998 resultados para Eli Lotar
Ce mémoire étudie la série Aux Abattoirs de la Villette photographiée par Eli Lotar en 1929. Il montre comment elle a été assimilée par l’histoire de l’art au texte « Abattoir » de Georges Bataille, aux côtés duquel ont été reproduites trois photos du corpus sous la rubrique Dictionnaire critique de la revue Documents. Cette emprise théorique sur la série est mise en perspective au regard de la démarche artistique d’Eli Lotar et des autres photomontages dont elle a fait l’objet ensuite. Le premier chapitre insiste sur la formation d’Eli Lotar et introduit son séjour à La Villette en lien avec la thématique de l’abattoir dans l’entre-deux-guerres. Il analyse ensuite la fortune critique d’Aux Abattoirs de la Villette qui s’appuie sur la philosophie de l’informe chez Georges Bataille. Le deuxième chapitre analyse le photomontage de la série fait par E.L.T. Mesens dans Variétés (1930) et le photoreportage reconstitué par Carlo Rim dans Vu (1931). Selon des points de vue et un travail formel différents, tous deux accentuent la dimension humaine de l’industrie d’abattage animal. Le troisième chapitre fait apparaître le regard posé par Eli Lotar sur le site de La Villette en tenant compte de ses préoccupations socio-artistiques à travers ses collaborations auprès de Germaine Krull et Joris Ivens. Finalement, il dresse une analyse comparative de la série avec la toile Abattoir d’André Masson, le poème Porte Brancion de Raymond Queneau et le film Le sang des bêtes de Georges Franju pour renforcer les spécificités du médium photographique.
A turn towards documentary modes of practice amongst contemporary fine art video and filmmakers towards the end of the 20th Century, led to moving image works that represent current social realities. This drew some comparisons of these forms of art to journalism and industrial documentary. The practical research is embodied in a single screen film that responds to recent political and ecological realities in Spain. These include the mass demonstrations that led to the occupation of Madrid’s Plaza del Sol and Spain’s in 2011 and largest recorded forest fires that spread through Andalusia in August of the following year. The film, titled Spanish Labyrinth, South from Granada, is a response to these events and also relates to political avant-garde film of the 1930’s by re-tracing a journey undertaken by three revolutionary filmmakers, Yves Allegret, René Naville and Eli Lotar, in 1931. The theoretical research for this project establishes an historical root of artists’ film that responds to current social realities, in contrast to news media, in the Soviet and European avant-garde movements of the 1920s and 1930s. The main aim of this method is to argue the status of the works that I identify, both avant-garde and contemporary, as a form of art that preceded a Griersonian definition of documentary film.
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce)
This thesis focuses on stage fright; what it is and how to find the ideal solution in connection with stage fright. To find the way toward free expression; to find the way from lack of control to con-trol. It also describes how to learn to live with stage fright. Different experiences of stage fright have been used as source material, along with relevant theoretical information. The thesis highlights the importance of handling stage fright and studies stage fright in-depth, with examples. It presents studies and collected theories according to Päivi Arjas. It discusses presence and contact in the work of an actor with reference to the Gestalt method. It also presents methods of reducing stage fright. Ideal presence on stage is addressed, and how to turn stage fright into a positive thing. Finally, it considers the good aspects of stage fright in more deepth and goes through learning to live with stage fright. The thesis concludes that it is possible to heal stage fright. Gestalt methodology was of assistance with the healing process, with becoming conscious of symptoms, and thus in finding one's own way of turning anxious suspense into a positive way forward.
Mikael Fortelius