994 resultados para Energia de fratura
o objetivo deste trabalho é a análise de barragens de gravidade de concreto desde a faseda sua construção até sua completa entrada em serviço. Inicialmente é feita a análise da fase construtiva, onde o problema fundamental é devido às tensões térmicas decorrentes do calor de hidratação. O método dos elementos finitos é empregado para a solução dos problemasde transferência de calor e de tensões. A influência da construção em camadas é introduzidaatravés da redefinição da malha de elementos finitos, logo após o lançamento de cadacamada de concreto. Uma atenção especial é dada ao problema de fissuração em estruturas de concreto simples.Algunsmodelos usuais são apresentados, discutindo-se a eficiência dos mesmos. Os modelosde fissuração distribuída têm sido preferidos, em virtude dos vários inconvenientes apresentados pelas formulações discretas. Esses modelos, entretanto, fornecem resultados dependentesda malha de elementos finitos e alguma consideração adicional deve ser feita para corrigiressas distorções. Normalmente, tenta-se corrigir esse problema através da adoção de umaresistênciaà tração minorada que é definida em função da energia de fratura do material. Neste trabalho, é demonstrado que esse procedimento não é satisfatório e é proposta uma novaformulaçãopara a análise de grandes estruturas de concreto. A análise das tensões na etapa de construção da barragem é feita com o emprego de um modelo constitutivo viscoelástico com envelhecimento para o concreto. Em virtude do envelhecimento,a matriz de rigidez da estrutura é variável no tempo, devendo ser redefinida e triangularizadaem cada instante. Isto leva a um grande esforço computacional, sobretudo, quandoa barragem é construída em muitas camadas. Para evitar esse inconveniente, adota-se um procedimento iterativo que permite que a matriz de rigidez seja redefinida em poucas idadesde referência. Numa segunda etapa da análise, a barragem é submetida à pressão hidrostática e a uma excitação sísmica. A análise dinâmica é realizada considerando-se o movimento do sistema acoplado barragem-reservatório-fundação. O sismo é considerado um processo estocásticonão estacionário e a segurança da estrutura é determinada em relação aos principais modos de falha
The cobalt-chromium alloy is extensively used in the Odontology for the confection of metallic scaffolding in partial removable denture. During the last few years, it has been reported an increasing number of premature imperfections, with a few months of prosthesis use. The manufacture of these components is made in prosthetic laboratories and normally involves recasting, using parts of casting alloy and parts of virgin alloy. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the mechanical properties of a commercial cobalt-chromium alloy of odontological use after successive recasting, searching information to guide the dental prosthesis laboratories in the correct manipulation of the cobalt-chromium alloy in the process of casting and the possible limits of recasting in the mechanical properties of this material. Seven sample groups were confectioned, each one containing five test bodies, divided in the following way: G1: casting only with virgin alloy; G2: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G1 + 50% of virgin alloy; G3: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G2 + 50% of virgin alloy; G4: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G3 + 50% of virgin alloy; G5: 50% of alloy of the G4 + 50% of virgin alloy; G6: 50% of alloy of the G5 + 50% of virgin alloy and finally the G7, only with recasting alloy. The modifications in the mechanical behavior of the alloy were evaluated. Moreover, it was carried the micro structural characterization of the material by optic and electronic scanning microscopy, and X ray diffraction.and fluorescence looking into the correlatation of the mechanical alterations with structural modifications of the material caused by successive recasting process. Generally the results showed alterations in the fracture energy of the alloy after successive recasting, resulting mainly of the increasing presence of pores and large voids, characteristic of the casting material. Thus, the interpretation of the results showed that the material did not reveal significant differences with respect to the tensile strength or elastic limit, as a function of successive recasting. The elastic modulus increased from the third recasting cycle on, indicating that the material can be recast only twice. The fracture energy of the material decreased, as the number of recasting cycles increased. With respect to the microhardness, the statistical analyses showedno significant differences. Electronic scanning microscopy revealed the presence of imperfections and defects, resulting of the recasting process. X ray diffraction and fluorescence did not show alterations in the composition of the alloy or the formation of crystalline phases between the analyzed groups. The optical micrographs showed an increasing number of voids and porosity as the material was recast. Therefore, the general conclusion of this study is that the successive recasting of of Co-Cr alloys affects the mechanical properties of the material, consequently leading to the failure of the prosthetic work. Based on the results, the best recommendadition is that the use of the material should be limited to two recasting cycles
Primary cementing is one of the main operations in well drilling responsible for the mechanical stability and zonal isolation during the production of oil. However, the cement sheath is constantly under mechanical stresses and temperature variations caused by the recovery of heavy oil. In order to minimize fracture and wear of the cement sheath, new admixtures are developed to improve the properties of Portland cement slurries and avoid environmental contamination caused by leaking gas and oil. Polymers with the ability to form polymeric films are candidates to improve the properties of hardened cement slurries, especially their fracture energy. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the addition of a chitosan suspension on cement slurries in order to improve the properties of the cement and increase its performance on heavy oil recovery. Chitosan was dissolved in acetic ac id (0.25 M and 2 M) and added to the formulation of the slurries in different concentrations. SEM analyses confirmed the formation of polymeric films in the cementitious matrix. Strength tests showed higher fracture energy compared to slurries without the addition of chitosan. The formation of the polymeric films also reduced the permeability of the slurry. Therefore, chitosan suspensions can be potentially used as cementing admixtures for heavy oil well applications
Geopolymers are cementing materials that depict a number of advantages compared to Portland cement. Contrary to the latter, geopolymers are synthesized at room temperature, thus significantly reducing the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. Moreover, the composition and synthesis reactions can be tailored to adjust the setting time of the material as well as its compressive mechanical strength. It is then possible to produce geopolymeric cements with short setting times and high compressive strength, although relatively brittle. The objective of the present study was to produce and characterize composite materials by reinforcing fastsetting geopolymeric matrixes with polypropylene geosynthetics (geomats and geotextiles) in an attempt to improve the toughness and tensile strength of the cementing material. Geosynthetics have been increasingly used to reinforce engineering structures, providing higher strength and better toughness. In particular, polypropylene nonwoven and geomats depict other attractive properties such as low density, durability, impact absorption and resistance to abrasion. Fast-setting geopolymers were then synthesized and reinforced with polypropylene nonwoven and geomats. The mechanical strength of the materials, reinforced or not, was characterized. The results showed that relatively short setting times and adequate flowing behavior were achieved by adjusting the composition of the geopolymer. In addition, it is possible to improve the fracture resistance of geopolymeric cements by adding polypropylene geosynthetics. The best results were achieved by reinforcing geopolymer with polypropylene TNT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The cobalt-chromium alloy is extensively used in the Odontology for the confection of metallic scaffolding in partial removable denture. During the last few years, it has been reported an increasing number of premature imperfections, with a few months of prosthesis use. The manufacture of these components is made in prosthetic laboratories and normally involves recasting, using parts of casting alloy and parts of virgin alloy. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the mechanical properties of a commercial cobalt-chromium alloy of odontological use after successive recasting, searching information to guide the dental prosthesis laboratories in the correct manipulation of the cobalt-chromium alloy in the process of casting and the possible limits of recasting in the mechanical properties of this material. Seven sample groups were confectioned, each one containing five test bodies, divided in the following way: G1: casting only with virgin alloy; G2: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G1 + 50% of virgin alloy; G3: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G2 + 50% of virgin alloy; G4: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G3 + 50% of virgin alloy; G5: 50% of alloy of the G4 + 50% of virgin alloy; G6: 50% of alloy of the G5 + 50% of virgin alloy and finally the G7, only with recasting alloy. The modifications in the mechanical behavior of the alloy were evaluated. Moreover, it was carried the micro structural characterization of the material by optic and electronic scanning microscopy, and X ray diffraction.and fluorescence looking into the correlatation of the mechanical alterations with structural modifications of the material caused by successive recasting process. Generally the results showed alterations in the fracture energy of the alloy after successive recasting, resulting mainly of the increasing presence of pores and large voids, characteristic of the casting material. Thus, the interpretation of the results showed that the material did not reveal significant differences with respect to the tensile strength or elastic limit, as a function of successive recasting. The elastic modulus increased from the third recasting cycle on, indicating that the material can be recast only twice. The fracture energy of the material decreased, as the number of recasting cycles increased. With respect to the microhardness, the statistical analyses showedno significant differences. Electronic scanning microscopy revealed the presence of imperfections and defects, resulting of the recasting process. X ray diffraction and fluorescence did not show alterations in the composition of the alloy or the formation of crystalline phases between the analyzed groups. The optical micrographs showed an increasing number of voids and porosity as the material was recast. Therefore, the general conclusion of this study is that the successive recasting of of Co-Cr alloys affects the mechanical properties of the material, consequently leading to the failure of the prosthetic work. Based on the results, the best recommendadition is that the use of the material should be limited to two recasting cycles
Primary cementing is one of the main operations in well drilling responsible for the mechanical stability and zonal isolation during the production of oil. However, the cement sheath is constantly under mechanical stresses and temperature variations caused by the recovery of heavy oil. In order to minimize fracture and wear of the cement sheath, new admixtures are developed to improve the properties of Portland cement slurries and avoid environmental contamination caused by leaking gas and oil. Polymers with the ability to form polymeric films are candidates to improve the properties of hardened cement slurries, especially their fracture energy. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the addition of a chitosan suspension on cement slurries in order to improve the properties of the cement and increase its performance on heavy oil recovery. Chitosan was dissolved in acetic ac id (0.25 M and 2 M) and added to the formulation of the slurries in different concentrations. SEM analyses confirmed the formation of polymeric films in the cementitious matrix. Strength tests showed higher fracture energy compared to slurries without the addition of chitosan. The formation of the polymeric films also reduced the permeability of the slurry. Therefore, chitosan suspensions can be potentially used as cementing admixtures for heavy oil well applications
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho apresenta o método dos elementos finitos em conjunto com métodos numéricos especificos para a solução de problemas de fratura. Esta é uma poderosa ferramenta para a análise de fraturas e soluções confiáveis são obtidas para problemas complexos de Engenharia tanto no campo linear como no não-linear. O elemento finito. implementado é do tipo isoparamétrico quadrâtico da família Serendipity. Com dois graus de liberdade por nó, permite discretizar em estado plano de tensão ou deformação estruturas com geometrias bastante variadas. Para a análise linear são implementadas quatro técnicas consagradas para a avaliação do fator de intensidade de tensão no modo I de fratura: extrapolação de doslocamentos (usando malha somente com elementos convencionais e malha mesclada com elementos especiais), taxa de liberação de energia de defermação, extensão virtual da trinca e o método da integral J, descartando-se neste caso a hipótese de descarregamento. A linguagem de programação adotada é o FORTRAN 77. A entrada de dados é feita por intermédio de arquivos previamente preparados. Os resultados obtidos são confrontados com resultados experimentais e computacionais fornecidos por outros programas. Analisam-se placas, estruturas de uso na indústria e simulam-se ensaios como o corpo de prova de flexão em três pontos e o corpo de prova de tensão. compacto.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de estudar a resistência à corrosão em placas de aço inoxidável 316L, com diferentes tipos de acabamento e tratamento superficial, e a possível interferência dessa reação corrosiva na consolidação óssea. Utilizaram-se placas semi-acabadas, polidas, tratadas com jatos de microesferas de vidro e passivadas, as quais foram aplicadas na epífise distal do rádio de cães. Foram utilizados 12 animais, divididos em dois grupos, nos quais, após osteotomia bilateral do rádio e ulna, foram realizadas osteossínteses do rádio, totalizando 24 procedimentos. Avaliou-se a evolução clínica e radiográfica das regiões que receberam os implantes aos 30, 60, 90, 180, 240 e 360 dias. Os animais do grupo 1 (GI) foram sacrificados aos 180 dias e os do GII aos 360 dias para estudo histológico e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura do local da osteotomia sob a região dos implantes metálicos e para estudo da resistência à corrosão no organismo, pelos implantes metálicos, por meio de análises química e metalográfica (microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de espalhamento de energia por raios X). Os animais recuperaram a função dos membros operados 24 horas após a cirurgia. Radiograficamente, verificou-se a consolidação óssea em todos os animais. Macro e microscopicamente não foram observados sinais de corrosão nos implantes metálicos, exceto em uma placa passivada, aplicada no rádio esquerdo de um animal, na qual a corrosão foi detectada pela microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Este estudo permite concluir que as placas de aço inoxidável 316L, independente do acabamento superficial a que foram submetidas, não sofreram corrosão ou reações adversas e foram efetivas no tratamento das fraturas experimentais do rádio e ulna de cães.
Hard metals are the composite developed in 1923 by Karl Schröter, with wide application because high hardness, wear resistance and toughness. It is compound by a brittle phase WC and a ductile phase Co. Mechanical properties of hardmetals are strongly dependent on the microstructure of the WC Co, and additionally affected by the microstructure of WC powders before sintering. An important feature is that the toughness and the hardness increase simultaneously with the refining of WC. Therefore, development of nanostructured WC Co hardmetal has been extensively studied. There are many methods to manufacture WC-Co hard metals, including spraying conversion process, co-precipitation, displacement reaction process, mechanochemical synthesis and high energy ball milling. High energy ball milling is a simple and efficient way of manufacturing the fine powder with nanostructure. In this process, the continuous impacts on the powders promote pronounced changes and the brittle phase is refined until nanometric scale, bring into ductile matrix, and this ductile phase is deformed, re-welded and hardened. The goal of this work was investigate the effects of highenergy milling time in the micro structural changes in the WC-Co particulate composite, particularly in the refinement of the crystallite size and lattice strain. The starting powders were WC (average particle size D50 0.87 μm) supplied by Wolfram, Berglau-u. Hutten - GMBH and Co (average particle size D50 0.93 μm) supplied by H.C.Starck. Mixing 90% WC and 10% Co in planetary ball milling at 2, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100 and 150 hours, BPR 15:1, 400 rpm. The starting powders and the milled particulate composite samples were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to identify phases and morphology. The crystallite size and lattice strain were measured by Rietveld s method. This procedure allowed obtaining more precise information about the influence of each one in the microstructure. The results show that high energy milling is efficient manufacturing process of WC-Co composite, and the milling time have great influence in the microstructure of the final particles, crushing and dispersing the finely WC nanometric order in the Co particles
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)