992 resultados para Engine performance.
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The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine is a promising combustion concept for reducing NOx and particulate matter (PM) emissions and providing a high thermal efficiency in internal combustion engines. This concept though has limitations in the areas of combustion control and achieving stable combustion at high loads. For HCCI to be a viable option for on-road vehicles, further understanding of its combustion phenomenon and its control are essential. Thus, this thesis has a focus on both the experimental setup of an HCCI engine at Michigan Technological University (MTU) and also developing a physical numerical simulation model called the Sequential Model for Residual Affected HCCI (SMRH) to investigate performance of HCCI engines. The primary focus is on understanding the effects of intake and exhaust valve timings on HCCI combustion. For the experimental studies, this thesis provided the contributions for development of HCCI setup at MTU. In particular, this thesis made contributions in the areas of measurement of valve profiles, measurement of piston to valve contact clearance for procuring new pistons for further studies of high geometric compression ratio HCCI engines. It also consists of developing and testing a supercharging station and the setup of an electrical air heater to extend the HCCI operating region. The HCCI engine setup is based on a GM 2.0 L LHU Gen 1 engine which is a direct injected engine with variable valve timing (VVT) capabilities. For the simulation studies, a computationally efficient modeling platform has been developed and validated against experimental data from a single cylinder HCCI engine. In-cylinder pressure trace, combustion phasing (CA10, CA50, BD) and performance metrics IMEP, thermal efficiency, and CO emission are found to be in good agreement with experimental data for different operating conditions. Effects of phasing intake and exhaust valves are analyzed using SMRH. In addition, a novel index called Fuel Efficiency and Emissions (FEE) index is defined and is used to determine the optimal valve timings for engine operation through the use of FEE contour maps.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
De-inking sludge can be converted into useful forms of energy to provide economic and environmental benefits. In this study, pyrolysis oil produced from de-inking sludge through an intermediate pyrolysis technique was blended with biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil, and tested in a multi-cylinder indirect injection type CI engine. The physical and chemical properties of pyrolysis oil and its blends (20 and 30 vol.%) were measured and compared with those of fossil diesel and pure biodiesel (B100). Full engine power was achieved with both blends, and very little difference in engine performance and emission results were observed between 20% and 30% blends. At full engine load, the brake specific fuel consumption on a volume basis was around 6% higher for the blends when compared to fossil diesel. The brake thermal efficiencies were about 3-6% lower than biodiesel and were similar to fossil diesel. Exhaust gas emissions of the blends contained 4% higher CO2 and 6-12% lower NOx, as compared to fossil diesel. At full load, CO emissions of the blends were decreased by 5-10 times. The cylinder gas pressure diagram showed stable engine operation with the 20% blend, but indicated minor knocking with 30% blend. Peak cylinder pressure of the 30% blend was about 5-6% higher compared to fossil diesel. At full load, the peak burn rate of combustion from the 30% blend was about 26% and 12% higher than fossil diesel and biodiesel respectively. In comparison to fossil diesel the combustion duration was decreased for both blends; for 30% blend at full load, the duration was almost 12% lower. The study concludes that up to 20% blend of de-inking sludge pyrolysis oil with biodiesel can be used in an indirect injection CI engine without adding any ignition additives or surfactants.
Renewable alternatives such as biofuels and optimisation of the engine operating parameters can enhance engine performance and reduce emissions. The temperature of the engine coolant is known to have significant influence on engine performance and emissions. Whereas much existing literature describes the effects of coolant temperature in engines using fossil derived fuels, very few studies have investigated these effects when biofuel is used as an alternative fuel. Jatropha oil is a non-edible biofuel which can substitute fossil diesel for compression ignition (CI) engine use. However, due to the high viscosity of Jatropha oil, technique such as transesterification, preheating the oil, mixing with other fuel is recommended for improved combustion and reduced emissions. In this study, Jatropha oil was blended separately with ethanol and butanol, at ratios of 80:20 and 70:30. The fuel properties of all four blends were measured and compared with diesel and jatropha oil. It was found that the 80% jatropha oil + 20% butanol blend was the most suitable alternative, as its properties were closest to that of diesel. A 2 cylinder Yanmar engine was used; the cooling water temperature was varied between 50°C and 95°C. In general, it was found that when the temperature of the cooling water was increased, the combustion process enhanced for both diesel and Jatropha-Butanol blend. The CO2 emissions for both diesel and biofuel blend were observed to increase with temperature. As a result CO, O2 and lambda values were observed to decrease when cooling water temperature increased. When the engine was operated using diesel, NOX emissions correlated in an opposite manner to smoke opacity; however, when the biofuel blend was used, NOX emissions and smoke opacity correlated in an identical manner. The brake thermal efficiencies were found to increase slightly as the temperature was increased. In contrast, for all fuels, the volumetric efficiency was observed to decrease as the coolant temperature was increased. Brake specific fuel consumption was observed to decrease as the temperature was increased and was higher on average when the biofuel was used, in comparison to diesel. The study concludes that the effects of engine coolant temperature on engine performance and emission characteristics differ between biofuel blend and fossil diesel operation. The coolant temperature needs to be optimised depending on the type of biofuel for optimum engine performance and reduced emissions.
This paper studies the characteristics of blends of biodiesel and a new type of SSPO (sewage sludge derived intermediate pyrolysis oil) in various ratios, and evaluates the application of such blends in an unmodified Lister diesel engine. The engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated and compared to those of diesel and biodiesel. The engine injectors were inspected and tested after the experiment. The SSPO-biodiesel blends were found to have comparable heating values to biodiesel, but relatively high acidity and carbon residue. The diesel engine has operated with a 30/70 SSPO-biodiesel blend and a 50/50 blend for up to 10h and there was no apparent deterioration in operation observed. It is concluded that with 30% SSPO, the engine gives better overall performance and fuel consumption than with 50% SSPO. The exhaust temperatures of 30% SSPO and 50% SSPO are similar, but 30% SSPO gives relatively lower NO emission than 50% SSPO. The CO and smoke emissions are lower with 50% SSPO than with 30% SSPO. The injectors of the engine operated with SSPO blends were found to have heavy carbon deposition and noticeably reduced opening pressure, which may lead to deteriorated engine performance and exhaust emissions in extended operation. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
The temperature of the coolant is known to have significant influence on engine performance and emissions. Whereas existing literature describes the effects of coolant temperature in engines using fossil derived fuels, very few studies have investigated these effects when biofuel is used. In this study, Jatropha oil was blended separately with ethanol and butanol. It was found that the 80% jatropha oil + 20% butanol blend was the most suitable alternative, as its properties were closest to that of fossil diesel. The coolant temperature was varied between 50°C and 95°C. The combustion process enhanced for both diesel and biofuel blend, when the coolant temperature was increased. The carbon dioxide emissions for both diesel and biofuel blend were observed to increase with temperature. The carbon monoxide, oxygen and lambda values were observed to decrease with temperature. When the engine was operated using diesel, nitrogen oxides emissions correlated in an opposite manner to smoke opacity; however, nitrogen oxides emissions and smoke opacity correlated in an identical manner for biofuel blend. Brake specific fuel consumption was observed to decrease as the temperature was increased and was higher on average when the biofuel was used. The study concludes that both biofuel blend and fossil diesel produced identical correlations between coolant temperature and engine performance. The trends of nitrogen oxides and smoke emissions with cooling temperatures were not identical to fossil diesel when biofuel blend was used in the engine.
Päästöjen vähentäminen on ollut viime vuosina tärkeässä osassa polttomoottoreita kehitettäessä.Monet viralliset tahot asettavat uusia tiukempia päästörajoituksia. Päästörajatovat tyypillisesti olleet tiukimmat autoteollisuuden valmistamille pienille nopeakäyntisille diesel-moottoreille, mutta viime aikoina paineita on kohdistunut myös suurempiin keskinopeisiin ja hidaskäyntisiin diesel-moottoreihin. Päästörajat ovat erilaisia riippuen moottorin tyypistä, käytetystä polttoaineesta ja paikasta missä moottoria käytetään johtuen erilaisista paikallisista laeista ja asetuksista. Eniten huomiota diesel-moottorin päästöissä täytyy kohdistaa typen oksideihin, savun muodostukseen sekä partikkeleihin. Laskennallisen virtausmekaniikan (CFD) avulla on hyvät mahdollisuudet tutkia diesel-moottorin sylinterissä tapahtuvia ilmiöitä palamisen aikana. CFD on hyödyllinen työkalu arvioitaessa moottorin suorituskykyä ja päästöjen muodostumista. CFD:llä on mahdollista testata erilaisten parametrien ja geometrioiden vaikutusta ilman kalliita moottorinkoeajoja. CFD:tä voidaan käyttää myös opetustarkoituksessa lisäämään paloprosessin tuntemusta. Tulevaisuudessa palamissimuloinnit CFD:llä tulevat epäilemättä olemaan tärkeä osa moottorin kehityksessä. Tässä diplomityössä on tehty palamissimuloinnit kahteen erilaisilla poittoaineenruiskutuslaitteistoilla varustettuun Wärtsilän keskinopeaan diesel-moottoriin. W46 moottorin ruiskutuslaitteisto on perinteinen mekaanisesti ohjattu pumppusuutin ja W46-CR moottorissa on elektronisesti ohjattu 'common rail' ruiskutuslaitteisto. Näiden moottorien ja käytössä olevien ruiskutusprofiilien lisäksi on simuloinneilla testattu erilaisia uusia ruiskutusprofiileja, jotta erityyppisten profiilien hyvät ja huonot ominaisuudet tulisivat selville. Matalalla kuormalla kiinnostuksen kohteena on nokipäästöjen muodostus ja täydellä kuormalla NOx-päästöjen muodostus ja polttoaineen kulutus. Simulointien tulokset osoittivat, että noen muodostusta matalalla kuormalla voidaan selvästi vähentää monivaiheisella ruiskutuksella, jossa yksi ruiskutusjakso jaetaan kahteen tai useampaan jaksoon. Erityisen tehokas noen vähentämisessä vaikuttaa olevan ns. jälkiruiskutus (post injection). Matalat NOx-päästöt ja hyvä polttoaineen kulutus täydellä kuormalla on mahdollista saavuttaaasteittain nostettavalla ruiskutusnopeudella.
Diesel fuel is used widely in Brazil and worldwide. On the other hand, the growing environmental awareness leads to a greater demand for renewable energy resources. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the use of different blends of soybean (Glycine max) methyl biodiesel and diesel in an ignition compression engine with direct injection fuel. The tests were performed on an electric eddy current dynamometer, using the blends B10, B50 and B100, with 10; 50 e 100% of biodiesel, respectively, in comparison to the commercial diesel B5, with 5% of biodiesel added to the fossil diesel. The engine performance was analyzed trough the tractor power take off (PTO) for each fuel, and the best results obtained for the power and the specific fuel consumption, respectively, were: B5 (44.62 kW; 234.87 g kW-1 h-1); B10 (44.73 kW; 233.78 g kW-1 h-1); B50 (44.11 kW; 250.40 g kW-1 h-1) e B100 (43.40 kW; 263.63 g kW-1 h-1). The best performance occurred with the use of B5 and B10 fuel, without significant differences between these blends. The B100 fuel showed significant differences compared to the other fuels.
This study focuses on a specific engine, i.e., a dual-spool, separate-flow turbofan engine with an Interstage Turbine Burner (ITB). This conventional turbofan engine has been modified to include a secondary isobaric burner, i.e., ITB, in a transition duct between the high-pressure turbine and the low-pressure turbine. The preliminary design phase for this modified engine starts with the aerothermodynamics cycle analysis is consisting of parametric (i.e., on-design) and performance (i.e., off-design) cycle analyses. In parametric analysis, the modified engine performance parameters are evaluated and compared with baseline engine in terms of design limitation (maximum turbine inlet temperature), flight conditions (such as flight Mach condition, ambient temperature and pressure), and design choices (such as compressor pressure ratio, fan pressure ratio, fan bypass ratio etc.). A turbine cooling model is also included to account for the effect of cooling air on engine performance. The results from the on-design analysis confirmed the advantage of using ITB, i.e., higher specific thrust with small increases in thrust specific fuel consumption, less cooling air, and less NOx production, provided that the main burner exit temperature and ITB exit temperature are properly specified. It is also important to identify the critical ITB temperature, beyond which the ITB is turned off and has no advantage at all. With the encouraging results from parametric cycle analysis, a detailed performance cycle analysis of the identical engine is also conducted for steady-stateengine performance prediction. The results from off-design cycle analysis show that the ITB engine at full throttle setting has enhanced performance over baseline engine. Furthermore, ITB engine operating at partial throttle settings will exhibit higher thrust at lower specific fuel consumption and improved thermal efficiency over the baseline engine. A mission analysis is also presented to predict the fuel consumptions in certain mission phases. Excel macrocode, Visual Basic for Application, and Excel neuron cells are combined to facilitate Excel software to perform these cycle analyses. These user-friendly programs compute and plot the data sequentially without forcing users to open other types of post-processing programs.