999 resultados para Enantioselective analysis
An enantioselective method using liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) followed by HPLC analysis was developed for the determination of oxybutynin (OXY) and its major metabolite N-desethyloxybutynin (DEO) in rat liver microsomal fraction. The LPME procedure was optimized using multifactorial experiments. Under the optimal extraction conditions, the mean recoveries were 61 and 55% for (R)-OXY and (S)-OXY, respectively. and 70 and 76% for (R)-DEO and (S)-DEO, respectively. The validated method was employed to an in vitro biotransformation study using rat liver microsomal fraction. The results demonstrated the enantioselective biotransformation of OXY. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A simple and rapid method, which involves liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) followed by HPLC analysis using Chiralpak AD column and UV detection, was developed for the enantioselective determination of mefloquine in plasma samples. Several factors that influence the efficiency of three-phase LPME were investigated and optimized. Under the optimal extraction conditions, the mean recoveries were 33.2 and 35.0% for (-)-(SR-)-mefloquine and (+)-(RS)-mefloquine, respectively. The method was linear over 50-1500 ng/ml range. Within-day and between-day assay precision and accuracy were below 15% for both enantiomers at concentrations of 150, 600 and 1200 ng/ml. Furthermore, no racemization or degradation were seen with the method described. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A high-performance liquid chromatographic method with triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (LC-MS-MS) was developed and validated for the first time for the simultaneous quantification of zopiclone and its metabolites in rat plasma samples. The analytes were isolated from rat plasma by liquid-liquid extraction and separated using a chiral stationary phase based on an amylose derivative, Chiralpak ADR-H column, and ethanol-methanol-acetonitrile (50:45:5, v/v/v) plus 0.025% diethylamine as the mobile phase, at a flow-rate of 1.0 mL min(-1). Moclobemide was used as the internal standard. The developed method was linear over the concentration range of 7.5-500 ng mL(-1). The mean absolute recoveries were 74.6 and 75.7; 61.6 and 56.9; 72.5, and 70.7 for zopiclone enantiomers, for N-desmethyl zopiclone enantiomers and for zopiclone-N-oxide enantiomers, respectively, and 75.9 for the internal standard. Precision and accuracy were within acceptable levels of confidence (<15%). The method application in a pilot study of zopiclone kinetic disposition in rats showed that the levels of (+)-(S)-zopiclone were always higher than those of (-)-R-zopiclone. Higher concentrations were also observed for (+)-(S)-N-desmethyl zopiclone and (+)-(S)-N-oxide zopiclone, confirming the stereoselective disposition of zopiclone.
A three-phase liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) method using porous polypropylene hollow fibre membrane with a sealed end was developed for the extraction of mirtazapine (MRT) and its two major metabolites, 8-hydroxymirtazapine (8-OHM) and demethylmirtazapine (DMR), from human plasma. The analytes were extracted from 1.0 mL of plasma, previously diluted and alkalinized with 3.0 mL 0.5 mol L-1 pH 8 phosphate buffer solution and supplemented with 15% sodium chloride (NaCl), using n-hexyl ether as organic solvent and 0.01 moL L-1 acetic acid solution as the acceptor phase. Haloperidol was used as internal standard. The chromatographic analyses were carried out on a chiral column, using acetonitrile-methanol-ethanol (98:1:1, v/v/v) plus 0.2% diethylamine as mobile phase, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min(-1). Multi-reaction monitoring (MRM) detection was performed by mass spectrometry (MS-MS) using a triple-stage quadrupole and electrospray ionization interface operating in the positive ion mode. The mean recoveries were in 18.3-45.5% range with linear responses over the 1.25-125 ng mL(-1) concentration range for all enantiomers evaluated. The quantification limit (LOQ) was 1.25 ng mL(-1). Within-day and between-day assay precision and accuracy (2.5, 50 and 100 ng mL(-1)) showed relative standard deviation and the relative error lower than 11.9% for all enantiomers evaluated. Finally, the method was successfully used for the determination of mirtazapine and its metabolite enantiomers in plasma samples obtained after single drug administration of mirtazapine to a healthy volunteer. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A selective and reproducible off-line solid-phase microextraction procedure was developed for the simultaneous enantioselective determination of mirtazapine (MRT), demethylmirtazapine and 8-hydroxymirtazapine in human urine. CE was used for optimization of the extraction procedure whereas LC-MS was used for method validation and application. The influence of important factors in the solid-phase microextraction efficiency is discussed, such as the fiber coatings, extraction time, pH, ionic strength, temperature and desorption time. Before extraction, human urine samples were submitted to enzymatic hydrolysis at 37 degrees C for 16 h. Then, the enzyme was precipitated with trichloroacetic acid and the pH was adjusted to 8 with 1 mol/L pH 11 phosphate buffer solution. In the extraction, the analytes were transferred from the aqueous solution to the polydimethylsiloxane-divinylbenzene fiber coating and then desorbed in methanol. The mean recoveries were 5.4, 1.7 and 1.0% for MRT, demethylmirtazapine and 8-hydroxymirtazapine enantiomers, respectively. The method was linear over the concentration range of 62-1250 ng/mL. The within-day and between-day assay precision and accuracy were lower than 15%. The method was successfully employed in a preliminary cumulative urinary excretion study after administration of racemic MRT to a healthy volunteer.
A liquid chromatography method is described for the analysis of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine enantiomers in fungi cultures. The analytes were separated simultaneously by LC employing a serial system. The resolution was performed using a mobile phase of ethanol: 15 mM ammonium acetate buffer solution, pH 5.9: acetonitrile (77.5:17.5:5, v/v/v). UV detection was at 227 nm. Hexane: isoamyl alcohol (98:2, v/v) was used as extractor solvent. The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 12.5-3,750 ng mL(-1) (r a parts per thousand yen 0.996). The values for intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy were a parts per thousand currency sign10% for all analytes. The validated method was used to evaluate fluoxetine biotransformation to its mammalian metabolite, norfluoxetine, by selected endophytic fungi. Although the desired biotransformation was not observed in the conditions used here, the method could be used to evaluate the biotransformation of fluoxetine by other fungi or to be extended to other matrices with adequate procedures for sample preparation.
A CE method is described for the enantioselective analysis of propranolol (Prop) and 4-hydroxypropranolol (4-OH-Prop) in liquid Czapek medium with application in the study of the enantioselective biotransformation of Prop by endophytic fungi. The electrophoretic conditions previously optimized were as follows: an uncoated fused-silica capillary, 4%w/v carboxymethyl-beta-CD in 25 mmol/L triethylamine/phosphoric acid (H(3)PO(4)) buffer at pH 9 as running electrolyte and 17 kV of voltage. UV detection was carried out at 208 nm. Liquid-liquid extraction using diethyl ether: ethyl acetate (1:1 v/v) as extractor solvent was employed for sample preparation. The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 0.25-10.0 mu g/mL for each 4-OH-Prop enantiomer and 0.10-10.0 mu g/mL for each Prop enantiomer (r >= 0.995). Within-day and between-day relative standard deviations and relative errors for precision and accuracy were lower than 15% for all the enantiomers. Finally, the validated method was used to evaluate Prop biotransformation in its mammalian metabolite 4-OH-Prop by some selected endophytic fungi. The screening of five strains of endophytic fungi was performed and all of them could biotransform Prop to some extent. Specifically, Glomerella cingulata (VA1) biotransformed 47.8% of (-)-(S)-Prop to (-)-(S)-4-OH-Prop with no formation of (+)-(R)4-OH-Prop in 72 h of incubation.
A simple enantioselective method for the determination of praziquantel (PZQ) and trans-4-hydroxypraziquantel (4-OHPZQ) in human plasma was developed and validated by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. The plasma samples were prepared by liquid-liquid extraction using a mixture of methyl-tert-butylether/dichloromethane (2:1, v/v) as extraction solvent. The direct resolution of PZQ and 4-OHPZQ enantiomers was performed on a Chiralpak AD column using hexane-isopropanol (75:25, v/v) as the mobile phase. Diazepam was used as internal standard. The method described here is simple and reproducible. The quantitation limit of 1.25 ng/ml for each PZQ enantiomer and of 12.5 ng/ml for each 4-OHPZQ enantiomer permits the use of the method in studies investigating the kinetic disposition of a single dose of 1.5g racemic PZQ. Enantioselectivity in the kinetic disposition of PZQ and 4-OHPZQ was observed in the clinical study. with the demonstration of a higher proportion of the (+)-(S)-PZQ and (-)-(R)-4-OHPZQ enantiomers in plasma. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study describes the enantioselective analysis of unbound and total concentrations of tramadol and its main metabolites O-desmethyltramadol (M1) and N-desmethyltramadol (M2) in human plasma. Sample preparation was preceded by an ultrafiltration step to separate the unbound drug. Both the ultrafiltrate and plasma samples were submitted to liquid/liquid extraction with methyl t-butyl ether. Separation was performed on a Chiralpak (R) AD column and tandem mass spectrometry consisting of an electrospray ionization source, positive ion mode and multiple reaction monitoring was used as the detection system. Linearity was observed in the following ranges: 0.2-600 and 0.5-250 ng/mL for analysis of total and unbound concentrations of the tramadol enantiomers, respectively, and 0.1-300 and 0.25-125 ng/mL for total and unbound concentrations of the M1 and M2 enantiomers, respectively. The lower limits of quantitation were 0.2 and 0.5 ng/mL for analysis of total and unbound concentration of each tramadol enantiomer, respectively, and 0.1 and 0.25 ng/mL for total and unbound concentrations of M1 and M2 enantiomers, respectively. Intra- and interassay reproducibility and inaccuracy did not exceed 15%. Clinical application of the method to patients with neuropathic pain showed plasma accumulation of (+)-tramadol and (+)-M2 after a single oral dose of racemic tramadol. Fractions unbound of tramadol, M1 or M2 were not enantioselective in the patients investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
CE with multiple isomer sulfated beta-CD as the chiral selector was assessed for the simultaneous analysis of the enantiomers of ketamine and metabolites in extracts of equine plasma and urine. Different lots of the commercial chiral selector provided significant changes in enantiomeric ketamine separability, a fact that can be related to the manufacturing variability. A mixture of two lots was found to provide high-resolution separations and interference-free detection of the enantiomers of ketamine, norketamine, dehydronorketamine, and an incompletely identified hydroxylated metabolite of norketamine in liquid/liquid extracts of the two body fluids. Ketamine, norketamine, and dehydronorketamine could be unambiguously identified via HPLC fractionation of urinary extracts and using LC-MS and LC-MS/MS with 1 mmu mass discrimination. The CE assay was used to characterize the stereoselectivity of the compounds' enantiomers in the samples of five ponies anesthetized with isoflurane in oxygen and treated with intravenous continuous infusion of racemic ketamine. The concentrations of the ketamine enantiomers in plasma are equal, whereas the urinary amount of R-ketamine is larger than that of S-ketamine. Plasma and urine contain higher S- than R-norketamine levels and the mean S-/R-enantiomer ratios of dehydronorketamine in plasma and urine are lower than unity and similar.
A three-phase LPME (liquid-phase microextraction) method for the enantioselective analysis of venlafaxine (VF) metabolites (O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV) and N-desmethylvenlafaxine (NDV) in microsomal preparations is described for the first time. The assay involves the chiral HPLC separation of drug and metabolites using a Chiralpak AD column under normal-phase mode of elution and detection at 230 nm. The LPME procedure was optimized using multifactorial experiments and the following optimal condition was established: sample agitation at 1,750 rpm, 20 min of extraction, acetic acid 0.1 mol/L as acceptor phase, 1-octanol as organic phase and donor phase pH adjustment to 10.0. Under these conditions, the mean recoveries were 41% and 42% for (-)-(R)-ODV and (+)-(S)-ODV, respectively, and 47% and 48% for (-)-( R)-NDV and (+)-( S)-NDV, respectively. The method presented quantification limits of 200 ng/mL and it was linear over the concentration range of 200-5,000 ng/mL for all analytes. The validated method was employed to study the in vitro biotransformation of VF using rat liver microsomal fraction. The results demonstrated the enantioselective biotransformation of VF.
A method for the simultaneous analysis of the enantiomers of mefloquine (MQ) and its main metabolite carboxymefloquine (CMQ) in plasma is described for the first time. The assay involves two-step liquid-phase micro-extraction (LPME) and enantioselective high-performance liquid chromatography. In the first LPME step, the enantiomers of MQ were extracted from an alkalinized sample through a thin layer of di-n-hexyl ether immobilized in the pores of the hollow fiber and into 0.01 M perchloric acid as acceptor solution. In the second LPME step, the same sample was acidified to enable the extraction of CMQ using the same organic solvent and 0.05 M sodium hydroxide as acceptor phase. The analytes were resolved on a Chirobiotic T column in the polar-organic mode of elution and detected at 285 nm. The recovery rates from 1 mL of plasma were in the range 35-38%. The method presented limits of quantification of 50 ng/mL for all analytes and was linear up to 1,500 and 3,000 ng/mL for the enantiomers of MQ and CMQ, respectively. The plasmatic concentrations of (+)-(RS)-MQ were higher than those of (-)-(SR)-MQ after oral administration of the racemic drug to rats.
A capillary electrophoretic enantioselective method with UV detection was developed and validated for the simultaneous quantification of zopiclone enantiomers and its impurities, zopiclone-N-oxide enantiomers, and 2-amino-5-chloropyridine, in tablets. The analytes were extracted from the tablets using ACN and were separated in an uncoated fused-silica capillary (50 mu m, 42 cm effective length, 50 cm total length) using 80 mM sodium phosphate buffer pH 2.5 and 5 mM carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin as running buffer. The analytes and the internal standard (trimethoprim) were detected at 305 and 200 nm, respectively. A voltage of 27 kV was applied and the capillary temperature was maintained at 25 degrees C. All enantiomers were analyzed within 8 min and linear calibration curves over the concentration range of 0.40.8 mg mL-1 for each zopiclone enantiomer, 0.81.6 mu g mL-1 for 2-amino-5-chloropyridine and 0.40.8 mu g mL-1 for each zopiclone-N-oxide enantiomer were obtained. The coefficients of correlation obtained for the linear curves were greater than 0.99. The intra-day and inter-day accuracy and precision were lower than 2% for all analytes. This validated method was employed to study the degradation and racemization of zopiclone under stress conditions. This application demonstrated the importance of a stability-indicating assay method for this drug.
center dot Citalopram (CITA) pharmacokinetics are enantioselective in healthy volunteers and the metabolism of (+)-(S)-CITA to (+)-(S)-DCITA is dependent on CYP2C19. Omeprazole is a potent CYP2C19 inhibitor. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS center dot This study indicates that omeprazole induces a loss of enantioselectivity in the CITA pharmacokinetics because of the selective inhibition of (+)-(S)-CITA metabolism. AIM The study assessed the influence of omeprazole on the kinetic disposition of the (+)-(S)-citalopram (CITA) and (-)-(R)-CITA enantiomers in healthy volunteers. METHODS In a cross-over study, healthy volunteers (n = 9) phenotyped as extensive metabolizers of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 and with an oral midazolam clearance ranging from 10.9 to 149.3 ml min-1 kg-1 received a single dose of racemic CITA (20 mg orally) in combination or not with omeprazole (20 mg day-1 for 18 days). Serial blood samples were collected up to 240 h after CITA administration. CITA and demethylcitalopram (DCITA) enantiomers were analyzed by LC-MS/MS using a Chiralcel (R) OD-R column. RESULTS The kinetic disposition of CITA was enantioselective in the absence of treatment with omeprazole, with the observation of a greater proportion of plasma (-)-(R)-CITA [AUC S : R ratio of 0.53 (95% CI 0.41, 0.66) for CITA and 1.08 (95% CI 0.80, 1.76) for DCITA] than (+)-(S)-CITA. Racemic CITA administration to healthy volunteers in combination with omeprazole showed a loss of enantioselectivity in CITA pharmacokinetics with an increase of approximately 120% in plasma (+)-(S)-CITA concentrations [AUC S : R ratio of 0.95 (95% CI 0.72, 1.10) for CITA and 0.95 (95% CI 0.44, 1.72) for DCITA]. CONCLUSIONS The administration of multiple doses of omeprazole preferentially inhibited (+)-(S)-CITA metabolism in healthy volunteers. Although omeprazole increased plasma concentrations of (+)-(S)-CITA by approximately 120%, it is difficult to evaluate the clinical outcome because the range of plasma CITA concentrations related to maximum efficacy and minimum risk of adverse effects has not been established.
Background: Ketorolac, a potent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used for pain control in children, exists as a racemate of inactive R (+) and active S (-) enantiomers. Aim: To develop a microsampling assay for the enantioselective analysis of ketorolac in children. Methods: Ketorolac enantiomers were extracted from 50 µl of plasma by liquid–liquid extraction and separated on a ChiralPak AD-RH. Detection was by a TSQ quantum triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with an electrospray ionisation source operating in a positive ion mode. Five children (age 13.8 (1.6) years, weight 52.7 (7.2) kg), were administered intravenous ketorolac 0.5 mg/kg (maximum 10 mg) and blood samples were taken at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 h post administration. CL, VD and t1/2 were calculated based on non-compartmental methods. Results: The standard curves for R (+) and S (-) ketorolac were linear in the range 0–2000 ng/ml. The LLOQs of the method were 0.15 ng on column and 0.31 ng on column for R (+) and S (-) ketorolac, respectively. The median (range) VD and CL of R (+) and S (-) ketorolac were 0.12 l/kg (0.07–0.17), 0.017 l/h/kg (0.12–0.29) and 0.17 (0.09–0.31) l/kg, 0.049 (0.02–0.1) l/h/kg, p = 0.043), respectively. The median (range) elimination half-life (t1/2) of the R (+) and S (-) ketorolac was 5.0 h (2.5–5.8) and 3.1 h (1.8–4.4), p = 0.043), respectively. Conclusion: The development of a simple, rapid and reliable ketorolac assay suitable for paediatric PK studies is reported. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.