141 resultados para Electrocardiography


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Recently, morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have been done with ECG-gated multidector computerized tomography (MDCT) to help the development of future novel transcatheter therapies (TCT); nevertheless, the variability of such measurements remains unknown. Thirty patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography were evaluated. Continuous reformations of the ascending aorta, perpendicular to the centerline, were obtained automatically with a commercially available computer aided diagnosis (CAD). Then measurements of the maximal diameter were done with the CAD and manually by two observers (separately). Measurements were repeated one month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman coefficients, and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the variability, the correlation, and the differences between observers. The interobserver variability for maximal diameter between the two observers was up to 1.2 mm with limits of agreement [-1.5, +0.9] mm; whereas the intraobserver limits were [-1.2, +1.0] mm for the first observer and [-0.8, +0.8] mm for the second observer. The intraobserver CAD variability was 0.8 mm. The correlation was good between observers and the CAD (0.980-0.986); however, significant differences do exist (P<0.001). The maximum variability observed was 1.2 mm and should be considered in reports of measurements of the ascending aorta. The CAD is as reproducible as an experienced reader.


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Determinaram-se a ocorrência de potencial tardio em cães com cardiomiopatia induzida pela doxorrubicina e sua relação com o desenvolvimento de arritmias ventriculares ou morte súbita. Sete cães adultos, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos foram utilizados. A cardiomiopatia foi induzida por infusão venosa lenta de doxorrubicina (30mg/m²) em intervalos de 21 dias, até uma dose total cumulativa de 240mg/m². Os animais foram monitorados ecocardiograficamente. Após a confirmação da cardiomiopatia, foi feito o registro da eletrocardiografia de alta resolução. Potenciais tardios foram observados em dois animais que morreram subitamente poucos dias após.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a importância da eletrocardiografia de alta resolução no diagnóstico da cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito do Boxer, 20 cães sem evidências de doença cardíaca estrutural à avaliação ecodopplercardiográfica foram agrupados de acordo com a frequência de arritmias ventriculares, avaliadas pela eletrocardiografia ambulatorial de 24 horas, e submetidos ao exame eletrocardiográfico de alta resolução. Duração do complexo QRS filtrado, duração dos sinais de baixa amplitude (menor que 40µV) dos últimos 40 milissegundos do complexo QRS e raiz quadrada média da voltagem ao quadrado dos últimos 40 milissegundos do complexo QRS (RMS40) foram as variáveis avaliadas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos em relação às variáveis estudadas. Sendo assim, os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a eletrocardiografia de alta resolução não é uma ferramenta útil no auxílio diagnóstico da cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito dos cães da raça Boxer que não apresentam alterações miocárdicas evidentes ou disfunção sistólica.


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O estudo consistiu na identificação precoce da ocorrência de arritmias em cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada experimental induzida pela doxorrubicina (DOX). Utilizaram-se 10 cães adultos, sadios, distribuídos nos grupos A (n=5) e B (n=5). O grupo B recebeu 30mg/m² de DOX, via intravenosa, a cada 21 dias, até a dose cumulativa de 180 ou 240mg/m². No grupo A (controle), administrou-se solução salina 0,9%, via intravenosa, nos mesmos intervalos do grupo B. Ao se evidenciar o quadro de disfunção miocárdica nos cães do grupo B, caracterizado pela fração de encurtamento menor que 20%, aumento da separação septal do ponto E acima de 0,7cm e aumento do índice volumétrico do ventrículo esquerdo ao final da sístole (61,4ml/m²), realizaram-se os eletrocardiogramas por 24 horas. Os resultados demonstraram aumentos de 44,6% e 41,7% nas freqüências cardíacas mínima e média, respectivamente, e presença, com maior freqüência, de arritmias supraventriculares do que ventriculares nos animais do grupo B. Concluiu-se que o Holter é eficaz e demonstra, com precocidade e melhor definição, as alterações da freqüência e do ritmo cardíaco de cães com disfunção miocárdica induzida pela doxorrubicina.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the electrocardiographic alterations in the cardiac rhythm in dogs treated with levamisole hydrochloride over a period of 24 hours. Thirty-six mixed-breed dogs, both male and female, all clinically healthy, were used in the experiment. The dogs were divided into 6 groups with 6 dogs in each group, according to dosage and route of administration. The Holter test was initiated immediately after the treatment, and was maintained for 24 hours. In the group treated with 10 mg/kg by way of subcutaneous injection, one of them showed ventricular premature complexes, sometimes isolated and other times in pairs, and ventricular tachycardia, concentrated mainly in the first hour after administration of the drug. In the group of 6 animals treated subcutaneously with 25mg/kg, four showed isolated ventricular premature complexes, ventricular bigeminy and trigeminy, mainly during the first 2 hours after administration of the drug. All the animals in the other groups showed sinus arrhythmia followed by sinus arrest. The disturbances in the cardiac rhythm observed in clinically healthy animals treated with levamisole hydrochloride, indicate that it is preferable to avoid subcutaneous administration of levamisole hydrochloride and that the oral administration of the drug should be done with caution. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the accuracy of electrocardiography in screening for left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with hypertension. DESIGN: Systematic review of studies of test accuracy of six electrocardiographic indexes: the Sokolow-Lyon index, Cornell voltage index, Cornell product index, Gubner index, and Romhilt-Estes scores with thresholds for a positive test of > or =4 points or > or =5 points. DATA SOURCES: Electronic databases ((Pre-)Medline, Embase), reference lists of relevant studies and previous reviews, and experts. STUDY SELECTION: Two reviewers scrutinised abstracts and examined potentially eligible studies. Studies comparing the electrocardiographic index with echocardiography in hypertensive patients and reporting sufficient data were included. DATA EXTRACTION: Data on study populations, echocardiographic criteria, and methodological quality of studies were extracted. DATA SYNTHESIS: Negative likelihood ratios, which indicate to what extent the posterior odds of left ventricular hypertrophy is reduced by a negative test, were calculated. RESULTS: 21 studies and data on 5608 patients were analysed. The median prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy was 33% (interquartile range 23-41%) in primary care settings (10 studies) and 65% (37-81%) in secondary care settings (11 studies). The median negative likelihood ratio was similar across electrocardiographic indexes, ranging from 0.85 (range 0.34-1.03) for the Romhilt-Estes score (with threshold > or =4 points) to 0.91 (0.70-1.01) for the Gubner index. Using the Romhilt-Estes score in primary care, a negative electrocardiogram result would reduce the typical pre-test probability from 33% to 31%. In secondary care the typical pre-test probability of 65% would be reduced to 63%. CONCLUSION: Electrocardiographic criteria should not be used to rule out left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with hypertension.


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The emerging application of long-term and high-quality ECG recording requires alternative electrodes to improve the signal quality and recording capability of surface skin electrodes. The esophageal ECG has the potential to overcome these limitations but necessitates novel recorder and lead designs. The electrode material is of particular interest, since the material has to ensure conflicting requirements like excellent biopotential recording properties and inertness. To this end, novel electrode materials like PEDOT and silver-PDMS as well as established electrode materials such as stainless steel, platinum, gold, iridium oxide, titanium nitride, and glassy carbon were investigated by long-term electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and model-based signal analysis using the derived in vitro interfacial properties in conjunction with a dedicated ECG amplifier. The results of this novel approach show that titanium nitride and iridium oxide featuring microstructured surfaces did not degrade when exposed to artificial acidic saliva. These materials provide low electrode potential drifts and insignificant signal distortion superior to surface skin electrodes making them compatible with accepted standards for ambulatory ECG. They are superior to the noble and polarizable metals such as platinum, silver, and gold that induced more signal distortions and are superior to esophageal stainless steel electrodes that corrode in artificial saliva. The study provides rigorous criteria for the selection of electrode materials for prolonged ECG recording by combining long-term in vitro electrode material properties with ECG signal quality assessment.


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Long-term electrocardiography (ECG) featuring adequate atrial and ventricular signal quality is highly desirable. Routinely used surface leads are limited in atrial signal sensitivity and recording capability impeding complete ECG delineation, i.e. in the presence of supraventricular arrhythmias. Long-term esophageal ECG might overcome these limitations but requires a dedicated lead system and recorder design. To this end, we analysed multiple-lead esophageal ECGs with respect to signal quality by describing the ECG waves as a function of the insertion level, interelectrode distance, electrode shape and amplifier's input range. The results derived from clinical data show that two bipolar esophageal leads, an atrial lead with short (15 mm) interelectrode distance and a ventricular lead with long (80 mm) interelectrode distance provide non-inferior ventricular signal strength and superior atrial signal strength compared to standard surface lead II. High atrial signal slope in particular is observed with the atrial esophageal lead. The proposed esophageal lead system in combination with an increased recorder input range of ±20 mV minimizes signal loss due to excessive electrode motion typically observed in esophageal ECGs. The design proposal might help to standardize long-term esophageal ECG registrations and facilitate novel ECG classification systems based on the independent detection of ventricular and atrial electrical activity.


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Long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) signals might suffer from relevant baseline disturbances during physical activity. Motion artifacts in particular are more pronounced with dry surface or esophageal electrodes which are dedicated to prolonged ECG recording. In this paper we present a method called baseline wander tracking (BWT) that tracks and rejects strong baseline disturbances and avoids concurrent saturation of the analog front-end. The proposed algorithm shifts the baseline level of the ECG signal to the middle of the dynamic input range. Due to the fast offset shifts, that produce much steeper signal portions than the normal ECG waves, the true ECG signal can be reconstructed offline and filtered using computationally intensive algorithms. Based on Monte Carlo simulations we observed reconstruction errors mainly caused by the non-linearity inaccuracies of the DAC. However, the signal to error ratio of the BWT is higher compared to an analog front-end featuring a dynamic input ranges above 15 mV if a synthetic ECG signal was used. The BWT is additionally able to suppress (electrode) offset potentials without introducing long transients. Due to its structural simplicity, memory efficiency and the DC coupling capability, the BWT is dedicated to high integration required in long-term and low-power ECG recording systems.


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Long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) often suffers from relevant noise. Baseline wander in particular is pronounced in ECG recordings using dry or esophageal electrodes, which are dedicated for prolonged registration. While analog high-pass filters introduce phase distortions, reliable offline filtering of the baseline wander implies a computational burden that has to be put in relation to the increase in signal-to-baseline ratio (SBR). Here we present a graphics processor unit (GPU) based parallelization method to speed up offline baseline wander filter algorithms, namely the wavelet, finite, and infinite impulse response, moving mean, and moving median filter. Individual filter parameters were optimized with respect to the SBR increase based on ECGs from the Physionet database superimposed to auto-regressive modeled, real baseline wander. A Monte-Carlo simulation showed that for low input SBR the moving median filter outperforms any other method but negatively affects ECG wave detection. In contrast, the infinite impulse response filter is preferred in case of high input SBR. However, the parallelized wavelet filter is processed 500 and 4 times faster than these two algorithms on the GPU, respectively, and offers superior baseline wander suppression in low SBR situations. Using a signal segment of 64 mega samples that is filtered as entire unit, wavelet filtering of a 7-day high-resolution ECG is computed within less than 3 seconds. Taking the high filtering speed into account, the GPU wavelet filter is the most efficient method to remove baseline wander present in long-term ECGs, with which computational burden can be strongly reduced.


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PURPOSE Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) often remains undiagnosed. Long-term surface ECG is used for screening, but has limitations. Esophageal ECG (eECG) allows recording high quality atrial signals, which were used to identify markers for PAF. METHODS In 50 patients (25 patients with PAF; 25 controls) an eECG and surface ECG was recorded simultaneously. Partially A-V blocked atrial runs (PBARs) were quantified, atrial signal duration in eECG was measured. RESULTS eECG revealed 1.8‰ of atrial premature beats in patients with known PAF to be PBARs with a median duration of 853ms (interquartile range (IQR) 813-1836ms) and a median atrial cycle length of 366ms (IQR 282-432ms). Even during a short recording duration of 2.1h (IQR 1.2-17.2h), PBARs occurred in 20% of PAF patients but not in controls (p=0.05). Left atrial signal duration was predictive for PAF (72% sensitivity, 80% specificity). CONCLUSIONS eECG reveals partially blocked atrial runs and prolonged left atrial signal duration - two novel surrogate markers for PAF.


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