969 resultados para Electrical submersible pumping. Automation. Control. Artificial lift


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The Electrical Submersible Pumping is an artificial lift method for oil wells employed in onshore and offshore areas. The economic revenue of the petroleum production in a well depends on the oil flow and the availability of lifting equipment. The fewer the failures, the lower the revenue shortfall and costs to repair it. The frequency with which failures occur depends on the operating conditions to which the pumps are submitted. In high-productivity offshore wells monitoring is done by operators with engineering support 24h/day, which is not economically viable for the land areas. In this context, the automation of onshore wells has clear economic advantages. This work proposes a system capable of automatically control the operation of electrical submersible pumps, installed in oil wells, by an adjustment at the electric motor rotation based on signals provided by sensors installed on the surface and subsurface, keeping the pump operating within the recommended range, closest to the well s potential. Techniques are developed to estimate unmeasured variables, enabling the automation of wells that do not have all the required sensors. The automatic adjustment, according to an algorithm that runs on a programmable logic controller maintains the flow and submergence within acceptable parameters avoiding undesirable operating conditions, as the gas interference and high engine temperature, without need to resort to stopping the engine, which would reduce the its useful life. The control strategy described, based on modeling of physical phenomena and operational experience reported in literature, is materialized in terms of a fuzzy controller based on rules, and all generated information can be accompanied by a supervisory system


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The Electrical Submersible Pumping is an artificial lift method for oil wells employed in onshore and offshore areas. The economic revenue of the petroleum production in a well depends on the oil flow and the availability of lifting equipment. The fewer the failures, the lower the revenue shortfall and costs to repair it. The frequency with which failures occur depends on the operating conditions to which the pumps are submitted. In high-productivity offshore wells monitoring is done by operators with engineering support 24h/day, which is not economically viable for the land areas. In this context, the automation of onshore wells has clear economic advantages. This work proposes a system capable of automatically control the operation of electrical submersible pumps, installed in oil wells, by an adjustment at the electric motor rotation based on signals provided by sensors installed on the surface and subsurface, keeping the pump operating within the recommended range, closest to the well s potential. Techniques are developed to estimate unmeasured variables, enabling the automation of wells that do not have all the required sensors. The automatic adjustment, according to an algorithm that runs on a programmable logic controller maintains the flow and submergence within acceptable parameters avoiding undesirable operating conditions, as the gas interference and high engine temperature, without need to resort to stopping the engine, which would reduce the its useful life. The control strategy described, based on modeling of physical phenomena and operational experience reported in literature, is materialized in terms of a fuzzy controller based on rules, and all generated information can be accompanied by a supervisory system


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One of several techniques applied to production processes oil is the artificial lift, using equipment in order to reduce the bottom hole pressure, providing a pressure differential, resulting in a flow increase. The choice of the artificial lift method depends on a detailed analysis of the some factors, such as initial costs of installation, maintenance, and the existing conditions in the producing field. The Electrical Submersible Pumping method (ESP) appears to be quite efficient when the objective is to produce high liquid flow rates in both onshore and offshore environments, in adverse conditions of temperature and in the presence of viscous fluids. By definition, ESP is a method of artificial lift in which a subsurface electric motor transforms electrical into mechanical energy to trigger a centrifugal pump of multiple stages, composed of a rotating impeller (rotor) and a stationary diffuser (stator). The pump converts the mechanical energy of the engine into kinetic energy in the form of velocity, which pushes the fluid to the surface. The objective of this work is to implement the optimization method of the flexible polyhedron, known as Modified Simplex Method (MSM) applied to the study of the influence of the modification of the input and output parameters of the centrifugal pump impeller in the channel of a system ESP. In the use of the optimization method by changing the angular parameters of the pump, the resultant data applied to the simulations allowed to obtain optimized values of the Head (lift height), lossless efficiency and the power with differentiated results.


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This report outlines the problem of intelligent failure recovery in a problem-solver for electrical design. We want our problem solver to learn as much as it can from its mistakes. Thus we cast the engineering design process on terms of Problem Solving by Debugging Almost-Right Plans, a paradigm for automatic problem solving based on the belief that creation and removal of "bugs" is an unavoidable part of the process of solving a complex problem. The process of localization and removal of bugs called for by the PSBDARP theory requires an approach to engineering analysis in which every result has a justification which describes the exact set of assumptions it depends upon. We have developed a program based on Analysis by Propagation of Constraints which can explain the basis of its deductions. In addition to being useful to a PSBDARP designer, these justifications are used in Dependency-Directed Backtracking to limit the combinatorial search in the analysis routines. Although the research we will describe is explicitly about electrical circuits, we believe that similar principles and methods are employed by other kinds of engineers, including computer programmers.


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Paraplegic subjects lack trunk stability due to the loss of voluntary muscle control.This leads to a restriction of the volume of bi-manual workspace available,and hence has a detrimental impact on activities of daily living. Electrical Stimulation of paralysed muscles can be used to stabilize the trunk, but has never been applied in closed loop for this purpose. This paper describes the development of two closed loop controllers(PID and LQR),and their experimental evaluation on a human subject. Advantages and disadvantages of the two are discussed,considering a potential use of this technology during daily activities.


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se o estudo do desenvolvimento de um controlador não-tradicional baseado em um mecanismo de histerese com auto-ajuste para o controle de nível de líquido de um sistema de separação e bombeio submarino conhecido como VASPS. O controlador desenvolvido gera sinais enviados para a bomba centrífuga submersa para controlar o nível de líquido no tanque do separador, evitando que ele atinja valores muito baixos que poderiam danificar a bomba ou valores muito altos que reduziriam a eficiência da separação líquido/gás. Os sinais de controle gerados pelo controlador visam solicitar a bomba o mínimo possível de modo a evitar o seu desgaste e falhas prematuras. Nas simulações, o controlador desenvolvido foi testado sob grandes variações nas condições de operação, tais como golfadas, produzindo resultados bastante satisfatórios e promissores.


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From their early days, Electrical Submergible Pumping (ESP) units have excelled in lifting much greater liquid rates than most of the other types of artificial lift and developed by good performance in wells with high BSW, in onshore and offshore environments. For all artificial lift system, the lifetime and frequency of interventions are of paramount importance, given the high costs of rigs and equipment, plus the losses coming from a halt in production. In search of a better life of the system comes the need to work with the same efficiency and security within the limits of their equipment, this implies the need for periodic adjustments, monitoring and control. How is increasing the prospect of minimizing direct human actions, these adjustments should be made increasingly via automation. The automated system not only provides a longer life, but also greater control over the production of the well. The controller is the brain of most automation systems, it is inserted the logic and strategies in the work process in order to get you to work efficiently. So great is the importance of controlling for any automation system is expected that, with better understanding of ESP system and the development of research, many controllers will be proposed for this method of artificial lift. Once a controller is proposed, it must be tested and validated before they take it as efficient and functional. The use of a producing well or a test well could favor the completion of testing, but with the serious risk that flaws in the design of the controller were to cause damage to oil well equipment, many of them expensive. Given this reality, the main objective of the present work is to present an environment for evaluation of fuzzy controllers for wells equipped with ESP system, using a computer simulator representing a virtual oil well, a software design fuzzy controllers and a PLC. The use of the proposed environment will enable a reduction in time required for testing and adjustments to the controller and evaluated a rapid diagnosis of their efficiency and effectiveness. The control algorithms are implemented in both high-level language, through the controller design software, such as specific language for programming PLCs, Ladder Diagram language.


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From their early days, Electrical Submergible Pumping (ESP) units have excelled in lifting much greater liquid rates than most of the other types of artificial lift and developed by good performance in wells with high BSW, in onshore and offshore environments. For all artificial lift system, the lifetime and frequency of interventions are of paramount importance, given the high costs of rigs and equipment, plus the losses coming from a halt in production. In search of a better life of the system comes the need to work with the same efficiency and security within the limits of their equipment, this implies the need for periodic adjustments, monitoring and control. How is increasing the prospect of minimizing direct human actions, these adjustments should be made increasingly via automation. The automated system not only provides a longer life, but also greater control over the production of the well. The controller is the brain of most automation systems, it is inserted the logic and strategies in the work process in order to get you to work efficiently. So great is the importance of controlling for any automation system is expected that, with better understanding of ESP system and the development of research, many controllers will be proposed for this method of artificial lift. Once a controller is proposed, it must be tested and validated before they take it as efficient and functional. The use of a producing well or a test well could favor the completion of testing, but with the serious risk that flaws in the design of the controller were to cause damage to oil well equipment, many of them expensive. Given this reality, the main objective of the present work is to present an environment for evaluation of fuzzy controllers for wells equipped with ESP system, using a computer simulator representing a virtual oil well, a software design fuzzy controllers and a PLC. The use of the proposed environment will enable a reduction in time required for testing and adjustments to the controller and evaluated a rapid diagnosis of their efficiency and effectiveness. The control algorithms are implemented in both high-level language, through the controller design software, such as specific language for programming PLCs, Ladder Diagram language.


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This work proposes a computer simulator for sucker rod pumped vertical wells. The simulator is able to represent the dynamic behavior of the systems and the computation of several important parameters, allowing the easy visualization of several pertinent phenomena. The use of the simulator allows the execution of several tests at lower costs and shorter times, than real wells experiments. The simulation uses a model based on the dynamic behavior of the rod string. This dynamic model is represented by a second order partial differencial equation. Through this model, several common field situations can be verified. Moreover, the simulation includes 3D animations, facilitating the physical understanding of the process, due to a better visual interpretation of the phenomena. Another important characteristic is the emulation of the main sensors used in sucker rod pumping automation. The emulation of the sensors is implemented through a microcontrolled interface between the simulator and the industrial controllers. By means of this interface, the controllers interpret the simulator as a real well. A "fault module" was included in the simulator. This module incorporates the six more important faults found in sucker rod pumping. Therefore, the analysis and verification of these problems through the simulator, allows the user to identify such situations that otherwise could be observed only in the field. The simulation of these faults receives a different treatment due to the different boundary conditions imposed to the numeric solution of the problem. Possible applications of the simulator are: the design and analysis of wells, training of technicians and engineers, execution of tests in controllers and supervisory systems, and validation of control algorithms


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The use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to identify and control induction machines is proposed. Two systems are presented: a system to adaptively control the stator currents via identification of the electrical dynamics, and a system to adaptively control the rotor speed via identification of the mechanical and current-fed system dynamics. Both systems are inherently adaptive as well as self-commissioning. The current controller is a completely general nonlinear controller which can be used together with any drive algorithm. Various advantages of these control schemes over conventional schemes are cited, and the combined speed and current control scheme is compared with the standard vector control scheme


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This paper proposes the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to identify and control an induction machine. Two systems are presented: a system to adaptively control the stator currents via identification of the electrical dynamics; and a system to adaptively control the rotor speed via identification of the mechanical and current-fed system dynamics. Various advantages of these control schemes over other conventional schemes are cited and the performance of the combined speed and current control scheme is compared with that of the standard vector control scheme


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In this report an artificial neural network (ANN) based automated emergency landing site selection system for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and general aviation (GA) is described. The system aims increase safety of UAV operation by emulating pilot decision making in emergency landing scenarios using an ANN to select a safe landing site from available candidates. The strength of an ANN to model complex input relationships makes it a perfect system to handle the multicriteria decision making (MCDM) process of emergency landing site selection. The ANN operates by identifying the more favorable of two landing sites when provided with an input vector derived from both landing site's parameters, the aircraft's current state and wind measurements. The system consists of a feed forward ANN, a pre-processor class which produces ANN input vectors and a class in charge of creating a ranking of landing site candidates using the ANN. The system was successfully implemented in C++ using the FANN C++ library and ROS. Results obtained from ANN training and simulations using randomly generated landing sites by a site detection simulator data verify the feasibility of an ANN based automated emergency landing site selection system.


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MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. et al. SISAL - Um Sistema Supervisório para Elevação Artificial de Petróleo. In: Rio Oil and Gas Expo Conference, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 2006.


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The several existing methods for oil artificial lifting and the variety of automation equipment for these methods many times lead the supervisory systems to be dedicated to a unique method and/or to a unique manufacturer. To avoid this problem, it has been developed the supervisory system named SISAL, conceived to supervise wells with different lifting methods and different automation equipments. The SISAL system is working in several Brazilian states but, nowadays, it is only supervising rod pump-based wells. The objective of this work is the development of a supervision module to the plunger lift artificial lift method. The module will have the same characteristics of working with automation hardware of many manufacturers. The module will be integrated to the SISAL system, incorporating the capacity to supervise the plunger lift artificial lift method.


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In the artificial lift method by Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP), the energy is transmitted for the well´s deep through a flat electric handle, where it is converted into mechanical energy through an engine of sub-surface, which is connected to a centrifugal pump. This transmits energy to the fluid under the pressure form, bringing it to the surface In this method the subsurface equipment is basically divided into: pump, seal and motor. The main function of the seal is the protect the motor, avoiding the motor´s oil be contaminated by oil production and the consequent burning of it. Over time, the seal will be wearing and initiates a contamination of motor oil, causing it to lose its insulating characteristics. This work presents a design of a magnetic sensor capable of detecting contamination of insulating oil used in the artificial lift method of oil-type Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP). The objective of this sensor is to generate alarm signal just the moment when the contamination in the isolated oil is present, enabling the implementation of a predictive maintenance. The prototype was designed to work in harsh conditions to reach a depth of 2000m and temperatures up to 150°C. It was used a simulator software to defined the mechanical and electromagnetic variables. Results of field experiments were performed to validate the prototype. The final results performed in an ESP system with a 62HP motor showed a good reliability and fast response of the prototype.