997 resultados para Electron Diffusion
We present a novel approach to calculating Low-Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) intensities for ordered molecular adsorbates. First, the intra-molecular multiple scattering is computed to obtain a non-diagonal molecular T-matrix. This is then used to represent the entire molecule as a single scattering object in a conventional LEED calculation, where the Layer Doubling technique is applied to assemble the different layers, including the molecular ones. A detailed comparison with conventional layer-type LEED calculations is provided to ascertain the accuracy of this scheme of calculation. Advantages of this scheme for problems involving ordered arrays of molecules adsorbed on surfaces are discussed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The reduction of guanine was studied by microelectrode voltammetry in the room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) N-hexyltriethylammonium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide [N6,2,2,2][N(Tf)2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorosphosphate [C4mim][PF6], N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide [C4mpyrr][N(Tf)2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide [C4mim][N(Tf)2], N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium dicyanamide [C4mpyrr][N(NC)2] and tris(P-hexyl)-tetradecylphosphonium trifluorotris(pentafluoroethyl)phosphate [P14,6,6,6][FAP] on a platinum microelectrode. In [N6,2,2,2][NTf2] and [P14,6,6,6][FAP], but not in the other ionic liquids studied, guanine reduction involves a one-electron, diffusion-controlled process at very negative potential to produce an unstable radical anion, which is thought to undergo a dimerization reaction, probably after proton abstraction from the cation of the ionic liquid. The rate of this subsequent reaction depends on the nature of the ionic liquid, and it is faster in the ionic liquid [P14,6,6,6][FAP], in which the formation of the resulting dimer can be voltammetrically monitored at less negative potentials than required for the reduction of the parent molecule. Adenine showed similar behaviour to guanine but the pyrimidines thymine and cytosine did not; thymine was not reduced at potentials less negative than required for solvent (RTIL) decomposition while only a poorly defined wave was seen for cytosine. The possibility for proton abstraction from the cation in [N6,2,2,2][NTf2] and [P14,6,6,6][FAP] is noted and this is thought to aid the electrochemical dimerization process. The resulting rapid reaction is thought to shift the reduction potentials for guanine and adenine to lower values than observed in RTILs where the scope for proton abstraction is not present. Such shifts are characteristic of so-called EC processes where reversible electron transfer is followed by a chemical reaction. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.
The spatial and temporal evolution of a depleted atomic distribution created by laser enhanced ionisation (LEI) was employed to determine both a diffusion coefficient for sodium (Na) and an electron (e(-)) and sodium ion recombination rate coefficient in an analytical air-C2H2 flame. A depleted distribution of neutral sodium atoms was produced in a flame by ionising approximately 80% of the irradiated sodium atoms in a well defined region using a two step LEI excitation scheme. Following depletion by ionisation, planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) images of the depleted region recorded the diffusion and decay of the depleted Na distribution for different depletion-probe delays. From measurements of the diffused width of the distribution, an accurate diffusion coefficient D = (1.19 +/- 0.03) x 10(-3) m(2) s(-1) for Na was determined in teh burnt gases of the flame. Measurements of the integrated fluorescence intensity in the depleted region for different depletion-probe delays were related to an increase in atomic sodium concentration caused by electron-ion recombination. At high concentrations (greater than or equal to 50 mu g ml(-1)), where the electron and ion concentrations in the depleted region were assumed equal, a recombination rate coefficient of 4.2 x 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1) was calculated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
In the upcoming years, various upgrades and improvements are planned for the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and represent the mandate of the High-Luminosity project. The upgrade will allow for a total stored beam energy of about 700 MJ, which will need, among others, an extremely efficient collimation system. This will be achieved with the addition of a hollow electron lens (HEL) system to help control the beam-halo depletion and mitigate the effects of fast beam losses. In this master thesis, we present a diffusion model of the HEL for HL-LHC. In particular, we explore several scenarios to use such a device, focusing on the halo depletion efficiency given by different noise regimes.
0Nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) imaging was used to study the ingress of water into poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate-co-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). The study offers strong evidence that the diffusion is Fickian in nature. The diffusion coefficient, D, obtained by fitting the underlying diffusion profile, attainable from the images, according to the equation for Fickian diffusion, is 1.5 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), which is in good correlation with the value of 2.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), obtained from mass uptake measurements. Additionally, from the T-2-weighted images, Superimposed features observed in addition to the underlying Fickian diffusion profiles were shown to have a longer spin-spin relaxation time, T-2. This Suggests the presence of two types of water within the polymer matrix; a less mobile phase of absorbed water that is interacting strongly with the polymer matrix and a more mobile phase of absorbed water residing within the cracks observed in the environmental scanning electron micrograph. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
A new technique of surface modification by diffusion coating for AZ91D alloy was developed. A 1.0-2.0-mm alloy layer, which has hardness four to five times higher than the substrate metal, was formed after the treatment. Consequent solution treatment and aging could further improve the hardness of the alloy layer. Microstructure and chemical composition were investigated using optical microscope and electron probe.
Microstructural features of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 layers of various thicknesses grown on top of 001 LaAlO3 substrates are studied by using transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Films are of high microstructural quality but exhibit some structural relaxation and mosaicity both when increasing thickness or after annealing processes. The existence of a cationic segregation process of La atoms toward free surface has been detected, as well as a Mn oxidation state variation through layer thickness. La diffusion would lead to a Mn valence change and, in turn, to reduced magnetization.
Min avhandling behandlar hur oordnade material leder elektrisk ström. Bland materialen som studeras finns ledande polymerer, d.v.s. plaster som leder ström, och mer allmänt organiska halvledare. Av de här materialen har man kunnat bygga elektroniska komponenter, och man hoppas på att kunna trycka hela kretsar av organiska material. För de här tillämpningarna är det viktigt att förstå hur materialen själva leder elektrisk ström. Termen oordnade material syftar på material som saknar kristallstruktur. Oordningen gör att elektronernas tillstånd blir lokaliserade i rummet, så att en elektron i ett visst tillstånd är begränsad t.ex. till en molekyl eller ett segment av en polymer. Det här kan jämföras med kristallina material, där ett elektrontillstånd är utspritt över hela kristallen (men i stället har en väldefinierad rörelsemängd). Elektronerna (eller hålen) i det oordnade materialet kan röra sig genom att tunnelera mellan de lokaliserade tillstånden. Utgående från egenskaperna för den här tunneleringsprocessen, kan man bestämma transportegenskaperna för hela materialet. Det här är utgångspunkten för den så kallade hopptransportmodellen, som jag har använt mig av. Hopptransportmodellen innehåller flera drastiska förenklingar. Till exempel betraktas elektrontillstånden som punktformiga, så att tunneleringssannolikheten mellan två tillstånd endast beror på avståndet mellan dem, och inte på deras relativa orientation. En annan förenkling är att behandla det kvantmekaniska tunneleringsproblemet som en klassisk process, en slumpvandring. Trots de här grova approximationerna visar hopptransportmodellen ändå många av de fenomen som uppträder i de verkliga materialen som man vill modellera. Man kan kanske säga att hopptransportmodellen är den enklaste modell för oordnade material som fortfarande är intressant att studera. Man har inte hittat exakta analytiska lösningar för hopptransportmodellen, därför använder man approximationer och numeriska metoder, ofta i form av datorberäkningar. Vi har använt både analytiska metoder och numeriska beräkningar för att studera olika aspekter av hopptransportmodellen. En viktig del av artiklarna som min avhandling baserar sig på är att jämföra analytiska och numeriska resultat. Min andel av arbetet har främst varit att utveckla de numeriska metoderna och applicera dem på hopptransportmodellen. Därför fokuserar jag på den här delen av arbetet i avhandlingens introduktionsdel. Ett sätt att studera hopptransportmodellen numeriskt är att direkt utföra en slumpvandringsprocess med ett datorprogram. Genom att föra statisik över slumpvandringen kan man beräkna olika transportegenskaper i modellen. Det här är en så kallad Monte Carlo-metod, eftersom själva beräkningen är en slumpmässig process. I stället för att följa rörelsebanan för enskilda elektroner, kan man beräkna sannolikheten vid jämvikt för att hitta en elektron i olika tillstånd. Man ställer upp ett system av ekvationer, som relaterar sannolikheterna för att hitta elektronen i olika tillstånd i systemet med flödet, strömmen, mellan de olika tillstånden. Genom att lösa ekvationssystemet fås sannolikhetsfördelningen för elektronerna. Från sannolikhetsfördelningen kan sedan strömmen och materialets transportegenskaper beräknas. En aspekt av hopptransportmodellen som vi studerat är elektronernas diffusion, d.v.s. deras slumpmässiga rörelse. Om man betraktar en samling elektroner, så sprider den med tiden ut sig över ett större område. Det är känt att diffusionshastigheten beror av elfältet, så att elektronerna sprider sig fortare om de påverkas av ett elektriskt fält. Vi har undersökt den här processen, och visat att beteendet är väldigt olika i endimensionella system, jämfört med två- och tredimensionella. I två och tre dimensioner beror diffusionskoefficienten kvadratiskt av elfältet, medan beroendet i en dimension är linjärt. En annan aspekt vi studerat är negativ differentiell konduktivitet, d.v.s. att strömmen i ett material minskar då man ökar spänningen över det. Eftersom det här fenomenet har uppmätts i organiska minnesceller, ville vi undersöka om fenomenet också kan uppstå i hopptransportmodellen. Det visade sig att det i modellen finns två olika mekanismer som kan ge upphov till negativ differentiell konduktivitet. Dels kan elektronerna fastna i fällor, återvändsgränder i systemet, som är sådana att det är svårare att ta sig ur dem då elfältet är stort. Då kan elektronernas medelhastighet och därmed strömmen i materialet minska med ökande elfält. Elektrisk växelverkan mellan elektronerna kan också leda till samma beteende, genom en så kallad coulombblockad. En coulombblockad kan uppstå om antalet ledningselektroner i materialet ökar med ökande spänning. Elektronerna repellerar varandra och ett större antal elektroner kan leda till att transporten blir långsammare, d.v.s. att strömmen minskar.
Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia curs 2006-2007. Directors: Francesca Peiró i Martínez and Jordi Arbiol i Cobos
Electron transport parameters are important in several areas ranging from particle detectors to plasma-assisted processing reactors. Nevertheless, especially at high fields strengths and for complex gases, relatively few data are published. A dedicated setup has been developed to measure the electron drift velocity and the first Townsend coefficient in parallel plate geometry. An RPC-like cell has been adopted to reach high field strengths without the risk of destructive sparks. The validation data obtained with pure Nitrogen will be presented and compared to a selection of the available literature and to calculations performed with Magboltz 2 version 8.6. The new data collected in pure Isobutane will then be discussed. This is the first time the electron drift velocity in pure Isobutane is measured well into the saturation region. Good agreement is found with expectations from Magboltz. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nanohardness of a Ti thin film and its interface deposited by an electron beam on a 304 SS substrate
The results of nanohardness measurements at a film surface and film-substrate interface are presented and discussed. An electron beam device was used to deposit a Ti film on a 304 stainless steel (304 SS) substrate. The diluted interface was obtained by thermal activated atomic diffusion. The. Ti film and Ti film-304 SS interface were analyzed by energy dispersive spectrometry and were observed using atomic force microscopy. The nanohardness of the Ti film-304 SS system was measured by a nanoindentation technique. The results showed the Ti film-304 SS interface had a higher hardness value than the Ti film and 304 SS substrate. The Ti film surface had a lower hardness due to the presence of a TiO2 thin layer.
The isothermal kinetics of Ag precipitation was studied in Cu-Al-Ag alloys with concentrations ranging from 2 to 8 wt.%Al and 2 to 12 wt.%Ag, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) and microhardness measurements. The results indicated a change in the precipitates growing mechanism from diffusion to interface controlled process, probably due to a change in the nature of the interface with the Ag and Al enrichment of the precipitates. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of copper vapor laser radiation on the radicular wall of human teeth. Materials and Methods: Immediately after the crowns of 10 human uniradicular teeth were cut along the cement-enamel junction, a chemical-surgical preparation of the radicular canals was completed. Then the roots were longitudinally sectioned to allow for irradiation of the surfaces of the dentin walls of the root canals. The hemi-roots were separated into two groups: one (control) with five hemi-roots that were not irradiated, and another (experimental) with 15 hemi-roots divided into three subgroups that were submitted to the following exposure times: 0.02,0.05, and 0.1 s. A copper vapor laser (510.6 nm) with a total average power of 6.5 W in green emission, frequency of 16.000 Hz, and pulse duration of 30 ns was used. Results: The results obtained by scanning electron microscope analysis showed the appearance of a cavity in the region of laser beam impact, with melting, recrystallization, and cracking on the edges of the dentin of the cavity due to heat diffusion. Conclusions: We determined that the copper vapor laser produces significant morphologic changes in the radicular wall of human teeth when using the parameters in this study. However, further research should be done to establish parameters that are compatible with dental structure in order to eliminate thermal damages. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)