967 resultados para Engineering tools


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There is increasing adoption of computer-based tools to support the product development process. Tolls include computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacture, systems engineering and product data management systems. The fact that companies choose to invest in tools might be regarded as evidence that tools, in aggregate, are perceived to possess business value through their application to engineering activities. Yet the ways in which value accrues from tool technology are poorly understood.

This report records the proceedings of an international workshop during which some novel approaches to improving our understanding of this problem of tool valuation were presented and debated. The value of methods and processes were also discussed. The workshop brought together British, Dutch, German and Italian researchers. The presenters included speakers from industry and academia (the University of Cambridge, the University of Magdeburg and the Politechnico de Torino)

The work presented showed great variety. Research methods include case studies, questionnaires, statistical analysis, semi-structured interviews, deduction, inductive reasoning, the recording of anecdotes and analogies. The presentations drew on financial investment theory, the industrial experience of workshop participants, discussions with students developing tools, modern economic theories and speculation on the effects of company capabilities.


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In recent years, the use of Reverse Engineering systems has got a considerable interest for a wide number of applications. Therefore, many research activities are focused on accuracy and precision of the acquired data and post processing phase improvements. In this context, this PhD Thesis deals with the definition of two novel methods for data post processing and data fusion between physical and geometrical information. In particular a technique has been defined for error definition in 3D points’ coordinates acquired by an optical triangulation laser scanner, with the aim to identify adequate correction arrays to apply under different acquisition parameters and operative conditions. Systematic error in data acquired is thus compensated, in order to increase accuracy value. Moreover, the definition of a 3D thermogram is examined. Object geometrical information and its thermal properties, coming from a thermographic inspection, are combined in order to have a temperature value for each recognizable point. Data acquired by an optical triangulation laser scanner are also used to normalize temperature values and make thermal data independent from thermal-camera point of view.


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The aim of this report is to give an overview of the results of Work Package 5 “Engineering Tools”. In this workpackage numerical tools have been developed for all relevant CHCP systems in the PolySMART demonstration projects (WP3). First, existing simulation platforms have been described and specific characteristics have been identified. Several different simulation platforms are in principle appropriate for the needs in the PolySMART project. The result is an evaluation of available simulation and engineering tools for CHCP simulation, and an agreement upon a common simulation environment within the PolySMART project. Next, numerical models for components in the demonstration projects have been developed. These models are available to the PolySMART consortium. Of all modeled components an overall and detailed working principle is formulated, including a parameter list and (in some cases) a control strategy. Finally, for four CHCP systems in the PolySMART project, a system simulation model has been developed. For each system simulation a separate deliverable is available (D5.5b to D5.5e) These deliverables replace deliverable 5.4 ‘system models’. The numerical models for components and systems developed in the Polysmart project form a valuable basis for the component development and optimisation and for the system optimisation, both within and outside the project. Developers and researchers interested in more information about specific models can refer to the institutes and contact persons involved in the model development. 


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There is a tremendous amount of mystery that surrounds the instruments of Antonio Stradivari. There have been many studies done in the past, but no one completely understands exactly how he made his instruments, or why they are still considered the best in the world. This project is designed to develop an engineering model of one of Stradivari's violins that will accurately simulate the structural and acoustic behavior of the instrument. It also hopes to shine some light on what makes the instruments of Stradivari unique when compared to other violins. It will focus on geometry and material properties, utilizing several modern engineering tools, including CT scanning, experimental modal analysis, finite element analysis, correlation techniques, and acoustic synthesis.


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ABSTRACT ONTOLOGIES AND METHODS FOR INTEROPERABILITY OF ENGINEERING ANALYSIS MODELS (EAMS) IN AN E-DESIGN ENVIRONMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 NEELIMA KANURI, B.S., BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES PILANI INDIA M.S., UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST Directed by: Professor Ian Grosse Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems to exchange and reuse information efficiently. This thesis presents new techniques for interoperating engineering tools using ontologies as the basis for representing, visualizing, reasoning about, and securely exchanging abstract engineering knowledge between software systems. The specific engineering domain that is the primary focus of this report is the modeling knowledge associated with the development of engineering analysis models (EAMs). This abstract modeling knowledge has been used to support integration of analysis and optimization tools in iSIGHT FD , a commercial engineering environment. ANSYS , a commercial FEA tool, has been wrapped as an analysis service available inside of iSIGHT-FD. Engineering analysis modeling (EAM) ontology has been developed and instantiated to form a knowledge base for representing analysis modeling knowledge. The instances of the knowledge base are the analysis models of real world applications. To illustrate how abstract modeling knowledge can be exploited for useful purposes, a cantilever I-Beam design optimization problem has been used as a test bed proof-of-concept application. Two distinct finite element models of the I-beam are available to analyze a given beam design- a beam-element finite element model with potentially lower accuracy but significantly reduced computational costs and a high fidelity, high cost, shell-element finite element model. The goal is to obtain an optimized I-beam design at minimum computational expense. An intelligent KB tool was developed and implemented in FiPER . This tool reasons about the modeling knowledge to intelligently shift between the beam and the shell element models during an optimization process to select the best analysis model for a given optimization design state. In addition to improved interoperability and design optimization, methods are developed and presented that demonstrate the ability to operate on ontological knowledge bases to perform important engineering tasks. One such method is the automatic technical report generation method which converts the modeling knowledge associated with an analysis model to a flat technical report. The second method is a secure knowledge sharing method which allocates permissions to portions of knowledge to control knowledge access and sharing. Both the methods acting together enable recipient specific fine grain controlled knowledge viewing and sharing in an engineering workflow integration environment, such as iSIGHT-FD. These methods together play a very efficient role in reducing the large scale inefficiencies existing in current product design and development cycles due to poor knowledge sharing and reuse between people and software engineering tools. This work is a significant advance in both understanding and application of integration of knowledge in a distributed engineering design framework.


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Auxetic materials (or metamaterials) are those with a negative Poisson ratio (NPR) and display the unexpected property of lateral expansion when stretched, as well as an equal and opposing densification when compressed. Such geometries are being progressively employed in the development of novel products, especially in the fields of intelligent expandable actuators, shape morphing structures and minimally invasive implantable devices. Although several auxetic and potentially auxetic geometries have been summarized in previous reviews and research, precise information regarding relevant properties for design tasks is not always provided. In this study we present a comparative study of two-dimensional and three-dimensional auxetic geometries carried out by means of computer-aided design and engineering tools (from now on CAD–CAE). The first part of the study is focused on the development of a CAD library of auxetics. Once the library is developed we simulate the behavior of the different auxetic geometries and elaborate a systematic comparison, considering relevant properties of these geometries, such as Poisson ratio(s), maximum volume or area reductions attainable and equivalent Young's modulus, hoping it may provide useful information for future designs of devices based on these interesting structures.


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Tissue engineering technologies, which have originally been designed to reconstitute damaged tissue structure and function, can mimic not only tissue regeneration processes but also cancer development and progression. Bioengineered approaches allow cell biologists to develop sophisticated experimentally and physiologically relevant cancer models to recapitulate the complexity of the disease seen in patients. Tissue engineering tools enable three-dimensionality based on the design of biomaterials and scaffolds that re-create the geometry, chemistry, function and signalling milieu of the native tumour microenvironment. Three-dimensional (3D) microenvironments, including cell-derived matrices, biomaterial-based cell culture models and integrated co-cultures with engineered stromal components, are powerful tools to study dynamic processes like proteolytic functions associated with cancer progression, metastasis and resistance to therapeutics. In this review, we discuss how biomimetic strategies can reproduce a humanised niche for human cancer cells, such as peritoneal or bone-like microenvironments, addressing specific aspects of ovarian and prostate cancer progression and therapy response.


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The basic framework and - conceptual understanding of the metallurgy of Ti alloys is strong and this has enabled the use of titanium and its alloys in safety-critical structures such as those in aircraft and aircraft engines. Nevertheless, a focus on cost-effectiveness and the compression of product development time by effectively integrating design with manufacturing in these applications, as well as those emerging in bioengineering, has driven research in recent decades towards a greater predictive capability through the use of computational materials engineering tools. Therefore this paper focuses on the complexity and variety of fundamental phenomena in this material system with a focus on phase transformations and mechanical behaviour in order to delineate the challenges that lie ahead in achieving these goals. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Os objectivos do presente trabalho foram a investigação dos principais defeitos que ocorrem nos produtos de vidro de mesa produzidos por processos automáticos e o desenvolvimento de novos vidros e tecnologias que permitam aumentar os rendimentos de produção, ou a flexibilidade da operação de conformação. A viscosidade influencia a facilidade de conformação dos produtos. Temperaturas de gota mais baixas, espessuras de parede de produtos mais elevadas e baixas áreas de transferência térmica facilitam a ocorrência de defeitos, sobretudo mecânicos e de superfície. Foram identificados os produtos de vidro de mesa que apresentam maiores dificuldades na conformação, designados por produtos de forma complexa. Por ser um factor relevante na prática, discutiu-se o efeito da quantidade de casco usado na elaboração dos vidros sobre a conformação de produtos de forma complexa. A quantidade de casco influencia a volatilização de fundentes que por sua vez tem efeito sobre as propriedades de trabalhabilidade do vidro. Desenvolveram-se novos vidros compatíveis com a utilização de queimos enriquecidos em oxigénio que são utilizados para reduzirem os defeitos mecânicos e de superfície nos produtos de vidros de mesa prensados. A compatibilidade vidro/tecnologia fez-se com uma modificação do sistema de afinação do vidro. Os vidros modificados apresentam propriedades físicoquímicas semelhantes à do vidro inicial e por isso indicam viabilidade comercial. A tecnologia dos canais corantes foi utilizada para modificar a trabalhabilidade de um vidro base a partir da introdução até 5 % de fritas incolores ricas em Li2O. Os valores de RMS (velocidade relativa de máquina) desceram de 106,8 % para 95,7 % enquanto os valores de Pt (patamar de trabalho) subiram de 100,6 s para 111,3 s com o aumento de frita. As propriedades físico-químicas dos vidros aditivados com frita indicam viabilidade comercial. Esta inovação tecnológica introduz flexibilidade nos processos industriais vidreiros. A composição química do vidro e por isso as propriedades relacionadas com a trabalhabilidade podem ser entendidas como mais uma variável dos processos de conformação e usadas em função das técnicas de conformação disponíveis, da forma dos objectos a conformar e da engenharia da ferramenta moldante utilizada. Foi observada convergência entre os resultados experimentais e os valores calculados a partir dos modelos de Huff e Fluegel nos principais parâmetros da tecnologia vidreira (RMS e Pt) e nas propriedades dos vidros nomeadamente densidade e coeficiente de dilatação térmico. Uma parte importante deste trabalho decorreu em ambiente industrial. Em temas relacionados com a investigação do processamento vidreiro industrial, a prática de desenvolver trabalho experimental integrado no próprio ambiente industrial está claramente documentada na bibliografia publicada em revistas e jornais de referência internacional. ABSTRACT: The research on the causes of major defects that occur in glass tableware products produced by automatic processes and the development of new glasses and technologies for increasing the production efficiency, or the flexibility of operation were the objectives of the Thesis project. Viscosity influences the flexibility of glass forming. Lower drop temperatures, high product wall thicknesses, or low areas of heat transfer facilitate the occurrence of defects, mainly mechanical and surface born. We identified the products of glass tableware showing the greatest difficulties in forming, designated as complex shape products. The effect of the amount of recycled glass used in the preparation of glass batches on the conformation of products of complex shapes and on glass workability is discussed. The amount of recycled glass affects the volatilization of glass modifiers which in turn have an effect on the glass properties and workability. New glasses which become compatible with the use of oxygen burners were formulated, tested and developed to the industrial use, oxygen enrichment being used to reduce the mechanical and surface defects in pressed glass tableware. Compatibility glass / technology was achieved with a modified system of tuning of the glass. The modified glasses have physical and chemical properties similar to the original glass and therefore are commercially viable. The technology of the colouring channels was used to change glass workability of a glass base by the introduction of up to 5 % Li2O rich in colourless frit. The values of RMS (relative machine speed) fell from 106.8 % to 95.7 % while the values of Pt (cooling time) increased from 100.6 s to 111.3 s by the introduction of glass frits. The physico-chemical properties of the modified glass show commercial viability. This technology introduces flexibility in industrial processes of glass. The chemical composition of glass and therefore the properties related to workability can be understood as another variable of the glass forming processes and used according to the available forming techniques, the shape of objects and the engineering tools used for the moulds. Convergence was observed between experimental and predicted from Huff and Fluegel models in studying the properties of glasses. An important part of this work was done inside the industrial environment. On issues related to the investigation of the glass processing inside the industry, the practice of developing experimental work integrated in the industrial environment is clearly documented and referenced in the published literature in international journals and periodicals.


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A key argument for modeling knowledge in ontologies is the easy re-use and re-engineering of the knowledge. However, beside consistency checking, current ontology engineering tools provide only basic functionalities for analyzing ontologies. Since ontologies can be considered as (labeled, directed) graphs, graph analysis techniques are a suitable answer for this need. Graph analysis has been performed by sociologists for over 60 years, and resulted in the vivid research area of Social Network Analysis (SNA). While social network structures in general currently receive high attention in the Semantic Web community, there are only very few SNA applications up to now, and virtually none for analyzing the structure of ontologies. We illustrate in this paper the benefits of applying SNA to ontologies and the Semantic Web, and discuss which research topics arise on the edge between the two areas. In particular, we discuss how different notions of centrality describe the core content and structure of an ontology. From the rather simple notion of degree centrality over betweenness centrality to the more complex eigenvector centrality based on Hermitian matrices, we illustrate the insights these measures provide on two ontologies, which are different in purpose, scope, and size.


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Fujaba is an Open Source UML CASE tool project started at the software engineering group of Paderborn University in 1997. In 2002 Fujaba has been redesigned and became the Fujaba Tool Suite with a plug-in architecture allowing developers to add functionality easily while retaining full control over their contributions. Multiple Application Domains Fujaba followed the model-driven development philosophy right from its beginning in 1997. At the early days, Fujaba had a special focus on code generation from UML diagrams resulting in a visual programming language with a special emphasis on object structure manipulating rules. Today, at least six rather independent tool versions are under development in Paderborn, Kassel, and Darmstadt for supporting (1) reengineering, (2) embedded real-time systems, (3) education, (4) specification of distributed control systems, (5) integration with the ECLIPSE platform, and (6) MOF-based integration of system (re-) engineering tools. International Community According to our knowledge, quite a number of research groups have also chosen Fujaba as a platform for UML and MDA related research activities. In addition, quite a number of Fujaba users send requests for more functionality and extensions. Therefore, the 8th International Fujaba Days aimed at bringing together Fujaba develop- ers and Fujaba users from all over the world to present their ideas and projects and to discuss them with each other and with the Fujaba core development team.


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To calculate the potential wind loading on a tall building in an urban area, an accurate representation of the wind speed profile is required. However, due to a lack of observations, wind engineers typically estimate the characteristics of the urban boundary layer by translating the measurements from a nearby reference rural site. This study presents wind speed profile data obtained from a Doppler lidar in central London, UK, during an 8 month observation period. Used in conjunction with wind speed data measured at a nearby airport, the data have been used to assess the accuracy of the predictions made by the wind engineering tools currently available. When applied to multiple changes in surface roughness identified from morphological parameters, the non-equilibrium wind speed profile model developed by Deaves (1981) provides a good representation of the urban wind speed profile. For heights below 500 m, the predicted wind speed remains within the 95% confidence interval of the measured data. However, when the surface roughness is estimated using land use as a proxy, the model tends to overestimate the wind speed, particularly for very high wind speed periods. These results highlight the importance of a detailed assessment of the nature of the surface when estimating the wind speed above an urban surface.