995 resultados para Electronic art


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‘Grounded Media’ is a form of art practice focused around the understanding that our ecological crisis is also a cultural crisis, perpetuated by our sense of separation from the material and immaterial ecologies upon which we depend. This misunderstanding of relationships manifests not only as environmental breakdown, but also in the hemorrhaging of our social fabric. ‘Grounded Media’ is consistent with an approach to media art making that I name ‘ecosophical’ and ‘praxis-led’ – which seeks through a range of strategies, to draw attention to the integrity, diversity and efficacy of the biophysical, social and electronic environments of which we are an integral part. It undertakes this through particular choices of location, interaction design,participative strategies and performative direction. This form of working emerged out of the production of two major projects, Grounded Light [8] and Shifting Intimacies [9] and is evident in a recent prototypical wearable art project called In_Step [6]. The following analysis and reflections will assist in promoting new, sustainable roles for media artists who are similarly interested in attuning their practices.


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Charmed is a tangible interactive media artwork that explores aspects of daily life in urban environments. The work was commissioned by Experimenta MEdia Arts for the Experimenta Playground Biennial of Media Art (2007) held at Black Box Melbourne Victoria. The work also shown in Play ++ at the International Symposium of Electronic Art July - August 2008


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This paper examines approaches to the visualisation of ‘invisible’ communications networks. It situates network visualisation as a critical design exercise, and explores how community artists might use such a practice to develop telematic art projects – works that use communications networks as their medium. The paper’s hypotheses are grounded in the Australian community media arts field, but could be applied to other collaborative contexts.


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In an age of mobile phones, Facebook, Twitter and online dating, interactions in mediated environments often outnumber face to face encounters. Kiss is an interactive light artwork by artists Priscilla Bracks & Gavin Sade. Kiss reacts to people standing in front of the artwork looking at each other - the moment before kissing. Without interaction the work generates a seductive, ambient, red lighting display, that creates the restful sense of staring into a fire. A fleeting response of white light – like sparks flying in the air – occurs the moment before two faces touch. These sparks are visible in peripheral vision, but fade when the kissing couple turns to look at the work. This moment - as two people look at each other - is a primal moment when two people recognise each other. Face to face encounters with another person are a privileged phenomenon in which the other person's presence and proximity are strongly felt. Kiss does not respond to every instance of a kiss or a look. Its recognition algorithms are fussy, selecting some faces and not others. As in life it’s difficult to tell why sparks fly with some people but not with others. For some this will be felt as a glitch. “This machine should be part of my social life!” But it does promote trial and error, asking viewers to be intimate in public and look at each other for longer than otherwise socially normal. 10 minutes continuous eye contact is said in most cases to arouse sexual feelings in both parties. But even if we don’t look that long, a short time may be all that is needed to explore the face of the person we are looking at. We see that they are human like us. We experience beauty, difference, discomfort, perhaps even nervous laughing, before turning to a more intimate moment of recognition.


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The majority of today's undergraduate students are 'digital natives'; a generation born into a world shaped by digital technologies. It is important to understand the significance of this when considering how to teach Digital Media to digital natives. This paper examines the analogies to literacy that recur in digital native debates. It argues that if the concept of digital literacy is to be useful, educators must attend to the multiple layers and proficiencies that comprise literacy. Rather than completely dispose of old teaching methods, updated pedagogical practices should integrate analysis and critique with exploratory and creative modes of learning.


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The Community Arts sector in Australia has a history of resistance. It has challenged hegemonic culture through facilitating grassroots creative production, contesting notions of artistic processes, and the role of the artist in society. This paper examines this penchant for resistance through the lens of contemporary digital culture, to establish that the sector is continuing to challenge dominant forms of cultural control. It then proposes that this enthusiasm and activity lacks ethical direction, describing it as feral to encompass the potential of current practices, while highlighting how a level of taming is needed in order to develop ethical approaches.


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Social Interiors (Julian Knowles, Rik Rue, Shane Fahey) are currently developing a major sound art project entitled Flux Density, in collaboration with a team of artists, focused on investigating the changing relationships between emerging digital technologies and traditional ‘obsolete’ analogue media. The project has two main components. – a curated compilation and a live performance. It is a large scale curatorial and performance project led by Social Interiors with assistant curators Joel Stern, Alessio Cavallaro and Shannon O’Neill. Presentation - International Symposium of Electronic Art. Social Interiors are one of Australia’s best known experimental sound ensembles. Project will consist of an online compilation of historic music emerging from the 80s cassette culture era, remix based works by Social Interiors, and work from new cassette labels established in a post internet era. Performance project will take place in Sydney and consist of Social Interiors in performance/collaboration with a range of well known artists. Partners include ABC Radio, ISEA, and Extreme Records.


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SITEWORKS is an interdisciplinary research and practice project that invites artists, scientists and scholars to respond to the Bundanon property through the lens of their specific discipline. Over four years this has led to a series of interactive projects, many utilising electronic technologies. The inaugural investigations focussed on the geomorphology of the site and palaeoenvironmental research, specifically in the area of sea level rise and climate change [1]. In subsequent years the focus has been on water and the river; land management; Indigenous cultural heritage, and food security.


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The Community Arts sector in Australia has a history of resistance. It has challenged hegemonic culture through facilitating grassroots creative production, contesting notions of artistic processes, and the role of the artist in society. This paper examines this penchant for resistance through the lens of contemporary digital culture, to establish that the sector is continuing to challenge dominant forms of cultural control. It then proposes that this enthusiasm and activity lacks ethical direction, describing it as feral to encompass the potential of current practices, while highlighting how a level of taming is needed in order to develop ethical approaches.


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This paper examines approaches to the visualisation of ‘invisible’ communications networks. It situates network visualisation as a critical design exercise, and explores how community artists might use such a practice to develop telematic art projects – works that use communications networks as their medium. The paper’s hypotheses are grounded in the Australian community media arts field, but could be applied to other collaborative contexts.


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Interactive multimedia diary.


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Neural Networks have been used successfully for recognition of human gestures in many applications including analysis of motion capture data. This paper investigates the potential for using the same methods for both recognition and synthesising responses in relation to movement contained in motion capture sequences.


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Public installation running throughout the night at Cube 37 gallery. Morphing forms are projected onto the glass front of the gallery, facing the street. Human perticipants interact with the forms whose morphology changes with the movements of the participants. When no human participants are present, a neural network based agent that has learnt how to dance from a trained dancer, takes over and the forms follow the agent's movement.