996 resultados para Electromyographic Analysis
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the Pro-Fono Facial Exerciser (Pro-Fono Productos Especializaclos para Fonoaudiologia Ltda.., Barueri/SP, Brazil) to decrease bruxism, as well as the correlation between the masseter and the buccinator muscles using electromyography (EMG). In this study, 39 individuals ranging from 23 to 48 years of age were selected from a dental school and then underwent surface EMG at three different periods of time: 0, 10, and 70 days. They were divided into a normal control group, a bruxer control group (without device), and an experimental bruxer group who used the device. The bruxer group showed a greater masseter EMG amplitude when compared to the normal group, while the experimental group had deceased activity with a reduction in symptoms. The buccinator EMG spectral analysis of the experimental bruxist group showed asynchronous contractions of the masseter muscle (during jaw opening) after using the Pr6-Fono Facial Exerciser. The normal group also showed asynchronous contractions. Upon correlation of the data between these muscles, the inference is that there is a reduction in bruxism when activating the buccinator muscle.
The participation of the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle and anterior belly of the digastric muscle in tongue and head movements was studied eletromyographically in 20 normal young volunteers. A pair of monopolar electrodes was used in each muscle for simultaneous recording of their actions. The muscles act in the following tongue movements: protrusion, right and left lateral movements, placement of the tip of the tongue on soft and hard palates and on the floor of the mouth. The strongest levels of activity of the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle were observed in the placement of the tip of the tongue on the soft palate, coincidentally with a greater dislocation of hyoid bone. Both of the muscles studied did not participate in the head's kinesiology. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The superior belly of the omohyoid muscle and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, were studied electromyographically in 20 young volunteers. For each muscle, 1 pair of monopolar electrodes was employed. One was a surface electrode and the other a needle electrode, which was inserted in the belly of the muscle. The surface electrode was placed 1 cm apart from the needle electrode. The most marked action of both muscles was on the movement of lowering the mandible. They also act in those movements for the performance of which they have associated a component of lowering the jaw, propulsion, laterality to the right and the left and retrusion. They are not active in the resting position and during jaw movements of elevation, extrusion and protrusion. Both muscles are active most of the time, simultaneously, but it is not possible to demonstrate that there is a synchronism between their actions.
The effective activity of the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles in horizontal flyer exercises with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load was studied in 11 male volunteers. The electromyographic analysis was done by using MEDI-TRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a biological signal acquisition mode coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the values obtained were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. It was statistically observed that in all types and loads of this exercise, the muscles presented significant differences in the concentric and eccentric phases. In the concentric phase, when different loads were compared, the muscles were more active with 75 and 100% of the maximum load, while in the eccentric phase, higher activity was observed with 100% of the maximum load. By analyzing each load effect in the concentric phase, it was verified that the muscles on the left side were more active than those on the right side with 25, 75 and 100% of the maximum load.
The electromyographic activity of the biceps brachii - BB (long head), triceps brachii - TB (long head) and deltoideus - DA (clavicular portion) muscles, during the going (G) and return (R) phases in front support exercise, as well the efficacy of this exercise for the development of these muscles strength were studied in 10 male volunteers. The values were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC = 100%) and statistically analyzed using the Friedman, DMS and Wilcoxon non-parametric test. A value of p≤0.05 indicated significance (Campos, 1983). All the muscles presented higher electromyographic activity in the return phase of the movement. The triceps brachii was the muscle which had higher activity in both phases of the movement. It was concluded that the front support exercise is efficient for strength development mainly in the triceps brachii muscle.
Due to a shortage of textbooks with specific data on muscular activity concerning physical conditioning and sports, we analysed electromyographically the muscles pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior, bilaterally, in inclined flying exercises, during the concentric and eccentric phases, with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load. The electromyographic analysis was performed in eleven male volunteers with MEDITRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a six-channel biologic signal acquisition module coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the obtained effective values were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Statistically, the results showed that all the muscles studied presented significant differences between the concentric and the eccentric phases, with higher electromyographic activity during the concentric phase. By analysing the different loads for each muscle in both phases, significant electromyographic activity was observed for all muscles. When the effect of each load on each muscle during the concentric phase was analysed, it was noticed that the muscles on the left were more active than those on the right side, while in the eccentric phase the muscles had different behavior.
This study aims at quantifying through electromyography the actions of the biceps brachii-BB (long head), tríceps brachii- TB (long head) and deltoideus-DA (clavicular portion) muscles, during the going (G) and return (R) phases in back support exercises. Surface electrodes were placed at the muscles, according to DELAGI (1981). It was used a specific software and a AID plate to take the signals. After being collected, the records were processed resulting in efficient values (RMS), were normalized by maximum isometric contraction (MVIC=100%) and statistically analysed using the Friedman, DSM and Wilcox non-parametric tests. All the muscles presented electromyographic activity of the movements. The triceps brachii was the muscle with higher activity in both phases of the movement. It was concluded that the exercise is indicated for the arm muscle strength development.
We often face Patients searching for rehabilitation for lower back disorders during the physiotherapeutic routine, and it is known that the abdominal muscle, specially the rectus abdominis muscle, aid the stabilization of the pelvis. Therefore, this paper analyzes the electrical activity of the rectus abdominis muscle in the pelvic retroversion in dorsal decubitus and in orthostatic position and in the lowering of the lower limbs. 30 healthy students, male and female, 17-40 yr, divided into two groups - Group 1: 15 volunteers (pelvic balance); Group 2 (pelvic unbalance) took part in this study. The electrical activity of the right and left supra-umbilical and infra-umbilical portions of the rectus abdominis muscle was detected. The mean RMS values from three attempts ftom the electromyographic traces were usedfor the analysis of the electrical activity. The RMS value was submitted to the normalization process. The data were submitted to statistic treatment by the Friedman test, and the analyses of the means and standard deviation towards a level of significance of 95%. The results demonstrated that the portions of the rectus abdominis muscle presented low electrical activity for the groups studiedfor pelvic retroversion either in dorsal decubitus or and orthostatic position. However, the decreasing movement of the lower limbs towards the portions of the rectus abdominis muscle presented more significant electrical activity whereas the lower portions presented higher activity than the higher ones for Group 2.
Electromyography is frequently used to measure the activity of masticatory muscles. It requires the precise setting of the electrodes, which demands the accurate location of the muscle to be evaluated. The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of an external method to locate the buccinator muscle. Fifteen human cadavers were evaluated and planes were etermined on the face using anatomic landmarks. An angle (α) was obtained at the intersection of these planes on the central point of buccinator muscle and measured with a protractor. The value of the angle allows locating the central point of buccinator muscle based on anatomic landmarks on the face. Statistical analysis of the collected data indicated an angle of 90° with 95% reliability, thus proving the efficacy of the proposed method.
Bruxism is widely defined as an anxiety response to environmental stress. Occlusal splints are frequently used in sleep bruxism, to protect teeth from damage resulting from the contraction force of mandibular muscles, or to reduce the orofacial pain by relaxing masticatory muscles. Surface electromyography (EMG) of the right and left masseter and temporalis muscles was performed in 15 women presenting sleep bruxism and temporomandibular disorders related to occupational stress, after nocturnal use of the occlusal splint. The EMG signals were recorded twice per patient: After a work shift (pre-splint) and after a night of sleep with the occlusal splint (post-splint) before a new workday. The parametric t-paired test was used to compare differences of the RMS amplitude between pre and post-splint records, for resting and maximal clenching effort. The level of significance for each comparison was set to p < 0.05. The results of the study supports the premise that the use of occlusal splint reduces EMG activity in the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles, in patients who presented with sleep bruxism related to occupational stress. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Dynamic knee valgus is a multi-planar motion that has been associated with anterior cruciate ligament injuries and patellofemoral pain syndrome. Clinical assessment of dynamic knee valgus can be made by looking for the visual appearance of excessive medial knee displacement (MKD) in the double-leg squat (DLS). The purpose of this dissertation was to identify the movement patterns and neuromuscular strategies associated with MKD during the DLS. Twenty-four control subjects and eight individuals showing MKD during the DLS participated in the study. Significant differences were verified between subjects that demonstrated MKD and a control (CON) group for the eletromyographic amplitude of adductor magnus, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles (p < 0.05), during the descending phase of the DLS. During the ascending phase were found group differences for adductor magnus and rectus femoris muscles (p < 0.05). Results from kinematic analysis revealed higher minimum and maximum values of ankle abduction and knee internal rotation angles (p < 0.05) for the MKD group. Also, individuals showing excessive MKD had higher hip adduction/abduction excursion. Our results suggested that higher tibial internal rotation and knee internal rotation angles in the initial position of the DLS are associated with MKD. The neuromuscular strategies that contributed to MKD were higher adductor magnus activation, whereas biceps femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis activated more to stabilize the knee in response to the internal rotation moment.
As diferenças entre os géneros parecem surgir desde a origem da humanidade, quando a função do homem era caçar e da mulher fornecer cuidados às crianças e realizar trabalhos de cariz manual. O membro superior apresenta um papel primordial na execução da maioria das atividades relevantes para o ser humano, sendo pertinente a realização de avaliações mais objetivas do mesmo. Com a realização deste estudo pretendemos verificar se existem diferenças entre os géneros nos parâmetros eletromiográficos e cinemáticos do movimento durante uma atividade diária; perceber se os valores da eletromiografia e da cinemática do membro superior são dependentes do género à medida que a distância do objeto é alterada e ainda, levar a cabo a análise da atividade de beber. Para tal foram avaliados parâmetros de qualidade de movimento e parâmetros de recrutamento muscular em 15 indivíduos do género feminino e 15 indivíduos do género masculino com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 30 anos numa atividade de beber em três momentos diferentes. Para a análise cinemática foi utilizado o software Qualysis Motion Capture e para a análise eletromiográfica o software AcqKnowledge Analysis. Com os resultados obtidos constatamos que a percentagem de ativação muscular e os ângulos de flexão do ombro e flexão do cotovelo apresentam diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0.05) entre os géneros, sendo o grupo feminino a apresentar valores superiores. Aferiu-se também que a percentagem de ativação do músculo Deltoide Anterior parece ser influenciado pelo género (p<0.05) ao longo das três distâncias em estudo, sendo novamente o grupo feminino a apresentar valores superiores. Para além disto, aquando do movimento de alcançar, verificaram-se evidências estatísticas (p<0.05) do envolvimento do tronco em todas as distâncias de alcance do objeto, inclusive numa distância inferior ao comprimento do braço. Este estudo permitiu a descrição detalhada da eletromiografia e cinemática do movimento do membro superior de alcançar e transportar numa atividade diária, bem como uma comparação da mesma entre o grupo masculino e grupo feminino.
INTRODUÇÃO: O movimento de alcance é muito estudado na literatura, no entanto, poucos estudos realizam análise cinemática e eletromiográfica desse movimento em sujeitos hemiparéticos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o alcance de indivíduos hemiparéticos pós-acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) em seus aspectos cinemáticos e eletromiográficos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados quatro indivíduos, idade média de 54,5 ± 10,7 anos, com diagnóstico de AVE associado à hemiparesia. Realizou-se a avaliação cinemática e eletromiográfica concomitantemente do movimento de alcance na postura sentada, tanto do lado parético quanto do não parético. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença significativa entre os sujeitos com relação ao deslocamento (F(3,63) = 3.081, p = 0.03), porém, não ocorreu diferença significativa entre os lados (F(1,63) = 1.441, p = 0.23). Com relação às articulações (ombro, cotovelo e punho), houve diferença significativa entre os deslocamentos de cada uma (F(2,63) = 27.496, p = 0.00), assim como entre as coordenadas x, y e z (F(2,63) = 36.702, p = 0.00). Na análise dos dados eletromiográficos, não houve diferença significativa entre os sujeitos (F(3,31) = 2.437, p = 0.08), entre os lados (F(1,31) = 3.384, p = 0.07) e entre os músculos (F(4,31) = 0.942, p = 0.45). Existiu diferença no tempo de execução dos movimentos quando comparado o lado não acometido com o acometido. CONCLUSÃO: As análises cinemática e eletromiográfica, de um modo geral, mostraram resultados semelhantes aos encontrados na literatura. No entanto, este estudo acrescenta uma visão mais sistematizada do movimento de alcance, considerando seus aspectos funcionais, diferindo de outros estudos por apresentar, concomitantemente, análises cinemática e eletromiográfica e por investigar ambos os membros superiores.
Análise eletromiográfica da postura do profissional de saúde no inícioe fim doexpediente de trabalho
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG