963 resultados para Elliot, Robert


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää sanan ‘luonto’ merkitystä ja käyttöä ympäristöfilosofisessa keskustelussa. Mielenkiinnon kohteena on erityisesti se, voidaanko tällä käsitteellä perustella ympäristöarvoja ja voidaanko näillä arvoilla katsoa olevan moraalista velvoittavaa voimaa. Sanalle ‘luonto’ löytyy kaksi kilpailevaa määritelmää, joita käytetään ympäristöfilosofisissa teorioissa rinnakkain tai niistä valitaan toinen. Näiden luonto-käsitteen määritelmien voidaan katsoa olevan läpikäydyn aineiston perusteella yleisesti hyväksyttyjä. Niitä ei kuitenkaan perustella huolella, vaan tyydytään vallitsevaan käsitykseen sitä kyseenalaistamatta. Tästä syystä tämän tutkielman kysymyksenasettelulle on ympäristöfilosofiassa tarvetta. Tutkielma on luonteeltaan analyyttinen. Lähdeaineistoksi on valittu historiallisten auktoriteettien lisäksi modernin ympäristöfilosofian puhutuimpia ja kiistellyimpiä näkökulmia. Historiallisten auktoriteettien tärkein ominaisuus tämän tutkielman kannalta on niiden riippumattomuus modernista ympäristöajattelusta, jolla on omat ennakkokäsityksensä ja asenteensa painolastinaan. Keskeisinä lähteinä ovat: John O’Neillin, Alan Hollandin ja Andrew Lightin Environmental Values; John Stuart Millin On Nature ja Robert Elliotin Faking Nature. J. S. Millin On Nature -essee, jossa luonto-käsitteelle löydetään ympäristöfilosofiassa yhä käytettävät kaksi määritelmää. Näitä ‘luonnon’ määritelmiä syvennetään modernien ympäristöfilosofien ajatuksilla. O.Neill ym. teoksesta on tähän tutkielmaan otettu rakenne sen esittämän kysymyksenasettelun mukaisesti. Lisäksi se tarjoaa tutkielman esittämään ympäristöarvojen moraalisen velvoittavuuden ongelmaan yhden ratkaisun. Elliotin artikkeli on tälle työlle keskeinen kahdesta syystä: ensinnäkin se toimii argumentaation kehityksen vastinparina, sillä sen sisältö on tämän tutkielman näkökulmasta ristiriitainen. Toiseksi, se onnistuu kuvaamaan ympäristöön liitettävien arvojen luonteen vahvalla intuitiivisella vertauksella taiteeseen. Näiden taidevertausten ansioista Elliotin artikkeli on kiistatta yksi modernin ympäristöfilosofian lainatuimmista ja kiistellyimmistä. Elliotin argumentaatiolinjaa jatkavat ajattelijat syventävät näitä käsityksiä entisestään ja myös O’Neill ym. saavat siitä vaikutteita omaan ajatteluunsa. Tämän tutkielman aineiston valossa voidaan todeta, että luonnolle löydetään kaksi eriävää määritelmää. Ensinnäkin ‘luonto’ määritellään tieteellisesti luonnonlaeiksi. Toisessa määritelmässään ‘luonto’ ymmärretään ei-inhimilliseksi ympäristöksi. Näiden määritelmien voidaan sanoa eroavan ensisijaisesti siinä, että jälkimmäisen määritelmän mukaisella luonnolla voidaan katsoa olevan arvoa. Tämä arvo on luonteeltaan joko välillistä tai välitöntä riippuen siitä, arvostetaanko sitä jonkin toisen arvon saavuttamisen välineenä vai sen itsensä tähden itseisarvoisesti. Näiden erilaisten ympäristöarvon lajien tunnistaminen on niiden moraalisen velvoittavuuden kannalta keskeinen tekijä. Osa ympäristöfilosofisista teorioista lähtee siitä, että luonnolla olisi objektiivinen arvonsa silloinkin kun inhimillinen moraalisubjekti ei sitä ole arvostamassa. Toisen tärkeänä huomiona on, että mikäli ‘luonto’ määritellään ei-inhimilliseksi ympäristöksi, kaikki inhimilliset luonnonsuojelutoimet osoittautuvat mahdottomiksi. Ne muuttaisivat tuon ei-inhimillisen ympäristön osaksi inhimillistä ympäristöä. Jotta moraaliselle toimijalle ympäristöarvoilla olisi merkitystä, niiden olisi oltava tämän agentin tunnistettavissa. Tutkielman aineiston valossa voidaan todeta, että vaikka ei-inhimillisellä ympäristöllä tällaista arvoa olisikin, ei se voisi ohjata moraalista toimintaamme. Lisäksi voidaan todeta, ettei tässä työssä esitetyt ympäristöfilosofiset teoriat tätä luonnonsuojelun paradoksi onnistu kiertämään. Tämän työn tärkein johtopäätös on, ettei luontoa voida suojella. Ympäristöfilosofia Etiikka


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal as it passes through Port Robinson. Identified structures associated with the Canal include the Guard Lock, Collector Toll Office, towing path, and the New Cut of the canal. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Island Street, Bridge Street, John Street, and Cross Street), bridges (Swing Bridge, and several unnamed bridges), Welland Railroad, Canal to Chippewa Creek (and two old locks and one new lock associated with the canal), Chippewa Creek, Back Water, an unnamed Island, Dry Dock leased to McFarland and Abbey, Abbey's Office, D. McFarland and Co. Saw Mill (Burnt), G. Jordan Tavern, Robert Elliot Store House and Wharf, Isaac Pew's Shop, Colemans Hotel, R. Band and Co. Girst Mill, Donaldson and Co. Grist Mill, H. Marlatt Dwelling House and barn, Henry W. Timms Hotel, Methodist Church, Post Office, Blacksmith Shop, a church, a structure labeled B. Patch, and a number of other structures that are not named. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 202 and 203, S. Hill, D. McFarland, Church Society, G. Jordan, D. Coleman, John Brown, Rob Coulter, Robert Elliot, Isaac Pew, James McCoppen, William Bell, Charles Stuart, Andrew Elliot, Robert Band, Ed. Feney, John Betty, F. Sharp, William B. Hendershot, A. Brownson, H. Marlatt, J. S. Powell, and the School Trustees. Two reserved properties are labeled in red.The current spelling of Chippewa Creek is Chippawa. Although it not possible to make out the entire name of the H. W. Timms hotel located at Front and Bridge Street on the map itself, it was discovered to belong to Henry W. Timms after consulting the 1851-52 Canada Directory.


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An invoice for goods bought in Port Robinson, 28, May 1838. The list of goods includes: Blue cloth, buttons & thread, high lace shoes etc. There is also a note which reads "To Mr. W. Cowen, Dear Sir, The above is the quantity of goods you wanted and as ---- the quality as may be. I hope they will suit him. I have not all the ------- for the vest & pant above, but have sent what I have. I could not procure a silk handkerchief of any kind. I think Mr. Donaldson will be up soon he is now at Toronto. Give my compliments to Mrs. Cowan & family no more at present" Robert Elliot


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Imperfect set: original bindings wanting. Rebound as 1 v. in maroon buckram with imprint of Miami University Libraries.


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A fragment of account information for Robert Elliot from the year 1855.


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"Published as a loving tribute to my brother Tracy Elliott Hazen" -- Pref., signed: Robert Hazen, M. D.


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Bob Baxt, the third Chairman of the Trade Practices Commission, served for a single three year term from 1988 to 1991. He followed Bob McComas, who had deliberately adopted a non-litigious approach to preserving the competitive process, believing that he understood business as an insider and that much of what it did was not anti-competitive, when correctly viewed. Baxt was far more pro-active in his approach, and more closely aligned with that of the first Chairman, Ron Bannerman. Baxt sought to push the frontiers of investigation and precedent, and perhaps, more significantly, sought to influence his Ministers, the government, public servants and public opinion about the need to expand the coverage of the Trade Practices Act, increase penalties and properly resource the Commission so that it could perform its assigned roles. This article examines Baxt’s early and on-going role in teaching Australian students and professionals through his interdisciplinary Trade Practices Workshops, the political context of Baxt’s tenure, including his relations with the Attorney-General ,Michael Duffy, and his skilful handling of the Queensland Wire case.


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The Lady Elliot Island eco-resort, on the Great Barrier Reef, operates with a strong sustainability ethic, and has broken away from its reliance on diesel generators, an initiative which has ongoing and substantial economic benefit. The first step was an energy audit that led to a 35% reduction in energy usage, to an average of 575 kWh per day. The eco-resort then commissioned a hybrid solar power station, in 2008, with energy storage in battery banks. Solar power is currently (2013) providing about 160 kWh of energy per day, and the eco-resort’s diesel fuel usage has decreased from 550 to 100 litres per day, enabling the power station to pay for itself in 3 years. The eco-resort plans to complete its transition to renewable energy by 2015, by installing additional solar panels, and a 10-15 kW wind turbine. This paper starts by discussing why the eco-resort chose a hybrid solar power station to transition to renewable energy, and the barriers to change. It then describes the power station, upgrades through to 2013, the power control system, the problems that were solved to realise the potential of a facility operating in a harsh and remote environment, and its performance. The paper concludes by outlining other eco-resort sustainability practices, including education and knowledge-sharing initiatives, and monitoring the island’s environmental and ecological condition.


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AUSTRALIAN church officials knew of child-sex allegations in Britain against a senior clergymen when they pushed a victim into accepting a compensation payout on the basis that there was no evidence to back up his claims of abuse. Former Church of England investigator Ray Morris says he prepared a 2004 report about allegations in Britain and Australia - from the 1960s and 80s - against Robert Waddington. He sent it to north Queensland diocese officials, who were at the time involved in mediation with the Australian victim over his claims that he was abused weekly by Waddington between 1964 and 1968, who was headmaster of St Barnabas boarding school in Ravenshoe, southwest of Cairns.


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THE Church of England banished serial pedophile priest Robert Waddington to Australia, where he abused children across a decade, after suspicions were raised about him molesting choirboys in his London parish. In an alleged church cover-up spanning almost 60 years, Waddington was suddenly and unexpectedly sent to a small school in regional Queensland in 1956 amid claims he was molesting the son of an English politician. Last month the Church of England ordered an independent inquiry into the handling of allegations against Waddington, after a joint investigation by The Australian and The Times of London. But it can now be revealed that Waddington - who died in 2007, facing allegations he abused students in Australia in the 1960s and English choirboys in the 80s and 90s - was molesting children as soon as he joined the church in 1953. The latest allegations have been made by Ray Munn, 70, who was recruited by Waddington, then a curate at St John's church in Bethnal Green, East London, to sing in the choir in 1953. He was almost immediately groomed by the Cambridge University-educated clergyman, who took him on holidays in the English countryside, before he began molesting the then 11-year-old.


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ROBERT EVAPORATORS in Australian sugar factories are traditionally constructed with 44.45 mm outside diameter stainless steel tubes of ~2 m length for all stages of evaporation. There are a few vessels with longer tubes (up to 2.8 m) and smaller and larger diameters (38.1 and 50.8 mm). Queensland University of Technology is undertaking a study to investigate the heat transfer performance of tubes of different lengths and diameters for the whole range of process conditions typically encountered in the evaporator set. Incorporation of these results into practical evaporator designs requires an understanding of the cost implications for constructing evaporator vessels with calandrias having tubes of different dimensions. Cost savings are expected for tubes of smaller diameter and longer length in terms of material, labour and installation costs in the factory. However these savings must be considered in terms of the heat transfer area requirements for the evaporation duty, which will likely be a function of the tube dimensions. In this paper a capital cost model is described which provides a relative cost of constructing and installing Robert evaporators of the same heating surface area but with different tube dimensions. Evaporators of 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 m2 are investigated. This model will be used in conjunction with the heat transfer efficiency data (when available) to determine the optimum tube dimensions for a new evaporator at a specified evaporation duty. Consideration is also given to other factors such as juice residence time (and implications for sucrose degradation and control) and droplet de-entrainment in evaporators of different tube dimensions.


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INTRODUCTION: Galectin family members have been demonstrated to be abnormally expressed in cancer at the protein and mRNA level. This study investigated the levels of galectin proteins and mRNA expression in a large cohort of patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma and matched lymph node metastases with particular emphasis on galectin-1 and galectin-3. METHODS: mRNA expression of galectin family members (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12) were analysed by real-time polymerase chain reaction in 65 papillary thyroid carcinomas, 30 matched lymph nodes with metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma and 5 non-cancer thyroid tissues. Galectin-1 and 3 protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry in these samples. RESULTS: Significant expression differences in all tested galectin family members (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12) were noted for mRNA in papillary thyroid carcinomas, with and without lymph node metastasis. Galectin-1 protein was more strongly expressed than galectin-3 protein in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Galectin-1 protein was found to be overexpressed in 32% of primary papillary thyroid carcinomas. A majority of lymph nodes with metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma (53%) had significantly increased expression of galectin-1 protein, as did 47% of primaries with metastases. Galectin-1 mRNA levels were decreased in the vast majority (94%) of primary thyroid carcinomas that did not have metastases present. Galectin-3 protein levels were noted to be overexpressed in 15% of primary papillary thyroid carcinomas. In primary papillary thyroid carcinoma with lymph node metastases, 32% had over expression of galectin-3 protein. Overexpression of galectin-3 mRNA was noted in 58% of papillary thyroid carcinomas and 64% of lymph nodes bearing metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma. Also, primary papillary thyroid carcinoma with lymph node metastases had significantly higher expression of galectin-3 mRNA compared to those without lymph node metastases. CONCLUSION: Galectin family members show altered expression at the mRNA level in papillary thyroid cancers. Overexpression of galectin-1 and 3 proteins were noted in papillary thyroid carcinoma with lymph node metastases. The results presented here demonstrated that galectin-1 and galectin-3 expression have important roles in clinical progression of papillary thyroid carcinoma.