legais aplicáveis e outros compromissos assumidos por elas. Na Universidade do Minho (UM), investigou-se o nível de degradação dos corantes azo, utilizados no processo de tingimento da indústria têxtil, pela aplicação de diferentes estirpes de levedura. Na Corticeira Amorim – Indústria, S.A., implementou-se um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental, com vista à sua certificação pela norma ISO 14001.


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The collection of wind speed time series by means of digital data loggers occurs in many domains, including civil engineering, environmental sciences and wind turbine technology. Since averaging intervals are often significantly larger than typical system time scales, the information lost has to be recovered in order to reconstruct the true dynamics of the system. In the present work we present a simple algorithm capable of generating a real-time wind speed time series from data logger records containing the average, maximum, and minimum values of the wind speed in a fixed interval, as well as the standard deviation. The signal is generated from a generalized random Fourier series. The spectrum can be matched to any desired theoretical or measured frequency distribution. Extreme values are specified through a postprocessing step based on the concept of constrained simulation. Applications of the algorithm to 10-min wind speed records logged at a test site at 60 m height above the ground show that the recorded 10-min values can be reproduced by the simulated time series to a high degree of accuracy.


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Wastewater reuse has become an important alternative to agricultural irrigation; on the other hand, it poses concern with regard to public health. Total coliform and Escherichia coli concentration, presence of helminth eggs and Salmonella, and physical-chemical parameters were evaluated in raw and treated wastewater. Chemical and biochemical oxygen demand removal efficiency was 74.6 and 77.9%, respectively. As for organic nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids, total efficiency removal was 17.4, 12.5, and 32.9%, respectively. The average density of total coliforms and E. coli was 3.5 x 10(9) and 1.8 x 10(8) MPN/100 mL and 1.1 x 10(7) MPN/100 mL and 3.9 x 10(5) MPN/100 mL for raw and treated wastewater, respectively. Ascaris eggs were observed in 80.8% of the samples collected, and viable eggs in 42.3% of the samples. Salmonella was detected in 36.4% of the samples. The values observed in treated wastewater did not show the adequate bacteriological quality, as recommended by World Health Organization (Geneva, Switzerland). Therefore, additional measures should be taken to achieve an improved microbiological and parasitological quality.


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Nowadays the composting process has shown itself to be an alternative in the treatment of municipal solid wastes by composting plants. However, although more than 50% of the waste generated by the Brazilian population is composed of matter susceptible to organic composting, this process is, still today, insufficiently developed in Brazil, due to low compost quality and lack of investments in the sector. The objective of this work was to use physical analyses to evaluate the quality of the compost produced at 14 operative composting plants in the Sao Paulo State in Brazil. For this purpose, size distribution and total inert content tests were done. The results were analyzed by grouping the plants according to their productive processes: plants with a rotating drum, plants with shredders or mills, and plants without treatment after the sorting conveyor belt. Compost quality was analyzed considering the limits imposed by the Brazilian Legislation and the European standards for inert contents. The size distribution tests showed the influence of the machinery after the sorting conveyer on the granule sizes as well as the inert content, which contributes to the presence of materials that reduce the quality of the final product. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pinheiros River (Brazil) plays a pivotal role in supplying water to Billings Reservoir, which presents multiple uses (human drinking, energy generation, irrigation, navigation, fishing and leisure) An intense monitoring program was performed during the years 2007 and 2008 to find out whether on site flotation is a feasible solution or not for improving the water quality of this urban river, attenuating the pollutants load caused by the water pumping to the reservoir (approximately 10 m(3)s(-1)) The monitoring of 18 variables (13,429 laboratorial analysis during the period of 490 days), suggested that despite the convenience of the on site approach for water treatment, especially for rivers located in fully urbanized areas, the flotation system is not enough itself to recover Pinheiros River water quality, given the several constraints that apply Total phosphorus removal was high in percentage terms (about 90%), although the remaining concentrations were not so low (mean of 0 05 mg L(-1)) The removal efficiency of some variables was insufficient, leading to high final mean concentrations of metals [e g aluminium (0 29 mg L(-1)), chromium (0 02 mg L(-1)) and iron (1 1 mg L(-1))] as well as nitrogen-ammonia (25 8 mg L(-1)) and total suspended solids (18 mg L(-1)) in the treated water


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The aim of this work was to develop biodegradable films based on blends of gelatin and poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA), without a plasticizer. Firstly, the effect of five types of PVA with different degree of hydrolysis (DH) on the physical properties of films elaborated with blends containing 23.1% PVA was studied. One PVA type was then chosen for the study of the effect of the PVA concentration on the mechanical properties, color, opacity, gloss, and water solubility of the films. The five types of PVA studied allowed for films with different characteristics, but with no direct relationship with the DH of the PVA. Therefore, the PVA Celvol (R) 418 with a DH = 91.8% was chosen for the second part, because they produced films with greater tensile strength. The PVA concentration affected all studied properties of films. These results could be explained by the results of the DSC and FTIR analyses, which showed that some interactions between the gelatin and the PVA occurred depending on the PVA concentration, affecting the crystallinity of the films.