444 resultados para Endocytosis


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Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) are prime regulators of IGF-action in numerous cell types including the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The RPE performs several functions essential for vision, including growth factor secretion and waste removal via a phagocytic process mediated in part by vitronectin (Vn). In the course of studying the effects of IGFBPs on IGF-mediated VEGF secretion and Vn-mediated phagocytosis in the RPE cell line ARPE-19, we have discovered that these cells avidly ingest synthetic microspheres (2.0 μm diameter) coated with IGFBPs. Given the novelty of this finding and the established role for endocytosis in mediating IGFBP actions in other cell types, we have explored the potential role of candidate cell surface receptors. Moreover, we have examined the role of key IGFBP structural motifs, by comparing responses to three members of the IGFBP family (IGFBP-3, IGFBP-4 and IGFBP-5) which display overlapping variations in primary structure and glycosylation status. Coating of microspheres (FluoSpheres®, sulfate modified polystyrene filled with a fluorophore) was conducted at 37 °C for 1 h using 20 μg/mL of test protein, followed by extensive washing. Binding of proteins was confirmed using a microBCA assay. The negative control consisted of microspheres treated with 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA), and all test samples were post-treated with BSA in an effort to coat any remaining free protein binding sites, which might otherwise encourage non-specific interactions with the cell surface. Serum-starved cultures of ARPE-19 cells were incubated with microspheres for 24 h, using a ratio of approximately 100 microspheres per cell. Uptake of microspheres was quantified using a fluorometer and was confirmed visually by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The ARPE-19 cells displayed little affinity for BSA-treated microspheres, but avidly ingested large quantities of those pre-treated with Vn (ANOVA; p < 0.001). Strong responses were also observed towards recombinant formulations of non-glycosylated IGFBP-3, glycosylated IGFBP-3 and glycosylated IGFBP-5 (all p < 0.001), while glycosylated IGFBP-4 induced a relatively minor response (p < 0.05). The response to IGFBP-3 was unaffected in the presence of excess soluble IGFBP-3, IGF-I or Vn. Likewise, soluble IGFBP-3 did not induce uptake of BSA-treated microspheres. Antibodies to either the transferrin receptor or type 1 IGF-receptor displayed slight inhibitory effects on responses to IGFBPs and Vn. Heparin abolished responses to Vn, IGFBP-5 and non-glycosylated IGFBP-3, but only partially inhibited the response to glycosylated IGFBP-3. Our results demonstrate for the first time IGFBP-mediated endocytosis in ARPE-19 cells and suggest roles for the IGFBP-heparin-binding domain and glycosylation status. These findings have important implications for understanding the mechanisms of IGFBP actions on the RPE, and in particular suggest a role for IGFBP-endocytosis.


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Abstract Opioid drugs, such as morphine, are among the most effective analgesics available. However, their utility for the treatment of chronic pain is limited by side effects including tolerance and dependence. Morphine acts primarily through the mu-opioid receptor (MOP-R) , which is also a target of endogenous opioids. However, unlike endogenous ligands, morphine fails to promote substantial receptor endocytosis both in vitro, and in vivo. Receptor endocytosis serves at least two important functions in signal transduction. First, desensitization and endocytosis act as an "off" switch by uncoupling receptors from G protein. Second, endocytosis functions as an "on" switch, resensitizing receptors by recycling them to the plasma membrane. Thus, both the off and on function of the MOP-R are altered in response to morphine compared to endogenous ligands. To examine whether the low degree of endocytosis induced by morphine contributes to tolerance and dependence, we generated a knockin mouse that expresses a mutant MOP-R that undergoes morphine-induced endocytosis. Morphine remains an excellent antinociceptive agent in these mice. Importantly, these mice display substantially reduced antinociceptive tolerance and physical dependence. These data suggest that opioid drugs with a pharmacological profile similar to morphine but the ability to promote endocytosis could provide analgesia while having a reduced liability for promoting tolerance and dependence


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With the advent of live cell imaging microscopy, new types of mathematical analyses and measurements are possible. Many of the real-time movies of cellular processes are visually very compelling, but elementary analysis of changes over time of quantities such as surface area and volume often show that there is more to the data than meets the eye. This unit outlines a geometric modeling methodology and applies it to tubulation of vesicles during endocytosis. Using these principles, it has been possible to build better qualitative and quantitative understandings of the systems observed, as well as to make predictions about quantities such as ligand or solute concentration, vesicle pH, and membrane trafficked. The purpose is to outline a methodology for analyzing real-time movies that has led to a greater appreciation of the changes that are occurring during the time frame of the real-time video microscopy and how additional quantitative measurements allow for further hypotheses to be generated and tested.


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Constitutive albumin uptake by the proximal tubule is achieved by a receptor-mediated process in which the Cl– channel, ClC-5, plays an obligate role. Here we investigated the functional interaction between ClC-5 and ubiquitin ligases Nedd4 and Nedd4-2 and their role in albumin uptake in opossum kidney proximal tubule (OK) cells. In vivo immunoprecipitation using an anti-HECT antibody demonstrated that ClC-5 bound to ubiquitin ligases, whereas glutathione S-transferase pull-downs confirmed that the C terminus of ClC-5 bound both Nedd4 and Nedd4-2. Nedd4-2 alone was able to alter ClC-5 currents in Xenopus oocytes by decreasing cell surface expression of ClC-5. In OK cells, a physiological concentration of albumin (10 μg/ml) rapidly increased cell surface expression of ClC-5, which was also accompanied by the ubiquitination of ClC-5. Albumin uptake was reduced by inhibiting either the lysosome or proteasome. Total levels of Nedd4-2 and proteasome activity also increased rapidly in response to albumin. Overexpression of ligase defective Nedd4-2 or knockdown of endogenous Nedd4-2 with small interfering RNA resulted in significant decreases in albumin uptake. In contrast, pathophysiological concentrations of albumin (100 and 1000 μg/ml) reduced the levels of ClC-5 and Nedd4-2 and the activity of the proteasome to the levels seen in the absence of albumin. These data demonstrate that normal constitutive uptake of albumin by the proximal tubule requires Nedd4-2, which may act via ubiquitination to shunt ClC-5 into the endocytic pathway.


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Recent studies in drug development have shown that curcumin can be a good competent due to its improved anticancer, antioxidant, anti-proliferative, and anti-inflammatory activities. A detailed real time characterization of drug (curcumin)-cell interaction is carried out in human nasopharyngeal cancer cells using atomic force microscopy. Nanocurcumin shows an enhanced uptake over micron sized drugs attributed to the receptor mediated route. Cell membrane stiffness plays a critical role in the drug endocytosis in nasopharyngeal cancer cells. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3653388]


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The coupling of endocytosis and exocytosis underlies fundamental biological processes ranging from fertilization to neuronal activity and cellular polarity. However, the mechanisms governing the spatial organization of endocytosis and exocytosis require clarification. Using a quantitative imaging-based screen in budding yeast, we identified 89 mutants displaying defects in the localization of either one or both pathways. High-resolution single-vesicle tracking revealed that the endocytic and exocytic mutants she4 Delta and bud6 Delta alter post-Golgi vesicle dynamics in opposite ways. The endocytic and exocytic pathways display strong interdependence during polarity establishment while being more independent during polarity maintenance. Systems analysis identified the exocyst complex as a key network hub, rich in genetic interactions with endocytic and exocytic components. Exocyst mutants displayed altered endocytic and post-Golgi vesicle dynamics and interspersed endocytic and exocytic domains compared with control cells. These data are consistent with an important role for the exocyst in coordinating endocytosis and exocytosis.


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Humans infected with Bordetella pertussis, the whooping cough bacterium, show evidences of impaired host defenses. This pathogenic bacterium produces a unique adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) which enters human phagocytes and catalyzes the unregulated formation of cAMP, hampering important bactericidal functions of these immune cells that eventually cause cell death by apoptosis and/or necrosis. Additionally, ACT permeabilizes cells through pore formation in the target cell membrane. Recently, we demonstrated that ACT is internalised into macrophages together with other membrane components, such as the integrin CD11b/CD18 (CR3), its receptor in these immune cells, and GM1. The goal of this study was to determine whether ACT uptake is restricted to receptor-bearing macrophages or on the contrary may also take place into cells devoid of receptor and gain more insights on the signalling involved. Here, we show that ACT is rapidly eliminated from the cell membrane of either CR3-positive as negative cells, though through different entry routes, which depends in part, on the target cell physiology and characteristics. ACT-induced Ca2+ influx and activation of non-receptor Tyr kinases into the target cell appear to be common master denominators in the different endocytic strategies activated by this toxin. Very importantly, we show that, upon incubation with ACT, target cells are capable of repairing the cell membrane, which suggests the mounting of an anti-toxin cell repair-response, very likely involving the toxin elimination from the cell surface.


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A folate-conjugated copolymer PEG-PLA-PLL/folate was synthesized and mixed with pure PEG-PLA-PLL and a fluorescent model drug mFITC to prepare folate-conjugated micelles. The distribution of micelles was studied on cancer-cell-bearing mice via frozen slicing. The results show that mFITC is successfully encapsulated into folate(+) and folate(-)micelles; PEG-PLA-PLL micelles the latter can be internalized by both HeLa and CHO cells without selectivity due to their cationic surface charges, while folate(+)micelles exhibit more preferential endocytosis by HeLa cells than by CHO cells. The folate(-)micelles showed retention in both organs and tumors. The folate(+)micelles are a promising active targeting drug delivery system for FR over-expressing cells and they accumulate in tumor beds.


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Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is a transmembrane protein found on the surface of vascular endothelial cells (ECs). Its expression is upregulated at inflammatory sites, allowing for targeted delivery of therapeutics using ICAM-1-binding drug carriers. Engagement of multiple copies of ICAM-1 by these drug carriers induces cell adhesion molecule (CAM)-mediated endocytosis, which results in trafficking of carriers to lysosomes and across ECs. Knowledge about the regulation behind CAM-mediated endocytosis can help improve drug delivery, but questions remain about these regulatory mechanisms. Furthermore, little is known about the natural function of this endocytic pathway. To address these gaps in knowledge, we focused on two natural binding partners of ICAM-1 that potentially elicit CAM-mediated endocytosis: leukocytes (which bind ICAM-1 via β2 integrins) and fibrin polymers (a main component of blood clots which binds ICAM-1 via the γ3 sequence). First, inspired by properties of these natural binding partners, we varied the size and targeting moiety of model drug carriers to determine how these parameters affect CAM-mediated endocytosis. Increasing ICAM-1-targeted carrier size slowed carrier uptake kinetics, reduced carrier trafficking to lysosomes, and increased carrier transport across ECs. Changing targeting moieties from antibodies to peptides decreased particle binding and uptake, lowered trafficking to lysosomes, and increased transport across ECs. Second, using cell culture models of leukocyte/EC interactions, inhibiting regulatory elements of the CAM-mediated pathway disrupted leukocyte sampling, a process crucial to leukocyte crossing of endothelial layers (transmigration). This inhibition also decreased leukocyte transmigration across ECs, specifically through the transcellular route, which occurs through a single EC without disassembly of cell-cell junctions. Third, fibrin meshes, which mimic blood clot fragments/remnants, bound to ECs at ICAM-1-enriched sites and were internalized by the endothelium. Inhibiting the CAM-mediated pathway disrupted this uptake. Following endocytosis, fibrin meshes trafficked to lysosomes where they were degraded. In mouse models, CAM-mediated endocytosis of fibrin meshes appeared to remove fibrin remnants at the endothelial surface, preventing re-initiation of the coagulation cascade. Overall, these results support a link between CAM-mediated endocytosis and leukocyte transmigration as well as uptake of fibrin materials by ECs. Furthermore, these results will guide the future design of ICAM-1-targeted carrier-assisted therapies.


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BACKGROUND: Several physiological studies in recent years have convincingly demonstrated increased clearance of intravascular protein tracers by several different tissues, including the retina, during early diabetes and galactosemia in the rat. This change has been described as a consequence of increased permeation, although vascular leakage has not been demonstrated, and the fate of such tracers remains unelucidated. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A pilot study in this laboratory showed no evidence of vascular leakage but suggested increased endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) by retinal vascular endothelial cells (RVECs) in early diabetes. We therefore quantified RVEC endocytosis in normal, streptozotocin (STZ)-treated nondiabetic and STZ-diabetic rats using the design-based stereology method of "vertical sections." A duration of diabetes (6 weeks) was chosen to approximate the time period in which other workers have demonstrated increased protein permeation of the retina. RESULTS: After a 20-minute exposure to the tracer, HRP reaction product was observed in small vesicular and tubular endosomes and larger multivesicular bodies of the RVECs. Stereological analysis revealed a 6.5-fold increase in the volume of HRP-containing organelles in the RVECs of diabetic rats compared with STZ-treated nondiabetics or normal controls. None of the animals in this study showed HRP reaction product outside the retinal vascular endothelium. CONCLUSIONS: A highly significant increase in RVEC endocytosis occurs in early diabetes. Increased RVEC endocytosis may contribute to the observed clearance of intravascular protein tracers by the retina during early diabetes.


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We sought to determine if hyperglycaemia is responsible for increased retinal vascular endothelial-cell (RVEC) endocytosis in diabetes and to assess the role of nonenzymatic glycosylation in mediation of this novel endothelial-cell pathology. RVECs were propagated in media containing either 5 or 25 mmol/l glucose for up to 10 days after which they were exposed to the protein tracer horseradish peroxidase for 30 min. The level of RVEC endocytosis was quantified in intact cell monolayers by electron microscopic stereology, and in cell lysates by a simple spectrophotometric method. The effect of the nonenzymatic glycosylation inhibitors, aminoguanidine and D-lysine, on high-glucose medium induced changes in RVEC endocytosis was tested by inclusion of these agents in the culture medium. RVECs exposed to 25 mmol/l glucose showed a stepwise increase in endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase culminating in a two- to threefold increase after 10 days. Endocytosis returned to normal levels after a further 10 days in 5 mmol/l glucose medium. The increase in RVEC endocytosis was markedly reduced, but not completely normalised, by aminoguanidine and D-lysine. Exposure of cultured RVECs to 25 mmol/l glucose causes an increase in endocytosis of similar magnitude to that experienced by RVEC in early diabetes, and implicates hyperglycaemia in the latter situation. A significant component of the increase in RVEC endocytosis appears to be mediated by nonenzymatic glycosylation.


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PURPOSE: The authors investigated the receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) and intracellular trafficking of insulin and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in cultured retinal vascular endothelial cells (RVECs). METHODS: Low-density lipoprotein and insulin were conjugated to 10 nm colloidal gold, and these ligands were added to cultured bovine RVECs for 20 minutes at 4 degrees C. The cultures were then warmed to 37 degrees C and fixed after incubation times between 30 seconds and 1 hour. Control cells were incubated with unconjugated gold colloid at times and concentrations similar to those of the ligands. Additional control cells were exposed to several concentrations of anti-insulin receptor antibody or a saturating solution of unconjugated insulin before incubation with gold insulin. RESULTS: Using transmission electron microscopy, insulin gold and LDL gold were both observed at various stages of RME. Insulin-gold particles were first seen to bind to the apical plasma membrane (PM) before clustering in clathrin-coated pits and internalization in coated vesicles. Gold was later visualized in uncoated cytoplasmic vesicles, corresponding to early endosomes and multivesicular bodies (MVBs) or late endosomes. In several instances, localized regions of the limiting membrane of the MVBs appeared coated, a feature of endosomal membranes not previously described. After RME at the apical PM and passage through the endosomal system, the greater part of both insulin- and LDL-gold conjugates was seen to accumulate in large lysosome-like compartments. However, a small but significant proportion of the internalized ligands was transcytosed and released as discrete membrane-associated quanta at the basal cell surface. The uptake of LDL gold was greatly increased in highly vacuolated, late-passage RVECs. In controls, anti-insulin receptor antibody and excess unconjugated insulin caused up to 89% inhibition in gold-insulin binding and internalization. CONCLUSION: These results illustrate the internalization and intracellular trafficking by RVECs of insulin and LDL through highly efficient RME, and they provide evidence for at least two possible fates for the endocytosed ligands. This study outlines a route by which vital macromolecules may cross the inner blood-retinal barrier.