975 resultados para Endometrial cytology


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L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer un test d’estérase leucocytaire (LE) pour le diagnostic de l’endométrite subclinique chez les vaches Holstein en période postpartum. Les tests effectués à partir d’échantillons provenant soit de l’endomètre (UtLE) ou du col utérin (CxLE) ont été comparés à la cytologie endométriale (CE). Par ailleurs, deux méthodes d’évaluation des lames ont été comparées. Deux cent quatre vingt-cinq vaches Holstein de 5 troupeaux laitiers commerciaux ont été évaluées entre 21 et 47 jours en lait (JEL). Soixante sept vaches ont été diagnostiquées avec une endométrite clinique suite à un examen transrectal et vaginoscopique et ont été exclues de l’étude. Deux cent dix-huit vaches ont eu des prélèvements pour la CE et le test LE. La fonction ovarienne a été déterminée à la palpation transrectale. La banque de données utilisée pour chacune des vaches a été effectuée à partir du logiciel DSA (Dossier de Santé Animale) laitier. Le pourcentage de neutrophiles était significativement corrélé avec les scores de LE utérin et cervical. L’activité de CxLE et UtLE diminuait significativement avec les JEL, mais n’était pas associée au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n= 186). Le pourcentage de neutrophiles mesuré à la CE entre 32 et 47 JEL était associé significativement au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n=94, P=0.04). Pour la même période, selon une analyse de survie, les vaches avec >2,6% de neutrophiles à la CE étaient définies comme étant atteintes d’une endométrite subclinique avec une prévalence de 56%. Les résultats indiquent que le test d’estérase utérin ou cervical a une bonne concordance avec le pourcentage de neutrophiles à la CE. Une endométrite subclinique diagnostiquée par cytologie endometriale entre 32 et 47 JEL est associée à une réduction du risque de gestation au premier service.


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L’importance de la problématique des vaches laitières non gestantes avec multiples inséminations (› 3) communément appelées « Repeat Breeder » (RB), au Québec, repose sur deux facteurs: son incidence et son impact économique. Actuellement, l’incidence du syndrome RB au Québec est de ± 25% (Rapport annuel, juin 2008, www.dsahr.ca). Les pertes monétaires associées à ce problème proviennent des frais vétérinaires et d’insémination, de la diminution de productivité ainsi que des pertes en lien avec la réforme involontaire. Afin d’avoir de meilleures connaissances sur ce syndrome, nous devons connaître les facteurs de risques généraux impliqués et ensuite explorer la condition individuelle de ces vaches problèmes. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, une banque de données informatisées répertoriant 418 383 lactations fut analysée. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche était d’évaluer l’impact des problèmes reproducteurs post-partum et l’effet du nombre de lactations comme facteurs de risques de la vache Repeat Breeder. L’analyse a permis d’établir la dystocie comme étant la condition ayant le plus de conséquences sur la fertilité future. D’autres facteurs de risques à savoir le nombre de lactations influencent le pronostic reproducteur. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire consistait à explorer, à l’aide d’outils cliniques, la condition individuelle des vaches RB. Une étude cohorte fut menée sur des vaches Holstein en fin de période d’attente volontaire au jour 7 du cycle oestral. Les tests cliniques étudiés furent la vaginoscopie, l’examen transrectal, l’ultrasonographie du système reproducteur, la présence d’estérases leucocytaires, la bactériologie et la biochimie du liquide utérin, la cytologie endométriale et le profil de progestérone sérique. Les résultats de ces tests cliniques dévoilent que l’examen bactériologique du liquide utérin est révélateur du statut reproducteur futur.


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La reproduction est un pilier majeur de la productivité des fermes laitières. Dans ce contexte, il est pertinent d’identifier à l’avance les animaux à risque d’avoir des performances en reproduction sous-optimales, surtout si un traitement efficace est disponible pour améliorer ces performances. Les endométrites clinique et subclinique sont des conditions définies selon leur impact sur les performances en reproduction subséquentes et donc, des outils très intéressants de surveillance de la santé utérine. Le premier objectif de cette étude était de déterminer simultanément des seuils diagnostiques pour les endométrites clinique (diagnostiquée par le Metricheck) et subclinique (diagnostiquée par la cytologie endométriale ou par l’estérase leucocytaire) selon leur impact sur les performances en reproduction à la première saillie. L’écoulement vaginal purulent a été identifié comme seuil pour l’endométrite clinique, alors que les seuils identifiés pour l’endométrite subclinique ont été un pourcentage de polymorphonucléaires de 6% à la cytologie et une « forte quantité de leucocytes » à l’estérase leucocytaire. Le second objectif de l’étude était d’évaluer l’effet d’un traitement intra-utérin de céphapirine sur les performances à la première saillie des animaux sains et atteints d’endométrite. Aucun effet du traitement n’a été observé chez les vaches saines ou atteintes d’endométrite clinique, alors qu’une tendance à l’amélioration des performances a été associée au traitement chez celles atteintes d’endométrite subclinique. L’anovulation post-partum prolongée pourrait altérer l’efficacité du traitement de céphapirine, surtout chez les vaches atteintes d’endométrite clinique.


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The present study aimed to obtain information about the uterine inflammatory response (number of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes - PMNs) in bitches after artificial insemination (AI) and identify the uterine microflora present after the following treatments: insemination using semen with extender (n=6), insemination with fresh semen (n=6) and no inseminated (n=6). The percentage of PMNs on the endometrial surface and within histological sections was evaluated together with the presence of aerobic bacteria in the uterine lumen. For endometrial cytology, there was no significative difference on the number of inflammatory cells between bitches not inseminated (3.05 ± 1.74 PMNs) and those inseminated with fresh semen (3.55 ± 1.51 PMNs); There was a significative difference in both groups compared to the inseminated with semen plus extender (7.80 ± 1.67 PMNs) (p<0.05). Histology showed that there was no significative difference on the number of inflammatory cells between bitches not inseminated (87.72 ± 35.2 PMNs) and those inseminated with fresh semen (122.97 ± 43.31 PMNs); however, it was observed differences in both groups compared to those inseminated with semen plus extender (171.94 ± 42.74 PMNs) (p<0.05). Eight animals, randomly distributed in the groups, showed the presence of Staphylococcus sp and Proteus sp., in the microbiological exam. The extender for semen, with Tris, is a potent inducer of uterine inflammation, and positive uterine cultures may be obtained during estrus without inflammation or uterine infection.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Reproductive diseases are a great barrier to dairy production, as they diminish fertility and cause economic loss. In this context, endometritis plays an important role. Different diagnostic techniques exist for endometritis that vary in sensitivity and specificity. This work aimed to evaluate and compare ultrasonographic and histopathological examinations, and combinations thereof, for the diagnosis of endometritis by determining their sensitivity, specificity, and kappa agreement coefficients using endometrial cytology as the gold standard. We developed an adaptive reading score to perform histological examination of the uterus. In this study, 76 Holstein-Friesian cows, 21 to 47 d postpartum, without vaginal catarrh were submitted to gynecological examinations, including ultrasonographic examination, an endometrial cytology examination, and a uterine biopsy. Our results indicate that ultrasonography is a practical and effective diagnostic method, and a combination of the determination of intrauterine fluid and cervical diameter was the most efficient ultrasonographic method, with 50% sensitivity and 88% specificity. Histopathological examination was a useful diagnostic method that provided rich detail on endometrial inflammation, and allowed evaluation of different components of the tissue such as the epithelium, lamina propria, endometrial glands, and blood vessels; this method had 44% sensitivity and 92% specificity for diagnosis of endometritis.


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Peritoneal washing cytology (PWC) is a useful indicator of ovarian surface involvement and peritoneal dissemination by ovarian tumours. It may identify subclinical peritoneal spread and thus provide valuable staging and prognostic information, particularly for non-serous ovarian tumours. The role of PWC as a prognostic indicator for endometrial carcinoma is less clear, due in part to the questionable significance of identifying endometrial tumour cells in the peritoneum. Detection of metastatic carcinoma in PWC is based on recognition of non-mesothelial cell characteristics, however a number of conditions such as reactive mesothelial cells, endometriosis and endosalpingiosis may mimic this appearance. Cells from these conditions may have a similar presentation in PWC to that of serous borderline tumours and low grade serous carcinoma. The presence of cilia, lack of single atypical cells, prominent cytoplasmic vacuolation, marked nuclear atypia or two distinct cell populations are features favouring a benign process. Attention to these features along with close correlation with clinical history and the results of surgical pathology should help avoid errors. Additional assistance may be provided by the use of cell blocks and special stains.


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Endometrial stromal sarcoma is a rare neoplasm of the uterus. Extrauterine locations of this neoplasm, excluding metastases or local extension, are even more unusual and are usually associated with the presence of endometriosis. The authors report a case of endometrial stromal sarcoma presenting as a vaginal wall nodule, without any sign of primary uterine tumor after extensive evaluation or presence of endometriosis. The morphology, immunohistochemical profile, differential diagnoses, and pathogenesis are discussed, as well as a review of the literature on this issue. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: The two-stage Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) versus Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (TAH) for stage I endometrial cancer (LACE) randomised controlled trial was initiated in 2005. The primary objective of stage 1 was to assess whether TLH results in equivalent or improved QoL up to 6 months after surgery compared to TAH. The primary objective of stage 2 was to test the hypothesis that disease-free survival at 4.5 years is equivalent for TLH and TAH. Results addressing the primary objective of stage 1 of the LACE trial are presented here. Methods: The first 361 LACE participants (TAH n= 142, TLH n=190) were enrolled in the QoL substudy at 19 centres across Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong, and 332 completed the QoL analysis. Randomisation was performed centrally and independently from other study procedures via a computer generated, web-based system (providing concealment of the next assigned treatment) using stratified permuted blocks of 3 and 6, and assigned patients with histologically confirmed stage 1 endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma and ECOG performance status <2 to TLH or TAH stratified by histological grade and study centre. No blinding of patients or study personnel was attempted. QoL was measured at baseline, 1 and 4 weeks (early), and 3 and 6 months (late) after surgery using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) questionnaire. The primary endpoint was the difference between the groups in QoL change from baseline at early and late time points (a 5% difference was considered clinically significant). Analysis was performed according to the intention-to-treat principle using generalized estimating equations on differences from baseline for the early and late QoL recovery. The LACE trial is registered with clinicaltrials.gov (NCT00096408) and the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (CTRN12606000261516). Patients for both stages of the trial have now been recruited and are being followed up for disease-specific outcomes. Findings: The proportion of missing values at the 5%, 10% 15% and 20% differences in the FACT-G scale was 6% (12/190) in the TLH and 14% (20/142) in the TAH group. There were 8/332 conversions (2.4%, 7 of which were from TLH to TAH). In the early phase of recovery, patients undergoing TLH reported significantly greater improvement of QoL from baseline compared to TAH in all subscales except the emotional and social well-being subscales. Improvements in QoL up to 6 months post-surgery continued to favour TLH except for the emotional and social well-being of the FACT and the visual analogue scale of the EuroQoL five dimensions (EuroQoL-VAS). Length of operating time was significantly longer in the TLH group (138±43 mins), than in the TAH group at (109±34 mins; p=0.001). While the proportion of intraoperative adverse events was similar between the treatment groups (TAH 8/142, 5.6%; TLH 14/190, 7.4%; p=0.55), postoperatively, twice as many patients in the TAH group experienced adverse events of CTC grade 3+ than in the TLH group (33/142, 23.2% and 22/190, 11.6%, respectively; p=0.004). Postoperative serious adverse events occurred more frequently in patients who had a TAH (27/142, 19.0%) than a TLH (15/190, 7.9%) (p=0.002). Interpretation: QoL improvements from baseline during early and later phases of recovery, and the adverse event profile significantly favour TLH compared to TAH for patients treated for Stage I endometrial cancer.


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KRAS activation and PTEN inactivation are frequent events in endometrial tumorigenesis, occurring in 10% to 30% and 26% to 80% of endometrial cancers, respectively. Because we have recently shown activating mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) in 16% of endometrioid endometrial cancers, we sought to determine the genetic context in which FGFR2 mutations occur. Analysis of 116 primary endometrioid endometrial cancers revealed that FGFR2 and KRAS mutations were mutually exclusive, whereas FGFR2 mutations were seen concomitantly with PTEN mutations. Here, we show that shRNA knockdown of FGFR2 or treatment with a pan-FGFR inhibitor, PD173074, resulted in cell cycle arrest and induction of cell death in endometrial cancer cells with activating mutations in FGFR2. This cell death in response to FGFR2 inhibition occurred within the context of loss-of-function mutations in PTEN and constitutive AKT phosphorylation, and was associated with a marked reduction in extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 activation. Together, these data suggest that inhibition of FGFR2 may be a viable therapeutic option in endometrial tumors possessing activating mutations in FGFR2, despite the frequent abrogation of PTEN in this cancer type.


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Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynecological malignancy in the United States. Although most women present with early disease confined to the uterus, the majority of persistent or recurrent tumors are refractory to current chemotherapies. We have identified a total of 11 different FGFR2 mutations in 3/10 (30%) of endometrial cell lines and 19/187 (10%) of primary uterine tumors. Mutations were seen primarily in tumors of the endometrioid histologic subtype (18/115 cases investigated, 16%). The majority of the somatic mutations identified were identical to germline activating mutations in FGFR2 and FGFR3 that cause Apert Syndrome, Beare-Stevenson Syndrome, hypochondroplasia, achondroplasia and SADDAN syndrome. The two most common somatic mutations identified were S252W (in eight tumors) and N550K (in five samples). Four novel mutations were identified, three of which are also likely to result in receptor gain-of-function. Extensive functional analyses have already been performed on many of these mutations, demonstrating they result in receptor activation through a variety of mechanisms. The discovery of activating FGFR2 mutations in endometrial carcinoma raises the possibility of employing anti-FGFR molecularly targeted therapies in patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial carcinoma.


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Although molecularly targeted therapies have been effective in some cancer types, no targeted therapy is approved for use in endometrial cancer. The recent identification of activating mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) in endometrial tumors has generated a new avenue for the development of targeted therapeutic agents. The majority of the mutations identified are identical to germline mutations in FGFR2 and FGFR3 that cause craniosynostosis and hypochondroplasia syndromes and result in both ligand-independent and ligand-dependent receptor activation. Mutations that predominantly occur in the endometrioid subtype of endometrial cancer, are mutually exclusive with KRAS mutation, but occur in the presence of PTEN abrogation. In vitro studies have shown that endometrial cancer cell lines with activating FGFR2 mutations are selectively sensitive to a pan-FGFR inhibitor, PD173074. Several agents with activity against FGFRs are currently in clinical trials. Investigation of these agents in endometrial cancer patients with activating FGFR2 mutations is warranted.