997 resultados para Electrolytic surface
Fatigue crack initiation occurs at the surface, although sub surface nucleation has also been reported. Localized imperfections like inclusions close to surface and surface small pits can result in crack sources. Coatings are not always beneficial by fatigue point of view too. Mechanical properties of the covering material can change considerably the fatigue behavior of base metal due to residual surface stresses, to micro cracks or to hydrogen embrittlement. This paper is concerned with analysis of electrolytic etch on the fatigue resistance of a 35NCD16 high strength steel in a mechanical condition of (1760 - 1960) MPa, and analysis of electroplated hard chromium effects on the fatigue resistance in a strength condition of 989 MPa. Hardness impression was used as a reference parameter in case of electrolytic etch. In both cases, experimental data showed that fatigue strength of 35NCD16 steel was considerably reduced. Copyright © 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Biodegradable magnesium plate/screw osteosynthesis systems were implanted on the frontal bone of adult miniature pigs. The chosen implant geometries were based on existing titanium systems used for the treatment of facial fractures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo degradation and tissue response of the magnesium alloy WE43 with and without a plasma electrolytic surface coating. Of 14 animals, 6 received magnesium implants with surface modification (coated), 6 without surface modification (uncoated), and 2 titanium implants. Radiological examination of the skull was performed at 1, 4, and 8 weeks post-implantation. After euthanasia at 12 and 24 weeks, X-ray, computed tomography, and microfocus computed tomography analyses and histological and histomorphological examinations of the bone/implant blocks were performed. The results showed a good tolerance of the plate/screw system without wound healing disturbance. In the radiological examination, gas pocket formation was found mainly around the uncoated plates 4 weeks after surgery. The micro-CT and histological analyses showed significantly lower corrosion rates and increased bone density and bone implant contact area around the coated screws compared to the uncoated screws at both endpoints. This study shows promising results for the further development of coated magnesium implants for the osteosynthesis of the facial skeleton.
We analyze the influence of a surface dielectric layer on the transient phenomena related to the ionic redistribution in an electrolytic cell submitted to a step-like external voltage. The adsorption-desorption phenomenon is taken into account in the famework of the Gouy-Chapman approximation, where the ions are assumed dimensionless. In the limit of small amplitude of the applied voltage, where the equations of the problem can be linearized, we obtain an analytical solution for the surface densities of ions, for the electrical potential and for the relaxation time for the transient phenomena. In the general case, when the linearized analysis is no longer valid, the solution of the problem is obtained numerically. The role of the thickness of the dielectric layer on the relaxation time is also discussed.
The present study was designed to analyse the average depth of the microporosity of a nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) system alloy (Verabond II). The metal surface was subject to one of the following surface treatment: (i) Electrolytic etching in nitric acid 0.5 N at a current density of 250 mA cm(-2) ; (ii) chemical etching with CG-Etch etchant; and (iii) Sandblasting with alumina particles 50 mum. Half of the samples were polished before the surface treatments. The depth of porosity was measured through photomicrographs (500x) with a profilometer, and the data were statistically analysed using an analysis of variance (anova) followed by Tukey's test. The conclusions were (i) Differents surface treatment of the Ni-Cr system alloy lead to different depths of microporosity; (ii) the greatest depth of porosity was observed in non-polished alloy; (iii) the greatest and identical depth of microporosity was observed following electrolytic etching and chemical etching; (iv) the least and identical depth of microporosity was observed with chemical etching and sandblasting with alumina particles 50 mum, and (v) Chemical etching showed an intermediary depth.
The Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE), with specific ion-surface interactions and a cell model, was used to calculate the electrostatic properties of aqueous solutions containing vesicles of ionic amphiphiles. Vesicles are assumed to be water- and ion-permeable hollow spheres and specific ion adsorption at the surfaces was calculated using a Volmer isotherm. We solved the PBE numerically for a range of amphiphile and salt concentrations (up to 0.1 M) and calculated co-ion and counterion distributions in the inside and outside of vesicles as well as the fields and electrical potentials. The calculations yield results that are consistent with measured values for vesicles of synthetic amphiphiles.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Boron-doped diamond is a promising electrode material for a number of applications providing efficient carrier transport, a high stability of the electrolytic performance with time, a possibility for dye-sensitizing with photosensitive molecules, etc. It can be functionalized with electron donor molecules, like phthalocyanines or porphyrins, for the development of light energy conversion systems. For effective attachment of such molecules, the diamond surface has to be modified by plasma- or photo-chemical processes in order to achieve a desired surface termination. In the present work, the surface modifications of undoped and boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films and their functionalization with various phthalocyanines (Pcs) were investigated. The NCD films have been prepared by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) on silicon substrates and were thereafter subjected to modifications with O2 or NH3 plasmas or UV/O3 treatments for exchange of the H-termination of the as-grown surface. The effectiveness of the modifications and their stability with time during storage under different ambients were studied by contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, the surface roughness after the modifications was investigated with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and compared to that of as-grown samples in order to establish the appearance of etching of the surface during the treatment. The as-grown and the modified NCD surfaces were exposed to phthalocyanines with different metal centers (Ti, Cu, Mn) or with different side chains. The results of the Pc grafting were investigated by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. XPS revealed the presence of nitrogen stemming from the Pc molecules and traces of the respective metal atoms with ratios close to those in the applied Pc. In a next step Raman spectra of Ti-Pc, Cu-Pc and Mn-Pc were obtained with two different excitation wavelengths (488 and 785 nm) from droplet samples on Si after evaporation of the solvent in order to establish their Raman fingerprints. The major differences in the spectra were assigned to the effect of the size of the metal ion on the structure of the phthalocyanine ring. The spectra obtained were used as references for the Raman spectra of NCD surfaces grafted with Pc. Finally, selected boron doped NCD samples were used after their surface modification and functionalization with Pc for the preparation of electrodes which were tested in a photoelectrochemical cell with a Pt counter electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The light sources and electrolytes were varied to establish their influence on the performance of the dye-sensitized diamond electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry measurements revealed broad electrochemical potential window and high stability of the electrodes after several cycles. The open circuit potential (OCP) measurements performed in dark and after illumination showed fast responses of the electrodes to the illumination resulting in photocurrent generation.
The microabrasion technique of enamel consists of selectively abrading the discolored areas or causing superficial structural changes in a selective way. In microabrasion technique, abrasive products associated with acids are used, and the evaluation of enamel roughness after this treatment, as well as surface polishing, is necessary. This in-vitro study evaluated the enamel roughness after microabrasion, followed by different polishing techniques. Roughness analyses were performed before microabrasion (L1), after microabrasion (L2), and after polishing (L3).Thus, 60 bovine incisive teeth divided into two groups were selected (n=30): G1- 37% phosphoric acid (37%) (Dentsply) and pumice; G2- hydrochloric acid (6.6%) associated with silicon carbide (Opalustre - Ultradent). Thereafter, the groups were divided into three sub-groups (n=10), according to the system of polishing: A - Fine and superfine granulation aluminum oxide discs (SofLex 3M); B - Diamond Paste (FGM) associated with felt discs (FGM); C - Silicone tips (Enhance - Dentsply). A PROC MIXED procedure was applied after data exploratory analysis, as well as the Tukey-Kramer test (5%). No statistical differences were found between G1 and G2 groups. L2 differed statistically from L1 and showed superior amounts of roughness. Differences in the amounts of post-polishing roughness for specific groups (1A, 2B, and 1C) arose, which demonstrated less roughness in L3 and differed statistically from L2 in the polishing system. All products increased enamel roughness, and the effectiveness of the polishing systems was dependent upon the abrasive used.
Ni(1-x)FexO nanoparticles have been obtained by the co-precipitation chemical route. X-ray diffraction analyses using Rietveld refinement have shown a slight decrease in the microstrain and mean particle size as a function of the Fe content. The zero-field-cooling (ZFC) and field-cooling (FC) magnetization curves show superparamagnetic behavior at high temperatures and a low temperature peak (at T = 11 K), which is enhanced with increasing Fe concentration. Unusual behavior of the coercive field in the low temperature region and an exchange bias behavior were also observed. A decrease in the Fe concentration induces an increase in the exchange bias field. We argue that these behaviors can be linked with the strengthening of surface anisotropy caused by the incorporation of Fe ions.
Different surface treatment protocols of poly(methyl methacrylate) have been proposed to improve the adhesion of silicone-based resilient denture liners to poly(methyl methacrylate) surfaces. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different poly(methyl methacrylate) surface treatments on the adhesion of silicone-based resilient denture liners. Poly(methyl methacrylate) specimens were prepared and divided into 4 treatment groups: no treatment (control), methyl methacrylate for 180 seconds, acetone for 30 seconds, and ethyl acetate for 60 seconds. Poly(methyl methacrylate) disks (30.0 × 5.0 mm; n = 10) were evaluated regarding surface roughness and surface free energy. To evaluate tensile bond strength, the resilient material was applied between 2 treated poly(methyl methacrylate) bars (60.0 × 5.0 × 5.0 mm; n = 20 for each group) to form a 2-mm-thick layer. Data were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey honestly significant difference tests (α = .05). A Pearson correlation test verified the influence of surface properties on tensile bond strength. Failure type was assessed, and the poly(methyl methacrylate) surface treatment modifications were visualized with scanning electron microscopy. The surface roughness was increased (P < .05) by methyl methacrylate treatment. For the acetone and ethyl acetate groups, the surface free energy decreased (P < .05). The tensile bond strength was higher for the methyl methacrylate and ethyl acetate groups (P < .05). No correlation was found regarding surface properties and tensile bond strength. Specimens treated with acetone and methyl methacrylate presented a cleaner surface, whereas the ethyl acetate treatment produced a porous topography. The methyl methacrylate and ethyl acetate surface treatment protocols improved the adhesion of a silicone-based resilient denture liner to poly(methyl methacrylate).
Response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken (BBD) design was successfully applied to the optimization in the operating conditions of the electrochemical oxidation of sanitary landfill leachate aimed for making this method feasible for scale up. Landfill leachate was treated in continuous batch-recirculation system, where a dimensional stable anode (DSA(©)) coated with Ti/TiO2 and RuO2 film oxide were used. The effects of three variables, current density (milliampere per square centimeter), time of treatment (minutes), and supporting electrolyte dosage (moles per liter) upon the total organic carbon removal were evaluated. Optimized conditions were obtained for the highest desirability at 244.11 mA/cm(2), 41.78 min, and 0.07 mol/L of NaCl and 242.84 mA/cm(2), 37.07 min, and 0.07 mol/L of Na2SO4. Under the optimal conditions, 54.99 % of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 71.07 ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) removal was achieved with NaCl and 45.50 of COD and 62.13 NH3-N with Na2SO4. A new kinetic model predicted obtained from the relation between BBD and the kinetic model was suggested.
To evaluate the surface roughness of acrylic resin submitted to chemical disinfection via 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) or 1% peracetic acid (C2H4O3). The disc-shaped resin specimens (30 mm diameter ×4 mm height) were polymerized by heated water using two cycles (short cycle: 1 h at 74°C and 30 min at 100°C; conventional long cycle: 9 h at 74°C). The release of substances by these specimens in water solution was also quantified. Specimens were fabricated, divided into four groups (n = 10) depending on the polymerization time and disinfectant. After polishing, the specimens were stored in distilled deionized water. Specimens were immersed in 1% NaClO or 1% C2H4O3 for 30 min, and then were immersed in distilled deionized water for 20 min. The release of C2H4O3 and NaClO was measured via visual colorimetric analysis. Roughness was measured before and after disinfection. Roughness data were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. There was no interaction between polymerization time and disinfectant in influencing the average surface roughness (Ra, P = 0.957). Considering these factors independently, there were significant differences between short and conventional long cycles (P = 0.012), but no significant difference between the disinfectants hypochlorite and C2H4O3 (P = 0.366). Visual colorimetric analysis did not detect release of substances. It was concluded that there was the difference in surface roughness between short and conventional long cycles, and disinfection at acrylic resins polymerized by heated water using a short cycle modified the properties of roughness.
The aim of this study was to develop a methodology using Raman hyperspectral imaging and chemometric methods for identification of pre- and post-blast explosive residues on banknote surfaces. The explosives studied were of military, commercial and propellant uses. After the acquisition of the hyperspectral imaging, independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to extract the pure spectra and the distribution of the corresponding image constituents. The performance of the methodology was evaluated by the explained variance and the lack of fit of the models, by comparing the ICA recovered spectra with the reference spectra using correlation coefficients and by the presence of rotational ambiguity in the ICA solutions. The methodology was applied to forensic samples to solve an automated teller machine explosion case. Independent component analysis proved to be a suitable method of resolving curves, achieving equivalent performance with the multivariate curve resolution with alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) method. At low concentrations, MCR-ALS presents some limitations, as it did not provide the correct solution. The detection limit of the methodology presented in this study was 50μgcm(-2).