825 resultados para Enfermagem. Saúde da Criança. Acompanhamento do Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Infantil


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The nurses assistance in monitoring the growth and development of children has been characterized mostly a service based on the biological dimension of illness, when in reality, the actions should be combined in the reorientation of care model of the Family Health Strategy. Thus, the research aimed to examine the role of nurses in the growth and development of children. This is an exploratory and descriptive, qualitative approach. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte under Opinion No. 191/2012. Data collection was developed in the Health Units from the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. Survey participants were nurses who worked in the Family Health Strategy for at least two years and who performed the monitoring of child growth and development in the health unit selected. Data were collected through an in-depth interview, and seized material from speeches was treated as categorical thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. This process revealed three themes, which were analyzed in the light of Relief Models and Process Work in Health and Nursing and discussed based on the findings literary. The results elucidated that nurses consider their performance satisfactory as it has favored the accession of mothers of children under one year nursing visits, contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality due to prevalent diseases, as well as the establishment of a connection between the professionals and mothers. It was shown that despite having a promotion and prevention with the use of lightweight technologies, the nurses also emphasized the care of mothers in complaints and signs and symptoms of children, followed by referrals to professionals in the unit or to other sectors. Furthermore, we found that the process of working nurses face challenges regarding the organizational structure of services and social situation of the family. Given these statements, it is observed that despite the strong interference from hegemonic health model in the performance of nurses, it is found that these professionals have been investing in promotion and prevention to injuries to children in care, with a focus on family context. Thus, nurses are embarking on making the reorientation of health care through the use of relational technologies, which has contributed to solving the integral care to the pediatric population


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ARAÚJO, Marluce Oliveira de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. A mãe nas ações de acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Revista Baiana de enfermagem, Salvador, v.19,n.1/2/3,p.93-103, jan./dez. 2004, jann./dez.2005.


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ARAÚJO, Marluce Oliveira de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. A mãe nas ações de acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Revista Baiana de enfermagem, Salvador, v.19,n.1/2/3,p.93-103, jan./dez. 2004, jann./dez.2005.


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ARAÚJO, Marluce Oliveira de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. A mãe nas ações de acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Revista Baiana de enfermagem, Salvador, v.19,n.1/2/3,p.93-103, jan./dez. 2004, jann./dez.2005.


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The accompaniment of growth and development is the central thrust of child care in primary health care in order to contribute to the reduction of infant morbidity and mortality and promote healthy development. Despite its importance, the family health unit located in rural Parazinhocounty experiences the problem of frequent absences of children to follow-up consultations. Thus, this study aims to analyze the participation of mothers in the accompaniment of growth and development of children in the Family Health Strategy. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach with the method action research, developed with mothers who are part of the monitoring of the growth and development of children in the rural area of the municipality of Parazinho/RN from May to October 2014. Data collection was performed using the focus group techniques, participant observation and individual interviews. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis of categorization. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, under the opinion embodied 617,559 and CAAE 28598014.7.0000.5537. In step situation analysis, were conducted two focus groups, attended by a total of 14 mothers of different rural locations. From the speeches, one realizes that they have a satisfactory understanding of the monitoring of the growth and development of the childwas a learning moment. The nurse was mentioned as key professional that actionof accompaniment. The main reason that mothers to abandon consultations is access to health services, due to the distance from their homes to the basic unit, the shortage of public transport for the movement of users and delay between the service and the back home. As a strategy to try to tackle these problems, at the suggestion of their mothers was created Monitoring of Growth and Development Itinerant, where the FHS team moved to rural locations, performing activities related to children's health. Mothers who participated in the action approved the initiative as improving access and care of health needs, despite indicate dissatisfaction as the poor infrastructure and little privacy in consultations. Therefore, it is concluded that, despite the difficulties encountered often for lack of management support and involvement of some professionals, the monitoring of growth and development itinerant proved to be an important tool in solving the problem of access to services oriented to the health of child, in addition to functioning as a space for the realization of health education, becoming, since then, an activity inherent in family health team schedule.


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This study aimed to analyze the participation of mothers/caregivers from the perspective of the health care model that directs the collective monitoring of child growth and development. This is an exploratory and descriptive research with qualitative approach, carried out in two Family Health Units located in the city of Natal/RN. Data were collected between August and September 2014, through participant observation and semi-structured interview technique, with mothers of infants seen at follow-up visits collective child growth and development. A total of 13 mothers were included who met the following inclusion criteria: being a mother/caregiver responsible for the care of children who have attended one or more meeting of collective monitoring of child growth and development. Exclusion criteria was established: users outside the area covered by the Health Unit Family and who did not use the National Health System as the primary health care service. For the treatment of the collected material, the content analysis was used, thematic Bardin. The study followed the ethical and legal principles governing the scientific research on human subjects recommended by Resolution nº. 466/2012 of the National Health Council and its realization occurred with the approval of the project in the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do North, which was approved by Opinion Embodied nº. 719 949, of June 27, 2014, and Certificate Presentation of Findings Ethics No 32510514.7.0000.5537. Although not conceptualize theoretically mothers demonstrated that collective consultations of child growth and development are actions aimed at health surveillance model, since most pointed monitoring your child to actions that can be measured. Even with that, it was established the existence of health promotion actions by reporting the exchange of experience and leadership of the subjects in collective action, factor facilitated by the link established between users and professionals and users. In this action there is the induction of permanent horizontal relationship where we seek to combine popular knowledge to scientific knowledge in order to promote the integral care for the child. However, it is still possible to find professionals who directs its assistance only to pathological processes and fail to create comprehensive care alternatives. In addition, there is still embezzlement in multi that should provide care to the child population. This factor may be related to their professional training, and thus an issue that can last for a few years. We conclude that it is necessary to incorporate alternatives and models of care that support overcoming limitations and enhancing the health of the population, involving it in the prospect of a better quality of life and therefore health.


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Relatar sobre a experiência da implementação de uma proposta de ação coletiva da enfermagem para o acompanhamento do Crescimento e Desenvolvimento de crianças(CD). Método: estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, sobre a implementação de uma proposta de ação da enfermagem para o acompanhamento coletivo do CD das crianças atendidas na Unidade de Saúde da Família de Cidade Nova (USFCN) no município de Natal–RN, Brasil, realizado por meio de reuniões mensais com pais/cuidadores e crianças de acordo com a área de abrangência do serviço. Este estudo teve o projeto de pesquisa aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (CEP-UFRN), tendo com parecer final nº 201/2009. Resultados: o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro experimentou ganhos no exercício de uma práxis educativa e transformadora junto à comunidade. Pais e cuidadoras tiveram acesso à aprendizagem de novos conhecimentos, troca de experiências e auxílio nos cuidados domiciliários, através de uma nova dinâmica de fazer a atenção à saúde da criança. Conclusão: os resultados mostram que pais/cuidadores tornaram-se co-participantes do processo de cuidar, mas sem desobrigar as profissionais enfermeiras do compromisso na prestação do atendimento


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Relatar sobre a experiência da implementação de uma proposta de ação coletiva da enfermagem para o acompanhamento do Crescimento e Desenvolvimento de crianças(CD). Método: estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, sobre a implementação de uma proposta de ação da enfermagem para o acompanhamento coletivo do CD das crianças atendidas na Unidade de Saúde da Família de Cidade Nova (USFCN) no município de Natal–RN, Brasil, realizado por meio de reuniões mensais com pais/cuidadores e crianças de acordo com a área de abrangência do serviço. Este estudo teve o projeto de pesquisa aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (CEP-UFRN), tendo com parecer final nº 201/2009. Resultados: o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro experimentou ganhos no exercício de uma práxis educativa e transformadora junto à comunidade. Pais e cuidadoras tiveram acesso à aprendizagem de novos conhecimentos, troca de experiências e auxílio nos cuidados domiciliários, através de uma nova dinâmica de fazer a atenção à saúde da criança. Conclusão: os resultados mostram que pais/cuidadores tornaram-se co-participantes do processo de cuidar, mas sem desobrigar as profissionais enfermeiras do compromisso na prestação do atendimento


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Relatar sobre a experiência da implementação de uma proposta de ação coletiva da enfermagem para o acompanhamento do Crescimento e Desenvolvimento de crianças(CD). Método: estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, sobre a implementação de uma proposta de ação da enfermagem para o acompanhamento coletivo do CD das crianças atendidas na Unidade de Saúde da Família de Cidade Nova (USFCN) no município de Natal–RN, Brasil, realizado por meio de reuniões mensais com pais/cuidadores e crianças de acordo com a área de abrangência do serviço. Este estudo teve o projeto de pesquisa aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (CEP-UFRN), tendo com parecer final nº 201/2009. Resultados: o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro experimentou ganhos no exercício de uma práxis educativa e transformadora junto à comunidade. Pais e cuidadoras tiveram acesso à aprendizagem de novos conhecimentos, troca de experiências e auxílio nos cuidados domiciliários, através de uma nova dinâmica de fazer a atenção à saúde da criança. Conclusão: os resultados mostram que pais/cuidadores tornaram-se co-participantes do processo de cuidar, mas sem desobrigar as profissionais enfermeiras do compromisso na prestação do atendimento


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Este estudo busca compreender as práticas desenvolvidas por enfermeiras no cuidado à saúde da criança no contexto da atenção primária em saúde. É uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratório-descritiva, desenvolvida com oito enfermeiras que atuam em Unidades Básicas de Saúde, que compõem as equipes de Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), na cidade de Bento Gonçalves/RS. Para subsidiar a coleta de dados, foi utilizado o Método Criativo-Sensível proposto por Cabral (1998), através da realização de duas oficinas, intituladas: Árvore do Conhecimento e Modelagem, que conjugadas apresentaram subsídios para a realização de reflexões individuais e discussões coletivas. A análise das informações adota a proposta de Bardin (1977), utilizando-se a Análise de Conteúdo, do tipo temática para compreender os significados que emergem das comunicações. Revelaram-se três temas e sub-temas, denominados: Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Infantil; Contexto da Família no Processo de Cuidar a Criança e o Papel do Profissional Enfermeiro, e; Do ideário das práticas de cuidado de enfermeiras na saúde da criança à construção de estratégias e processos de mudança. Os resultados revelaram que utilização das oficinas foi um instrumento potencializador do pensar e agir, proprorcionado a reflexão e ressignificação das ações realizadas pelas enfermeiras voltadas para a saúde da criança, levando-as a ter uma melhor compreensão de suas relações com a criança e a família.


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With the trajectory that the problems related to child health are taking in our society, particularly with regard to infant mortality, beyond the process of decentralization of health and the implementation of the Family Health Strategy in the cities, where it has increased considerably performance of nursing staff in Primary Health Care, they can be considered essential factors for reflections on the care of nurse dispenses the health of these children. In order to check how it is organized the working process of the nurse in caring for these children in USFs as well as the difficulties found in the dynamics of this work, this research aimed to analyze the work processes of nurses in care Child Health in USFs, with emphasis on technologies used in producing care. This is a research exploratory and descriptive with qualitative approach, based on the theoretical reference in about Work Process and Composition Technique of Work. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews of 11 nurses who, at the moment, perform their functions for more than 01 year at USF. The guiding questions were based at theoretical reference. To analyze the results, was used the referential of content analysis, and was refer to thematic analysis. In situations that were involved closed questions of the interview, was used the aid of SPSS 15.0 program for Windows. The results indicated that the process of nurse work in health care of children, focuses on the preventive character, whose focus of the actions are healthy children, following the routines and protocols established by the Ministry of Health with a view to maintaining health them. When analyzing the data through theoretical references of Composition Technique of Work found that the core technologies of daily tasks of the nurse are directed for the use of technology soft-hard and hard, and the reason established between the Dead Working and Alive Working, there is prevalence of the first against the second in the production of this care. These situations contribute to the explanation of the emergence problems related to adhesion of mothers / caregivers to monitoring the CD, due to character prescriptive and normalizer of actions. The results also suggested the presence of "vanishing lines" in the make of nurses, confirming the self-governance of health professionals in daily work. These "vanishing lines" express the own execution of the Work Live in action, guided by the use of soft technologies, however, was not characterized as a process of technology transition. So, to get a better resolution to the problems related to child health, the nurse has reorganize your work process by focusing on the execution of work live in action.


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One of the Primary Health Care strategies for adolescent health is the growth and development follow-up and the early detection of overweight adolescents. Even though the School Health Program in Brazil proposes to evaluate the nutritional state of the school population in the corresponding community health units, not all cities have adhered to the Program and many nurses do not recognize overweight as a problem in their territory. The objective of the study was to identify the nurse´s participation in the screening of overweight adolescent students in their work territory. Cross sectional study conducted in eight state supported schools of the municipality of Natal/RN and in four Primary Health Units. The total student population was 27.277. A stratified sample was statistically calculated based on the student population of the four city geographical zones: 112 North , 74 West; 108 East; and 78 South, totalizing 372 adolescents. The students were selected by a probability process where eight schools were first selected, two per district, until the number per subsample in each district was reached. Four primary health nurses, responsible for the health units were included. Two instruments were used for data collection, a screening questionnaire and a semi-structured interview form for questioning of the nurses. The content of both instruments was validated. Anthropometric and health data were collected from the students and analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics. Interview data were transcribed and submitted to content analysis. The nursing diagnosis of overweight was identified in 50 (13,5%) of the adolescents and its association with consumption of foods that have cardiovascular risk (canned foods, pasta and fried food). An association of the nursing diagnosis was identified with family history (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and kidney disease). The nurses judged that care of overweight adolescents was important but noted difficulties because of the absence of this population in the health units, because of their work overload, and the lack of school articulation. The nurses do not have impacting actions with this population and delegate the responsibility to other professionals. It is concluded that overweight is a nutritional problem relevant to the adolescent school population in Natal/RN, with a 13,5% prevalence and that it is related to food consumption with cardiovascular risk and family health history. The nurses consider overweight as an important public health problem but do not envision ways to maintain linkage with adolescents and with the school to promote the needed care


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Estudo reflexivo com o objetivo de apresentar, na perspectiva da hermenêutica filosófica, elementos relevantes para o seguimento da saúde da criança em atenção primária à saúde. A assistência à saúde da criança tem como eixo norteador o processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento na infância, sendo fundamental conhecer as escolhas e tomadas de decisão das famílias, estimular a produção de narrativas, fortalecer virtudes e experiências cotidianas, contribuindo para enriquecer o cuidado e apreendê-lo numa perspectiva integradora, contingencial, longitudinal e suficientemente boa. O seguimento da criança pode ser tomado como uma tecnologia de cuidado em saúde que não pressupõe um saber a priori, mas remete a uma reconstrução de saberes e práticas com novas dimensões para a produção de cuidados.


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BRITO, Rosineide Santana de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; SOARES, Verônica Guedes. Lactação materna: a contribuição do pai. Revista Baiana de Enfermagem, Salvador, v.19/20,n.1-3, p.105-112, jan./dez. 2004,jan./dez. 2005.