993 resultados para Electrostatic turbulance


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Plasma turbulence and particle transport in Texas Helimak change with the radial electric field profile modified by an external voltage bias. When the bias is positive, the turbulence shows enhanced level and broadband spectra with extreme events, similar to the turbulence in tokamak scrape-‐off layer. However, negative bias reduces the turbulence level and decreases the spectrum widths. Moreover, for negative biased shots, the particle transport is strongly affected by a wave particle resonant interaction. On the other hand, for positive bias values, the plasma presents a transport barrier in the reversed shear flow region.


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Electrostatic discharge is the sudden and brief electric current that flashes between two objects at different voltages. This is a serious issue ranging in application from solid-state electronics to spectacular and dangerous lightning strikes (arc flashes). The research herein presents work on the experimental simulation and measurement of the energy in an electrostatic discharge. The energy released in these discharges has been linked to ignitions and burning in a number of documented disasters and can be enormously hazardous in many other industrial scenarios. Simulations of electrostatic discharges were designed to specifications by IEC standards. This is typically based on the residual voltage/charge on the discharge capacitor, whereas this research examines the voltage and current in the actual spark in order to obtain a more precise comparative measurement of the energy dissipated.


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Bending and bundling was observed from vertically aligned arrays of ZnO nanowires with flat (0001) top surfaces, which were synthesized using a vapor-phase method without metal catalysts. Sufficient evidence was found to exclude electron-beam bombardment during scanning electron microscopy as a cause for bending and bundling. We attribute the bending and bundling to electrostatic interactions due to charged (0001) polar surfaces, and also discussed the threshold surface charge densities for the bending and bundling based on a simple cantilever-bending model. Some growth features were indicative of the operation of electrostatic interactions during the growth.


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We present experimental results that demonstrate that the wavelength of the fundamental localised surface plasmon resonance for spherical gold nanoparticles on glass can be predicted using a simple, one line analytical formula derived from the electrostatic eigenmode method. This allows the role of the substrate in lifting mode degeneracies to be determined, and the role of local environment refractive indices on the plasmon resonance to be investigated. The effect of adding silica to the casting solution in minimizing nanopaticle agglomeration is also discussed.


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Electrospun scaffolds manufactured using conventional electrospinning configurations have an intrinsic thickness limitation, due to a charge build-up at the collector. To overcome this limitation, an electrostatic lens has been developed that, at the same relative rate of deposition, focuses the polymer jet onto a smaller area of the collector, resulting in the fabrication of thick scaffolds within a shorter period of time. We also observed that a longer deposition time (up to 13 h, without the intervention of the operator) could be achieved when the electrostatic lens was utilised, compared to 9–10 h with a conventional processing set-up and also showed that fibre fusion was less likely to occur in the modified method. This had a significant impact on the mechanical properties, as the scaffolds obtained with the conventional process had a higher elastic modulus and ultimate stress and strain at short times. However, as the thickness of the scaffolds produced by the conventional electrospinning process increased, a 3-fold decrease in the mechanical properties was observed. This was in contrast to the modified method, which showed a continual increase in mechanical properties, with the properties of the scaffold finally having similar mechanical properties to the scaffolds obtained via the conventional process at longer times. This “focusing” device thus enabled the fabrication of thicker 3-dimensional electrospun scaffolds (of thicknesses up to 3.5 mm), representing an important step towards the production of scaffolds for tissue engineering large defect sites in a multitude of tissues.


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Electrostatic discharges have been identified as the most likely cause in a number of incidents of fire and explosion with unexplained ignitions. The lack of data and suitable models for this ignition mechanism creates a void in the analysis to quantify the importance of static electricity as a credible ignition mechanism. Quantifiable hazard analysis of the risk of ignition by static discharge cannot, therefore, be entirely carried out with our current understanding of this phenomenon. The study of electrostatics has been ongoing for a long time. However, it was not until the wide spread use of electronics that research was developed for the protection of electronics from electrostatic discharges. Current experimental models for electrostatic discharge developed for intrinsic safety with electronics are inadequate for ignition analysis and typically are not supported by theoretical analysis. A preliminary simulation and experiment with low voltage was designed to investigate the characteristics of energy dissipation and provided a basis for a high voltage investigation. It was seen that for a low voltage the discharge energy represents about 10% of the initial capacitive energy available and that the energy dissipation was within 10 ns of the initial discharge. The potential difference is greatest at the initial break down when the largest amount of the energy is dissipated. The discharge pathway is then established and minimal energy is dissipated as energy dissipation becomes greatly influenced by other components and stray resistance in the discharge circuit. From the initial low voltage simulation work, the importance of the energy dissipation and the characteristic of the discharge were determined. After the preliminary low voltage work was completed, a high voltage discharge experiment was designed and fabricated. Voltage and current measurement were recorded on the discharge circuit allowing the discharge characteristic to be recorded and energy dissipation in the discharge circuit calculated. Discharge energy calculations show consistency with the low voltage work relating to discharge energy with about 30-40% of the total initial capacitive energy being discharged in the resulting high voltage arc. After the system was characterised and operation validated, high voltage ignition energy measurements were conducted on a solution of n-Pentane evaporating in a 250 cm3 chamber. A series of ignition experiments were conducted to determine the minimum ignition energy of n-Pentane. The data from the ignition work was analysed with standard statistical regression methods for tests that return binary (yes/no) data and found to be in agreement with recent publications. The research demonstrates that energy dissipation is heavily dependent on the circuit configuration and most especially by the discharge circuit's capacitance and resistance. The analysis established a discharge profile for the discharges studied and validates the application of this methodology for further research into different materials and atmospheres; by systematically looking at discharge profiles of test materials with various parameters (e.g., capacitance, inductance, and resistance). Systematic experiments looking at the discharge characteristics of the spark will also help understand the way energy is dissipated in an electrostatic discharge enabling a better understanding of the ignition characteristics of materials in terms of energy and the dissipation of that energy in an electrostatic discharge.


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The means of reducing nanoparticle contamination in the synthesis of carbon nanostructures in reactive Ar + H2 + CH4 plasmas are studied. It is shown that by combining the electrostatic filtering and thermophoretic manipulation of nanoparticles, one can significantly improve the quality of carbon nanopatterns. By increasing the substrate heating power, one can increase the size of deposited nanoparticles and eventually achieve nanoparticle-free nanoassemblies. This approach is generic and is applicable to other reactive plasma-aided nanofabrication processes.


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High-frequency electrostatic surface waves at the interface of a dusty plasma and a dielectric wall are investigated. The effects of ionization, recombination, and dust-charge variation are taken into account in a self-consistent manner, so that the system considered is closed. It is shown that a coupling of the surface waves and the dust-charge relaxation mode leads to anomalous damping and frequency downshift of the waves.


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Pentacyclic ketones 10a-e (snoutan-9-ones) undergo nucleophilic additions with the same facial preference as the corresponding norsnoutanones 9a-e, but with markedly reduced selectivity, revealing the involvement of electrostatic effects in the former and implying the importance of hyperconjugative orbital interactions in determining pi-face selectivity in the latter systems.


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The electrostatic potential of valinomycin in various conformations as obtained by the crystal structures (uncomplexed, complexed) and theoretical considerations have been evaluated and compared. The potential energy profiles along the æ axis of the bracelet-like structures show a systematic variation from the uncomplexed to the complexed structure. This type of conformational change and the potential variation are probably associated with different states of ion transport, like the capture and release of ions by the ionophore. Also, the asymmetry of the molecule due to D-HyIV on one side and L-Lac on the other side is reflected in the potential values along the Z-axis, the magnitude of which, is considerable in the uncomplexed structure. The evaluation of the potential at the ab-initio level on smaller fragments indicate that the order of liganding capacity of oxygen is amide ether ester. Also, the inductive effects due to alkyl substitution is negligible as evidenced by the potential studies on the substituted amides and esters.


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A series of 6,11-dihydro-11-oxodibenz[b,e]oxepin-2-acetic acids (DOAA) which are known to be anti-inflammatory agents were studied. The geometries of some of the molecules obtained from X-ray crystallography were used in the calculations as such while the geometries of their derivatives were obtained by local, partial geometry optimization around the Sites of substitution employing the AMI method, keeping the remaining parts of the geometries the same as those in the parent molecules. Molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) mapping was performed for the molecules using optimized hybridization displacement charges (HDC) combined with Lowdin charges, as this charge distribution has been shown earlier to yield near ab initio quality results. A good correlation has been found between the MEP values near the oxygen atoms of the hydroxyl groups of the carboxy groups of the molecules and their anti-inflammatory activities. The result is broadly in agreement with the model proposed earlier by other authors regarding the structure-activity relationship for other similar molecules.


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The active structural component of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) is the top plate which vibrates under the influence of a time-varying electrostatic force thereby producing ultrasound waves of the desired frequency in the surrounding medium. Analysis of MEMS devices which rely on electrostatic actuation is complicated due to the fact that the structural deformations alter the electrostatic forces, which redistribute and modify the applied loads. Hence, it becomes imperative to consider the electrostatics-structure coupling aspect in the design of these devices. This paper presents an approximate analytical solution for the static deflection of a thin, clamped circular plate caused by electrostatic forces which are inherently nonlinear. Traditionally, finite element simulations using some commercial software such as ANSYS are employed to determine the structural deflections caused by electrostatic forces. Since the structural deformation alters the electrostatic field, a coupled-field simulation is required wherein the electrostatic mesh is continuously updated to coincide with the deflection of the structure. Such simulations are extremely time consuming, in addition to being nontransparent and somewhat hard to implement. We employ the classical thin-plate theory which is adequate when the ratio of the diameter to thickness of the plate is very large, a situation commonly prevalent in many MEMS devices, especially the CMUTs. We solve the thin-plate electrostatic-elastic equation using the Galerkin-weighted residual technique, under the assumption that the deflections are small in comparison to the thickness of the plate. The evaluation of the electrostatic force between the two plates is simplified due to the fact that the electrostatic gap is much smaller than the lateral dimensions of the device. The results obtained are compared to those found from ANSYS simulations and an excellent agreement is observed between the two. The pull-in voltage predicted by our model is close to the value predicted by ANSYS simulations.


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We describe a Finite Difference Method for the determination of the electrostatic field in a multilayered electrooptic device. The Laplace equation is solved, assuming a suitable closed area, by taking into account the different permittivities of the various layers. The effect of a higher permittivity in the guiding layer has been explicitly considered. As a practical example, we calculate the phase shift of a guided optical wave within an electrooptic modulator. A review of the various methods in use for the field analysis is given. Some criteria for the selection of the appropriate method are also mentioned.


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Various factore controlling the preferred facial selectivity in the reductions of a number of sterically unbiased ketones have been evaluated using a semiempirical MO procedure. MNDO optimized geometries do not reveal any significant ground-state distortions which can be correlated with the observed face selectivities. Electrostatic effecta due to an approaching reagent were modeled by placing a test negative charge at a fixed distance from the carbonyl carbon on each of the two faces. A second series of calculations was carried out using the hydride ion as a test nucleophile. The latter calculations effectively include orbital interactions involving the u and u* orbitals of the newly formed bond in the reaction. The computed energy differences with the charge model are generally much larger compared to those with the hydride ion. However, both models lead to predictions which are qualitatively consistent with the experimentally determined facial preferences for most of the systems. Thus, electrostatic interactions between the nucleophile and the substrate seem to effectively determine the face selectivities in these molecules. However, there are a few exceptions in which orbital interactions are found to contribute significantly and occasionally reverse the preference dictated by electrostatic effecta. The remarkable succew of the hydride model calculations, in spite of retaining the unperturbed geometries of the substrates, points to the unimportance of torsional effeds and orbital distortions associated with the pyramidalized carbonyl unit in the transition state in most of the substrates considered. Additional experimental results are reported which provide useful calibration for the present computational approach.