385 resultados para Ellipsoidal Harmonics


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Ellipsoidal harmonics are presented as a basis function set for the design of shim coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or spectroscopy. MR shim coils may be either superconductive or resistive. Ellipsoidal harmonics form an orthogonal set over an ellipsoid and hence are appropriate in circumstances where the imaging or spectroscopic region of a magnet more closely conforms to an ellipsoid rather than a sphere. This is often the case in practice. The Cartesian form of ellipsoidal harmonics is discussed. A method for the design of streamline coil designs is detailed and patterns for third-order ellipsoidal (Lame) shims wound on a cylindrical surface are presented.


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Voltage and current waveforms of a distribution or transmission power system are not pure sinusoids. There are distortions in these waveforms that can be represented as a combination of the fundamental frequency, harmonics and high frequency transients. This paper presents a novel approach to identifying harmonics in power system distorted waveforms. The proposed method is based on Genetic Algorithms, which is an optimization technique inspired by genetics and natural evolution. GOOAL, a specially designed intelligent algorithm for optimization problems, was successfully implemented and tested. Two kinds of representations concerning chromosomes are utilized: binary and real. The results show that the proposed method is more precise than the traditional Fourier Transform, especially considering the real representation of the chromosomes.


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Correlations between the elliptic or triangular flow coefficients vm (m=2 or 3) and other flow harmonics vn (n=2 to 5) are measured using sNN−−−−√=2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collision data collected in 2010 by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated lumonisity of 7 μb−1. The vm-vn correlations are measured in midrapidity as a function of centrality, and, for events within the same centrality interval, as a function of event ellipticity or triangularity defined in a forward rapidity region. For events within the same centrality interval, v3 is found to be anticorrelated with v2 and this anticorrelation is consistent with similar anticorrelations between the corresponding eccentricities ϵ2 and ϵ3. On the other hand, it is observed that v4 increases strongly with v2, and v5 increases strongly with both v2 and v3. The trend and strength of the vm-vn correlations for n=4 and 5 are found to disagree with ϵm-ϵn correlations predicted by initial-geometry models. Instead, these correlations are found to be consistent with the combined effects of a linear contribution to vn and a nonlinear term that is a function of v22 or of v2v3, as predicted by hydrodynamic models. A simple two-component fit is used to separate these two contributions. The extracted linear and nonlinear contributions to v4 and v5 are found to be consistent with previously measured event-plane correlations.


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This paper introduces an important source of torque ripple in PMSMs with tooth-coil windings (TC-PMSMs). It is theoretically proven that saturation and cross-saturation phenomena caused by the non-synchronous harmonics of the stator current linkage cause a synchronous inductance variation with a particular periodicity. This, in turn, determines the magnitude of the torque ripple and can also deteriorate the performance of signal-injection-based rotor position estimation algorithms. An improved dq- inductance model is proposed. It can be used in torque ripple reduction control schemes and can enhance the self-sensing capabilities of TC-PMSMs


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EVENT has been used to examine the effects of 3D cloud structure, distribution, and inhomogeneity on the scattering of visible solar radiation and the resulting 3D radiation field. Large eddy simulation and aircraft measurements are used to create realistic cloud fields which are continuous or broken with smooth or uneven tops. The values, patterns and variance in the resulting downwelling and upwelling radiation from incident visible solar radiation at different angles are then examined and compared to measurements. The results from EVENT confirm that 3D cloud structure is important in determining the visible radiation field, and that these results are strongly influenced by the solar zenith angle. The results match those from other models using visible solar radiation, and are supported by aircraft measurements of visible radiation, providing confidence in the new model.


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The capacitor-commutated converter (CCC) has frequently been used in the conception of HVDC systems connected to busbars with low short circuit level. This alternative arrangement, in substitution to the conventional ones, guarantees less sensitive operational conditions to problems related with the commutation failure in the inverters besides supplying part of the reactive energy to be compensated. Studies related with its performance in steady and transient states have been presented in several works, however its behavior as harmonic source is still little explored. This work presents preliminary studies focusing the generation of characteristic harmonics by this type of converter. Subjects related with the amplification of the harmonic magnitudes are investigated and compared considering similar arrangements of conventional static converters (LCC) and CCC schemes. It is also analyzed the harmonic generation on the dc side of the installation and its influence on the ac side harmonics. The results are obtained from simulations in the time domain in PSpice environment and they clearly illustrate the operational differences between the L CC and the CCC schemes with regard to characteristic harmonic generation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Traditional mathematical tools, like Fourier Analysis, have proven to be efficient when analyzing steady-state distortions; however, the growing utilization of electronically controlled loads and the generation of a new dynamics in industrial environments signals have suggested the need of a powerful tool to perform the analysis of non-stationary distortions, overcoming limitations of frequency techniques. Wavelet Theory provides a new approach to harmonic analysis, focusing the decomposition of a signal into non-sinusoidal components, which are translated and scaled in time, generating a time-frequency basis. The correct choice of the waveshape to be used in decomposition is very important and discussed in this work. A brief theoretical introduction on Wavelet Transform is presented and some cases (practical and simulated) are discussed. Distortions commonly found in industrial environments, such as the current waveform of a Switched-Mode Power Supply and the input phase voltage waveform of motor fed by inverter are analyzed using Wavelet Theory. Applications such as extracting the fundamental frequency of a non-sinusoidal current signal, or using the ability of compact representation to detect non-repetitive disturbances are presented.


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The purpose of this paper is to present a computer model that enables the operation analysis of a tuned filter as an attenuator device of harmonic generated 12 and 18-pulses converters with Y-generalized differential connection. Are presented in this study physical considerations, mathematical modeling and digital simulations in the frequency domain using the software Orcad-Pspice®, which allows a spectral analysis of the harmonic components and supports the search for an optimal filtering process. It is unequivocally demonstrated the feasibility of the application as an alternative to optimize the use of multipulse converters, and enable the operation of this device within the established regulatory standards. The validation of the proposed model is based on results obtained in the time domain using Matlab/Simulink®. © 2011 IEEE.


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The distributions of event-by-event harmonic flow coefficients v_n for n=2-4 are measured in sqrt(s_NN)=2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements are performed using charged particles with transverse momentum pT> 0.5 GeV and in the pseudorapidity range |eta|<2.5 in a dataset of approximately 7 ub^-1 recorded in 2010. The shapes of the v_n distributions are described by a two-dimensional Gaussian function for the underlying flow vector in central collisions for v_2 and over most of the measured centrality range for v_3 and v_4. Significant deviations from this function are observed for v_2 in mid-central and peripheral collisions, and a small deviation is observed for v_3 in mid-central collisions. It is shown that the commonly used multi-particle cumulants are insensitive to the deviations for v_2. The v_n distributions are also measured independently for charged particles with 0.51 GeV. When these distributions are rescaled to the same mean values, the adjusted shapes are found to be nearly the same for these two pT ranges. The v_n distributions are compared with the eccentricity distributions from two models for the initial collision geometry: a Glauber model and a model that includes corrections to the initial geometry due to gluon saturation effects. Both models fail to describe the experimental data consistently over most of the measured centrality range.


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Measurements of two-particle correlation functions and the first five azimuthal harmonics, v 1 to v 5 , are presented, using 28 nb −1 of p+Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of √s NN=5.02 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Significant long-range “ridgelike” correlations are observed for pairs with small relative azimuthal angle (|Δϕ|<π/3 ) and back-to-back pairs (|Δϕ|>2π/3 ) over the transverse momentum range 0.4

harmonics v n as a function of p T and event activity. The extracted v n values for n=2 to 5 decrease with n . The v 2 and v 3 values are found to be positive in the measured p T range. The v 1 is also measured as a function of p T and is observed to change sign around p T ≈1.5 –2.0 GeV and then increase to about 0.1 for p T >4 GeV. The v 2 (p T ) , v 3 (p T ) , and v 4 (p T ) are compared to the v n coefficients in Pb+Pb collisions at √s NN=2.76 TeV with similar event multiplicities. Reasonable agreement is observed after accounting for the difference in the average p T of particles produced in the two collision systems.


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ATLAS measurements of the azimuthal anisotropy in lead–lead collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV are shown using a dataset of approximately 7μb−1 collected at the LHC in 2010. The measurements are performed for charged particles with transversemomenta 0.5 < pT < 20 GeV and in the pseudorapidity range |η| < 2.5. The anisotropy is characterized by the Fourier coefficients, vn, of the charged-particle azimuthal angle distribution for n = 2–4. The Fourier coefficients are evaluated using multi-particle cumulants calculated with the generating function method. Results on the transverse momentum, pseudorapidity and centrality dependence of the vn coefficients are presented. The elliptic flow, v2, is obtained from the two-, four-, six- and eight-particle cumulants while higher-order coefficients, v3 and v4, are determined with two- and four-particle cumulants. Flow harmonics vn measured with four-particle cumulants are significantly reduced compared to the measurement involving two-particle cumulants. A comparison to vn measurements obtained using different analysis methods and previously reported by the LHC experiments is also shown. Results of measurements of flow fluctuations evaluated with multiparticle cumulants are shown as a function of transverse momentum and the collision centrality. Models of the initial spatial geometry and its fluctuations fail to describe the flow fluctuations measurements.